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1、十二个部落的国家Twelve Tribe Nations分成十二个部落的国家翻译:_gaiya_七号In the most ancient times nations divided themselves into twelve tribes:在古代,大多时候各个国家都将自己分成十二个部落。All over the world in countries as far apart as China, Ireland, Iceland, and Madagascar are records and traditions of whole nations and their territories

2、being divided into twelve tribes and twelve regions, each tribe and its sector of land corresponding to one of the twelve signs of the zodiac and to one of the twelve months in the year. 世界各地的国家,像彼此相隔遥远的中国、爱尔兰、冰岛和马达加斯加都有着各自的历史记录和传统,他们的领土被分为十二个部落和十二个区域,每一个部落和它的领域都对应于天上的黄道十二宫以及一年中十二个月的时间。-Twelve Tribe

3、 Nations: Sacred Number and the Golden Age by John Michell and Christine RhoneMirroring the 12-part division of stars on the ground flows from the ancient Hermetic wisdom: 约翰米切尔和克里斯汀罗娜河所著的十二部落的国家:神圣数字和黄金时代中反映了恒星在地面投射的12部分镜像,这种划分方式源自于古代的赫尔墨斯智慧。As Above So Below.“如上其下”Ancient Greece古希腊In the archaic p

4、eriod of Greece tribes formed a series of Amphictyonic Leagues meaning a league of nations. Examples include the Delian League, the Delphic League, and the Ionian League each of which formed what is called a Dodecapolis, or confederation of twelve settlements. 在古老的希腊时期,这些部落形成了一系列的邻邦联盟,意思是“国盟”。实例包括提洛

5、联盟、特尔斐联盟、爱奥尼亚联盟,每个联盟都形成了所谓的“Dodecapolis”,或十二定居地同盟。The Twelve Olympians probably arose from a Dodecapolis.Every twelve-part division of land had a center point and this center was traditionally marked with a stone. Here is the omphalos stone from Delphi. It was originally topped by two golden eagles

6、because Zeus sent out two eagles to fly across the world to meet at its center, the navel of the world.“奥林匹斯十二主神”很可能就来自于Dodecapolis。每一个十二分区都有一个中心点,这个中心点传统上会用一块石头做以标记。下图是特尔斐希腊古都的翁法洛斯脐石。最初到达其顶点的是两只金鹰,因为当时宙斯放出两只鹰去飞越世界,最终在世界的中心世界的“肚脐”点相遇。Image used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

7、Unported license. On a side note, just as the Ancient Olympics were revived in Athens in 1896, a League of Nations was revived after World War I. 从一个侧面说明,就像古代奥运会于1896年在雅典恢复一样,“国盟” 第一次世界大战后也恢复了。 The League of Nations was the precursor to the United Nations. 国盟正是联合国的前身。A Modern World Omphalos一个现代世界的“中

8、心脐点”The Millennium Dome (also known as the O2 Arena) will be a major venue in the London 2012 Olympics. The structures twelve masts correspond to the signs of the zodiac and the twelve months in the year. The domes diameter of 365m corresponds to the number of days in a year and its 52m height corre

9、sponds to the number of weeks in a year. 千禧穹顶(也称为伦敦O2体育场)将是2012年伦敦奥运会上的一个主场。十二支桅杆结构相对应于黄道十二宫和一年的12个月份。这个穹顶365米的直径对应着一年的365天,而其52米的高度相应于一年中的52个星期。Image courtesy Debot under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.The center of the Millennium Domes is very close to being on th

10、e Prime Meridian but is not quite on the line. The exact longitude of this modern world omphalos is 0 0 11.22 EThe numerology of the longitude is as follows: 11 + (11 + 11) = 33. See my posts on Repeating Ones and 33. 千禧穹顶的中心非常接近本初子午线,但并没有正好压线。当今世界确切的“中心脐点”的经度是东经0 0 11.22,这个经度的数字命理学如下:11 +(11 + 11)=

11、 33。请看我的帖子万物循环和数字33。Billions of people will focus their psychic energy on this spot next summer.The official logo of the 2012 Olympics is an example of a subliminal secret in plain sight that your your left brain is probably unaware of (top) but your right brain understands subconsciously (bottom):明

12、年夏天,数以亿计的人们将会把他们的精神能量集中到这一点上来。2012伦敦奥运会的官方标识是一种典型的潜意识秘密,你的左脑可能没意识到(顶部),但是你的右脑潜意识地了解了其(底部)。Iran has threatened to boycott the London 2012 Olympics unless the organisers replace the official logo, which Tehran claims spells out the word Zion. -Source伊朗已经放言要拒绝参加2012伦敦奥运会,除非比赛组织者替换官方徽标, 德黑兰明确地说出了“锡安”这个词

13、。-原始资料The Isle of Dogs恶犬岛The Millennium Dome is on the Isle of Dogs, which has been a peninsula for hundreds of years. Sirius is known as the dog star because it is in the constellation Canis Major. The goddess Artemis is often depicted with a dog. Artemis is a Greek version of Isis, which makes sen

14、se because Sirius is the star of Isis. 千禧穹顶就在恶犬岛上, 几百年来都是一个半岛。天狼星也称为犬星,因为它位于大犬座。月神兼狩猎女神 阿耳忒弥斯通常都被和一只犬描绘在一起。“阿耳忒弥斯”是“伊希斯”的希腊文,这样说不无合适,因为天狼星就是伊希斯星。Image courtesy of Stellarium open source software; Constellation art by Johan MeurisSardis萨迪斯西亚古吕底亚王国的首都The French writer Jean Richer identified the oldest

15、 Amphictyonic League in Sardis, Lydia which is in todays western Turkey. 法国作家琼里歇尔经鉴定称,在吕底亚(小亚细亚西部的富裕古国)的萨迪斯那儿,最古老的邻邦同盟就在当今的土耳其西部。When you hear the terms the Near East, the Middle East, the Far East, the West, the South, and the North where do you suppose the origin point of all these directions is?

16、Nothing Ive read has ever answered this question and it has bothered me since first taking history courses in college. 当你听到近东、中东、远东、西方、南方、北方等这些术语的时候,你能否猜想到这些方位的原点在哪里?我所读过的所有书籍资料里从没有给出过答案,从我大学第一次上历史课的时候,这个问题就在一直困扰着我。Sardis is the omphalos. The ancient navel of the world. 萨迪斯就是“中心脐点”,古代世界的中心。 The word

17、 omphalos is etymologically connected to Queen Omphale, mythological ruler of Lydia.“omphalos” 中心脐点 这个词语源上是与翁法勒女王联系在一起的,她就是神话中吕底亚的统治者。Hercules and Omphale (detail) by Tischbein, Johann Heinrich, der Altere赫拉克勒斯和翁法勒(部分细节) 作者:蒂施拜因、约翰海因里希、德安特拉Incidentally Im not sure if it was Tischbeins intent but one

18、 exposed breast is symbolic of Isis. 顺便说一句,我不太肯定是否是蒂施拜因有意之举,但那个暴露的乳房象征了伊希斯。In Queen Omphales best-known myth, she is the master of the hero Heracles during a year of required servitude, a scenario that offered writers and artists opportunities to explore gender roles and erotic themes. 在有关翁法勒女王的最著名的

19、神话中,她是大力英雄赫拉克勒斯在其必修劳役之年时的主人,那是一部剧本,给作家和艺术家们提供了机会去探讨性别角色与爱欲的话题。Paris Sardis巴黎-萨迪斯Drawing a path from Sardis to I.M. Peis Louvre Pyramid we see that the axis bisects the Louvre and is aligned perfectly with the entrance to the worlds most visited museum. 从萨迪斯到贝聿铭设计的卢浮宫金字塔之间画一条路径,我们看到,这条轴线很精确地平分了卢浮宫,并且

20、与世界访问量最大的博物馆入口完美地对齐了。The Louvre Museum has 555,000 sq ft in the palace complex devoted to public exhibition. -Source卢浮宫博物馆有555,000平方英尺的皇宫建筑开展了公众展览。-原始资料 This is especially amazing because the Louvre Palace you see today was started in the 16th century and added to by almost every subsequent French m

21、onarch. The alignment goes right over the center of the Sun Kings Cour Carre (Square Court) addition he created before moving to Versailles. 这是特别令人惊异的,因为你现在看到的卢浮宫宫始建于16世纪,而且几乎每个后来的法国君王都进行了扩建。这条校准直线正好经过“太阳国王”的卡利庭院(广场法院)的中心,并且,他早在移居到凡尔赛宫之前就建成了它。Image courtesy King of Hearts under the Creative Commons

22、Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. The path from Sardis to the Louvre Pyramid passes directly over the tip of the July Column in the Place de la Bastille. The golden boy atop the July Column is the Greek Hermes, author of the motto As Above, So Below in his earlier incarnation as the Egyp

23、tian Thoth.从萨迪斯到卢浮宫金字塔的路直接穿过了巴士底广场的7月柱的尖端。7月柱顶端的金色男孩是希腊的赫耳墨斯,即上如是,下亦如是” 这句格言的作者,这是在他早期转世为埃及透特(埃及神话中的月神)时所说的。 The path from Sardis goes to Paris along the direction of Virgo as identified by John Michell and Christine Rhone in Twelve Tribe Nations. The first sign of the zodiac (Aries) is aligned towa

24、rd the rising sun in the east. 经约翰米切尔和克里斯汀罗纳河在十二部落的国家中的鉴定,从萨迪斯去巴黎的路是沿着处女座方向的。黄道十二宫的第一宫(白羊座)向东升的太阳对齐。Paris巴黎It is interesting that the path is in the Virgo (Isis) direction because of what Paris is all about (see my Paris episodes). Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval show in their book Talisman how the

25、 word Paris comes from Pharia-Isis. Pharia or Pharos in Greek is the location of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, a center of Isis worship in the the ancient Mediterranean. 有趣的是, 因为巴黎的关系,这条路指向处女座(伊希斯)的方向 (详情见我的巴黎逸事)。格雷厄姆汉考克和罗伯特鲍威尔在他们的书中展示了“巴黎”一词是如何从“赫瓦尔-伊希斯”得来的。希腊的赫瓦尔岛或法罗斯的位置就在亚历山大灯塔那儿,那儿是古地中海的一个伊希斯朝拜中

26、心。The Notre Dame (English: Our Lady) cathedral was very likely built over a Druidic Temple of Isis. 巴黎圣母院(英语:圣母玛利亚)大教堂很可能就建造在一座督伊德教的伊希斯神庙之上。The historical axis is offset 6 degrees from the axis running through Peis pyramids (both upward and downward pointing) through the July Column all the way to t

27、he ancient omphalos at Sardis. 历史上的轴线较贯穿贝氏(贝津铭)金字塔的中心轴线 (包括上下指向) 偏移差为6,前者通过7月柱一直延伸到了古代的萨迪斯“中心脐点”。If you watched my Paris videos youll recall that this 6 degree bend matches the Temple of Luxors bend whose very obelisk is at the center of the 86,400 square meter Place de la Concorde. 如果看了我有关巴黎的视频,你也许

28、会想起这6的角度偏移正好和卢克索神庙的(方位)偏移相匹配,而卢克索神庙的方尖碑正就在86,400平方米的(法国巴黎的)协和广场的中心。Also consider the fact that the Champs-lyses (the historical axis of Paris) is aligned to the heliacal rising of Sirius, the phenomenon the ancient Egyptians based their calendar on. 同时要考虑到香榭丽舍大道(巴黎的历史轴线)是对齐到天狼星的晨出的,古埃及人就将他们的历法基于了这一现

29、象。The Champs-lyses or “La plus belle avenue du monde” as it is known in French is one of the most beautiful streets in the world with rents as high as US $1.2 million a year for 1,000 square feet of space. -Source香榭丽舍大道在法国被称为“世界上最美的大街”,那儿的租金高达每1,000平方英尺每年120万美元。-原始资料链接Image courtesy Palagret under t

30、he Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.The name Champs-lyses is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. The Elysian Fields are related to the Eleusinian Mysteries which, of all the mysteries celebrated in ancient times, were held to be th

31、e ones of greatest importance.“香榭丽舍”这个名字在法语中极乐世界(另译:天堂乐土)的意思, 在希腊神话中是受福的逝者所呆的地方。极乐世界与依洛西斯秘密仪式译注:古希腊每年在依洛西斯城举行的祭祀谷神得墨忒耳和冥后珀耳塞福涅的私密仪式有所关联, 在所有古代举行的秘密仪式中,这种仪式是最最重要的仪式了。The participants in these mysteries drank a mixture called Kykeon made mainly of water, barley and naturally occurring substances that

32、some scholars believe were entheogens. 这些神秘仪式的参与者会喝一种叫做Kykeon的混合剂,主要由水、大麦和“天然物质”调和而成,有些学者认为这种混合试剂是灵魂显现剂。Dimethyltryptamine, see my Snowflake and the Flower post 图示为二甲基色胺,,详见于我的雪花和花朵一文For almost 3000 years people consistently experienced revelatory states during the culminating ceremony of the Eleusinian Mysteries. -Source在将近3000年的历史中,这些人们“一直在古希腊伊洛西斯城的秘密宗教终极仪式中体验和经历着天启性的规定。”-原始资料链接Phryne a

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