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1、强调复杂的英语语法结构句式强调复杂的英语语法构造句式 强调复杂的英语语法构造句式 It was lack of money, not of effort, that defeated their plan. 他们的方案受挫,原因是缺少钱而不是没有尽力。 It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague. 他批评以前的同事,并非出于气愤而是为他惋惜。 It is the protection for the trees that really matters, rather than how m

2、any trees are planted. 真正重要的在于对树木的保护,而不在于种了多少树。 As far as hes concerned, its not doing something wrong that matters, but not being caught doing something wrong, 就他而论,重要的不是做错事,而是做错事不被抓住。 (1) It is not who is right but what is right is of importance. A. which B. it C. that D. this 答案为C。此题考查it isthat这一

3、强调句式,被强调的是not who is right but what is right,全句意为:重要的不是谁是对的,而是什么才是对的。 有时考查notbut的同义构造rather than与强调构造的综合运用。如: (2) It is what you do rather than what you say matters A. that B. what C. which D. this 答案为A。被强调成分为what you do rather than what you say,全句意为:重要的是看你怎么做,而不是看你怎么说。 It was a teacher that she . A

4、. was B. seemed C. looked D. married 此题应选D。从句意上看似乎4个选项都行,其实这里只能填D。因为填A,B,C 中的任意一个选项,都会导致句中的 a teacher成为表语,然而按照强调句句法规那么,It is.that这一强调句型是不能强调表语的。一般说来,以下成分不能用于强调句中的被强调部分: 她很美。 正:She is beautiful. 误:It is beautiful she is. 他是医生。 正:He is a doctor. 误:It is a doctor that he is. 但是宾语补足语却可以用作被强调部分: 他们选他担任主席

5、。 正:They elected him chairman. 正:It was chairman that they elected him. 他不能来是因为他病了。 正:It is because he is ill that he cant e. 误:It is sinceas hes ill that he cant e. 虽然累了,但他还是去了。 正:He went although he was tired. 误:It was although he was tired that he went. 能用于强调句被强调的副词不多,下面略举几例: It was here that he

6、differed from an Englishman. 他和英国人的不同就在于此。 It was only then that I began to learn the unpalatable truth about John. 直到那时我才开始了解到有关约翰的一些令人难以承受的实情。 It was yesterday that my secretary sent the bill to Mr Harding. 我的秘书是在昨天把账单送给哈丁先生的。 所谓副词性短语,就是指起副词作用可用状语的短语,如last week, some time ago, three days later等。如:

7、 It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. 第一面带有一个钟面和一根时针的钟是在大约600年前制造的。 It was only last February that he announced he would run for president. 去年2月他才宣布自己将参加总统竞选。 It was last night that John wore his best suit to the dance. 约翰是昨晚穿着他最好的衣服去参加舞会的。 介词短语的最主要功

8、能就是用作状语,所以在强调句中,强调用作状语的介词短语的现象十分普遍。如: It was through hard work that he sueeded. 他是通过自己的勤奋工作而成功的。 It was only after his death that she learned of his affair with Betty. 一直到他死后她才知道他和贝蒂有染。 It was along the Mississippi River that Mark Twain spent much of his childhood. 正是在密西西比河沿岸,马克吐温度过了他童年的大部分时间。 It wa

9、s for this reason that her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village. 这就是她的叔叔离开纽约,搬到一个小山村住下来的原因。 It is only on the world market that we can prove the petitiveness and quality of our goods. 只有在国际市场上我们才能证明自身商品的竞争力和质量。 It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game. 我们输掉比赛是

10、由于你的愚蠢。 It was after he got what he had desired that he realized it was not so important. 在他得到自己所渴望的东西后,他意识到那并不是那么重要。 It was because I wanted to buy a dictionary that I went to town yesterday. 我昨天是由于想买本字典而进城的。 It was only when I read her letter that I realised what was happening. 一直到我读了她的信以后,我才意识到发生

11、了什么事。 not.until.句式中的until可能是介词(用于引出介词短语作状语)也可能是连词(用于引出从句作状语)。这类句式的根本构造是It is (was) not until.that.(注意that后面的句子要用肯定式)。如: It was not until the meal was over that he turned up. 一直到用餐完毕以前,他都没有现身。 It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness. 直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。 It was not until 1911 that the fi

12、rst of the vitamins was identified. 直到1911年才发现了第一种维生素。 It was not until I saw him laughing that I realized what a fool I had been. 直到我看见他笑了,我才意识到我是多么笨。 我们在说话或写文章时,为了要突出句子中的某一部分,我们通常会使用某种方法或手段使它突出,以便能引起他人的注意,这就是强调,与此相关的句子就是强调句。英语表示强调的方法很多,比方在口语中可以用重读来强调,在书面语中那么可通过使用表示强调意义的词语来强调,也可以通过将被强调成分置于句首这样的“显要”

13、位置来强调,还可以使用专门的强调句式来强调。 当句子中没有其他的助动词时,我们可以在动词前使用助动词do表示对该动词的强调。如: Do be careful with that vase! 务必小心那个花瓶! I do hope youll stay for lunch. 我真的希望你留下吃午饭。 用于表示强调的do可以有时态的变化,但其后的动词要用原形。如: He does look tired. 他确实显得很疲倦。 He did e but soon went back. 他确实来过,但很快就回去了。 She did write to say thank you. 她确实写信向你道谢了。

14、注意,这样用的do只用于现在时或过去式(即只有do, does, did这样的形式),不能用于进展时、完成时等形式(如不用于is doing, has done等)。 英语中用于强调的形容词比较多,比方那些表示“极端”和“完全”概念的形容词通常就可以用于表示强调,这类形容词主要的有: mere 仅仅的 very 极端的 outright 完全的 thorough 十足的 plain 完全的 plete 彻底的 pure 完全的 perfect 全然的 Jim looked a perfect fool. 吉姆看起来像一个十足的傻瓜。 At that very moment the phone

15、rang. 正好在那个时候 铃响了。 We gave the room a thorough cleaning. 我们把房间彻底清扫了一番。 英语中有不少副词可以用于表示强调,比方only就是其中的一个。如: You may put the meeting off only when it is absolutely necessary. 你们可以把会议推迟,但只是在绝对必要时才能这样做。 试比较: Only I kissed her last night. 昨晚只有我吻了她。 I only kissed her last night. 昨晚只是吻了她。 I kissed only her l

16、ast night. 昨晚我吻的只有她。 I kissed her only last night last night only. 我只是在昨晚才吻了她。 在英语中,句首位置是通常用于表示强调的一个地方,当某个本来不应置于句首的成分放在句首,往往会对这个成分构成强调。比较: 普通:He kept this job twenty years. 这个工作他做了20年。 强调:This job he kept twenty years. 他做这个工作做了20年。 普通:The students can understand this. 学生们是理解这一点的。 强调:This the student

17、s can understand. 这一点学生们是理解的。 普通:I know that she is a good girl. 我知道她是一个好姑娘。 强调:That she is a good girl I know. 她是一个好姑娘,我是知道的。 普通:Press the red button to switch on. 请按红色按钮开机。 强调:To switch on, press red button. 要开机,请按红色按钮。 有时我们可以使用定语从句来对一个名词进展强调,如用the person who, the thing that, the place where, the

18、day when, the reason why这样的构造,把需要强调的名词与定语从句连在一起。比较: 普通:Mary keeps pigs in the garden shed. 玛丽在花园的棚子里养猪。 强调:Mary is the person who keeps pigs in the garden shed. 玛丽就是在花园的棚子里养猪的那个人。(强调Mary) 强调:The garden shed is the place where Mary keeps pigs. 花园里的棚子就是玛丽养猪的地方。(强调the garden shed) 强调:The place where Ma

19、ry keeps pigs is the garden shed. 玛丽养猪的地方是花园里的棚子。(强调the place where Mary keeps pigs) 当what的意思是表示“所的”时,它通常具有强调意味,此时的what通常相当于“先行词+关系代词”构造。如: This is what I have to say. 这就是我所要说的话。 句中的what相当于the thing that。 What he says is not important. 他说的话并不重要。 句中的what也相当于the thing that。 He is no longer what he was

20、. 他已经不是以前的他了。 句中的what相当于the person who。 另外,what从句有时还可以用于强调动词。如: What we can do is (to) write to him. 我们唯一能做的事是给他写信。 What you do is (to) mix the eggs with flour 你要做的事是把面粉和鸡蛋搅和在一起。 英语中表示强调时有一个很重要的句型,那就是“it is (was)+被强调成分+that (who)+其他”构造。比较: It was in the office that he was killed. 他是办公室被杀害的。 It is th

21、e children who broke the window. 是孩子们打破窗户的。 第一句的被强调的成分的是in the office,第二句的被强调成分是the children。其中that和who的区别是:当强调人时,可用that或who,当强调其他成分时,用that。注意,当强调时间和地点时,不能用when和 where 代替that。 在详细使用时,要特别注意这类强调句的疑问句形式。比较: 陈述句:It is because he is ill that he cant e. 是因为生病他才没有来。 一般疑问句:Is it because he is ill that he ca

22、nt e? 是因为生病他才没有来吗? 特殊疑问句:Why is it that he cant e? 他为什么不能来? 另外,还要注意not.until这一句型的强调句莆式,它的根本形式是It is (was) not untilthat。 如: 直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。 正常:I didnt know real happiness until I met you. 强调:It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness. 直到吃完饭他才现身。 正常:He didnt turn up until the meal was

23、over. 强调:It was not until the meal was over that he turned up. A:Was it you who put these books on my desk? 是你把这些书放到我桌上的吗? (比较原句:Did you put these books on my desk? ) B:Yes, it was. 是我。 A:Who was it that gave you the book? 是谁给了你这本书? (比较原句:Who gave you the book?) B:It was Tom. 是汤姆给我的。 A:How is it tha

24、t he goes to school every day? 他每天是怎样去上学的? (比较原句:How does he go to school every day?) B:It is by bike. 是骑自行车去的。 A:It was Tom broke the window, wasnt it? 是汤姆打烂窗户的,对吗? B:Yes, it was. 是的。 强调构造是:It +is/was+被强调成分+that+句子的剩余部分。如果我们要强调一个句子的某个部分时,就将要强调的那个部分放在it is/was与that之间,而句子的其余部分原封不动地直接放在that之后。此构造可强调除谓

25、语动词外的各种成分。 It was he that saw Mr. Wang on TV yesterday. 是他在电视上看到了王先生。 It was Mr. Wang that he saw on TV yesterday. 他昨天在电视上看到的是王先生。 It is green that he has pained the door. 他把门漆成绿色了。 It is a doctor that he has bee. 他已成为一名教师了。 It was on TV that he saw Mr. Wang yesterday. 他昨天是在电视上看到王先生的。 It was yesterd

26、ay that he saw Mr. Wang on TV. 是昨天他在电视看到王先生。 It was by bike that we went to the park. 我们是骑自行车去公园的。 It was what he said that surprised me. 是他讲的话让我吃谅。 It is because the book is so useful for my work that I bought it. 正因为这本书对我很有用,我才买它。 It was just as he ordered that she acted. 她正是照他吩咐的去做的。 It was not u

27、ntil 12 oclock that he went to bed. 直到12点他才睡。(比较原句:He didnt go to bed until 12 oclock. ) It was not until his father came back home that he went to bed. 直到他父亲回到家里他才睡。 (比较原句:He didnt go to bed until his father came back home.) It was playing puter games that cost the boy a lot of money. 电脑游戏花掉了这个孩子许多钱。 It was to get my brakes repaired that I brought my car in, not to get the engine replaced! 我开车来是修理刹车的而不是来换动力的。

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