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1、阅读理解A阅读理解A1、Throughout the colonial period there was a remarkable shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This shortage enhanced (提高)womens status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers. The puritans (清教徒) regarded idleness a

2、s a sin (罪恶), and believed that life in an underdevelopment country made it necessary that each member of the community performed an economic function. Thus work for women was not only approved but also was regarded as a civic (公民的) duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and independent women t

3、o be self-supporting. There was no social prohibition against married women working; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home. The vast majority of women worked within their homes, where their labor

4、produced most articles needed for the family. The entire colonial production of cloth and clothing and partly that of shoes was in the hands of women. In addition to these occupations, women were found in many different kinds of employment. They were butchers, silversmiths and gunsmiths. They ran mi

5、lls, plantations, shipyards, and every kind of shop. They were gatekeepers, jail keepers, journalists, printers, nurses, and teachers.1)、What does the passage mainly discuss?A.Colonial marriages.B.The puritan religion.C.Colonial womens employment.D.Education in the colonies.答案:C2)、According to the p

6、assage, where in colonial North America were there the fewest women?A.Puritan communities.B.Seaports.C.Frontier settlements.D.Capital cities.答案:C3)、It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans were _.A.uneducatedB.hardworkingC.generousD.wealthy答案:B4)、According to the passage, Puritans belie

7、ved that an unmarried adult woman should be _.A.financially responsible for herselfB.returned to EnglandC.supported by her familyD.trained to be a nurse答案:A5)、According to the passage, what did the Puritans expect from married women?A.They should adopt needy children.B.They should assist in their hu

8、sbands trade or business.C.They should work only within their own homes.D.They should be apprenticed.答案:B2、High tech and state of the art are two expressions that describe very modern technology. High tech is just a shorter way of saying high technology. And high technology describes any invention,

9、system of device that uses the newest ideas or discoveries of science and engineering.What is high tech? A computer is high tech. So is a communications satellite. A modern manufacturing system is surely high tech.High tech became a popular expression in the United States during the early 1980s. Bec

10、ause of improvements in technology, people could buy many new kinds of products in American stores, such as home computers, microwave ovens, etc.State of the art is something that is as modern as possible. It is a product that is based on the very latest methods and technology. Something that is sta

11、te of the art is the newest possible design or product of a business or industry. A state of the art television set, for example, uses the most modern electronic design and parts. It is the best that one can buy.State of the art is not a new expression. Engineers have used it for years, to describe

12、the best and most modern way of doing something.Millions of Americans began to use the expression in the late 1970s. The reason was the computer revolution. Every computer company claimed that its computers were state of the art.Computer technology changed so fast that state of the art computer toda

13、y might be old and out of date tomorrow. The expression state of the art became as common and popular as computers themselves. Now all kinds of products are said to be state of the art.1)、What is the purpose of the passage?A.To give examples of state of the art.B.To give examples of high tech.C.To t

14、ell what high tech and state of the art are.D.To tell how high tech and state of the art have developed.答案:C2)、What can we infer from the passage?A.State of the art is not as popular as high tech.B.High tech describes a technology that is not traditional.C.A wooden plough pulled by oxen is state if

15、the art.D.American stores could provide new kinds of products to the people.答案:B3)、All the following examples are high tech EXCEPT_.A.a satelliteB.a microwave ovenC.a hand pumpD.a home computer答案:C4)、Which of the following statements is NOTtrue?A.Since the computer revolution, the expression state o

16、f the art has become popular.B.State of the art means something that is the best one can buy.C.A state of the art computer may easily become out of date.D.All kinds of products are real state of the art nowadays.答案:D5)、The best title for the passage is _.A.Two New ExpressionsB.Computer TechnologyC.H

17、igh Tech in AmericaD.Most Advanced Technology答案:A3、Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway in Columbus, Ohio. He saw an armored truck(装甲车)and a few cars ahead of him. Suddenly the doors of the armored truck opened,and a blue plastic bag fell out of the truck. A car in front of Mr. Kiser hit the b

18、ag. The bag ripped(撕破)and money spilled out. Then another bag fell out of the truck, and another. Money was flying everywhere. At first, drivers thought the green papers on the highway were leaves. Then they realized that the green papers were not leaves-they were money! Drivers stopped their cars r

19、ight in the middle of the highway. People jumped out of their cars and began picking up money. They were putting ten, twenty, and one-hundred-dollar bills into their pockets. One man said,Money, money, money! Its all free! Grab some while you can! Mr. Kiser also got out of his car. He grabbed a plas

20、tic bag of money, put the bag in his car, and drove away. Later Mr. Kiser counted the money. He had $57, 000. For the next two hours Mr. Kiser thought about the money. He dreamed about spending it. He needed a new furnace(火炉)for his house. He wanted to take a vacation in Florida. But he decided to r

21、eturn the money. He drove to the police station and gave the police the $57, 000. The armored truck company offered 10 percent reward, so Mr. Kiser got a reward of $5, 700. A few more people returned money and got rewards, but over one million dollars were still missing. Then a man telephoned the ar

22、mored truck company and said, I was driving along the highway when I saw the money. People were running everywhere. I had a camera in my car and I took some pictures. Would you like the pictures? Yes! answered the company. The company gave the pictures to the police. The police looked closely at the

23、 pictures. They looked at the cars, the license plates, and the peoples faces. They tried to find the people who had taken the money, but they didnt have much luck. One man telephoned a Columbus newspaper. The man did not give his name. I took two bags of money, he said. Im going to take the money a

24、nd leave Columbus. I have enough money for the rest of my life. 1)、Mel Kiser was driving along a busy highway when he saw_. A.a truck hit a blue plastic bagB.three blue plastic bags fell out of a truck C.a car hit the truck ahead of himD.someone was flying money答案:B2)、The drivers stopped suddenly in

25、 the middle of the highway because _.A.there was a traffic accident ahead of themB.they didnt believe the green papers were moneyC.they had grabbed some moneyD.they wanted to pick up money答案:D3)、Mel Kiser needed a furnace, so probably _.A.he was an honest manB.drivers liked furnacesC.the weather is

26、sometimes cold in was easy to make money in Columbus答案:C4)、If a man returned a million dollars to the company, the company would pay him _ dollars as a reward. hundred thousand and one hundredC.ten thousand and one hundredD.ten hundred and one thousand答案:A5)、The police l

27、ooked closely at the pictures, but_.A.they did not realize that the money was falling from the truckB.the man who had taken the money did not give his nameC.they did not believe that the man would leave ColumbusD.they did not find the people who had taken the money答案:D4、Take any long piece of paper.

28、 Now glue(粘)the ends of the paper together. You have made a ring. Take a second long piece of paper. Twist the paper once and glue the ends together. Now you have made a Mobius band(带子). For people studying maths, this band is uncommon. This strange band was first made in the 1800s by a German man n

29、amed August. Mobius. Mr. Mobius studied maths. He wanted to find a way to show how this band works with maths. Understand it or not, this band has only one surface. You can find this out for yourself. If you draw a line on the surface of the paper before you twist and glue it, the line is only on on

30、e side of the paper. The paper has two surfaces. However, if you draw a line after you make the Mobius band, you can follow the line around all sides of the paper. In other words, the Mobius band must have only one surface. It is also very interesting to see what happens when you cut the band. If yo

31、u cut the Mobius band in half once down the line you drew, you do not get two Mobius bands. Instead, after you cut the band, it turns into one large twisted ring. Then, if you cut this ring in half along the middle of the band again, you get two connected(相连的)Mobius bands.1)、What is a Mobius band?A.

32、A long piece of paper.B.A paper ring for people to wear.C.A metal ring for music.D.An interesting twisted ring.答案:D2)、Why did August Mobius make this ring?A.To help study a maths problem.B.To show its the same as others.C.To show the only surface of any band.D.To find out how many sides it has.答案:A3)、How can you change the tw

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