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1、人教新目标九年级英语寒假作业九年级英语寒假作业学生姓名: _ 家长签名 _ 时间:腊月二十四复习内容:Unit 1, How do you study for a test? 第一部分:内容与要求Task 1 Words and expressions of Unit 1 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语单词: 1.大声的_2.发音_3.不同地_4.迅速地_5. 发音_6.缓慢地_7.认识到_8.要紧,有关系_9.完整的_10.秘密_11.学期_12.麻烦,困难_13.柔软_14.除非_15.责任,义务_16.容易地_17.影响_18.友谊_19.失去_20.发展_21.面临,面对_22.军人,

2、士兵_短语:1.制作卡片_ 2.请求某人的帮助_3.英语口语_ 4.犯错误_ 5.后来_6.嘲笑_ 7.做笔记_ 8.第二语言_9.害怕做某事_ 10.查字典_11.处理_ 12.把当作_ 13.生某人的气_14.(时间的)过去_ 15.变成_ 16.尽力_17.在的帮助下_ 18.仔细考虑_Task 2 Read the textbooks for about 15 minutes. 按要求完成下列题1. A: _(你如何为考试学习)? B: I study by _(和朋友一起学习)2. A: Do you think _(制作单词抽认卡) is a good way to learn E

3、nglish? B: Yes. And I think _(读教材)is a good way, too. 3. Do you learn English by _(制作单词表)?4. A: I learn English by _(听录音磁带). What about you? B: By _(向老师寻求帮助).5. What about _(read) aloud _(practice) _(pronounce)?6. Have you ever _(study) with a group? (同义句) Have you ever_ groups?7. Liu Chang said tha

4、t_(加入英语俱乐部) _(be) the best way to improve her English. 8. I dont have a partner _(练习的).9. _(后来), I _(意识到) that _ (没关系)if you dont understand every words. 10.Also I _(害怕说) in class, because I thought my classmates might _(嘲笑)me. 11. I think that _(进行大量的听力训练)_(be) a one of the best _(secret) of _(beco

5、me) a good language _(learn).12.As young adults, it is our duty _to _(尽我们最大的努力处理每个挑战) in our education _(在老师的帮助下).Task 3 Grmmar itemsI.疑问词how的用法。写出下列句中how的用法,并试着回答每个句子。1. How do you do? /How are you? 2. How are you feeling now? 3. How do you come to school? 4. How old is your young brother? 5. How m

6、any people are there in your family? 6. How much milk do we have in the fridge? And how much is it? 7. How often do you exercise? 8. How soon will Mr. Yan come back?9. How long have they stayed in China? 10.How long is our classroom, do you know? 11. How far is it from here to your school? 12. How w

7、ell do you learn English?II介词by的用法1. by bike/bus/car/train/taxi/plane/ship/boat the river 3. by 2 p.m/by the end of 4. by mistake 5. by accident 6. by the way 7. I learn English by listening to tapes.第二部分:巩固与提高一根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词拼写。1.Read the texts _ (大声地)so that everyone in the classroom can hear

8、you.2.When I got home I _(意识到)that I had left my keys in the classroom. 3.Do you have trouble making _(完整的) sentences in learning English? 4.The policemaen are _(处理) with the traffic accident. 5.Each _(士兵) has his own duty. 二选词填空:根据短文意思用所给词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。old, exercise, relax, medicine, use, hand

9、, well, happy, alone, pretend, do, what Why do people laugh?Do you laugh everyone? Many people 6_ . Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter. In India, there are hundreds of laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together evey morning. First, they put u

10、p their 7_ above their heads. Then they 8_ to laugh.Soon everyone is laughing 9_. People say they feel good after laughing together. Scientists believe that laughter is good for you. Why? For one thing, laughter is good 10_. When you laugh, you exercise many muscles(肌肉)in your body. Scientists say t

11、hat one hundred laughs equals (相当于) ten minutes of running. Laughing helps you 11_. Thats good for you, too. Why do we laugh? That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a group. They dont laugh when they are 12_. Many scientsits believe that we 13_ laughter to get on

12、well with other people. Laughter helps us feel part of group. In England, people say that laughter is the best 14_. Some think that laughter helps sick people get 15_. Do you think so, too? 三写作:假如你是今天英语课的值日生,请根据下表提示,用英语写一篇值日报告。开头已写出,不少于80词。日期6月3日天气多云出勤情况李华缺席,生病在家主题内容结合自己学习英语的体会,为以后英语学习提些建议(不少于二条),与同

13、学共勉Its my turn to be on duty today. _九年级英语寒假作业学生姓名: 家长签名: 时间:腊月二十五复习内容:Unit2, I used to be afraid of dark. 第一部分:内容与要求Task 1 Words and expressions of Unit 2 根据汉语提示写出下列单词或短语单词: 1.飞机_2.开着的_3.糖果_4.日常的_5.死亡_6.造成_7.他自己_8. 有耐心的_9.注意(n.)_10.浪费_短语:1.过去常常做某事_2.对害怕_3.担心_4.同某人聊天_ 5.能负担起某事_6.最后_7.下决心_8.对注意_9.令某人

14、吃惊_10.对感到自豪_ 11.进入或陷入_12.不再_Task 2 Read the textbooks for about 15 minutes. 按要求完成下列题1.我过去害怕黑暗。(be afraid of ) _.2.But now I _(对体育更感兴趣). I _(踢足球) and I am _(游泳队的一员).3. Lily _(过去喜欢画画).Jim _(过去喜欢蜘蛛和其他昆虫). 4.I _(过去不喜欢考试), but now I _(不担心考试).5.We _(过去步行去学校), but now we _(不得不乘公共汽车)6.My life _(change) a lo

15、t_(在过去的几年里).7.余梅好象发生了很大的变化. It seems that Yu Mei_. (同义句) Yu Mei seems _. 8.Martin Murray is a _(十五岁的) boy. He _(过去是) a problem child, but a _(最近的同妈妈的谈话改变了他的生活) .9.However, after his fathers _(die) a few years ago, Martins life became _(困难的多了).10.The headmaster said it _for Martin _(对玛丁来讲有必要同他的妈妈谈谈).

16、11.Martin _(给他妈妈打电话),_(令他吃惊的) this phone call changed his life. 12.She also told me _(尽管)my father was _(不再)with me, he was watching me and would always _(以为骄傲) everything good I do.13.I realized that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother _(多注意我).T

17、ask 3 Grmmar items1.used to do sth. (情态动词) “_”后跟_,否定形式_, 疑问形式 used to doing sth. “_” 后跟 used to do sth. ( 被动语态) “_”, 同义结构为_翻译下列句子:1.Knives are used to cut things and we are used to using them. 2. In China we used to use “Comrade”,but now we are used to using “Mr. ” or “Miss”.3. My fa

18、ther used to smoke a lot, but now he has given it up. 4. What are the battery-operated slippers used to do?第二部分:巩固与提高一根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词拼写。 1.- Did you use to be t _ of dark? And what did you do then? - Yes, I went to sleep with the bedroom light o_. 2. We were very sad and angry to hear that bad milk p

19、owder(劣质奶粉)c_ the deaths of over 30 babies. 3. Our teachers always tell us not to w _time. We sould make good use of every minute. 4. Be p _ to the children! They are only seven or six years old, after all. 5. Please pay a_ to the notices on the board. They will tell you what to do and how to do the

20、m. 二.任务型阅读:阅读短文按要求完成题目。On Sunday, April 22, people all over the world take time to appreciate(珍惜) the earth that we all share. Its Earth Day, a special day to lear about our planet and how to take care of it. On Earth Day, some people listen to speeches about the enviroment. Others help clean up the

21、ir offices or save water and electricity at home.9 Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars. The ideas for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator(议员), who was worried about pollution and the health of plants and animals And the ideas quickly caught on(流行起来). In 1970s, the f

22、irst Earht Day was celebrated . More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part. Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their role in taking care of our planet. Now, Earth Day has become a global celebration.10 In 1990, 200 million people from 140 countries too

23、k part in clean-ups, tree planting and other enviroment events on Earth Day. 任务1. 回答6-8 小题6.When is Earth Day?(within three words)_7.How many people celebrated the first Earth Day in 1970? (within five words) _.8. Who came up with the idea for Earth Day? (within three words) _.任务2 翻译9-10两句 9._.10._.三写作:你班以“告别陋习,走向文明”为主题进行了一次综合实践活动。 通过活动,同学们收获很大, 尤其是李华同学进步最快。请根据表格内容谢一篇关于李华的短文。 (词数60左右, 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。)过去表现现在表现经常与别人打架与别人相处融洽乱扔垃圾爱护环境沉溺于电脑游戏积极参加各种活动 We are very glad that Li Hua has made great progress(进步)._ _

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