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1、形容词副词的转换和用法练习题否定形式规律例词中文释义dis-dishonest不诚实的im-在字母p, m, b前,初中英语主要在字母p前impoliteimpossibleimpatient不礼貌的不可能的不耐烦的in-incorrectinactive不正确的不活跃的ir-在字母r前irregular不规则的-lessuselesscarelesshomelesshopelessendless无用的粗心的无家可归的没有希望的无尽的un-(大多数形容词否定前缀都是以un-开头)unimportantunpopularuncomfortableunnecessaryunhappyunwelco

2、meuncommonunableunfriendlyunhealthyunsafeunfairunusual不重要的不流行的不舒适的不必要的不开心的不受欢迎的,讨厌的不普通的不能的不友好的不健康的不安全的不公平的不同寻常的形容词副词的词性转化和用法习题watching there.8. It is _ (necessary) for you to walk the little dog once a week to the park.9. It is _ (important) to keep quiet when you watch the birds and insects.10. He

3、feels _(happy) because he lost his wallet.11. There is a _ (regular) rain in Sahara desert every year.12. Is it _(possible) to get to the city by train?13. Some people are _ ( friendly) to birds. They throw stones to them.A. clear D. clearly C. carefully D. good19. “Ive got an A for my history,” Jud

4、y said _.A. sadly D. sad C. happily D. happy20. The fat man always says his meat looks _ and sells _.A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D. well, good21. Are you going to leave_?A. the open windows B. the windows openingC. the windows open D. the windows opened22. Of all the stars the sun is _

5、to us.A. close D. closer C. closest D. the closest23. Its _(friendly) of him to say such bad words to his classmates. A. any other river B. other rivers C. any rivers D. any other rivers35. Sam runs _ than Peter. A. slowly B. slowlier C. more slowly D. much slowly36. -If you dont like the red coat,

6、take the blue one. -OK. But do you have _ size in blue? This one is a bit tight for me. A. a big B. a bigger C. the big D. the bigger37.Dont be _(patient)! You should listen to what he is saying first. 38.It is _(possible) for me to design the poster without your help1.解析:考查倍数表达法。句意:Mr. Hilton对新建的房子

7、很满意,这个房子几乎是他过去居住房子的两倍大。英语中常用的倍数表示法有:1)A is倍数词比较级thanB;2)A is倍数词as形容词原级asB;3)A is倍数词the名词(size/width/length .)ofB。答案:D2.解析:考查形容词比较级。句意:“这次宝葫芦游乐园之旅你玩得怎么样?”“太棒了!比我预想的要好玩得多。”多音节形容词interesting的比较级形式是在其前面加more,程度副词far应在more前面,故选B项。3.解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:阻止国家间打仗的一个办法是中断对他们的财政支持,因为战争是需要花大量金钱的。financial“财政的”,符合句意。c



10、此”。答句句意:嗯, 视情况而定。无论如何,广告会给我一次尝试的机会。答案:B10解析:句意:我今天把房间彻底打扫完之后感到非常疲惫,从未像今天这样疲惫过。此处是“as . as .”结构,表示同级比较,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词。答案:A11解析:句意:父母在日常生活中的言行通常会给他们的孩子造成永久的影响。practical“实际的,实用的”;avoidable“可避免的”;beneficial“有利的”,均不符合句意。答案:D12解析:根据句意可知,此处“moreadj.原形than”是固定结构,表示“与其说倒不如说”。答案:A13解析:句意表示“我再怎么感谢你也不过分”。否定词

11、cant .too .“再也不过分”。答案:A14解析:句意:中山公园在春天和秋天一样吸引人,因为在这两个季节气候都很怡人。mostly“主要地”;hardly“几乎不”;merely“只不过,仅仅”;equally“相等地,同等地”。答案:D15解析:句意:我们把书放在书柜中是为了使它们没有灰尘。此处free表示“没有的”答案:B16.解析考查副词辨析。A项“具竞争性地”;B项“最近”;C项“合理地,理性地,相当”;D项“不太昂贵地”。根据Those poor and needy teenagers(那些贫穷的青少年)可知,那个商店定价不太昂贵,故答案选D。17解析考查比较级倍数表达句型。句

12、型为:倍数as形容词、副词原级as比较对象。故选A。18解析考查副词辨析。句意:不要再坦护他了。他显然是故意破坏花园栅栏的,而且没有道歉。答案C19解析考查副词。考查副词。A项“不管怎样”;B项“而且”;C项“否则”;D项“因此”。 句意:多么可怕的经历!不管怎样,现在你是安全的,这才是主要的。可知答案为A。20解析考查比较级句型。句意表达人很少,少达20人。people为可数名词,故使用few来替代,故选A。21解析考查形容词比较等级。根据标志性词语by far及I have ever seen可知此处使用最高级。句意:这是迄今为止我所看过的最具激励性的电影。答案C22解析考查形容词辨析。A

13、项“悲观的”; B项“临时的”; C项“先前的”; D项“谨慎的”。根据语境词fulltime可知选B。答案B23解析考查副词辨析。A项“那么,因此”; B项“而且”;C项“更确切地说;还不如说,相反”; D项“否则”。句意:如果你朋友想出的主意让你感到惊奇,不要立刻就反对,还不如设想它是正确的。故选C。答案C24.解析考查形容词辨析。根据后句“他不愿意去看望任何家里养猫狗的人”可知他对动物皮毛过敏。故选B。答案B25.解析考查副词短语。考查副词性短语。根据前后两句句意,可知后句为递进关系。故选D“而且”。26.解析从of the two coats可知用比较级。答案B27. 解析根据语境al

14、l the songs he has written可知用最高级。答案C【能力突破】【例1】 We used to see each other _,but I havent heard from him since last year.Aespecially Bregularly Cparticularly Dapproximately【例2】 After the long journey,the three of them went back home,_.Ahungry and tiredly Bhungry and tiredChungrily and tiredly Dhungril

15、y and tired【特别提醒】关注“形容词作状语”。如果不是修饰谓语动词,而是说明主语所处的状态,这时用形容词而不是副词作状语。He arrived home,cold and hungry.(此句相当于He arrived home,and he was cold and hungry.此处cold and hungry不是修饰谓语动词arrived的,而是说明主语“He”到家时的状态的)He sat there,silent.(此句相当于He sat there and he was silent.)【特别提醒】考场揭密:近三年常考的副词absolutely当然地automatical


17、daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early.The Times is a daily paper.泰晤士报是一家日报。(daily为形容词)The Times is published daily.泰晤士报每天都印刷。(daily为副词)难点2、固定搭配【例3】 He began to take political science _ only when he left school.(2013湖北)Astrictly Btruly Ccarefully Dseriously【例4】 Its hard for him playing against me.Ive got

18、 nothing to play for,but for him,he needs to win so _.(2013湖南)Afar Bwell Clittle Dbadly【例5】 Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes.The job is _ I could do myself.(2013福建)Aless than Bmore than Cno more than Dnot more than【特别提醒】1no more than意为“仅仅,至多”;not more than意为“不多于,不超过”。如:Its no more than a mile to the sh

19、op.离商店只有一英里。Ill stay here not more than three days.我将待在这里不超过三天。2no more.than译为“和一样不”,than前后两部分在意义上都是否定的。not more.than可译为“不如”。如:He is no more diligent than you.你不勤奋,他也不勤奋。He is not more diligent than you.他不像你那样勤奋。【特别提醒】【高考预测】1China is _ country in Asia.That is,it is larger than _ country in Asia,and

20、it is larger than _ country in Africa.Aa largest;any other;anyBa largest;any;any otherCthe largest;any;any otherDthe largest;any other;any2Sometimes the same word has _ meaning,which can be _.Adifferent slightly;confusedBslight different;confusingCslightly different;confusingDdifferent slight;confus

21、ed3Well have to wait a _ two weeks to know the examination result.Afarther Bfurther Cmore Dfar4Chen Yifei(19462005),who died in his _ fifties,was _ successful artist.Alater;a most Blatest;the mostClate;a most Dlatter;the most5Visitors from around the world came to this waterside village and were ama

22、zed at this _ bridge,which had been hundreds of years old.Alittle white stone fine Bfine white stone littleCfine white little stone Dfine little white stone6She is in her _ twenties and the city is still strange to her,_ than the easy streets and gentle hills of her distant home.Aearlier;bigger and noisier Bearly;as big and noisierCearlier;as big and noisy Dearly;bigger and noisier答案D7Dont you think Jim was brave to go bungee jumping?

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