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1、新版沪版牛津英语八年级上Unit6精编学案与习题Unit 6 Ancient stories知识点讲解及语法练习重点单词1.difference n. 差别 different adj. 不同的2.succeed v 达到目的;实现目标succeed in doing sth success n 成功 successful adj成功的3.wood n 木头 wooden adj4.lucky adj unlucky adj luck n 5.Greek n 希腊人 adj 希腊的 Greece 希腊6.sleep v asleep adj. 7.sudden adj.突然的 suddenly

2、 adv.突然地 v 打开 adj. 开着的 close v.关上 closed adj. 关着的9.quiet adj. 安静地 quietly adv10.punish v 处罚 punishment n重点短语及同义词组huge= very big stupid= foolish=not clever make jokes about= make fun of =laugh at be full of = be filled with except= not including in the end= at last enter= go intoempty= have no

3、people in it give up 放弃 give out 颁发 give in 屈服1、词汇讲解1.Theyveleft a huge wooden horse.他们把巨大的木马留下了。leave left left(1)遗留;留下 Ive left my umbrella on the bus. 我把伞忘在公交车上。(2)离开When did you leave London?你什么时候离开伦敦的?(3)leave for 到.地方去 Im leaving for Beijing next month.下个月我要去北京。(4)放置;听任 Leave him alone.别管他(5)作

4、名词许可,准假 a three weeks leave 三周假 He went home on leave.他请假回家了。2. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks.他们围着木马唱歌、跳舞,取笑愚蠢的希腊人。(1)jokemake jokes about 拿.开玩笑 You shouldnt make jokes about the poor girl.have a joke with sb.与某人一起说笑话play a joke on sb 戏弄某人=make fun of=

5、 laugh attell jokes 讲笑话(2)Greek n 希腊人 adj 希腊的 Greece 希腊3. I havent laughed like this since my childhood.(1)since+时间点= for+一段时间e.g. He has lived in Shenzhen since 2010.=He has lived in Shenzhen for 3 years.(2)Childhood 童年 child 孩子 children 复数4.They locked all the gates of the city and then all went t

6、o sleep.(1)go to sleep= go to bed(2)fall asleep (3)sleepy 欲睡的困乏的She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her.他叫醒她的时候,她仍然又累又困。5. By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.到半夜的时候,除了那匹巨大的木马,广场上空无一人(1)by 介词当(某时候)到了,到(某时)之前,不晚于e.g.They were tired out by evening.到晚上时,他们疲倦极了。 by

7、通过+Vinge.g.Match them with the correct countries by writing the letters in the brackets.(2)except for 除.之外,只是e.g.The room is tidy except for the carpet.除地毯外,房间很干净辨析except; except for; besidesexcept “除.之外”表示“例外、排除”,表示排除的是同类事物或行为。e.g.He gets up early every day except Sunday.除了星期天外,他每天都早起。except for “除

8、.之外”,它后面的宾语一般为句子里所涉及的内容并非同类事物或行为e.g.The story is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.除了几个拼写错误外,这个故事写得很好besides“除.之外还有”=in addition e.g.We all went swimming besides him.除了他以外,我们也都去游泳了。6.The horse was full of Greek soldiers! They quietly climbed out of the horse one by full of= be f

9、illed withe.g.The glass is filled with milk.= The glass is full of milk.(1)one by one 一个接着一个 step by step一步步7.In one night, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever trick.在一夜之内,他们靠一个计谋成功地夺取了它。(1)succeed in doing sth = do sth successfully成功地做了某事(2)success 不可数名词 “成功成就”e.g.Both plans have been t

10、ried without success.两个计划都已试过,但未获成功可数名词“成功的人或事”e.g.The plan was a great success.这项计划极为成功。(3)successful adj 成功的a successful teacher 一个成功的老师语法知识Because they didnt need to study so much history.need(1)作实义动词作为实义动词,need后面的宾语可以是名词、动名词、动词不定式或代词,这种情况下,need既可用于肯定句,也可用于否定句和疑问句,构成否定句和疑问句时要借助于助动词do或does.A. need

11、 sth.need最常见的用法之一,其后的宾语可以是名词或代词。We need a great deal of money now. 我们需要和多钱。B. need doing 与 need to be doneThe door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted. 那扇门需要油漆一下。C. need to do sth.作为实义动词,need后面需要接带to的动词不定式,表示有义务或责任去做某事。如:What do we need to take for the picnic? 野餐我们需要带些什么?You need to take

12、good care of your mother. 你要好好照料你妈妈。(2)用作情态动词没有人称和数的变化。不能单独充当谓语。情态动词必须与一个实义动词一起构成复合谓语,并且这个实意动词始终是动词原形。变为否定句时只需在情态动词之后加not。变为疑问句时只需将情态动词提到主语的前面。这是情态动词的共性,作为情态动词的need当然也具有这些共性。了解了这些还不够,还要掌握作为情态动词need的一个个性,就是它只能用于否定句和疑问句,Need I type this letter again? 我需要重新录入将这封信吗?There is enough time. You neednt hurry

13、. 有的是时间,你不必着急。-Must I hand in my homework now? 现在我必须交作业吗?-No, you neednt. 不,你不必。词组:1. 将.表演出来2. 拿.开玩笑3. 除.之外4. 大量的;许多的5. 最后6. 快;加油重点词汇:1. understand v.理解(1) Understand-understood-understood-understanding I what you said.(understand)Shewhat you are talking.(understand)each other is necessary.(understa

14、nd)2.difference n.差别不可数(1) difference(n)different(adj)(2) A is different from B A与B不一样A与B有很多的差距.There are much difference between A and B.苹果跟梨子很不一样.The apple is different from the pear.练习:我们之间有很大的差别.There is between us.你跟你爸爸差距很大.You are your father so much.3.except 除.之外.我们都很快乐,除了你.We are happy,excep

15、t you.我每科都很好,除了数学.I all the subjets,.4.steal v.偷(1) stealstole-stolenstealing(2) 同意词:rob-robbedrobbedrobbing(3) rob sb of sth 偷某人某物他已经偷了100块.He 100 yuan.我昨晚偷了一千块.I 1000 yuan last night.她昨晚偷了我一个包包.She me a bag last night.5.punish v.惩罚(1) punishpunishedpunishedpunishing(2) Punish sb爸爸别惩罚我.Dear dady,do

16、n,t me.(punish)你已经惩罚我三次了.Youalready me for three times.重点词组:1. act out 将.表演出来演员应该将表演天赋表演出来.Actors should their acting talent.表现出你自己就很好了.yourself is OK.2.make jokes about 拿.开玩笑拿别人开玩笑是不礼貌的行为. the others is impolite behavior.3.except for 除.之外这篇作文很好,除了一点语法毛病.The article is good some mistakes of grammar.

17、 full of 有大量这里有大量的苹果.There the end 在最后反义词:at the beginning 开始我们最后胜利了.We won .开始的时候很努力,在最后却放弃了.We work hard,but give up .e on 加油!加油!你是第一名.,you are the NO.1.巩固练习一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15 分)21. Look out! The cup is _ hot water.A. full of B. fill with C. full D. fill22. Where is Mrs Smith? She i

18、snt here. She _ to England. A. has gone B. has been C. went D. goes 23. By the time of last year, she _ the piano for five years. A. learnt B. has learnt C. had learnt D. will learn24. Its hard _ his strange idea.A. understand B. understanding C. understood D. to understand25. Ive found your watch.

19、You _ it on my desk yesterday.A. left B. have left C. forgot D. have forgotten26. They have gone to Beijing for a meeting. They will be back _.A. after a few weeks B. in a few weeks time C. in a few weeks time D. for a few weeks27. The box is too heavy to carry. Whats in it? Oh, it is _ books. A. fi

20、lled with B. covered with C. used for D. asked for28. Can you say the answers _ the questions?A. of B. to C. on D. for29. The people in Yaan have met lots of difficulties, but they havent _ hope. A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for30. You used to be quiet, _ you? A. used B. did C. d

21、idnt D. are31. Im feeling terrible these days. _ I have so much homework to do that I cant find enough time to play soccer. A. Do you feel sad? B. Whats your opinion? C. Are you ill? D. Whats the matter?32. My family live in a house _ green trees around it. A. with B. in C. for D. among33. My life _

22、 a lot in the last five years. A. have changed B. has changed C. changed D. will change34. How long have you _ the basketball team of the school? For about two years.A. been on B. been C. joined D. played35. How about going shopping on Sunday? _.A. Yes, I will B. Thank you C. Thats a good idea D. Ye

23、s, please二、完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)Money makes the world go around. Thats 36 business people think. They spend their days thinking about ways to get 37 money. To make money, business people always try their best. A business may be as 38 as one woman selling her homemade cookies. Or it can be a large one wi

24、th hundreds or even thousands of people 39 for it. But anyway, business is business. Youll find business people are doing different things. Every business has a head. The job of business head takes 40 hours. Sometimes, he has to work on Saturdays and travel a lot. Many of his days are 41 in meetings

25、. Business people who work in a large business must have 42 for many years. However, that is not enough, they also must know how to tell other people what to do, how to decide things, how to work out 43 problems, and how to talk with other people. Many people go in business 44 they want a lot of mon

26、ey. Anyone can give it a try and see how well they can do in business. But only those who work hard and have good 45 can make money. 36. A. who B. what C. that D. whether 37. A. dirtier B. cleaner C. more D. less 38. A. small B. important C. interesting D. popular 39. A. keeping B. protecting C. wai

27、ting D. working 40. A. cheap B. expensive C. long D. short 41. A. given B. divided C. long D. spent 42. A. studied B. taught C. thought D. dreamt 43. A. easy B. difficult C. possible D. impossible 44. A. if B. because C. until D. while 45. A. time B. power C. luck D. age三、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20分)AOne day J

28、acks wife was cleaning out a closet(壁橱). “Look at all these umbrellas,” she said to Jack. “There are eight and they are all broken.” “Ill take them to the umbrella shop and have them mended,” Jack said. Jack took the eight umbrellas to the shop and left them there. “Theyll be ready tomorrow,” the sh

29、opkeeper said. That evening Jack went home from the office by bus as usual. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor near her. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up. “Hey!” the woman said. “Thats my umbrella!” “Im sorry,” Jack said, and at the sam

30、e time he gave the umbrella to her. “I wasnt thinking. Please excuse me.” The next day he got back the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a voice behind him said, “You certainly have a successful day!” He turned around and saw the woman whose umbrella had almost been taken by him the day before. 46. Jacks wife found umbrellas in the closet. A. eight broken B. broken eight C. eight new D. new eight 47. had the broken umbrellas mended in the umbrell

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