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1、外贸函电(1)为使我们熟悉贵公司的产品,我们需要一些技术方面的细节。请寄有关产品的说明书,小册子或者活页目录.To familiarize ourselves with your products ,we need some technical details .Please send us literatures,brochures ,or leaflets dealing with your products.(2)附寄一本目录,上面有本公司系列产品中增添的最新型号E331。We are alse enclosing a catalog showing a brand new additi

2、on to our line ,Model E331.(3)我们希望附寄的小册子对您有所帮助。We hope the enclosed brochure will be helpful to you .(4)现寄去一份有关我公司目前可供出口的各式自行车的小册子。We send you a brochure on the various kinds of bicycle now available for export .(5)请寄我公司一份贵公司进口的商品清单。Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by yo

3、u (6)请寄我一份台式计算机的目录本和价目单,或者任何说明小册子,以便本公司分发给潜在顾客。Will you please send me a copy of your catalog and pricelist of desktop computs and copies of any descriptive leaflets that Icould pass to prospective customers.(7)感谢你方9月6日来函,现附上一册最新商品目录,从中你会对我们的新产品有更多的了解。Many thanks for your letter dated September 6,we

4、 have enclosed the current brochure from which you may have a better understanding of our new products.(8)感谢你方5月18日询价,随函寄去我方最新价目单以供参考。Thanks for your enquiry dated may 18 ,we are now sending you our latest pricelist for your reference.(9)我方报价如有变更不另通知。Our quotation is subject to change without notice

5、 .(10)我国对中国微波炉的需求很大,请你们对目前能供应的型号向我方报有竞争性价格,非常感谢。There is a big demand for Chinese microwave ovens.We shall appreciate your quoting us competitive prices for models available now .(11)We highly appreciate your immediate reply to our Enquiry Note No.2436 regarding hard drives .非常感谢及时回复我方关于硬盘的第2436号询单。

6、(12)Several of my customers have recently expressed interest in your waterproof garments and enquired about their quality .We should be glad if you could send us samples and quotation .我们有几个客户表示对你们的防水服装感兴趣并询问了质量情况。如能寄来样品和报价,将十分感激。(13)The attached bulletin will give you complete information on vacuum

7、 cleaners .附上的简报有关于真空吸尘器的详细信息。(14)There is likely to be enquiry or order for mens shirts ,therefore ,please send us quotations and samples in advance.很可能有男衬衫的询单甚至订单,所以请提前寄来报价和样品。(15)This is a technical question ,which I will have to refer to our technical department .这是一个技术性的问题,我得找我们的技术部门。(16)We are

8、 expecting to receive your earliest reply to this enquiry .我们在等待你早日答复这一询函。(17)We have an enquiry for silicon carbide and would like to ask you to send us an offer for 1000 metric tons for shipment during September.我们得到一个碳化硅的询盘,请你报我1000公吨9月交货。(18) We have received an inquiry for Mens Shirts and reque

9、st you to send us your offer not later than the end of this month .我们收到的一个男衬衫的询盘,要求你们在本月底以前给我们报盘。(19)We have repcently received many inquiries from retailing shops in New York area about the captionde items and are sure that there would be very brisk demands .We shall appreciate your quoting us your

10、 most competitive prices on a CIF New York basis for the following .我们近期收到许多来自纽约地区的零售商的关于标题货物的询函,我们肯定那儿的需求一定很旺。如能报我以下产品的CIF纽约的最具竞争的价格,将十分感谢。(20)We have seen your advertisement in the Textile journal and should be glad if you would send us patterns and prices of quality cotton piece goods available f

11、rom stock .我们看到了你们在纺织品杂志上刊登的广告,如能给我们寄来可现货供应的优质布匹的花稿和剪样,将十分高兴。1.他小时候就参了军。As a child ,he joined the army.2.父母去世后,长兄要对整个家庭负责。The eldest son is responsible for the family as a whole after the death of his parents.3.他们把他看成是一个了不起的人。They look upon him as a great man.4.这怎么能说成是缺乏经验呢?How can this be described

12、 as lacking experience?5.她跳舞跳得和妹妹一样好。She dances as well as her sister does.6.他是部门领导,也确实得签这份文件。He is the head of the department,and as such he has to sign the paper.7.约翰虽然努力了,但还是一个词也记不住。Try as he would ,John could not remember a word.8.哈利和他几个弟兄一样,长得超乎寻常地高。Harry is unusually tall,as are his brothers.9

13、.他根据自己的所见所闻撰写关于中国的文章。He writes about China as he sees it.10.他们和我持同样的观点。They have the same opinion as I do.11.外语无用论是错误的,过去相当一部分人就持此观点。It is wrong to think foreign languages useless,as quite a few people did before.12.只要我的钱还能维持一天,我就在墨西哥待一天。As long as my money hold on,Ill stay in Mexico. 13.他工作努力,好像从不知

14、疲倦似的。He works hard as if he never felt tired.14.他跟我说话时就好像认识我好多年似的。He talked to me as though he had known me for years.15.你不可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务。You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.1、我有位哥哥长着棕色的眼睛。One of my brothers has brown eyes.2、乔治和他的家人正飞往纽约。George,together with h

15、is family,is flying to New York.3、这是你要的文件。Here are the documents you asked for.4、丢了100美元。100 dollars is missing.5、简是爱帮助他人的那种人。Jane is one of the people who are willing to help others.6、很多学生英语都说得很好。A number of students speak English well.7、考试中不及格者的数量大得惊人。The number of failures in the examination is s

16、urprisingly large.8、他们谈论的主题一点也不明确。What they were talking abaut was not at all clear.9、高薪和利益都激不起工人们的兴趣。Neither the high pay nor the benefits appeal to the workers.10、如果一个在小城镇长大的人到了大城市,他可能会觉得迷失。In a large city a stranger felt lost if he had grown up in a small town.11、我们当中有心脏病家族史的朋友们应该和我们的医生约好每年看一次。Th

17、ose of us who have a family history of heart disease should make a yearly appointment with our doctors.12、等新的资金到了,剩下的雇员就会收到薪水支票。The rest of the employees will receive their pay check when the new funds arrive.1、我们必须制定一个计划削减开支。We must work out a plan for cutting down the expense.2、她不知道该走哪条路好。She was

18、at a loss which road she should follow.3、所有有关的人都必须参加这个会议。All the peolpe concerned must attend the meeting. 4、坐在玛丽和约翰之间的年轻人是我们校刊的编辑。The young man sitting between Mary and John is the editor of our campus newspaper.5、我看见了一个高个子怒气冲冲的年轻男子。I saw a tall angry young man.6、我在伦敦工作时认识了他。I got to know him when

19、I was working in london.7、会议定于明天在223房间举行。The conference is to be held in Room 223 tomorrow.8、他住在上海江宁路11号。He lives at 11 jiangning Rd,Shanghai.9、这男孩尽管还很小,已能说两种外语了。The boy ,though still a small child,can speak two foreign languages.10、他很喜欢运动,他的孩子也喜欢。He likes sports.So does his child.11、她不喜欢这个主意,她丈夫也不喜

20、欢。She doesnt like the idea.Nor does he husband.12、只有这样我们才能指望把工作做好。Only in this way can we expect to do our work well.13、直到1990年我才知道他是位英语教师。Not until 1990 did I know he had been an English teacher.14、从没有哪个国家作出这样大的努力来发展工业。Never has any country made so great effort to develop its industry.15、离桥不远的地方是一座

21、高楼。Not far away from the bridge is a high building.16、他们不仅工作努力,而且工作得很好。Not only did they work hard ,but also worked well.17、在我们前面走着一群少先队员。Before us walked a group of the Young Pioneers.18、如果早点告诉我,我也许能帮帮忙。Had I been informed earlier,perhaps I would have been able to help.19、我去年在无锡的一家小工厂工作。I worked in

22、 a small factory in Wuxi last year.1、他在这里教英语已经10年了。He has been teaching English here for ten years.2、我们过去常常把包放在桌子上。We used to place our bags on our desks.3、杰克在白天照看那个婴儿。Jack takes care of the baby during the day.4、他从1980年就认识我了。He has known me since 1980.5、到明年的这个时候,你应该对英语非常了解了。By this time next year,y

23、ou ought to have a very good knowledge of English.6、市场离公交车站不到100米。The market is within a hundred metres of the bus stop.7、他冲进了我们坐着的房间。He rushed into the room in which we were sitting.8、除了半小时的午饭时间,一天中我们就没有休息时间。Except for a half hour at lunch time,we had no breaks in the day.9、由于坏天气,飞机延班了。The plane wa

24、s late due to the bad weather.10、你们四个人,把图片分了。Divide the picture among the four of you.11、关于爱尔兰的问题,他写了一个很长的报告。He wrote a long report on the Irish problem.12、护士轻轻地给病人盖上了毯子。The nurse gently put a blanket over the patient.。全国2011年4月自考外贸函电试题课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的

25、,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1. We thank you for your letter of June 5 and the _ catalogue.( )A. sent B. enclosedC. given D. presented2. They have _ us that you are _ the market _ chemicals.( )A. inform, in, on B. informed, in, forC. advise, in, on D. advised, in, of 3. _ we would like to close the b

26、usiness with you, we find your price unacceptable.( )A. Much B. However much C. Much as D. Despite 4. _ is a very favorable payment term for the exporter.( )A. Cash with order B. Cash on deliveryC. Cash against documents D. Payment in advance 5. We dont think we can put the business through _ you re

27、vise your terms and conditions.( )A. unless B. expectC. only if D. in addition 6. We would appreciate your sending us a trial order, which we _ with keen interest.( )A. are waiting B. awaitC. await for D. are awaiting 7. We should be pleased to send you a sample _ our expense.( )A. at B. in C. again

28、st D. of 8. In view of our great performance last year, business _ our two countries will develop further.( )A. in B. on C. between D. at 9. A sales confirmation should be counter signed by _.( )A. the seller B. both parties C. the bank D. the buyer 10. As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment _

29、L/C.( )A. by B. is byC. will be D. will by 11. The relative L/C should be issued through a third country bank in Italy _ the sellers.( )A. available by B. available to C. acceptable by D. acceptable to 12. We shall open the L/C _ the bank of Boston.( )A. in B. with C. for D. at 13. _ subsequent amen

30、dments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms. ( )A. Avoid B. Having avoided C. To avoid D. Being avoided 14. Emphasis has to be laid on the point _ shipment must be made within the validity of the L/C.( )A. what B. which C. that D. / 15. It wi

31、ll be appreciated _ you could effect shipment in two lots by direct steamer _ you receive our L/C.( )A. will, soon B. if, as soon asC. when, when D. when, which 16. Id like to have the insurance _ for 130% of the invoice value.( )A. cover B. coveredC. covering D. to cover 17. The goods under Contrac

32、t No. 1123 left here _.( )A. in a good condition B. in good conditions C. in good condition D. in the good condition 18. Due to the fact _ you urged quick delivery, we were not able to use our special packing.( )A. which B. that C. when D. to which 19. Your request for a further increase _ 2% _ your comm

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