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1、契约的范文 契约的范文 厦门培训考试网小编为您收集整理的契约的范文,提供全面的契约的范文信息,希望对您有用!契约的范文篇一:契 约 契 约 本人身份证号: 现因住宅基建需与本村本人身份证号: 调整(原口粮地-田地,东至:溪边,西至: 厝 ,南至:王志辉厝 ,北至: 厝 )长拾米,宽叁拾米经双方当面协商同意在没有异议和各方面争执的前提下:由王志辉当面付清现金人民币捌万元伍仟元整交于 作为转让费,届时由原口粮地户 按协议面积交付 使用,银、地两,恐口无,特立此约。双方愿意共同遵照执行。 年月日契约的范文篇二:贸易契约范例 (2)PAYMENT: Buyer shall establish Irre

2、vocable L/C by cable reaching Taipei, in order, not later than the first day of the respective shipment month in terms of US Dollar thru Band of Taiwan, Taipei, in favor of Taiwan Sugar Corp. for the full amount of the purchase. The L/C shall be available for payment against sight draft(s) drawn by

3、the beneficiary, on the issuing bank accompanied by the following documents: 1. Commercial invoice in three copies. 2. Full set negotiable clean on-board vessel B/L (or charter party B/L), freight prepaid to port of destination. 3. Marine insurance policy or certificate in negotiable form covering I

4、CC(B) plus RFWD and war risks for 100% invoice value. 4. Certificate of weight and inspection on quantity, quality packing. (3) PAYMENT OF CONTRACT PRICE: The contract price for each of the ships is payable as follows: 1. Or 5% of contract price at time of contract execution, 2. Of contract price at

5、 time of the steel is in the shipyard, 3. Of contract price at time of completion of the hull, 4. Of contract price at time of completion of deck house structure with main engine and auxiliary engines in place, 5. Of contract price at time of delivery of the ship to the owner. 6. Of contract price a

6、t time of guarantee period termination for the ship. (4) PAYMENT: To be made by Irrevocable at sight local credit in pound sterling issued by Bank of _, Sydney in favor of D.L. Palmer Overseas Co., Pty., Ltd. without recourse and permitting transferable to Australian Wheat Board only. L/C should rea

7、ch Sydney before 10th Oct., 20 for the first cargo, and 10th January, 20- for the second cargo. If the required L/C be not to hand within the required time, the seller shall thereafter have the right in their absolute direction to cancel the contract or any part thereof for which the required L/C ha

8、s not been received. Bills of Lading bearing the usual second hand and dry-stained bags clause shall be accepted by the buyers. If loading be stopped for any reason, buyers to pay for any quantity loaded, the amount of such payment being calculated in the terms of this contract. Therefore, the cover

9、ing L/C must bear similar clause. The L/C will be payable against the following documents: 1. Commercial Invoice in 4 copies indicating IL number, 2. Cabled shipping advice for insurance coverage in 4 copies, 3. Full set of clean on-board ocean B/L, freight prepaid, made out to order of L/C issuing

10、bank, notifying buyer. 4. Weight and quality certificate as specified in this contract under the “weight,quality and conditions” clause. (8) PAYMENT: An irrevocable confirmed without recourse L/C in US Dollar to be issued thru _ Bank in Taiwan before or on June 15, 20-, subject to receipt by buyer o

11、f performance surety satisfactory to buyer. The L/C shall be drawable for 98% against the following documents: 1. Provisional (preliminary) commercial invoice, 2. Full set of clean on-board, marked freight prepaid B/L dated not later thancharter party B/L accompanied by a copy of charter party is ac

12、ceptable, 3. Surveyors quality inspection certificate in triplicate, 4. A copy of the cable advising of the loading port, name of vessel and its sailing date at least 3 days before loading of cargo, 5. Loading port surveyors certificate of weight in triplicate. The remaining balance of two percent s

13、hall be drawable against the L/C within 50 days after establishing in importing country of the final weight against draft accompanied by the following documents: (a) Sellers final commercial invoice in 6 copies reflecting the final adjustment of the shipment and in accordance with the final draft ce

14、rtificate, (b) Discharge port surveyors weight certificate in triplicate, (c) Buyers signed copy of final adjustment statement in triplicate reflecting true adjustment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. Any overpanyment due to buyer shall be refunded by seller by T/T or oth

15、er mutually agreeable means which will be within 50 days after establishing the final weight in import country. (9) (f) mailing certificate certifying that the seller has airmailed a set of the above non-negotiable documents within 7 days after shipment. 2. 40% of the price of every consignment of t

16、he goods shipped shall be paid one month after the arrival of the goods in port of destination as specified in the invoice. 3. the balance of 10% of the price of every consignment of the goods shipped shall be paid one year after the arrival of the goods in port of destination, provided that the buy

17、er has properly accepted and tested the goods, and the buyer shall notify the bank to make payment. Should there be any claim for compensation, deduction may be made out of this last installment. (10) Irrevocable and confirmed L/C without recourse, available against the sellers sight draft shall be

18、established thru a prime bank satisfactory to the seller within _ days after the date of the contract and be dept valid at least _ days after the month of shipment. The amount of such L/C shall be sufficient to cover the contract amount and additional charges and/or expenses to by borne by thebuyer.

19、 Should the buyer fail to provide such L/C in accordance with the contract, the seller shall have the option of cancelling the contract, reselling the contracted goods for buyers account and/or holding the goods for the buyers account and risks. (11) Within _ days from this date, buyer shall establi

20、sh an irrevocable and confirmed L/C with a prime bank satisfactory to seller, which L/C shall be in from and upon terms satisfactory to seller. Such L/C shall be in favor of seller in an amount equal to _ percent of the estimated total purchase price set forth above, and shall provide that all payme

21、nts shall be made only to order of the negotiating bank. The L/C shall refer to this contract by its number, and shall authorize reimbursement to seller for such sums, if any, as may be advanced by seller for consular invoices, inspection fees and other expenditures made by seller for account of buy

22、er. The L/C shall also provide for partial availments against partial deliveries, and shall be maintained for a period of at least _ days (not less than_ days) after the latest date set forth above that merchandise is required to be available for deliveries. If buyer fails to establish such L/C with

23、in the time stipulated and in form specified above, seller reserves the right to cancel the contract and buyer is bound to reimburse seller for any loss sustained from such cancellation. (12) Payment to be made by buyer in installments under bank guarantee as follows: 1. 20% o f the total contracted

24、 amount shall be paid by an irrevocable L/C available against sight draft accompanied by shipping documents. 2. 80% shall be paid in eight equally divided semi-annual installments, plus interest at 8.5% p.a., of which the first installment shall be due and pqyable on the day exactly six calendar mon

25、ths from the B/L date of each shipment.契约的范文篇三:“守住心灵的契约”作文 “守住心灵的契约”作文 命题作文“守住心灵的契约”写作指导及例文 【作文题目】: 心灵的契约是我们每个人与自己或与他人在内心的约定。诚信、责任、理想、诺言、操 守?支撑“人”的结构,体现契约精神。缺乏心灵契约,浮躁空虚,游离易变,犹如失去 根系的大树,失去源头的大江,只能枯萎、干涸? 请以“守住心灵的契约”为题写一篇不少于800字的文章。 要求:角度自选;立意自定;除诗歌外,文体自选。 【写作指导】: “契约”是一种约定,可以理解为对人、对己的“约定”“承诺”“坚持”等等;“守

26、住”可以理解为“坚守”“保持”“不改初衷”等等。“心灵的契约”有别于书面的约定,应写精神层面的东西。最佳作文应体现出“守住”“心灵的”“契约”这三个关键词。记叙文、论说文、散文等都可写。 【精彩例文】: 守住心灵的契约 是谁,在汨罗江边纵身一跃,只留得个衣袂飘飞的孤独身影? 是谁,在骤雨潇潇中,把栏杆拍遍? 是谁,在铁马冰河的梦境中,仍旧思索着为国戍轮台? 那萧索的北京下如水落而石出般地捧现出一颗颗孤独却不屈的灵魂。 是的,不屈! 他们不屈从于命运的安排,朝廷的指命,他们心中有一个契约,与未来与理想与抱负的契约,他们坚守着坚守着? 总觉得“约”这个字的奇妙,丝旁,缠绕着,是缠绕着每个人一生的热

27、血与精力以及才情吗?只为换取心头含着的那一点,像高山颠上的雪莲,不惧凛风的剥蚀,不畏峭岩的贫瘠,只是坚守着,坚守着? 也许在每个人的心中,都有一个契约,关乎自己的人生与未来。它是那么的无形,不可言状,只是在自己的每一滴热血和每一寸脊髓中冲撞,像一股力量指引着我们去探求什么。 坚守这份契约,就像志摩那样寻出那份浪漫的美,像不可救药一般地千里迢迢去赴巴黎那场美的盛宴,在鸡尾酒的绚烂色彩寻一个低吟浅唱的吉他手,在浓郁灿烂的露天咖啡馆里寻一个忧郁风情的少妇。美是他的契约,用了坚守,即便是毕生的才情与浪漫亦在所不惜。 坚守这份契约,就像海子那样为每一座山每一条河取一个温柔的名字,关心粮食和蔬菜,用最纯净

28、最宽广的心爱这世间无瑕的一切,像一个孩童般握着手中的画笔,寂寂地描绘,在德今哈洒下他悲情的泪水,他只是为守住内心那片无瑕的净土,不惜去死,报以一个最壮烈的结束。 每份契约,都是一份承诺。 守一份契约,便是践行这个承诺,唯有在这践行的旅途中方显出生命的真谛,用青春用热血用才智去坚守着,与外界的一切黑暗抗衡着,那片净土却是不可动摇。 你会看见,生命的质地如漂洗过的白棉布,质感;像溪水冲过的卵石,光滑。那生命的境界,一步步提升。 远远的,有一个方向, 静静的,有一个声音, 永远都是那般明了,不离不弃,常伴身边,是一生的依靠。守住心灵的契约,为未来许下一份诺言,种下自己的汗,泪乃至血,为明天收获一份无

29、悔的人生! 【点评:】文章以散文的笔调,列举屈原、辛弃疾、陆游、徐志摩、海子等人的人生追求;整体内容切合题意,语言功夫好。 守住心灵的契约 那向东奔腾的流水,是为了实现对大海的诺言,才一往无前;那搏击长空的雄鹰,是为了实现对蓝天的诺言,才翱翔天际;那娇艳的花儿,是为了实现对春天的诺言,才竞相怒放。诺言,是我们心灵的契约,守住它,生命才丰富充实。 守住心灵的契约,记住诺言,守护更多的亲情。血浓于水,人间的亲情是千山万水都无法阻隔的,然而亲人之间的轻诺寡信却使人们之间犹如隔了一堵墙,让亲情失去了温暖的味道,更添了一份苦涩。那氓中两人曾经的信誓旦旦,却因寡信的男子而终究不能长久。诺言体现了契约精神,

30、心灵的契约不能违背,守住心灵的契约,生命的长河才能东渐入海,永不枯竭。亲情,只是生命的一部分,连亲情都守护不了,又何谈对于国家乃至天下的承诺。 守住心灵的契约诺言,让你获得更多的自信。心灵的契约,犹如你同一家公司签订的一般,你不可以违背,违背了,必然会为此付出代价。然而,你若是守住了你心灵的契约,你也将受益匪浅。当老师充满自信地站在讲台这个神圣的位置时,他守住了心灵的契约,他实现了要教书育人的诺言;当解放军站在哨岗之时,他实现了要保家卫国的诺言,于是自信写在了脸上;当医生站在病床边时,他实现了救死扶伤的诺言,那驱赶病魔的自信在他们手握手术刀的那一刻展现出来。诺言,一份心灵的契约,守住它,将自信

31、满满,热情洋溢。 守住心灵的契约诺言,将让你最终取得成功。当奥巴马当选的那一刻,他正许下诺言,并为守住诺言而时刻努力,现在,他正用他的行动证明,他将守住心灵的契约,将美国从危机中解救出来。人要想取得成功,就要守住心灵的契约,若是背弃了心灵,那么不用说成功,就算是做一个堂堂正正的人也是困难的。古人说“一诺千金”,而我说“承诺无价”,守住心灵的契约,才有机会获得成功。 生命就像是在品味一杯红酒,初入口时,甘甜中略带苦涩,细细品味,便在心中留下永远的香甜。守住心灵的契约,便如品红酒一般享受,这并不会为生活带来更多的负担,而是为生命带来了更多可以回味的快乐。 【点评】:文章以“守住心灵的契约诺言”为中

32、心,准确地把握了“契约”的内涵,层次清晰,列举氓、“奥巴马”等事例精当,只是第二个分论点:坚守诺言获得自信,有点牵强附会,故本文在基本分上上浮 守住心灵的契约 为什么柔嫩的小草经过严寒的洗礼后仍有破土而出的勇气,因为它守望着心灵中的那个梦里。 为什么苍劲的雄鹰经过脱胎换骨的历练后仍有直冲九霄的魄力,因为他守着心中的那份信念。 为什么那个背影经受住亲人离别的痛苦后仍有迈步前行的坚定,因为他守着心中的那份坚定。 守住心灵的契约,如同接受阳光的洗礼,让你始终觉得自己好干净。 心灵的契约,是一种理想,一种希望。 顾城说:“我要画下一只孤独的树熊,他坐在维多利亚的丛林里,坐在高高的树枝上,发愣。他什么也没有,只有一颗浆果的梦,和很大很大的眼睛。” 梦想是个好东西,没准会是件最好的东西,然而所有好的东西都不会消逝。正如桑塔亚娜的一生,跌宕起伏,困难重重,但他终究未放弃他的梦想,他毕生都在理想主义和现实主

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