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1、大一专科期末复习英语重点 英语课后习题汉译英1.拥有汽车的人数在逐渐上升。Increase in the number of people owning cars.2.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。He came up with a good method of product promotion.3.污染对我们生存造成一大威胁。Pollution poses a great threat to our survival.4.大火迅速蔓延到邻近的建筑物。The fire quickly spread to nearby buildings.5.在业余的时间里我利用一切尽可能的机会参与社会实践活动

2、。In my spare time I take advantage of the opportunity as possible to take part in social practice activities.6.要是他再过五分钟还不来,我们就认为他不来了。If he still not come in five minutes, we think he wont come.7.他对公司的成功作出了重要贡献。He made important contributions to the companys success.8.男人的寿命比女人短。A mans life span, shor

3、ter than women.9.太阳从云层后面露了出来。The sun from behind the clouds.10.京都是日本文化的发源地。Kyoto is the cradle of Japanese culture.11.我突然想起一个解决这个问题的办法。I suddenly think of a solution to this problem.12.他们装出信心十足的样子,却欺骗不了任何人。They pretend to be confident, but dont deceive anyone.13.他受到各种诱惑的包围。He was surrounded by all k

4、inds of temptation.14.炎热天气一直持续到十月。The hot weather extended into October.15.这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边。The company hope that the new factory is located in the river.16.旅馆越贵,服务就越好。The more expensive hotel, the service is better.17.现代交通、通讯、娱乐以及我们的日常生活都与电脑密切相关。The modern traffic, communication, entertainment and ou

5、r daily life are closely related with the computer.18.关于音乐,人们现在喜欢流行音乐而不是古典音乐。About music, people now like pop music rather than classical music.19.在公司提出高薪相聘后,她仍在考虑升职机会和工作环境。After the company a high salary in, she is still considering promotion and working environment.20.在正式场合穿着随便会给他人留下不好的第一印象。On for

6、mal occasions dress will leave a bad first impression to others.21.造成污染的原因很多,如过度砍伐森林和浪费资源。There are many causes of pollution, such as excessive deforestation and waste of resources.22.各个年龄段的人都有多种措施减少他们的每日污染排放。People of all ages have a variety of measures to reduce their daily pollution emissions.23.

7、请勿乱扔纸屑。Please do not throw confetti.24.如果我们携手努力,我们能将地球变为一个更干净、有更多绿地的居住地。If we work together, we can turn the earth into a cleaner and more green space to live.25.无论是室内污染还是室外污染,都要加以防控。Whether indoor or outdoor pollution, pollution will be the prevention and control.26.这是一本关于地理学方面的严肃的书,不是供消遣的。This is

8、a book about geography serious, not a mere entertainment.27.玩游戏时,设备有时候是必须要的。例如纸牌游戏,或者期盼类游戏。Sometimes play games, equipment must be.Such as card games, or games.28.毫无疑问,悉尼歌剧院是当今世界最著名、最容易辨认的建筑之一。There is no doubt that the Sydney opera house is the worlds most famous and one of the most recognizable bu

9、ildings.29.很多人喜欢看电视,因为那是一个很快捷的娱乐方式,并且可以满足各人不同的品味。Many people like to watch TV, because that is a very quick form of entertainment, and can satisfy the taste of each different.30.阅读书籍可以开阔你的视野,而联系某种乐器可以使你享受音乐的美感。Reading books can broaden your horizons, and contact some kind of musical instrument can m

10、ake you enjoy the beauty of music.31.如果你继续行窃的话,最终是会进监狱的。If you continue to steal, would end up in jail.32.他的情绪每天都有变化。His mood change every day.33.他试图说服我接受他的想法。He tried to persuade me to accept his idea.34.炮声破坏了平常星期天早晨的宁静。Gunfire destroyed the usual Sunday morning.35.这部戏剧可称为喜剧。The drama may be called

11、 comedy.36.他的话意味着他愿与我们同来。He means that he would like to come with us.37.他小心地走进那房子。He walked into the house carefully.38.总的来说,我比较同意你的意见。In general, I agree with you.39.请不要在人行道上吐痰。Please dont spit on the sidewalk.40.这是一次提高公司声誉的机会。This is an opportunity to improve the companys reputation. 作文范文 Educatio

12、n: A Reflection of SocietyVisiting schools anywhere in the world, you will probably notice a number of similarities. However, a school system in one country is not identical to the system in any other country. It cannot be exactly the same because each culture is different.The educational system is

13、a mirror that reflects the culture.A case in point is that Japanese place importance on education but there are difficult exams for entrance to all better schools or universities. Results of these exams affect the entire family because there is high status or social positionfor the whole family when

14、 the children have high test scores. Compared with Japan, education in the United States is also available to everyone, but not all schools are equal. It is Students themselves who decide if they go to college, no national exam determines this. On the other hand, there are problems with lack of disc

15、ipline and with drugs and crime in some American schools. It is clear that each educational system is a reflection of the larger culture-both positive and negative aspects of its economy values and social structure etc. 教育:社会的反应 参观学校在世界任何地方,你可能会注意到有许多相似之处。不过,一个学校的系统在一个国家是不相同的系统在任何其他国家。它不能是完全一样的,因为每种

16、文化都是不同的。教育系统是一个镜子,反映了文化。 一个典型的例子是,日本重视教育,但有困难的考试进入更好的学校或大学。这些考试的结果影响整个家庭或社会地位,因为有较高的社会地位为整个家庭当孩子们考试分数高。与日本相比,教育对每个人在美国也可以,但不是所有学校都是平等的。它是学生自己决定是否去上大学,没有全国性的考试决定。另一方面,有问题和缺乏纪律和毒品和犯罪在一些美国学校。很明显,每一个教育系统反映较大的文化同经济的积极和消极方面的价值观和社会结构等 Overcrowding in Big CitiesPopulation growth is already causing unbelieva

17、ble overcrowding. Due to this , many cities have problems with air pollution, disease, crime, traffic jam .Also, there isnt enough water, transportation or housing and even the worse, many people dont have access to health services or jobs. Here are some creative solutions. First Garbage Collection,

18、 in some cities garbage is now recycled , which is not only good for the environment but provides jobs to the poorest people to improves their lives. Besides, Transportation is improved by affording an unusual system of buses in the center lane of wide major streets, which makes commuting more pleas

19、ant and also helps to solve the problem of air pollution. An agricultural operation and green space program also play their parts .Clearly, overcrowding in big cities worldwide is the cause of serious problems. However, careful planning and creative thinking can lead to solutions to many of them. Cu

20、ritiba is truly a symbol of the possible. 拥挤的大城市 人口增长已经导致难以置信的拥挤。因此,许多城市有空气污染问题,疾病、犯罪、交通堵塞赛艇,没有足够的水,运输或住房,甚至更糟的是,许多人无法获得健康服务或工作。 这里有一些创造性的解决方案。首先垃圾收集,在一些城市垃圾回收,这不仅对环境有益且为贫困人口提供就业机会,改善他们的生活。此外,交通改善中心提供一个不同寻常的公共汽车系统的车道宽的主要街道,这使得交通更令人愉悦,也有助于解决空气污染的问题。一个农业操作也和绿地项目做出贡献。 显然,过度拥挤在大城市在世界范围内的原因是严重的问题。然而,仔细的规

21、划和创造性思维可能导致解决方案,其中许多。库里提巴确实是一个“可能的象征。” How to Succeed in a Job InterviewNowadays both the interviewee and the interviewer are attaching more and more importance to job interview. As far as the interviewers are concerned, they tend to feel it unscientific to evaluate the competence of the interviewee

22、s by just reading their written materials, such as the application forms, self-introductions, etc. A face to face interviewing is more reliable and informative. As far as the interviewees are concerned, they think that they also have the right to get to know the employer and the company in which the

23、y are going to work, e.g. what work they are going to do, how much money they can get etc. However, many interviewees fail once and again in their job interview. They want to know the secret in job interview.There are many factors that determine the success of the job interview. For example, a clean

24、 and tidy appearance will surely attract the attention of the interviewers; a graceful manner is easy to leave a good impression on your would be boss. When it comes to the job, the applicant should display a wide range of expertise and strong confidence in himself. Nevertheless, be sure not to over

25、state but stick to reality; show your keen enthusiastic about the job and your strong desire for obtaining the job all the way.Once you achieve what is mentioned above, the new job will be within your reach 如何成功的面试如今应聘者和面试官都越来越重视面试。面试官而言,他们往往觉得不科学的评估能力的受访者仅通过阅读他们的书面材料,如申请表,自我介绍,等。面对面的面试更可靠和便捷的。至于受访者

26、而言,他们认为他们也有权了解用人单位和公司,他们要工作,如工作他们将要做什么,他们能得到多少钱等然而,许多受访者在他们的面试失败了一次,再来。他们想知道的秘密工作interview.There很多因素,确定面试的成功。例如,一个整洁的外表肯定会吸引面试官的注意力,优雅的方式很容易留下一个美好的印象在你的老板。当谈到工作,申请人应该显示广泛的专业知识和强大的信心自己。然而,一定不要夸大但坚持现实;展示你希望热衷于这份工作,你获得这份工作的强烈愿望。一旦你达到什么是上面所提到的,新工作将触手可及。 Is Money All Powerful? Many people believe that mo

27、ney is universal and it can make the mare go. But they do not realize that there are many things in this world which money cannot buy. For example, if a millionaire is on the verge of death because of a fatal disease, can he buy his health back with his wealth? The answer is of course “no”. Indeed,

28、money cannot buy some of the most valuable things in the world such as honesty, loyalty, friendship, etc. It is also true that money cannot make a happy day long, nor can it make the unhappy day short. We sometimes hear such strange stories: some people once had a very happy family when they were po

29、or and hard at work. At that time they helped each other and cared about each other. But when they became rich, disasters get in. Either the husband or the wife ceased to be faithful. From then on, they began to suffer from a tragic family life filled with hatred, quarrels, violence and sorrow. From

30、 such stories, we can draw the conclusion that money can not ensure happiness. What is more, there is still another thing which money cannot buy: true love, which is based on nothing but love itself. An old man can get a very young wife because he is rich but it will be difficult to win her heart. T

31、his is another good case to show that money is not all-powerful. 钱的吗?许多人认为钱是万能,它能使鬼推磨,但他们没有意识到在这个世界上有很多东西金钱买不到。例如,如果一个百万富翁在死亡的边缘,因为一种致命的疾病,他能和他的财富买回自己的健康吗?答案当然是“不”。事实上,金钱买不到的一些世界上最有价值的东西,如诚实、忠诚、友谊等等。也是真的,钱不能使一个快乐的一天,也不能让不开心一天短。我们有时会听到这样奇怪的故事:一些人曾经有一个非常幸福的家庭,当他们贫穷和努力。那时,他们互相帮助,互相关心。但当他们变得富有,灾害。丈夫或妻子不

32、再是忠实的。从那时起,他们开始遭受悲惨的家庭生活充满了仇恨,争吵,暴力和悲伤。从这些故事,我们可以得出结论,金钱不能保证幸福。更重要的是,还有另一件事,金钱买不到:真爱,只不过是基于爱情本身。一个老人可以得到一个非常年轻的妻子,因为他有钱但是很难赢得她的心。这是另一个不错的案例表明,钱不是全能的。How to Improve Our Writing AbilityWhen talking about learning English language, we always dream of improving our writing ability in an efficient way. I hope the following methods, based on my personal experience, can be helpful to all of you.On the one hand, we should have a good mastery of Engli

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