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1、高考英语复习最后10天基础知识冲关高考英语基础知识冲关Day 10考纲常考词汇转换卡一1.absent_(名)2.access_(形)3.accurate_(名) 4.achieve_(名)5.active_(名)6.adapt_(名)7.admire_(形) 8.advertise_(名)9.allow_(名)10.amaze_(形)11.amuse_(名)12.angry_(名13.anxious_(名)14.apologize_(名)15.approve_(名)16.argue_(名)17.arrange_(名)18.arrive_(名)形容词反义名词)20.change

2、_(形)Keys: 1.absence 2.accessible 3.accuracy 4.achievement 5.activity 6.adaptation 7.admirable 8.advertisement 9.allowance 10.amazing 11.amusement 12.anger 13.anxiety 14.apology 15.approval 16.argument 17.arrangement 18.arrival 19. carelessness 20.changeable考纲常考词汇转换卡二1.assist_(名)2.assess_(名)3.attract

3、_(形)4.badly_(形比)5.believe_(名)6.behave_(名)7.benefit_(形)8.brave_(名)9.challellge_(形)10.choose_(名)11.cheer_(形)12.cloud_(形)fort_(形)14.true_(副)15.wide_(副)16.enjoy_(形)17.help_(形)18.nature_(形)19.noise_(形)20.injure_(名)21.interest_(形)22.value_(形)23.use_(形反) 24.wealth _(形)25.change_(形)26.fog_(形)1.assistance 2.

4、assessment 3.attractive 4. worse 5. belief 6.behaviour 7. beneficial 8.bravery 9.challenging 10.choice 11.cheerful 12. cloudy 13. comfortable 14.truly 15. widely 16. enjoyable 17. helpful 18. natural 19.noisy 20 injury 21. interesting 22. valuable 23. useless 24. wealthy 25. changeable 26. foggy考纲常考

5、词汇转换卡三1.politics_(形)_(人)2.physics_(形)_(人)3.polite_(反)_(名)4.pollute_(名)5.person_(形)_(副)6.permit_(名)7.perform_(名)_(人)8.poison_(形)9.perfect_(副)10. park_(名)11.patient_(名) _(名)Keys: 1.political,politician 2.physical,physician 3.impolite (p开头+im=反), politeness 4. pollution 5. personal, personally6.

6、permission 7.performance,performer 8.poisionous 9.perfectly10.parking 11.patience 12.opening 1.admit_(名)2.advise_(名)3. agriculture_(形)4.amuse_(名)5.apply_(名)6.appear_(名)7.argue_(名)8.beautiful_(名)9.breath_(动)10.necessary_(反)11.possible_(反) _(名)12.careful_(反)13.celebrate_(名)14.change_(形)15.character_(形

7、)16.collect_(名)fort_(形)fortable_(反)pete_(名) _(形)fident_(名)21.congratulate_(名)22.decide_(名)23.decorate_(名)24.defend_(名)25.difference_(形)26.deep_(名)27.high_(名)28.wide_(副)_(名)Keys 1.admission 2.advice 3.agricultural 4.amusement 5.application 6. appearance 7.argument 9.breathe 10. unnecessary 1

8、1. impossible, possibility 12. careless 13. celebration14.changeable 15.characteristic 16.collection fortable 18.uncomfortable petition,competitive 20.confidence 21.congratulations 22. decision 23.decoration 24. defence 25. different 26.depth 27. height 28.widely, width考纲常考词汇转换卡四高考英语最后10天基础知识冲关Day 8

9、考纲常考词汇转换卡五1.dust_(形)2.elect_(名)3.emergency_(形)4.educate_(人)_(名)5.encourage_(名)6.end_(名)_(形)7.entire_(副)8.enter_(名)9.equal_(名)10.equip_(名)11.express_ (名)12.explain_(名)13.expect_(名)14.fail_(名)15.fluency_(形)16.foreign_(人)17.forget_(形)_(形反)18.fun_(形)19.friend_(名)_(形)20.govern_(名)21.gift_(形)22.graduate_(

10、名)23.goose_(复)24.grate_ (形)25.greet_(名)26.harm_(形)27.help_(形)28.hope_(形)29.health_(形)30.hesitate_(名)Keys 1.dusty 2.election 3.emergent 4.educator;education 5. encouragement 6. ending, endless 7.entirely 8.entry(entrance) 9. equality 10. equipment 11. expression 12. explanation 13. expectation 14. fa

11、ilure 15.fluent 16. foreigner17. forgetful, unforgettable 18.funny 19.friendship, friendly 20. government 21.gifted 22.graduation 23.geese 24. grateful 25. greeting 26.harmful 27.helpful 28.hopeful 29.healthy 30.hesitation 高考写作夺分句型1. I agree with this idea that making friends on line is a waste of t

12、ime. For one thing, we have many chances to make friends in life; for another, we students should place our study, health and safety before other things.我同意网上交友是浪费时间的观点。一方面,在生活中有很多交友机会,另一方面,我们应该把安全、学习和健康放在首位。2. As far as Im concerned, I think it reasonable to increase the number of public buses and

13、improve their service. 就我个人而言,我认为增加公交车的数量、提高服务水平是合理的。3. Only in this way can we balance the relation between study and entertainment. 只有这样,我们才能平衡学习和娱乐的关系。.4. Not only should we have a right attitude to life but also we should take actions to change the bad habits. 我们不仅应该拥有正确的生活态度,而且还应该采取行动改变恶习。5. Th

14、ere is no doubt that education has a profound effect on our development.毫无疑问教育对我们的自身发展有着深远的影响。6. It is our responsibility to save resources and protect the environment. 节省资源、保护环境是我们的责任。7. Some people in favor of this idea think it is of great importance to give children enough freedom in order to de

15、velop their independence, while those who are against this argue that it is necessary to limit childrens attending after-class activities.支持这个观点的人认为,要培养孩子的独立性,给他们足够的自由很重要,然而,反对者认为,有必要限制孩子参加课外活动。8. We should spare no effort(s) to carry out this policy and benefit the public. 我们应该不遗余力的执行这个政策,使公众们受益。9.

16、 In a word, we should pay close attention to this problem. Only in this way can we keep the balance of nature.总而言之,我们应该密切关注这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在保持生态平衡。10. No passers-by gave the poor girl any help, which made us shocked.没有一个过路的人给予这个可怜的孩子任何帮助,这使我们感到极为震惊。11. Jimmy,the greatest cartoon artist of this century

17、, has many fans all over the world.Jimmy , 本世纪最伟大的卡通艺术家,在全世界有很多粉丝12. Last week, we had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college.上个星期,我们就上大学是否是高中生的唯一出路进行了讨论13. The reason why he cant make progress in study is that he is lacking in persistence. 在学习上他不能取得进步

18、的原因是他缺乏持之以恒。14. First, plastic bags pollute our environment. Second, its a waste of resources to use them. Worse still, they do harm to our health.首先,塑料袋污染了环境;其次,使用塑料袋是浪费资源。更糟的是,他们对健康有害15. Recently we made a survey about whether students should use cell phones among 500 students. 最近,我们在500名学生中进行了一次关

19、于学生是否应该使用手机问题的调查。高考英语最后10天基础知识冲关Day 7考纲常考词汇转换卡六1.hopeful_(反)2.horror_(形)3.terror _(形)4.hunger_(形)5.hurt_(过去式)6.ill_(名)7.humor_(形)8.danger_(形)9.important_(名)10.imagine_(名)11.creat_(名)12.improve_(名)13.impress_(名)_(形)14.depend_(形)_(形反)_(名)_(名反)15.instruct_(名)16.injure_(名)17.intelligence_(形)18.introduce

20、_(名)19.invite_(名)20.invent_(名)21.irrigate_(名)22.inform_(名)23. judge_(名)24.kind_(名)Keys: 1.hopeless 2.horrible 3.terrible 4.hungry 5.hurt 6.illness 7.humorous 8. dangerous 9.importance 10.imagination 11.creation 12.improvement 13. impression, impressive 14. dependent, independent, dependence, indepen

21、dence 15.instruction 16. injury 17. intelligent 18. introduction 19.invitation20invention 21.irrigation 22. information 23. judgement 24. kindness 以下短语中的to 为介词get down tobe vital tofind ones way togive way tocontribute toattach tobe admitted toturn tolead tolook forward tobe related tosubscribe topo

22、int todevote tobe sentenced toadjust/adapt tobe opposed tobe used tobe familiar tobe equal toobject toin addition tobe addicted tobe accustomed to以下名词后习惯加介词to.the answer to the questionthe key to the doorthe approach to the studythe entrance to/of the hall高考英语最后10天基础知识冲关Day 6考纲常考词汇转换卡七1.know_(名)

23、ife_(复)3.laugh_(名)4.law_( 人)5.library_(人)6.limit_(形)7.major_(名)8.marry_(形)_(名)9.mean_(名)_(形)_(形反)10.medicine_(形)11.mercy_(形)12.move_(名)13.mountain_(形)14.music_(人)_(形)15.nature_(形)_(副)16.negotiate_(名)17.noise_(形)18.novel_(人)19.occupy_(名)20.operate_(名)21.organize_(名)22.manage_(名)23.cooperate_(名)24.pea

24、ce_(形)25.pain _(形)26.paint_(名)_(人)27.patient_(名)28.passer-by_(复)29.politics_(形)30.pollute_(名)Keys: 1. knowledge 2. knives 3. laughter 4. lawyer 5. librarian 6. limited 7. majority 8.married,marriage 9. meaning, meaningful, meaningless 10. medical 11.merciful 12. movement 13. mountainous 14. musician

25、, musical 15. natural, naturally 16. negotiation 17. noisy 18. novelist 19. occupation 20. operation 21. organization 22. management 23. cooperation 24. peaceful 25. painful 26. painting, painter 27. patience 28. passers-by 29. political 30. pollution重要句型1.It was not until midnight that he finished

26、his task.2.Not until he came back from abroad was I able to see him again.3.The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.4.He walked around the house, gun in hand.5.May you be in good health!6.Wish you a pleasant journey back home!7.The professor was a humorous man with big nose and deep-set eyes.8.What surprised me most was his imagination and patience.9.He lay on the grass, with his eyes looking at the sky and his hands under his head.10.Sitting under the tree are Mr. Green and his first teacher.11.On the wall hang two pictures of famous scientists.12.Looking back upon th

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