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本文(安徽省合肥市庐阳区42中学年九年级上学期期中英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****7)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、安徽省合肥市庐阳区42中学年九年级上学期期中英语试题安徽省合肥市庐阳区42中2020-2021学年九年级上学期期中英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Here is 180-word introduction to the art festival which was written by university student standing over there.Aa; the Ban; a Can ;the Da; an2What is the of your excellent spoken English?Practice makes perfect!Aresult

2、Binfluence Cduty Dsecret3Some animals can _ the color around to protect themselves.Atake on Bgive up Cput away Dsee off4Many Chinese are crazy about the film The Captain. How about your parents?_ y dad _ my mom like it.ANot only, but also BBoth; and CNeither: nor DEither. or5Yuan Longping is_ regard

3、ed as the greatest scientist in rice planting.Asuddenly Bpatiently Chardly Dgenerally6The fridges are on sale in the supermarket today.Really? Lets go and buy for our new kitchen.Aone Bit Cthat Dthem7The water dark and dirty. Its no longer safe to drink.Abecame Bwill become Chas become Dwas becoming

4、8-Jack, look at the sign, No phones.”-Oh, phones here. Thats no good.Aarent allowed Bwont allow Chavent allowed Ddont allow9He take a bus to school. but now he there to get fitter.Aused to: is used to walk Bwas used to: is used to walkCwas used to: is used to walking Dused to: is used to walking10Th

5、e dictionary be Li Leis because Li Fangs name is on itAmustn t Bshouldnt Cmay not Dcant11-Ive just received a Wechat messagettyl.Do you know ?-It stands for talk to you laterAhow does it mean Bhow it means Cwhat it means Dwhat does it mean12She has to me many times so I wont believe her any more.Ala

6、in Blied Claid Dlay13-What about going to Shanghai Disneyland Park next month, Harry?- ! Well have a lot of fun there.AGood luck BNever mind CI cant agree more DCertainly not14 useful information we have got from the Internet!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a15-If I work hard on my lessons from now on, can

7、I do well next time?-Sure ASeeing is believing BBetter late than never CPride comes before fall DOne tree cant make a forest二、完型填空 Once upon a time, there lived a bird named Bharunda . He was strange 16 he had two necks with two heads, but shared the same body.One day, the bird found a delicious app

8、le. The first head said 17 .Oh. what a delicious-looking apple!I am 18 to find it. Then, he started eating the apple.The second head wanted to share the fruit, but he was 19 . The first head laughed and said, We share the same 20 .It makes no difference on who eats the 21 .After all. it goes to the

9、same stomach.Whats more. I am the one who found it., so I have the right to eat it myself .The second head felt 22 , but he kept silent.A few days later. the second head found a pear which was from a poisonous(有毒的)tree. He said to the first head that he was going to eat this fruit.The first head beg

10、an to 23 .He shouted loudly “Please dont eat this fruit. It is a poisonous one. We share the same stomach. If you eat it, we will both die .Im sorry 24 what I did several days ago. The first head also promised to 25 things with the second one.From then on. they got on well with each other.16Auntil B

11、because Cbut Dor17Aangrily Bexcitedly Csadly Dpolitely18Asorry Bmad Clucky Dnervous19Aaccepted Brefused Cdriven Dwarned20Astomach Bhead Cneck Dmouth21Atree Bflower Cfruit Dgrass22Ahappy Brelaxed Cexcited Dsad23Asmile Blaugh Ccry Dsing24Awith Bfor Cover Dof25Ashare Bstop Cexamine Dconnect In some pro

12、vinces of Canada,people celebrate Family Day on the second Monday of February. It is a holiday that gives families the chance(机会)to 26 together.On Family Day,many people plan and take part in(参加)activities such as visiting art museums,watching movies,playing games and holding parties,with their fami

13、lies. Some communities(社区)plan special public 27 too. 28 the weather is usually very cold in February,some people 29 choose to stay at home. Hot chocolate and freshly made cookies are the most popular snacks for 30 . Other people use the long weekend as a chance to take a short winter break,or to tr

14、avel to visit friends.On Family Day,most people have a day off work or school. Many stores and supermarkets are 31 ,but post offices may be open. Buses run 32 their usual timetables(时刻表).Family Day was first 33 in Alberta,Canada in 1990.It was held to show the importance of family and home that were

15、 important to people in Alberta. Later,Family Day was 34 to other provinces,such as Ontario and Saskatchewan. British Columbia celebrated Family Day as a(n) 35 for the first time in 2013.One of the reasons for introducing Family Day was that there were no holidays from New Years Day to Good Friday(受

16、难节).It was such a long time.26Awork Bdiscuss Cexercise Dstay27Aevents Bsecrets Cmemories Dinterests28ASo BBecause CBut DAlthough29Anever Bjust Cever Dstill30Aher Bhim Cus Dthem31Aenough Bopen Cclosed Dfree32Athanks to Bbecause of Cinstead of Daccording to33Aheld Bcontrolled Cstudied Dborrowed34Acrea

17、ted Bcontinued Cintroduced Dadmired35Asuccess Bholiday Cweekend Dinvention三、补全对话7选5补全对话A:Hello,Wang Bin. Long time no see. 36B:I took a trip to Egypt(埃及)A:Egypt?I think you had great fun there.B:37 I learned to ride a camel. Although it was safe, I was a little bit nervous at first. A:Did you go to

18、visit the pyramids?B:Of course. Almost all foreign tourists go to visit them, or they will feel regretful. A:The pyramids are tombs(坟墓) for the ancient Egyptian kings.B:Youre right.A:Im sure you have visited the Great Pyramid.B:Yes.A: 38B: Fantastic! It is the greatest pyramid in the world. 39A: I h

19、ear each stone weighs about two tons.B:Yes. I wonder how the ancient Egyptians were able to lift such huge stones without our modern machines. A: Its still a secret. 40AWhere have you come?BSo did I.CHow do you feel about it?DSo I did.E.what did you do?F.And it is made of stone.G.But we can find it

20、out one day.四、阅读单选In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin had a fight with the State of Zhao, Zhao needed some talented people to ask for help from Chu. Then Mao Suithe man who believed he was the right person for this task came and recommended (推荐) himself. And he made the king of Chu send t

21、he army to help successfully. Zhao was safe. From then on, Mao Sui became a well-known hero of the state.One day, Shang Yang put a thin wooden stick near the south gate of the capital of Qin. He promised to pay 10 gold pieces to anyone who could move it to the north gate. It was such a simple job th

22、at all the people thought Shang was joking. Then he added 40moregold pieces. A man moved it and he really got 50 gold pieces. After that, the people of Qin believed Shang was a man of his word. So they all followed Shangs new laws later.Yu Boya was good at playing the qin (琴). One dayReen,when he wa

23、s playing the music that described green mountains and clear water, a man called Zhong Ziqi said,“I seem to see high mountains and running water whileI listening to your music.” Boya knew he found a goodfriend who really understood him. Unluckily, Boyacouldnt meet Ziqi anymore after that because he

24、had diedof an illness. He was so sad that he broke the qin and neverlaved it again.41The state of _ saved Zhao out of trouble finally.AQin BHan CYan DChu42Shang Yangs story tells us a man of his word can _.Aprotect his state Bhave new friendsCget peoples trust Dmake more money43We usually use “_” to

25、 express a valuable friendship.AMao Sui recommended himself BHigh mountains and running waterCBuild trust by using a wooden pole DZhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly44People should learn from _ to catch each chance in front of trouble.AMa Sui BShang Yang CZhong Ziqi DYu Boya A young man went to a job

26、 interview in a big companyThe director discovered that the young mans college grades were greatHe wondered who paid for the young mans educationThe young man told him that his parents did and they worked as clothes cleanersThe director found that the young mans hands were smooth and perfectHave you

27、 ever helped your parents wash clothes?the director askedNoMy parents always let me studyBesides,my parents can wash clothes faster than meThe director asked him to go back home and wash his parentshandsWhen he got home,he asked his parents to let him clean their handsHis parents felt strange but ha

28、ppyThen the young man began to clean their hands slowlyHis tears fell as he did thatHe found that his parentshands were so old and pale because of long time in waterThere were also so much hurt in their handsHe knew the hurt had much to do with his school fees (费用)After cleaning his parentshands,the

29、 young man quietly washed all the rest clothes for themThe next morning,the young man went to the directors officeThe director noticed the tears in the young mans eyesHe told the young man that he was accepted45What did the young man do before the interview?AA clothes cleanerBA company directorCA co

30、llege studentDA bookshop owner46How did the young mans parents feel when he wanted to wash their hands?ASurprised BUpset CFunny DBored47Why did the young man cry when he washed his parentshands?ABecause his hands were very painfulBBecause he didnt want to wash their hands at allCBecause he found his parents were leading a hard lifeDBecause he was too tired to wash their hands48Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe young mans parents washed clothes faster than the young manBThe director wanted the young man to know how hard his parent

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