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1、股权转让协议中英文版股权转让协议中英文版 股权转让协议股权转让协议 Share Transfer Agreement 甲 方:乙 方:丙 方:签订日期:_ 年 月 日 第 1 页 共 10 页 合同当事人各方:The parties here in after in elude:甲方:Party A:乙方:Party:丙方:Party C:身份证号 ID NO:住址 Address:Room 公司(以下简称 鉴于甲方合法拥有在“公司”Whereas Party A legally owns Investments V Ltd.(Isla nds;鉴于 公司是 立,其合法拥有 注册的)百分之百的

2、股权;),年月 有限公司(下称“公司 Islands on Braking System(鉴于甲方现有意出让其 公司合法拥有的百分之 的股权;%shares of Whereas Party A intends to sell the legally-ow ned 鉴于 Dana Global Holdings Inc.拥有甲方的 的股权且其拥有对 购买 公司的优先 权;Whereas Party A is%owned by Dana Global Holdi ngs Inc.,and they have certa in pre-emptive rights regard ing the t

3、ra nsfer of shares in;鉴于丙方拟受让甲方在 公司的全部股权,现合同各方经友好协商,本着平 等互利的原则,应上述股权转让事宜达成如下条款:Whereas Party C intends to buy the whole shares of held by Party A,adheri ng to the pri ncipals of equality and mutual ben efit,the parties have reached the following agreement(the Agreement)after friendly consultations r

4、egarding the share transfter matters:第一条股权转让价款 Article 1 Price of The Shares 在公司向乙方或其指定代理人归还欠款人民币 万元后,甲方同意按本俩所规定的 条件,将其在 公司拥有的全部股权以 美元的价格转让给丙方,丙方同 意以此价格受让甲方在 公司拥有的全部股权;同时乙方也同意将其在公司的 剩余债权以 美元的价格转让给丙方,丙方同意以此价格受让乙方在公司剩 余的全部债权 After the Compa ny repay milli on of payable due to Party B or its desig ned

5、Party A hereby at age nt,subject to the terms and con diti ons in the Agreeme nt agrees that it will transfer and convey to Party C the whole shares of the price of US Dollar and Party C agrees to purchase the whole shares of held by Party A at this price.At the same time,Party B agrees to tra nsfer

6、 to Party C the title of its rema ining receivable from the compa ny at the price of US Dollar and Party C agree.第二条保证 Article 2 Represe ntati ons and Warra nties 甲方保证本合同第一条转让给丙方的股权为其合法拥有,并有完全、有效的处分权。甲 方保证 其将在转让前取得股份转让所需的认可且转让的股权在转让之时没有设置任何 抵押权或其他担 保权,并免遭任何第三人的追索。Party A represents and warrants to P

7、arty C that it legally owns the Shares subject to Article 1,as w ell as the right to deal with the shares entirely and effectively;and that prior to any transfer it will obtain all necessary consents such that the Shares can be transferred to Party C at the effective time of the tran sfer,free and c

8、lear of all lie ns and en cumbra nces whatsoever.月 日之前向乙方或其指定的代理人每次支付人民币 万元。丙方保证 在 年 月 日前向甲方和乙方各支付转让价款 美元。Party C consents to and agrees that he shall arra nge the Compa ny to pay RMB Milli on in accorda nee with in the Article 1 to Party B or the desig nated age nt before the date of,and the remai

9、ning RMB Millio n of the repayment of payable dues referred in Article 1 shall be paid to Party B or the and respectively.Party C consents to pay Party A and Party B the purchase price of US Dollar respectively before s to purchase the said receivable at this price.第三条债权债务的分担 Article 3 Allocati on o

10、f Shareholder Rights and In debted ness Holdings Inc.have waived theirpre-emptive rights.在合同生效后,丙方将享有 公司及其属下公司的利润并承担相应风险及亏 损(包含转让前、转让时乃至转让后应享有和承担的作为股东在公司的权利及义务)。同 时甲方将不对 公司及其下属公司承担任何责任或负担任何费用,也不享 有 公司及其下属公司的任何收益,包括转让前、转让时乃至转让后的收益。Upon the Agreeme nt beco ming effective,Party C will succeed to any be

11、n efits of and its subsidiary as well as to any risks and losses(in cludi ng the shareholder rights and obligations in the Companybefore,during and after the tran sfer of the shares).At the same time Party A will no Ion ger take any responsibilities or be responsible for any profits,losses or indebt

12、edness of and its subsidiary,in cludi ng those which occurred before,duri ng or after the share tran sfer.在合同生效后,丙方将行使 公司作为公司的股东民享有的权利,并且承担相应的义 务。Upon the Agreeme nt beco ming effective,Party C would be en titled to exercise 第四条股权转让手续的办理和费用的负担 Article 4 Share Tran sfer Arran geme nt and Cost related

13、 cost shall be bor n by Party A.和/或等字 在合同生效后,丙方同意并保证不得再在有关宣传资料中使用 Upon the Agreeme nt beco ming effective,Party C consents to and warra nts that and or shall not be used in any publications or marketing material of the Compa ny.公司股权转让事宜所涉及的公司董事、董事长、法定代表人、公司名 在以上变更完成后,甲方开始办理 公司的股东变更事宜,并保证在丙方应 负责办理的公司

14、变更事宜获政府有关部门批准后 日内完成。All the n ecessary cha nges n eeded due to the share tra nsfer of regard ing the directors,chairman of the BOD legal representative,name,etc.of the Compa ny shall be carried out,by Party C and all the releva nt cost shall be born by Party C.In additi on,Party C warra nts that all

15、 the cha nges shall be completed no later than,.Party A shall not change the shareholder registrati on of un til Party C complete the cha nges it is obligated to fulfill and Party A consents that the change of shareholder registration of shall be finalized no later than days after Party C gets the a

16、pproval from the government authorities on the changes it is expected to be carded out.第五条公司的经营和保密义务 Article 5 The Compa nys Man ageme nt and Con fide ntiality Obligati on 本合同签订后,丙方及公司其他管理层有义务保证企业的正常运转并维护企业利益,如 发生任何与本合同项下股权转让相冲突的行为或任何损害公司或甲乙双方利益的行为,甲乙双 方任何一方有权利终止本合同,因此造成的一切后果,由丙方承担。Party C as well a

17、s other members of the management team of the Company are both liablefor the no rmal operati on of the Compa nys bus in ess and the maintenance of the Compa nysin terest and ben efit after the sig nature of the Agreeme nt.If any action occurs which is conflicting to the terms and conditions of the A

18、greement,or if any actio n occurs which is harmful to the Compa ny or to the ben efits of Party A,or Party B,then either Party A or Party B has the right to terminate the Agreeme nt.Whereof any results caused from the above acti on shall be born by Party C.本合同各方不得将本合同内容泄露给任何第三方,如违反该义务,并对公司及守约的利 益造成损

19、害,守约方有权终止本协议,并要求违约方对因此造成的一切损失承担相应的 责任 No party herein shall disclose to any fourth party any information included in the Agreement.In case any information is released and results in damages to the ben efits of the Compa ny orthe other party,the party whose con fide ntiality is breached has the right

20、 to terminate theAgreement,as well as to compensation due to the breach of the con fide ntiality obligati on.第六条违约责任 Article 6 Breach Resp on sibility 如果本合同任何一方未按本合同的规定,适当地、全面地履行其义务,应该承担违约责 任。In case any party in the Agreeme nt can not perform appropriately and complete the obligations in accordanee

21、 with the Agreement,the party shall bear the respon sibility for the breach.如果合同任何一方未能按本合同的规定履行义务超过 日,守约方有权解除本合同,因此造成的一切损失,由违约方承担。In case any party of the agreeme nt could not fulfill its obligati on withi n days after the due date specified in this Agreement,the non-breaching Party has the right to

22、 perform the rescission to the Agreement.Any loss incurred from the rescissi on of the Agreeme nt shall be born by the breachi ng Party.第七条适用法律和争议的解决 Article 7 Applicati on Law and Settleme nt of Disputes 本合同受中国法律管辖并按其解释。The Agreement shall be protected and governed by the related laws of the People

23、s Republic of China.凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方应友好协商解决。协商不成,应提 交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请仲裁时该会实施的仲裁规则进行仲裁,仲裁 裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。All the disputes arising from the execution of the Agreement or related to the Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations by the parties.In case no settlement through cons

24、ultation can be reached,the disputes shall be submitted to the Office of the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the Chi na Coun cil for the Promoti on of In ter nati onal Trade.The arbitrati on award is final and binding upon both parties 第八条其他 Article 8 Miscella neous 本合同正本一式肆份,甲乙

25、丙方各执壹份,公司执壹份。The text of the Agreement has been executed in four originals.Each Party shall keep one copy of the text and the COMPANY shall keep one copy.本合同于 年 月 日由甲、乙、丙方的授权代表签署。The Agreeme nt is sig ned by the authorized represe ntatives of the parties on Party A:Signature/Chop 代表人 Representative:(签名/盖章)Signature/Chop 乙方:(签名/盖章)Party B:Limited Signature/Chop 代表人 Representative(签名/盖章)Signature/Chop(签名/盖章)Party C:Signature/Chop 日期:月日 丙方:

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