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1、m5u1教学案Unit 1 Secrets and liesIII. try to translate thefollowing phrases.1. 被出卖 _2. 突如其来的数学测试 _3. 假装高兴 _4. 乞求某人不要- _5. 一张纸在我桌上上面写着 _6. 保守诺言 _7. 暗中监视 _8. 决心去做某事 _9 跟上,赶上 _10. 结果 _11. 控诉 _12. 感到内疚 _13. 向某人道歉 _14. 足球对我很重要,友谊也是如此._15. 禁不住- _16. feel like _17. In public _18. in trouble _19. get along wit

2、h _20. be proud of _21. be ashamed of _22. if so. _I. Complete the sentences with proper prepositions and adverbial:1. True friends have hearts that beat _ one.2. What do you think is the most important quality _ a friend?3. What grade did Sarah get _ the math quiz?4. We have been best friends _ pri

3、mary school and spend almost every day with each other.5. Last week,we had an important match _ another school.6. Afterwards,I got really angry _ him.7. Then we both started shouting at each other and it turned _ a horrible argument.8. The things he said hurt me too,but he has not apologized _ me.9.

4、 _ reading the letters,it is possible to find out just how the writer feels about the problem.IV. Multiple choice:1If you can buy a persons friendship,its not worth_.Ato have Bhaving Cto be had DhaveSth be worth doing2I felt so ashamed;I must be really stupid to _a simple math quiz!Apass Bovercome C

5、fail Dget throughFail sth/ to do sth3Afterwards,I _cheerful,but Hannah sensed something was wrong.Apretended Bpretended beingCpretended having been Dpretended to bePretend to do sth4I begged her not to tell anyone else,and she said she _my secret.Akept BkeptCwould keep Dwill keep动词(过去式)+从句 谓语(过去的某种时

6、态)5I was shocked to find a piece of paper on my desk that_“Stupid Sarah got a D!”Awriting BsayingCwrote Dsaid、read文字材料中的“写”6I thought that Hannah must _my classmates about my grade after promising_.Atell;not Bhave told;not toCtell;not to do Dhave told;not to tellMust have donePromise (not) to do sth

7、7I told her we werent going to be friends any more because she couldnt_.Akeep her word Bhave her wordCkeep her words Dhave her words8My best friend Matthew has stopped _me.Ato talk with Bto talk ofCtalking to Dtalking about9He could not keep pace with the game,and _his careless playing ,we lost.Aas

8、a result Bwith the resultCas the result of Das a result of 由于。的原因10He accused me _some really bad things just to hurt me.Aof Babout Cin DonAccuse sb of (doing) sth11Theres a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_trouble.Amaking Bto make Cto have made Dhaving madeSb mean

9、 to do sth mean meant -meantSth mean doing sth Mean 卑鄙的,吝啬的 a mean person Be mean to sb12The _look on the managers face suggested (表明)that he _to overcome the difficulty.Adetermined;determine Bdetermined;determinedCdetermining;determine Ddetermining;determinedDetermined 意志坚定的Look/ expression(面部表情) ,

10、前面用动词+ed 修饰13His daughter is always shy in _and she never dares to make a speech to_.Athe public;the public Bpublic;the publicCthe public;public Dpublic;publicIn public 14I was late,_that I missed the opening celebration.Aas a result Bas a result ofCwith the result Dwith a result15She realized that

11、one of her friends _her.Acan have betrayedBmust have betrayedCmust betrayDmustnt have betrayed16What caused the party to be put off?_the invitations.ATom delayed sendingBToms delaying sending the invitations( caused the party to be put off ) 动名词作主语CTom delaying to sendDTom delayed to send17She is _c

12、areful girl _she makes few mistakes in exams.Aso;that Bsuch a;asCa such;that Dsuch a;that18You say he works hard;_,and_.Aso he does;so do youBso does he;so you doCso does he;so do youDso he does;so you doSo+助动词、情态动词、be+主语 (比较)So+ +主语+助动词、情态动词、be(强调)19Mr. Smith apologized for _to inform me of the cha

13、nge in the plan.Ahis being not able Bhim not to be ableChis not being able Dhim to be not able介词+(sbs)(not) doing20The thief admitted _the watch the other day.Ahaving stolen Bto have stolenCto steal Dto be stolen admit doing/having done承认做了某事admit-admitted admittedsb/sth be admitted to/into.被。录取、接受I

14、II. Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the brackets1. Generally speaking, a successful scientist should be both academic and _ (思维开放的).2. I am looking for friends who are _(诚实的)and _(乐于助人的).3. His speech is really long and _(枯燥的).4. we had a long conversation because my friend is very _(爱

15、说话的)person.5. I noticed that the old man was sometimes very _(固执的)at the beginning, but later on I found him very _(热心肠的).6. The boy was really _(粗鲁的)then, but now Im very pleased to see he is more _(有礼貌的)than before.7. He used to be very _(自私的). Now he is more _(大方的)and willing to give a hand to th

16、ose who need help.8. Dont you think it is _(残忍的)to tease a _ (害羞的) girl?III. Fill in the blanks with proper words given in the brackets1I regret _ (inform) you that you have failed in the exam.regret+to tell/say/inform遗憾regret doing后悔2Do you remember _(book) tickets for the cinema tomorrow?3Its no u

17、se _ (cry) over spilt milk.Its no use/good/ useless+ doing 做某事无效/无益4Would you mind _ (buy) me a bottle of water?5I didnt mean _ (hurt) you by saying that.6 Andrew should apologize to Matthew for _(blame) himfor the loss of the football game.7I cant stand _ (see) my friend lose heart.Stand( doing) st

18、h/ sb 忍受8We all look forward to (期盼)_ (join) the swimming club soon.9He kept on _ (ask) me silly questions.10It took a long time for the soldiers to get used to _ (get) up early.Sb get/be used to doing sth 习惯于Sb used to do sth 过去经常Sth be used to do sth 被用来IV. Multiple choice.1 If you_ part in the sp

19、orts meeting next week,so_.Awill take;will I Btake;do I Cwill take;I do Dtake;will I2I dont regret _even if it might have upset her.Ato tell her what I thoughtBto have told her that I thoughtCtelling what did I thinkDtelling her what I thought3In some parts of London ,missing a bus means _for anothe

20、r hour.Awaiting Bto wait Cwait Dto be waiting4When asked by the police,he said that he remembered _at the party,but not_.Ato arrive;leaving Bto arrive;to leaveCarriving;leaving Darriving;to leave5I feel greatly honored(荣幸的) _into their society.Ato welcome Bwelcoming Cto be welcomed Dwelcomed形容词+to d

21、oSth be形容词+to do(用主动形式表示被动含义)English is difficult to learn for some people.6It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular, and _better ones of your own.Aintroduces Bto introduceCintroducing DintroducedIt is worth+doing 值得被做7If theres a lot of work _,Im happy to just keep on until

22、 it is finished.Ato do Bto be doing Cdone Ddoingthe boy following the girl (主动)the boy followed by the girl (被动)The meeting to be held tommorrow (将来)8_the project as planned,well have to work two more hours a day.ACompleting BCompleteCCompleted DTo complete(目的) =in order to 9We were astonished (惊讶的)

23、_the temple still in its original condition.Afinding Bto find Cfind Dto be found10The message is very important, so it is supposed _as soon as possible.Ato be sent Bto send Cbeing sent Dsendingbe supposed to do sth理应做某事Unit 1 Secrets and liesTaskI. Multiple choice1Can I smoke here?Sorry. We dont all

24、ow _here.Apeople smoking Bpeople smoke Cto smoke Dsmokingallow doing/ sb to do sth 允许2You forgot your purse.Good heavens,_.Aso did I Bso I did (强调) CI did so DI so did3The man _to me _his rudeness,and I forgave him.Aapologized;for Bsaid sorry;becauseCsaid an apology;for Dmade an apology;because ofap

25、ologize to sb for sth 因为某事而向某人道歉4Tom is never late for work .Why is he absent today?Something _to him.Amust happen Bshould have happenedCcould have happened Dmust have happened5My cousin is very clever but he doesnt work hard at his lessons._.ASo is my little brother BNeither does my little brotherC

26、So it is with my little brother DNeither is my little brotherSo it is /was with sb/sth 某人/物也是如此 (可用于各种情况)6The new plant cant _the cold weather,so the researchers are trying to deal with it.Asuffer from Bsuffer Csuffer for Dhurt fromSuffer +the result /heavy losses(损失) /injuries(受伤)/damage(破坏)suffer (vt.) 和suffer from的区别:suffer 指一般的损害、痛苦等等,但suffer from指长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。7They are quiet,arent they?Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals.Ato talk Bto not talk Cto talking Dto not talkingbe accustomed/used to (not) doing sth (不)习惯8Both teams were in hard t

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