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1、学年牛津译林版高一下学期期末考试单词复习及答案M4U2 Sports events一词组1.为了纪念2.领先3.给让路4.转交,传给,递给5.被认为6.加入某人做某事7.高兴做某事8.以的名义9.一起,并肩地10.为竞争11.(在逆境中)坚持12.对作出贡献13.发挥重要作用14.使处于控制之下15.让得以重生16.来自全世界17.引起公众瞩目18.希望得到/获得19.盯紧某人/某物20.缺席了32年以后21.适用于,上诉,向申请22.至少23.偶然24.打破记录25.与相似26.盼望 27.受的欢迎28.旅游胜地29.在占领导地位30.有用的31.有史以来32.推动人类极限33.彰显往日荣光

2、34.点燃奥运圣火二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1. The extra money could be spent on improving public t_.2.Our English teacher often talks to us about the s of English learning.3.Eating dumplings on Spring Festival is a t_ custom in the north of China.4.I was d_ to get the signature of my favorite sport star.5.He r

3、epresented our school to take part in the speech c_ and won the first prize.6.Everybody was e_ by the news of victory. 7.The young man failed in his first a_ to invent a new-type plane, but he didnt give it up. 8.The question to be discussed tomorrow is f_ asked.9.Joe was celebrating his success wit

4、h his colleagues. M_, his father was waiting for him at home.10.His daughter is the most p_ thing in the world to him, she means everything to him.11.Tom c with five other athletes for the first prize in a race.12.Please look after my house in my a .13.The flywheel battery, it is said, can p an elec

5、tric car for 600 miles on a single charge. 14. Her b experience has turned her into a stronger person. 15.First, a sport must have its own international a .16.I was ill that day. O_ I would have taken part in the sports meet.17.Our office has r to Shanghai from Beijing.18.The girl lost her b and fel

6、l off the beam.19.You must obey the rules even if you think theyre u .20. There are many theories about the o of life.1.He had to make up his lessons because of several weeks_(缺席).2.Helping those who are in trouble is an h_ thing for us.3.A persons life is limited, but knowledge is u_.4.Can you tell

7、 me whats the _ (重要性) of the meeting?5.Time is limited, so I will _ (简要地) talk about our proposal.6.Athletes from all over the world are c_ for the gold medals.7.We will attend the opening c_ when the school begins.8.He_ (试图) to pass the examination but failed again.9. Led by the general, they won a

8、 _ (光辉的) victory at last.10.People throughout the world wanted to live a p_ life during the Second World War.三、单项填空1.Thirty athletes will _ this game _ only three medals.A. compete; in B. compete; for C. compete for; in D. compete in; for 2.I have been having violin lessons _ two weeks, but I think

9、Ill make it _ week from next month. A. each; every B. another; every C. every; every D. every; another3.Today we are having a welcome ceremony here _ Mr. Black who has just come to China and will work in our school this year.A. in praise of B. in memory of C. in honor of D. in celebration of4.Severa

10、l houses were destroyed to _ a building.A. make away with B. make way for C. make for D. make out5.There are citizens who support graffiti (涂鸦), saying its a welcome addition to _ dull streets. A. otherwise B. rather C. therefore D. approximately6.Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examin

11、ation so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _. A. attention B. purpose C. attempt D. desire7. We dont like her as she is always speaking highly of the role she _ in the group.A. makes B. plays C. acts D. takes8.The teacher explained the _ of the themes expressed in the poem with passi

12、on.A. reference B. significance C. means D. magnificence9.We cant _ other countries in trade if we dont develop our nationaleconomy.A. compete for B. compete against C. catch up D. catch with10.With the development of technology, much old equipment has to _ the new inventions. A. make way to B. give

13、 way to C. lead the way D. find its way 11.To make members of a team perform better, the trainer had to teach them _ of football and keep them practicing every day.A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. technology12.It is beyond my _ to search the criminals house, for I havent got permission from

14、 my head.A. energy B. power C. force D. ability13.The environmentalists said wild goats_ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.A. escape B. absence C. attendanceD. appearance14.Theres a _in our office that when its somebodys birthday, they bring in a cake for us all

15、to share. A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationship15.You are always full of_ . Can you tell me the secret? Taking plenty of exercise every day.A. power B. strength C. force D. energy16.Life is too short to waste and too _ to give up.A. expensive B. ordinary C. essential D. precious17.Jim w

16、ent to answer the phone. _, Harry started to prepare lunch.A. However B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile18.A man is being questioned in relation to the _murder last night. A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted19. Drunk driving, which was once a_ occurrence, is now under control.A. gen

17、eral B. frequent C. normal D. particular20.The temperature in London hit 21 yesterday, _ for this time of year, while the normal figure is around 14.A. outstanding B. unusual C. common D. frequentM4u3Tomorrows world一词组1.使增加(增强,扩大)2.使鲜活3.至于,关于4.发出(光线5.在现实中6.突然7.最后的但同样重要的8.在恐惧中9.与相连接10.逃离,离开11.提出12.在帮

18、助下13.发出(气味、热等);14.给留下印象15.从掉下来16.偶然遇到17.紧紧抓住不放18.执行,实施19.以而告终20.一度,曾经21.被指控为22.从长远(的观点)来看23.实现梦想24.非凡的科技25.对感到失望26.不用冒险做某事27.全速28.被广泛认为29.随着科技的发展30.提出论点31.视而定,取决于,依赖32.全神贯注于33.以为背景34.逃避现实 二、根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.Will it be c for you to start work tomorrow?2.He is quite c that he will pass the exami

19、nation. 3.I was surprised at her marriage to a d army man.4.Many of them will have died because they were so badly i .5.She was d to learn that she had failed the course. 6.His lack of education was a d when he looked for a job. 7.He has been her c companion for the last four months. 8.It is said th

20、at the police m his phone calls during that period. 9.The teacher did not explain its grammatical f . 10.The new teacher made a good i on the students. 11.No ordinary families can afford to h servants.12. Her assistant was _ of theft and fraud by the police13. He has been teaching for 25 years, so h

21、e is quite an e teacher. 14.We thought he was serious, but in he was joking.15.We have always stressed the i of economic reform16.Youshouldpayattentiontothes environment.17.She was so lucky that she was able to e_ punishment.18.It wasa that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.19.Educati

22、onmustbeanactiveratherthana p process.20.Opinions on various s questions differ from person to person.1.What _(给留下印象) us most is his honesty but not his cleverness.2. As we know, most of the earths s_(表面) is covered by water.3.So many wonderful books are on _(展览) this time at the Book Fair.4.You sho

23、uld be r_(负责)for this accident due to your careless drive.5.We will be q_(提问) by teacher on the Grammar rulers we learned last day.6.The government yesterday_ (宣布) to the media plans to create a million new jobs.7.Black, a famous athlete began to _(衰退)in the last 100 meter race.8.Recently the govern

24、ment was _(指责)of lying by many citizens.9.The law in China announced all factories shall not _child labor.10.The new English teacher is gaining in p_ to all of students.三、单项填空1.The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad _ on the employer. A. depression B. expression C. experie

25、nce D. impression 2.Watching TV is _ a kind of relaxation, and it also _ our knowledge. A. not more than; adds B. more than; adds to C. no more than; adds to D. more than; adds up to3.A proposal has _ that a new law should be made to fight drugs abuse.A. put back B. been put off C. put up D. been pu

26、t forward4._ he said so at the meeting made everyone present angry.Yes. We all _ him of his rudeness.A. That, accused B. What, accused C. That, charged D. As, charged5.Be _ you cant expect me to finish all this work in so little time. A. reasonable B. confident C. creative D. grateful6. The news of

27、the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday.A. turned out B. found out C. given out D. carried out7. What disappointed us was that their determination finally _.A. gave off B. gave out C. gave up D. gave in 8. The cinema looks very old because of its traditional design.

28、_, it was finished only two months ago.A. In reality B. In turn C. But D. Whats more9. It is said that police officers have been closely _ the organizations activities. A. monitoring B. seeing C. noticing D. observing 10. During the Second World War, the Roma lived in _ as they were killed in large

29、numbers. A. excitement B. comfort C. terror D. regret11. If you _faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. A. come across B. care about C. look for D. focus upon 12. I turned back only to find an old schoolmate whose name _ me for the moment.A. avoided B. escaped C. failed D. faded13. Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he _ his own work and translated

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