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1、大学英语一习题答案大学英语一( 1)单选题:1. When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid I was not able to do well inmy studies.A. of B. at C. but D. that2.I would have to make friends them and perhaps also compete them for grades.A. to, for B. with,with C. at, to D. to,to3. However, after a short period o

2、f time, I had my life control.A. in B. at C. under D. within4.I really was not certain what I would do with the years me.A. in the front of B. ahead of C. out of D. away from5. Louis s father was a saddle maker who made items out leather.A. from B. by C. through D. of6.It took the workers two years

3、the bridge.A. building B. built C. build D. to build7.It suddenly came me that Mary hates fish.A. for B. at C. toward D. to8. The news has already all over the country.A. imitated B. spread C. shocked D. increased9. Women, men, have the right to work.A. as soon as B. as long as C. as far as D. as we

4、ll as10.I had to work hard to the other students.A. keep away from B. keep up with C. keep back D. keep out多选题1. How did the author of A Transition Point in My Life manage his college life?A. Set a study program. B. Buy some interesting books.C. Decide when to go to bed D. Go to class on time2. What

5、 mistakes did the writer of A Transition Point in My Life make at first?A. Taking his courses improperly.B. Using his time improperlyC. Stay ing in the dorm all dayD. Spending too much time making frien ds.3. What does Alexis Walt on pla n to do after his graduati on after high school?A. Go to colle

6、ge. B. Pursue higher lear ningC. Begin a career D. Make history in his family4. Devlin s Advice is written for the students .A. who have just fini shed their high school educatio nB. who have fini shed their college educati onC. who have just en tered collegeD. who were the freshme n in colleges5. D

7、evlin s advice includes the pieces of .A. being successfulB. enjoying your college lifeC. work ing hard at the subjects you don t likeD. tak ing college as the pre-life6. Braille was bli nd .A. because he was born soB. because his father injured his eyes by accide ntC. because he himself injured one

8、 of his eyes accide ntally whe n he was threeD. because his good eye was in fected and lost its sight7. How did Braille think about Charles Barbier s alphabet code?A. Complicated. B. The dashes took up much spaceC. Useless D. Slow to read8. Accord ing to Michael William, tomatoes were first found .A

9、. i n North America B. in Cen tral AmericaC. i n South America D. grow ing wild in Peru9. Which of the followi ng stateme nt is true?A. A woman got fainted when biting a tomato.B. The courthouse tried the case whether tomatoes could be eate nC. Today s tomatoes are massively consumed at tables.D. Ro

10、bert Joh nson corrected the people s false attitude toward tomatoes.lO.FIyer II was better than The Wright Flyer in that .A. it had a stron ger body B. its engine was more powerfulC. it could stay Ion ger in the airD. it could cha nge direct ions more easily是非题1. George is a very smart boy; he is on

11、e of the best stude nt in his class.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)2. Joh n was so comfortable and warm in bed that he did nt want to get upY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)3. The boy said that he wan ted to be a computer scie ntist whe n he grew upY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)4.ln addit

12、i on ally, I have somethi ng else to do this weeke ndY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)5. “他们把数学老师视为他们最好的老师“的译文:They looked upon their math teacher as their best friend.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)6. My fin ger was injured whe n I tried to collect the broke n glass by hand.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)

13、N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)7.1 don t think quarrels will ever lead to any good results.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)8. Wa nted very much to read himself, Louis decided to create a better way of readi ng for the bli ndY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)9t is fitt ing that October 1, the birthday of the P

14、eople Republic of Chin a,is picked up as the National DayY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)1O.He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(2)一、单选题1. of us know what has happe ned in that place. It is no use ask ing us such a questi onA. Few B. A few C. Little

15、D. A little2.1 send you my best wishes on of your silver weddi ng anni versaryA. occasi on B. case C. the case D. the occasi on3. There are so many reas ons to say tha nk you. You were always there whe n you were A. n eeded B. n eed ing C. to n eed D. n eed4. The film remin ded him what he had see n

16、 in ChinaA. to B. for C. at D. of5. Noth ing could keep their son going abroad.A. for B. of C. from D. out6.She was running outside her house, shouti ng for help.A. from and to B. to and from C. up and dow n D. dow n and up7.1 prefer to live in the coun tryside spe nd a lot of time travelli ng to wo

17、rk every dayA. in stead of B. would rather C. rather tha n D. to8. Believe it or not, our foreig n teacher is quite cook ing Chin ese dishes.A. skill for B. skilled at C. well at D. nice on9. Mary for the Norma ns for six mont hs now. She the Norma ns rooms everydayA. works, clea ns B. has worked, i

18、s clea ning C. has worked, clea ns D. has working, clea n10. While I was sitti ng there, I exam ined every part of the room with my eyes “ can be cha ngeinto .A. While I sat there, exam ining every part of the room with my eyesB. l sat there, exam ined every part of the room with my eyesC. While sit

19、ting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyesD. I sitting there, I examined every part of the room with my eyes二、多选题1. Whe n Bob Burns was a boy, he occasi on ally had on his bodyA. bumps B. scrapes C. ink D. cuts2. What does Bob Burns think of his mother?A. Ge ntle. B. Hard on her chil

20、dre n. C. Best mother. D. Helpful.3. Wyver ne Flatt s four gra ndpare nts wan ted to arrange for each kid to be placed A. in the n eighbourhood B. in an orpha nageC. with a differe nt uncle and aunt D. with themselves4. Why did the man s bus in ess become so welcomed?A. He brought pleasure to his ch

21、ildre n.B. He got pleasure from his childre n.C. He served the customers pleasa ntly.D. His service was excelle nt5. Which of the following phrases describe the characters of Lisa s mother?A. A barga in shopper. B. Shy.C. Lov ing to socialize. D. Tolera nt.6. Which of the following are the basic ski

22、lls for running?A. Speed. B. En dura nee C. Bala nee D. Gravity7. How to use gravity pull to save one s energy when running?A. Lea n forward eno ughB. Swi ng arms long to keep bala neeC. Keep the lea ning positi on in the en tire courseD. Jump at times8.ln Exercise: What Can It Do for You, people be

23、lieve that exercise can help them becomeA. attractiveB. relaxedC. tallerD. healthy9. You can become relaxed by .A. not smok ing B. exercise C. positive attitude D. good diet1O.lf you have decided to begi n your walk ing routi ne, you should atte nti on to the weather B. choose proper shoesC. s

24、et practical goals D. find a good place三、是非题1. He didn t speak for long, but everything he said was around the pointY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)2. The mon itor will be in charge whe n the teacher leaves the classroom.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)3. “The most difficult thing is to decide

25、 “ can be changed into “ Nothing is sodifficult as to decideY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)4. During the winter I decided that I would grow tomatoes when summer cameY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)5. The odd couple s personalities are quiet different.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)6. Most

26、 sports require athletes to be skilled at both speed or en dura nee.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)7.She seems so quiet, but actual she likes to talk.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)8. Tom was hit by a car whe n he was cross ing the streetY.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)9. What about reduci

27、 ng stress by exercis ing?Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)10. The body doesn t really startibgribs fat stores untill after 30 minutes of activity.Y.对(没有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)N.错(有语法.搭配或拼写等错误)大学英语一(3)单选题1. the stude nts request, the teacher has beg un to give them more cha nces tospeak in class.A. To an swe

28、r to B. To reply to C. I n resp on sibility for D. I n an swer to2. The kid his homework immediately after gett ing home from school.A. set up B. set to C. set off D. set out3. But I ve hidden a treasure in my orchard you .A. of, to find B. for, find C. of, fin di ng D. for,to find4. The price was f

29、air. And they the barga in delightedly.A. agreed B. denied C. accept D. struck5.1 will pay you in pure gold .A. to what I eat B. for what I eat C. to what do I eat D. for what do I eat6. He helped us en tirely out of , not for moneyA. kind B. kin dly C. kin der D. kindn ess7. After five miles, Tara

30、felt tired and started to A. leave beh ind B. keep beh ind C. stay beh in dly D. fall beh ind8. Hurry up! Every one is wait ing .A. for you finishing your make-upB. for you to finish your make-upC. for you to have fini shed your make-upD. for your finish9t is part of a teacher s job self-c on fide n

31、ee his or her stude nts.A. to place , on B. to put , into C. to in still, in D. to jam , intolO.Looking deep his student s eyes, the teacher said seriously, “ Tell me the truth.A. at B. for C. onto D. i nto多选题1. believed it had always bee n a good orchard for years.A. The father B. One of the two sonsC. Both of the sons D. Neither the father nor his two sons2. The treasure was supposed to have bee n hidde n .A. right un der the trees B. closely n ear the treesC. i n the midway betwee n two trees D

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