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1、学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语期末模拟试题及答案八年级下册英语期末模拟试题 (满分:140 分;考试时间:110 分钟)第卷(选择题80分)一、听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,计 20 分)第一部分 听对话,选择合适的图画或答案。每段对话读两遍。A. 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1道小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)1. Which animal are they talking about?2. What did Simon visit this summer?3. Whats the weather like now?4. What happene

2、d in London yesterday?5. What subjects does Peter like? A. Maths and Chinese. B. Chinese and English. C. Maths and English.6. What did Daniel do last night? A. He watched TV B. He saw a film. C. He enjoyed a play.7. Which dress is the cheapest? A. The yellow one. B. The blue one. C. The white one8.

3、When does Henry usually arrive at school every day? A. At 6:30. B. At 6:45. C. At 7:00.9. Where is Suzy now? A. At the office. B. In bed. C. At school.10. What does Tony mean? A. John is never late. B. John is often late. C. Nobody will be late.第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关

4、小题,每小 题 5 秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有 5 秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 小题.11. When is the birdwatching activity? A.5th November B.15th November C. 25th November12. How long will the birdwatching activity last?A. 6 hours B. 7 hours C. 8 hours听第一篇短文,完成第 1315 小题。请根据短文内容选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。My best friend NickAppearan

5、ceHe is tall and strong with black hair. He has a square face with 13 and smiling eves.PersonalitiesHe is very generous and _ 14 . He is very smart.AbilitiesHe can sing English songs very well.He is good at 15 .13. A. big B. bright C. small14. A. honest B. kind C. helpful15. A sharing things B. read

6、ing books C. playing football听第二篇短文,完成 1620 小题。16. How long will the students stay in New York?A. Five days. B. Five weeks. C. Five months.17 Why should the students wear yellow shirts? A. The students school uniforms are yellow. B. It is easy for the new families to find them. C. American people li

7、ke yellow shirts best.18. What will the students need to take with them? A. Two photos and a telephone number B. A yellow shirt and a telephone number. C. Two photos and a school letter.19. What can the students do if they have any problems? A. They can make a call. B. They can go and see Miss Smith

8、. C. They can ask the families for help.20. When is Miss Smith in the office? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. Every morning and afternoon.二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。21. - What do you think of _ nature reserve you visited yesterday? - Its wonderful. Its _id

9、eal home for wildlife.A. the, an B. a, an C. the, a D. a, the22. - What would you like to do if you have two days _.- Id like to go on a trip _Yangzhou.A. of, to B. off, to C. of, for D. off, for23. Im new in the city. My mother told me to take care of _. A. me B. my C. mine D. myself24. What a nice

10、 building! What is it for? - Im not sure. It _ be a hall. A. must B. need C. may D. have to25. - Excuse me, but can you tell me where the nearest hotel is?- Just _ on for two more crossings and youll see it. A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walks26. - Could you give me a hand, sir? My car _ on the r

11、oad. - Certainly I think I can repair it. A. broke down B. fell down C. calmed down D. came down27. - What are the _ students screaming for?- Dont you know? A pop music band is visiting our school. Their music is so _. A. exciting, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D. excited, excit

12、ed28. - I will do everything I can _ the wild animals. - Youre great. Ill join you. A. protect B. to protect C. protecting D. to protecting29. - I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone.- Oh, I _ the snow in the street. A. clear B. cleared C. am cleaning D. was clearing30. We were sw

13、imming in the lake _ the storm suddenly started last Friday afternoon. A. when B. while C. after D. until31. The sentence structure of His mother wants him to mop up the floor. is _. A. S+V+O B. S+V+P C. S+V+DO+OC D. S+V+IO+DO32. - Helen, _ does the weather change in your hometown when winter comes?

14、 - It gets colder and snows more often A. what B. how C. when D. why33. - Timmy, isnt the film a bit boring? - _. I think you can learn a lot from it. A. I think so B. Youre right C. Yes, I agree D. No, not at all34. - Mum, I want to buy the latest iPhone X.-_. You are too young to use a phone like

15、that.A. Never mind B. No way C. Not exactly D. No problem35. - Whats your best friend like, Betty? - _. A. She likes playing badminton B. She is a manager C. She is helpful and friendly D. Shed like to have a vacation.三、完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分) 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 It snowed again. My seve

16、nth Christmas was round the comer. I dreamed of getting the gift from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb. There is no Father Christmas. I ran to my grandmothers house, for she always told the truth. Grandmother was at home. I told 36 everything. No Father Christmas? she was a li

17、ttle 37 . Dont believe it Put on your coat. and lets go Go? Where, Grandma? I asked. Kens Store. As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me the dollars and said, Take the _38_ and buy something for someone who needs it. 111 wait for you in the car. Then she turned and walked out of the Kens.

18、For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering 39 to buy, and who to buy it for. I thought of 40 I knew - my family, my friends, my neighbors. I suddenly thought of Bobbie, a 41 with bad breath and messy hair. He sat right behind me _42 Mrs. Polacks class. Bobbie 43 went to any p

19、arties during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, 44 we all knew that he didnt have a cough, and he didnt have a coat. I 45 to buy Bobbie a red warm coat that he would like. That evening, grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons

20、and _46_To Bobbie. From Father Christmas on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he 47 them. Then she drove me over to Bobbies home, telling that I was helping Father Christmas 48 the gifts.Grandma parked the car along the street and we hid behind the trees near Bobbies ho

21、me .Then Grandma said to me, All right, Father Christmas gets going.I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the gift down 49 the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the 50 and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did and th

22、ere stood Bobbie. That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team36. A. him B. her C. them D. you37. A. angry B. happy C. tired . D. afraid38. A book B. coat C. present D. money39. A. what B. when C. where D. how40. A. everybody B nobody C. somebody D. anybod

23、y41. A. girl B. boy C. man D. woman42. A. for B on C. in D. with43. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never44. A. so B. if C. but D. and45. A. got B. decided C. followed D. made46. A. read B. say C. write D. spell47. A. helped B. believed C. taught D. made48. A. give up B. give away C. put up D. pu

24、t off49. A. on B. behind C. outside D. over50. A_ shop B. cars C. door D. trees四、阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2 分,计30 分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。ASeasonsSpring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is gold,Winter is white.Year in year out,We work and fight,For a new world, of red sunlight.WinterThe best time of the

25、 yearWhen snow drops on the flatAlthough the cold is unable to bearYellow ground is out of my sightStrong and cold wind is beating thereWhite snow has covered my headWhatever it is ugly or beautifulAnd I will shout at the skyWinter I like!Autumn firesIn the other gardensAnd all up the vale(溪谷),From

26、the autumn bonfires(营火)See the smoke trail!Pleasant summer is overAnd all the summer flowers.The red fire blazes(火焰),The grey smoke towersSing a song of season!Something bright in all!Flowers in the summer,Fires in the fall!Bed in summerIn winter I get up at nightAnd dress by yellow candle-lightIn s

27、ummer quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.I have to go to bed and see The birds still hopping on the tree,Or hear the grown-up peoples feetStill going past me in the street.And does it not seem hard to you,When all the sky is clear and blue,And I should like so much to play,To have to go

28、to bed by day?51. The four short passages are _.A. stories B. advertisements C. instructions D. poems52. All the words in _ thyme with each other.A. bright, white, fight, sunlight B. year, bear, there, head C. gardens, flowers, towers, seasons D. see, tree, day, way53. Which element(元素) is mentioned

29、 (提及) in all the above? A. Sports. B. Food. C. Colours. D. Temperature.B 本题为课外阅读考查,取材于扬州市“五个一百工程”指定阅读书目铁路少年,请根据书本内容及问题,选择正确答案。54. Which caused the changes of the family? A. Father was taken B. Mother was ill. C. One boy was lost. D. The war started.55. Why did the children take the coal from the rai

30、lway station?A. Their mother asked them to do so. B. The station master allowed them to do so.C. They didnt have money to buy it. D. Children needed some for the toy train.56. The children _ to stop the train when they found a landslide. A. shouted to the driver at the station B. waved to the driver with some red flagsC. rushed to tell the stati

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