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1、常用口语对和答 1What do you think about.表示说话人向别人提问对于某事物的看法,译为“你认为.怎么样?”“对于.,你有什么看法?”How do you like.除了表示说话人向对方询问对方喜欢某事物的程度,译为“你有多喜欢.?”也可以是“你觉得.如何(类似于第一句的表达了)”或者是“你喜欢.吗”How do you find.除了字面义的“你是如何发现.的,找到.的”(对方式进行提问)之外,它更可以表示“你觉得.如何”,也就是等于第一句的意思了(所以具体意思要根据语境)比如:How do you find this book? 可以是“你是如何找到这本书的?” 也可以

2、是“你觉得这本书如何?”=What do you think about this book?总之,这三个句型在意思上有交叠部分,尤其要注意带“how” 的那两个句型,千万不要通篇一律地逐字翻译 回答是: 常用“好“或”坏“之类的形容词来表示。如:6. How did you find your visit to the museum, Eddie? A. I went there all by myself B. Oh, wonderful, indeed C. My friend showed me there D. By taking a No. 2 bus.2010年真题,答案是B.

3、Oh, wonderful, indeed (哦,太好了,真的) 2 用would you .提问的问话,回答一般是:yes ,Id like to 或者是yes,Id love to(是的,我想)3以Do you think.?这样的句子来提问,用I believe not来回答表示否定。4Could I use your telephone?”综合语境和话题的分析,正确的答话方式一般为“Of course you can”(肯定)或“Sorry, you cant”(否定),May I have one?Yes,by all means我可以拿一个吗?当然可以。英语日常交际用语分类:打招呼

4、与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye) 1. How are you ? Im fine, thanks. 2. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.谈论颜色(Talking about colour)1. What colour is it? Its red.2. Whats you favourite colour, Jenny? My favourite colour is blue.3. How many colours do you like? Three.谈论高度(Talking about height)

5、1. Are you short or tall? Im shorttall.2. How tall am I, Mr Wood? Youre 1.6 metres tall.看病用语(Seeing a doctor)1. Whats the matter?I cut my knee. It hurts.就餐用语(Having meals)1. Would you like some dumpling? No, thanks. Yes please.2. Id like porridge for breakfast.3. Its Theryre delicious.4. What would

6、you like for supper?5. Are you ready to order? Yes, please. Id like.谈论天气(Talking about weather)1 How is the weather today? Whats the weather like today? It sunny rainy snowy windy.2. Is it snowy? No , its hot today.3. whats the temperature? Its 0 degrees.4. Is it rainy? Yes, its rainy.5 Its warm and

7、 windy in spring.6. Hows the weather today, Steven? Its cold and snowy.7.Whats the temperature outside, Kim? Its minus fifteen degress.8.Whats the temperature today? Is it warm or hot?9.Its very cold hot today, isnt it?10. It s a cold day!11. what a cold day!12. Its getting warmer.谈论时间和日期(Talking ab

8、out time and date)1. What time is it?Whats the time? Its 7:00 /a quarter to seven / ten past seven.2. What day is it? Its Tuesday.3. Whats the date? Its October 30.谈论年龄(Talking about age)1. How old are you? Whats your age? Im fourteen years old.2. She is very young.谈论购物(Talking about shopping )1.May

9、 I help you ?What can I do for you? I would likewant to buy a pencil, please.2. How much is this are they? Three yuan.3. Ill take it.4. Heres your change.5. What colour kind would you like?6. What about this one?7.Im looking for a birthday present for my friend.8.Do you have any other sizes kinds?谈论

10、距离(Talking about distance)1. How far is it from China to Canada? Its about 8,500 kilometres.2. Beijing is far from our city.3. How far is Beijing from here? Its about 7,000 kilometres miles away.请求允许(Asking for permission)1. May I have some donuts油炸圈饼, please?2. May I have some grapes葡萄? Sorry. We d

11、ont have any grapes. But we have some pears梨子.3. what would you like, Mom?妈妈,你想吃点什么? I would like a bowl of noodles.指路(Showing the way)Excuse me. Does the hotel have a computer?Yes! I can show you. Go straight down this hall. Here it is!道别用语(Saying good-bye)Okay. See you later!See you later!表扬与鼓励(Pr

12、aise and encouragement)1.The gift is wonderful!2. You can do it.3.These chopsticks筷子 are beautiful!4.Beijing is great!5.Very good!6. Good work!7.Well done! Wonderful! Excellent!8.You speak English very well!9.Keep trying!10.You dress is beautiful!11.Come on!谈论节日和季节(Talking about festivals and season

13、s)1. Whats your favourtite特别受喜爱的festival节日/season季节? My favourite festival is Childrens Day. _ My favourite seasons is fall are spring and winter.2. I like Teachers Day.3.I like winter because I like to ski滑雪and skate滑冰.4.Spring in China is usually warm.5. Therere four seasons in a year. 日常交际应答语1.感谢

14、与应答 感谢 Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Many thanks. 应答 Thats all right. Thanks for helping me. Youre welcome. Thats OK. Not at all. Its my pleausre. Dont mention it. Its nothing. Think nothing of it. Forget it.2.道歉与应答 道歉 Im sorry. Im sorry to trouble you. Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 应答 It

15、doesnt matter. Its not important. Thats/Its nothing. Not at all. Neve rmind. Thats all right. Forget it. Thats OK. No problem. Not to worry.3.劝告、建议与应答 劝告和建议 I think you ought to我想你应该 If I were you, Id如果我是你,我会 It might be a good idea if you如果你这倒是个好主意。 Have you ever thought of? 你是否想过要? I recommend tha

16、t我建议 I strongly advise you to我极力主张你 You really ought to你的确应该 Personally, I think youd better依我看,你最好 Why not do? 为什么不? Why dont you do? 你为什么不? I suggest that我建议 What about doing? 怎么样? How about doing? 怎么样? Shall we? 我们去好吗? Lets, shall we? 让我们去好吗? You need (to)你需要 应答 肯定的: Good idea. Thats great. Sound

17、s great. It sounds great. Thats fine. Why not? 否定的: Id love to,but Im afraid Its an idea,but4.请求与应答 请求 May I.? Can I? Could I.? Do you mind if I 应答 肯定的: With pleasure. Certainly(Of course) Sure,go ahead. Yes,help yourself. Of Course not,go ahead(回答Do you mind if I的请求)否定的: Im afraid not. Better not.

18、最好不要 Id rather you didnt.5.应答对方的要求 肯定的: All right. I will. 否定的: No way.绝不 Forget it. Do remember to call me up when you arrive. I will. I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. No way.It was her fault.6.邀请与应答 邀请 Would you like to ? Why dont we? 应答 肯定的: That would be fine. Thas very kind

19、of you. 你真好 All right. Yes,Id love to. 否定的: Id love to,but Sorry,I cant. Im afraid I cant.7.祝愿、祝贺与应答 祝愿、祝贺 Good luck! Best wishes to you. Have a nice/good time/journey. Congratulations! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday to you. 应答 Thank you! The same to you. You,too. Happy New Year!(Me

20、rry Christmas!) The same to you.(You,too.)8.鼓励、赞扬与应答 鼓励、赞扬 Very good. Well done. Wonderful. Excellent. Come on. Keep trying. 继续努力 You can do it. 应答 Thank you. OK. Ill try it again.9.提供帮助与应答 主动提供帮助时: Can I help you? What can I do for you Would you like me to help you? Do you want me to Let me 需要别人帮助时

21、: Yes,please Thank you for your helpThanks. 不需要别人帮助时: No,thank youthank you all the same. Thats very kind of you, but II.情感态度的表达1.表示惊奇 Really? How come?(何以会?为什么) What a surprise! Oh,dear! Good heavens! 天哪2.表示同情 Im sorry to hear that. Dont worry. What a pity! Thats really unlucky. Bad luck. Just my l

22、uck. 真倒霉!I tried to avoid her, but it wasjustmyluckto bump into her. 我不想见她,偏撞上她了。3.表示安慰 Dont worry. Dont be afraid. Take your time. 别着急;从容做 Take it easy. Make yourself at home.make yourself at home 是 随便(无拘束) 的意思 是指你的行为上,不用客气,当在自己家一样,不是特指具体某一件事。help yourself 就是 请随便用 . 的意思,是指具体的事物。比如你想喝杯咖啡,你自己去倒好了,不用客

23、气。 Its quite all right.quite right 意思是“完全对”“好极了”;“quite all right”意思是“没关系 Itll be OK一切都会好的.Dont worry 别着急1) Itll be OK 一切都会好的2) Dont worry about it 别着急3) Its not the end of the world 天不会塌下来的4) Youll get through this 你能度过这件事5) Youll be fine! 你肯定会好起来的!4.表示鼓励 Come on.快点 Cheer up. You can do it. You wil

24、l make it.5.表示同意 I quite agree. I couldnt agree more. Exactly. 完全正确 Certainly. Absolutely. 绝对是真的 Of course. All right. Thats a good idea. No problem. I think so.6.表示不同意 Not really. Not Exactly. I dont quite agree. I dont think so. Im afraid not. Its hard to say. Well,thats depend. No way.没门 Of cours

25、e not当然不.7.表示不在乎 So what? 那又怎么样! Who cares? 谁在乎呢? III.日常交际问答1.问候 A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. How do you do? Nice to meet you.B:答语与问候语相同。 A:How are you? B:Fine, thank you.And you? A:Very well,thank you.2.问时间、日期 A:What day is it? B:Its Monday. A:Whats the date? B:Its Jan. 10th. A:Whats

26、 the time,please? B:Its five oclock/half past five. Its time to . 3.打电话 This is(speaking). 我是(不说I am) It is here. 我是 May I speak to , please? 请找接电话好吗? Can I speak to , please? 请找接电话好吗? Could I speak to , please? 请找接电话好吗? Id like to speak to, please. 请找接电话好吗? Whos that (speaking / calling)? 你是谁?(不说Wh

27、o are you?) Is that (speaking)? 你是吗? Is there? 在吗? Isin? 在吗? Hold on, please. 请稍等。 Hold the line, please.请稍等。 Can I take a message? 你可以留个口信吗?(对方要找的人不在时) Can you give/ leave a message?你可以留个口信吗?(对方要找的人不在时) Can/Could I ask who is calling?请问您是哪位? May I have your telephone number? 您的电话号码是多少?购物 What can I do for you?您要买点什么? Can I help you?您要买点什么? Whats the price of ?的价钱是多少? How much is? 多少钱? Its well worth the money.很合算。 Have you got anything a little cheaper? 有没有比这便宜点的? How much does it come to? 总共多少钱? How much is it altogether? 总共多少钱? Try it

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