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1、浙大远程英语216离线作业答案Unit OneTranslation Directions: translate each of the following sentences from English to Chinese. 1. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。2. Each time history repeats itself, the price goes up. 每一次历史重演,代价都会增加。3. Even young people with little money do not want to bu

2、y cheap furniture that they may soon dislike. 就连手里没多少钱年轻人也不想买便宜家具,因为对这些便宜家具很快就会厌倦。4. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in powerful or moving words 伟大的作家不仅拥有伟大的思想,还能用有力、感人的语言表达这些思想。5. In no other region in the world can you find such rare animals

3、 as giant pandas. 像大熊猫这样的珍稀动物在世界其他地区你是找不到的。6. Luckily, the planes appear to be quite safe. 幸运的是飞机似乎是非常安全的。7. Most of the plants like water and sunshine. 大多数植物喜欢水和阳光。8. Semiconductor chips are small in size and light in weight. 半导体芯片体积小而且重量轻。9. The evolution theory explains the differences in sleep a

4、mong animals. 进化论解释动物之间的睡眠差异。10. The library is to be closed because it needs redecorating. 图书馆预定要关闭,因为它需要重新装修。Composition: 要求在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80字的作文。 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists? 1校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同。你的观点;2阐述你的理由;3结论,重申观点。With the development of tourism, the campuse

5、s of many famous universities in China are open to the tourists. People have different opinions about it. Some people think that the tourists visit to the campus will make it harder for students to study. Worse still, it may cause some safety problems. However, others think that it can bring student

6、s and the society closer and is good for cultural exchange between people.In my opinion, several factors should be considered before opening the campuses to tourists. First, I suggest we should choose the universities with long history and beautiful campuses. Second, the campus should only be open t

7、o tourists on weekends or during holidays.Unit Two4. Translation 1). A characteristic of American culture is to respect the self-made man the man who has made it through his own efforts. 美国文化的一个特点就是尊重自我奋斗者,即通过自身努力成功的人。2). He wanted to help all the wounded people no matter which side they were fighti

8、ng for. 他想帮助所有受伤的人,不管他们是为了哪一方而战。3). I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to act. 我被他们相互矛盾的意见弄糊涂了,不知如何去做才是。4). In many factories, an assembly line is used to speed up the efficiency of the workforce许多工厂采用装配线来提高生产效率。5). John and his brother differ in personality even

9、 if their differences in age are not significant. 尽管约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他们的个性却不相同。6). Laptop computers are popular all over the world and give people easy access to the Internet. 手提电脑在全世界都十分普及,为人们提供便利上网的途径。7). My doctor advised that I write down any worries, thoughts or questions before I go to bed. 我的医

10、生建议我上床睡觉前写下所有担忧、想法与问题。8). Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. 过会儿,就是我的朋友带着杰克去散步的时间了。9). The greater amount of time you spent learning English, the greater progress you are likely to make. 你投入英语学习的时间越多,可能取得的进步就越大。10). The more experiences we have, the more capable we are likely to b

11、e. 我们经历的越多,我们的能力就会越强。5. Writing: Instructions: 建议你30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提示内容用英语写出一篇不少于80词的作文。 Parents Are the Best Teachers 1.父母是最好的老师; 2.解释其中的原因;3.重申观点。Parents are the best teachers. Firstly, parents stay with children every day. Children will regard them as examples and learn from them. If the parents a

12、re polite, the children will be polite. Secondly, parents influence children with their words and behaviors. If parents always are nice to others and say good words about others, their children will also be kind to other children. If parents are good to old people, when the parents are getting older

13、, the children will be good to them too. To sum up, from what has been discussed above we can draw the conclusion that parents are our best parents. Unit Three4. Translation 1. The more you read the text, the easier you will find it to understand it. 你把课文读的越透,你就会发现越容易理解它。2. The students are encourag

14、ed to take part in the national English speaking contest. 鼓励学生参加全国英语演讲竞赛。3. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction. 由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量。4. This is indeed a most pressing problem. 这的确是一个非常棘手的问题。5. Though this question is very difficult, if you keep on trying, you will find the right answe

15、r. 尽管这个问题很难,但是如果你继续不断尝试,你会得到正确答案的。6. When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite. 我们赞美中国领导人和中国人民不仅仅是出于礼貌。7. These people moved from place to place. 这些人四处迁徙。8. These two students from our school have been admitted to Beijing University. 我们学校这两个学生已经被北京大学录取了。9.

16、Many young people want to be volunteers for Beijing Olympic Games. 许多年轻人想做北京奥运会的志愿者。10. This custom has a long tradition. 这一风俗历史悠久。5. Writing 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 The Way to Success 1. 每个人都试图在事业上获得成功;2. 获得成功的要索; 3. 我坚信Everyone tries to achieve success in his/her career. But some f

17、inally attain their aims while others fail. Why?Some continue their cause to the end through long period of hard struggles, but others are easily disappointed and stop halfway. Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success. A man of strong will and perseverance always h

18、as an inflexible spirit. He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Life is short and we have too much to do. Without diligence no one can achieve anything. I believe that where there is a will there is a way, and that success belongs to those who can make constant efforts. Dont be afra

19、id of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. Unit Four4. Translation Directions: translate each of the following sentences from English to Chinese. 1) He has sympathy for all poor people. 他对所有穷苦人都付有同情心。2) Talking for a long time makes me tired. 长时间的谈话让我感到

20、疲倦。3) The man-made satellite made by China is working very well. 中国制造的人造卫星运行良好。4) The earthquake in Sichuan made Chinese people unite as one. 四川地震使中国人民团结的像一个人似的。5) Wisdom is much more important than knowledge. 智慧比知识更重要。6) We must read as much as possible to enlarge our vocabulary. 我们必须尽可能的多阅读以扩大我们的词

21、汇量。7) A friend of mine from high school is working in England now. 我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。8) Ive got accustomed to the weather in Shanghai. 我已经适应了上海的这种天气。9) Nothing in the world moves faster than light. 世界上没有什么比光的速度更快。10) It is known to all that exercises are good for health. 众所周知,锻炼对健康有好处。5. Composition

22、要求在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。Where to live 1.有人喜欢住在城市;2.有人喜欢住在农村;3. 我的看法。Different people have different views on country life and town life. Some people prefer to live in the country while others prefer to live in town. It is true that town life is convenient and entertaining. There are

23、restaurants, supermarkets, shopping malls in your neighborhood. You can easily buy any stuff you need. In contract, living in the country is quite different. It serves fresh air and beautiful scenery and the most important thing is quietness. For me, I like to live in town because of the colorful li

24、fe and convenience for working. Unit Five4. Translation: 1)Does the computer have instructions on it? 计算机自身有操作说明吗?2)Ill have to try using the search engines. 我必须试着使用搜索引擎。3)Dont you think smoking is harmful to your health? 难道你不认为吸烟对你健康有害吗?4)I was too excited to say a word in front of him. 在他面前我太兴奋了,一

25、句话也说不出来。5)The plan has been over fulfilled by now. 目前,已经超额完成计划。6)The doctor said there was nothing wrong with his eyes 医生说他的眼睛没有毛病。7)In no other country in the world can you find such plants as this one. 像这种植物在世界上的其他任何一个国家中都找不到。8)Once all the information is completed, you sign here. 所有内容都填完之后,你就在这儿签

26、名。9)Its not much different from that heavy metal music you like so much. 那跟你很喜欢的重金属音乐并没有什么不同。10)This TV channel has too many commercials. 这个电视频道广告太多。5.Writing: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的作文。Travel Arrangement 选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅行计划。你应包括下列内容:1.说明你想旅游的地点; 2.说明你为什么选择这个地点; 3.描述你的旅行计划。 I like trave

27、ling very much. The holiday is coming. I would like to have a trip to Hong Kong with my family. We would like to take the plane. This will be my first visit to Hong Kong, although my aunt lives in Hong Kong for many years. We plan to stay there for 5 days. During my stay there, I would go to the fam

28、ous Ocean Park and the Hong Kong Disneyland. I hope I can have a good time. Unit Six4. Translation. 1)I dont want to spend five dollars on a cup of water. 我不想花五美元买杯水。2) Ive never heard such good music in a computer game. 我从没在电脑游戏中听到如此美妙的音乐。3)Because there was heavy traffic, we were ten minutes late.

29、 由于交通拥挤,我们晚了十分钟。4) She likes Mike a lot, but she doesnt want to get married so early. 她很喜欢Mike,但她不想这么早结婚。5)This is the most wonderful day of my life, because Im here with you now. 今天是我一生中最美好的一天,因为我现在和你在一起。6)When I was young, Id listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs. 年轻时的我喜欢收听广播,等待我最喜欢的歌

30、。7) The moon looks much bigger than any other stars in the sky. 月亮看起来比天空中任何其他星星都要大的多。 8) Travel broadens the mind. 旅行可以开阔眼界。9)People use science knowledge to understand and change nature. 人们利用科学知识去了解自然,改造自然。 10) A dog is always well-known as a clever and friendly animal. 狗因其聪明友善而著称。5. Composition 要求

31、在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和中文提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。If you are 作文内容是你未来20年的设想。介绍20年后的你。内容可适当发挥。My name is Li Hua. I have a dream about my future. After 20 years, I wish I could become a police officer. This is my ideal job from my childhood. I would grow up tall and strong with short straight hair. I would settle in Beijing, as it is my hometown. Then I would get married and have two children. During my spare time, I would go swimming and play table tennis with my friends, as these are my favorite sports. This is the life that I dream in 20 years.

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