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春高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Section Ⅱ Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming同步测评.docx

1、春高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Section Learning about LanguageUsing LanguageSumming同步测评Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或者翻译句子。1.settle1)That company is facing many problems.In fact it has all the problems.2)你打算在哪儿定居?答案:1)settled2)Where are you goi

2、ng to settle?2.disagree1)He usually with Jack,doesnt he?Yes,he does.2)他们不同意我的话。答案:1)disagrees2)They disagreed with what I said.3.exactly1)How many foreign novels have you read?To be ,I have read nine.2)这正是我想要的东西。答案:1)exact2)This is exactly what I want.运用所学单词或短语造句。4.suffer from答案:He is suffering from

3、 a high fever.5.grateful答案:Im grateful to you for your kindness.6.teenager答案:Teenagers should pay attention to protecting their eyes.二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义。1.Would you like to swap places with me?Of course.含义:答案:交换2.He said that the other item was the tour.含义:答案:项目3.Both of us can understand the ol

4、d mans loneliness.含义:答案:孤单/寂寞4.Id like to buy the black suitcase.含义:答案:手提箱/衣箱5.The girl had to tip her head back to see him.含义:答案:倾斜三、单句填空1.David never got (tire) of seeing the Christmas tree sitting in his living room.答案:tired2.Finally the stolen TV set (recover).答案:was recovered3.This matter canno

5、t (settle)in such a simple way.答案:be settled 4.There are lots of possible (pack) patterns(模式).答案:packing 5.It has caused terrible (suffer) to animals.答案:suffering四、用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空be grateful tosuffer fromrecover fromget/be tired ofpack upget along withfall in love(with)join in1.How are you your girl

6、friend?答案:getting along with2.Dont worry;youll the operation soon.答案:recover from3.I doing this boring job,so I want to find a new one.答案:am/get tired of4.If you have each other,why not get married?答案:fallen in love with5.Several pupils in this school have a bad flu recently.答案:suffered from6.It is

7、said that more than 20 famous people will our discussion.答案:join in7.After dinner the customer the remains on the table.答案:packed up8.I your help when I was in trouble.答案:am grateful to五、用适当的介词或副词填空1.We can communicate people in every part of the world the Internet.答案:with;through/on2.In cold days,i

8、t took a long time for him to recover a bad cold.答案:from3.Uncle George was always busy with his business,so he didnt settle until he was nearly fifty.答案:down4.He has some trouble his classmates,but he has no trouble doing his lessons.答案:with;in5.Mr Wang is a person who is easy to get along .答案:with6

9、.Would you please give me some advice how to learn English well?答案:on7.Would you join us the discussion?答案:in8.I dont think she is a nice woman.I am tired her empty talk.答案:of六、单句改错1.His neighbours joined him for searching for his lost child.答案:第一个forin 2.He usually disagrees in what I say.答案:inwith

10、 3.The young man and the pretty girl have fallen in love with each other for many years.答案:fallenbeen 4.Mr Wang is getting along bad with his business.答案:badbadly 5.Im having some trouble at my brother.答案:atwith七、翻译句子1.我对我的老师们很感激。(grateful)答案:I am grateful to my teachers.2.那个男孩也加入了我们的篮球比赛。(join in)答

11、案:That boy also joined in our basketball match/game.3.他是一个很容易相处的人。(get on/along with)答案:He is a person easy to get on/along with.4.他们两人一见钟情。(fall in love)答案:They fell in love with each other at first sight.5.退休后,他在乡下定居。(settle)答案:After he retired,he settled in the countryside.八、阅读理解 I was the younge

12、st of the five boys and also had four sisters who had to pull together and take care of each other.Dad wasnt around,so I never knew him well.He killed himself when I was three years old,leaving Mom with the job of raising and providing for nine kids.She was a very hard worker,and in order to make en

13、ds meet,she hardly ever rested.With my mom as my example,I learned that hard work is the best way to get what you want.Even as a little boy,I knew I was going to be successful.Of course,I dreamed about what I wanted to be when I grew up.But regardless of what I chose,I wanted to make my brothers,sis

14、ters and mom proud of menot only by being successful in what I chose to do,but also a person who could be looked up to for the right reasons.By junior high,I started playing basketball on a team.I loved to compete.For me,it paid off.I just let my success in basketball take its course,but I always pu

15、t the effort in,every day.I am grateful for the life Ive enjoyed as a basketball star.But when I see those shirts that say “Basketball is life,” I think “Yeah,right! It is not only life.It can be exciting.”But the important thing about basketball is that it gives me a way to do good things for other

16、s as I move through this journey called life.1.It can be known from the passage that .A.the authors father loved his children and wife very muchB.the authors brothers were more famous than himC.the authors mother had a great influence on his careerD.the authors family was rich and happy when he was

17、a child 答案:C解析:推理判断题。由第一、二段的叙述可以推出,作者的妈妈对他的影响很大。2.Why did the authors father kill himself?A.Because the family was poor.B.Because he often quarreled with his wife.C.Because he was addicted to drugs.D.The passage doesnt tell us the reason.答案:D解析:细节理解题。整篇文章始终没有告诉读者作者父亲自杀的原因。3.From the second paragraph

18、 we can learn that .A.the author was a successful writerB.the author got on well with his mother,brothers and sistersC.the authors mother,brothers and sisters didnt like his careerD.the author helped his brothers and sisters succeed 答案:B解析:推理判断题。从第二段最后一句可知,作者要让妈妈、兄弟姐妹为自己感到自豪。由此推出,他们的关系很好。4.What does

19、 the author get from basketball?A.How to do good things for others as he moves.B.Life is as hard as playing basketball.C.Learning to cooperate with others is important.D.Two heads are wiser than one.答案:A解析:推理判断题。由短文最后一段最后一句可知,作者通过篮球生涯学会了如何在自己前进的路上去帮助他人。九、语篇填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。导学号92

20、730006Friendship is one of the most important things in everyones life.1. is very difficult to find a better definition(定义) of friendship.A true friend is a person who can share all 2.(we) sadness and happiness.In time of trial(尝试),he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfo

21、rt.Knowing how valuable friendship 3.(be),we should be very careful with our choice(选择) of a friend.We should choose those people with a good character as our friends,but we shouldnt make 4.(friend) with a bad man.Besides,we should forgive (宽恕) their mistakes and try to help them as much 5. possible

22、.A true friend can always 6.(believe),loved and respected.If you tell a friend your secrets,he 7. she wont tell anyone.Friends share their joys and sorrows.They help each other when they are 8. trouble.The most important thing is that a friend always 9.(understand) you.Finally if you have 10.(make)

23、a good friend,dont forget him or her.答案 believed7.or8.in9.understands10.made十、短文改错导学号92730007One Sunday morning we go fishing at a lake.We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake.As soon as we arrived,so we dropped the lines into the water.Before waiting for ha

24、lf an hour,I was beginning to get impatient.I wanted to give up,and my grandfather told me to wait a little longer.Final,there was a sudden pull at the pole and fish was caught.Within the next few minute,my grandfather also caught a fish.Feeling hungrily,we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish.It were delicious.答案:第一句:gowent第二句:oursour第三句:删掉so第四句:BeforeAfter第五句:andbut第六句:FinalFinally;在fish前加a第七句:minuteminutes第八句:hungrilyhungry第九句:werewas

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