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1、高三英语翻译复习资料2016套卷整理01- 第一学期 高三英语开学摸底考试1. 令人宽慰的是,当炸弹爆炸时,周围碰巧没有人。(happen)To our relief, there happened to be no one around when the bomb blew up / exploded.2. 夏季是传统的旅游季节,许多旅行社想方设法推出旅游套餐吸引游客。(present)Summer is the traditional travelling season and many travel agencies are trying every means to present t

2、ravel packages to attract tourists.3. 为了净化城南那个被污染的湖泊,国家拨了巨款帮助坐落在沿岸的工厂迁移。(set aside)To clean the polluted lake in the south of the city, the government / the country set aside a huge sum of money to help the factories located by the river to move.4. 抚养和教育孩子的财力和心理压力令许多年轻的父母打消了生二胎的想法。(discourage)The fi

3、nancial and psychological pressure to raise and educate children has discouraged many young parents from bearing a second child.5. 迄今为止,虽说屡屡采取严控措施,但绝大多数人仍然觉得难以承担目前的高房价。(afford)Up till present / So far / To this day, despite the repeated strict control measures, the vast majority still find it hard t

4、o afford the present high housing prices.6. 网络在日常生活中起了举足轻重的作用,以至于不能上网时,人们往往感到无所适从。(loss)The Internet plays such an important part/role in our daily life that when we have no access to it we feel at a loss. /when it is not available people tend to feel at a loss.套卷03- S3 综合练习(1)2015-9-21音乐会的组织者称他们会把音

5、乐会的利润捐给慈善组织。(donate)The concert organizers say they will donate all their profits to the charity.2. 我们每个人要对为了养育我们而牺牲了自己事业的母亲报恩。(sacrifice)All of us should repay our mothers who have sacrificed own careers to bring us up/ raise us.3. 明智的人总能在关键时刻做出明智的选择。(sensible)A sensible person will always make a s

6、ensible choice at the crucial moment.4. 发展当地旅游业时政府应该把发展绿色生态旅游考虑进去。(take into consideration)The government should take ecotourism into consideration when trying to develop the local tourism.5. 小李不好意思的告诉我假如他刚才和我解释清楚了,我就不会误会他了。(用虚拟语气)Little Li told me with embarrassment that if he had explained to me c

7、learly, I would not have misunderstood him.套卷05:S3 综合练习2015-9-282 你有兴趣参加今晚的英语演讲比赛吗?(mood) Are you in the mood to take part in the English Speech Contest tonight?83 新建的医院让这里的居民就医方便多了。(.it.) The newly-built hospital has made it more convenient for the residents here to see the doctor.84 慈善晚会上募集的款项将用来建

8、一座社区老年活动中心。(collect) The funds collected at the charity party will be used to build a club for the senior citizens of this community.85 这位经理有丰富的酒店管理经验,因此他处理可人的投诉总是得心应手。(full of) The manager is full of experience/ is rich in experience in hotel management, so that he can always tackles customers comp

9、laints skillfully and easily./ with ease and skills. 86 万一你在森林中迷路,最保险的做法是留在原地,并设法立刻与专业营救队取得联系。(in case) In case you should get lost in the forest, the safest way of rescue is to stay where you are and try to get touch with a professional rescue team at once.套卷07-奉贤区二模1 我们渴望一个没有污染的星球。(free)We long fo

10、r/desire for a planet free of pollution.2 微风吹拂着她的头发,那小女孩注视着彩蝶在花海中飞舞。(With)With the breeze blowing her hair, the little girl watched the colorful butterflies dancing in the sea of the flowers3 这部最近出品的电影旨在唤起人们对贫困山区儿童的关注。(mean)The film released/produced newly is meant to arouse peoples concern about th

11、e children in poor mountainous areas.4 他向朋友保证在任何情况下他都不会违背做一个诚实守信的人的承诺。(under no circumstances)He assured his friends that under no circumstances would he break the promise that he should/would be faithful/ trustworthy and honest5 真是高三的学习经历使我们相信无论过程多么艰难,我们的努力终将会得到回报。(convince, pay off)It was the lear

12、ning experiences in Senior Three that convinced us that however hard the process was, our efforts would eventually pay off.套卷08-虹口区二模1 据我所知,他们学校的面积是我们的两倍。(size)As far as I know, the size of their school is twice that of ours.2 如果你忘记通知他面试时间了该怎么办?(what if)What if you forget to inform him of the time f

13、or the interview/3 在现代社会中,手机不仅是通讯工具,也是一种娱乐工具。(Not only)Not only are mobile phones a means of communication in modern society but also a means of entertainment.4 这位经济学家在调查会总发现,有些人赚的越多,消费的欲望也更强烈。(the more)The economist has found in the survey that the more some people earn, the more they want to buy.5

14、 既然选手们已投入比赛,即使结果不尽如人意,你也别对其吹毛求疵了。(devote)Since the participants / candidates have devoted themselves to the match, you had better not find fault with the result even if it is far from satisfactory.10-月考1. 专家们预测全球气候变暖势必会引起一系列的后果。(foresee)Experts foresee that global warming / global climate change is

15、certain to / will inevitably cause / lead to/ give rise to /contribute to / result in a series of consequences.2. 在任何情况下,我们都不应该在网上发表不负责任的评论。(Under)Under no circumstances should we post/leave/make irresponsible comments online/on the Internet. 3. 这个小男孩在幼儿园淘气得很,老师们称他为捣蛋鬼。(So; label)So naughty was the

16、little boy at kindergarten that the/ his teachers labeled him (as) a troublemaker.4. 我建议她给自己定下规矩在做作业时不把手机放在触手可及的地方。 (suggestion; rule)5. My suggestion is that she (should) make it a rule to put / that she puts the mobile phone beyond her reach / not to put within her reach when (she is) doing her English homework. 5. 直到最近我才弄明白,为什么我一按这个键

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