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1、第一学期半期考试A卷及答案注意事项:1. 所有答案都用2B铅笔写在机读卡上;2. 机读卡的考号填学号15位数字。不填或填错将被判为0分,后果自负;3. 请注意填清试卷代号A或B,不填或填错将被判为0分,后果自负;4考试时间:8:009:30A2013级中级班第一学期半期考试(2013年11月23日)Part III Vocabulary and structure (50%)Directions: In this part, you will read some incomplete statements or statements. Choose the best answer from t

2、he four choices to complete the sentence.1. He _ very quickly to the cold and windy weather of the city. A) adopted B) adjusted C) used D) adored 2. Travel abroad will broaden the boys _.A) eye B) minds C) horizons D) view3. Its awfully dark outside, and she is concerned _ her Childrens safety.A) fo

3、r B) to C) with D) in 4. We rehearsed the play all day Saturday, to _ lost time.A) make up B) make outC) make to D) make up for 5. Good lighting in factories leads to greater comfort, higher _ and productivity, fewer accidents.A) effect B) efficiency C) sufficiency D) proficiency 6. At the scene, th

4、e police officer asked the witness to describe the accident _. A) in detail B) in details C) in length D) at lengths 7. She hurried back to school for fear that she _ too many lessons. A) misses B) might miss C) miss D) will miss 8. He likes _ his fortune by wearing a gold watch and driving a red sp

5、orts car.A) showing out B) showing off C) showing up D) showing about9. The managers secretary telephoned to _ him about the party this evening. A) recall B) remind C) remember D) memorize 10. The majority of boys _ ball games, such as football and basketball.A) likes B) is liking C) are like D) lik

6、e 11. Old Tom lived all _ on a small farm in the south, but with a lot of farm work to do all day, he never felt _.A) alone lonely B) lonely aloneC) lone alone D) lonely lone 12. We _ to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase. A) ask B) expect C) guarantee D) need13. Jenifer _

7、 her acting career with great determination even though her parents were strongly against it. A) ran for B) pursued C) looked for D) competed for14. Everyones opinion is bound to be _.A) subjective B) objective C) exciting D) interesting15. This discovery was _ a major breakthrough in gene engineeri

8、ng.A) looked as B) brought as C) believed as D) perceived as16. He talked of other cultures as if they were more _ him than his own culture.A) familiar with B) similar toC) familiar to D) similar with 17. I think I _ the English test.A) aced B) aced in C) did well D) excelled18. Successful students

9、know how to make good use of office hours and _ this opportunity to ask questions.A) take position of B) take advantage ofC) take up D) take on 19. You shouldnt _ such dishonest people. A) relate with B) deal with C) associate with D) concern with20. _ language proficiency, her performance is flawle

10、ss. A) On term of B) In term of C) On terms of D) In terms of 21. One of the keys to maintain a relationship is to learn to make _. A) compositions B) compromises C) complaints D) composites22. Going to college is not simply to _ our parents expectations, but to have a better future for ourselves. A

11、) live on B) live up to C) live with D) live away with23. We expected him to come to the party. But to our disappointment, he didnt _ up. A) show up B) show out C) show around D) show over24. Today the on-campus accommodation condition is much better than that in the past, and each dorm room _ Inter

12、net. A) have rights to B) have opportunity to C) have chance to D) have access to 25. Preparing dinner for the whole family is the first _ of many mothers after they come home from work. A) primary B) privacy C) priority D) pirate 26. The children in our family are always _ and polite to the elders.

13、A) respective B) respectful C) respectable D) respected27. His promises dont _ much; he never keeps them. A) count to B) count for C) account to D) account for 28. Yoga is the oldest personal development system in the world and _ the entire body, mind and spirit. A) encompasses B) compasses C) compr

14、omises D) composites29. Thanks to the computer technology, all the courses can be _ online. A) taken B) got C) signed D) enrolled30. During his election _ he promised to put an end to the economic depression and solve the unemployment problem. A) battle B) game C) campaign D) movement31. Anyone who

15、is eligible can _ this position. A) account for B) look for C) run for D) search for32. Suddenly a smile _ her face. A) made up B) lit up C) spread up D) stretched up 33. Only when you have obtained sufficient data _ come to a sound conclusion. A) can you B) you will C) would you D) you can 34. Nobo

16、dy knows how people first came to these islands. They _ from South America on rafts. A) must have sailed B) can sail C) might have sailed D) should have sailed35. Those comic books were so interesting that I couldnt help _ laughter while reading them. A) bursting into B) breaking into C) making into

17、 D) getting into 36. Jane seemed _ to tears because she was misunderstood by her parents. A) happy B) close C) sad D) about37. I need _ cloth, for I am going to make _ clothes. A) a lot of many B) much much C) many many D) many a lot of38. _ the cause might be, the hate between the two families grew

18、 deeper and deeper. A) What B) What about C) Whatever D) What if39. They have _ a plan for reducing the budget deficit, which is quite practical. A) put aside B) put away C) put down D) put forward40. _ for your laziness, you could have passed the exam and finished the course. A) Werent it B) Had it

19、 not been C) It were not D) Had not it beenPart II Reading Comprehension (50%)Section ADirections: There are ten questions that are based on the texts you have learned this term. You should choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.41. In the passage Importance of

20、College Education, the author mentions that people may benefit from receiving higher education in the following aspects EXCEPT the one that_.A) it can better quality of lifeB) it may help one become more competitive in the job marketC) it aids in personal growthD it makes one to become wealthy42. In

21、 the passage Importance of College Education, the author believes that a teen should utilize four years of his college life in doing the following things EXCEPT the one that_.A) alternating between studying and taking care of his familiesB) learning and gaining experienceC) having fun and enjoying l

22、ifeD) becoming a better person43. In the passage Fresh Start, how did the author feel when he fell off the ground in the cafeteria? A) He felt relieved.B) He felt excited.C) He felt embarrassed.D) He felt nothing.44. In the passage Fresh Start, what is the most important lesson the author learned in

23、 college?A) He is not allowed to make any mistakes.B) He has no ones expectations to live up to but his own.C) He has to live up to his parents expectations.D) He has to get straight As to get a good job after graduation.45. In the passage Fresh Start, the narrator didnt dine in the cafeteria for th

24、e next three days after he fell down to the ground there because _.A) he/she didnt like the food in the school canteenB) he/she was afraid that other students might recognize him/her and make fun of him/herC) he/she was not hungry at allD) he/she was too lazy to go there46. In the passage A Boy with

25、 a Mission, why Reuben was more delighted than other students in summer vacation?A) Because he could easily handle his homework.B) Because he hadnt any homework to do.C) Because he was going to travel with his family.D) Because he would have more time for his missioncollecting hessian sacks.47. In t

26、he passage A Letter from Obama to His Daughter, Obama decided to run for the President because _.A) he wanted to give a better life for his daughtersB) he wanted to make America become stronger C) he wanted every child in the United States will have a better futureD) he wanted to make his parents pr

27、oud of him48. In the passage 7 Strategies to Raise Your GPA This Semester, according to the author, why sitting in the first row is important to a student?A) Because it makes him see what is written on the blackboard more clearly.B) Because it helps him have a better understanding about the teachers

28、 explanationC) Because it can help him maintain focusD) Because it may help him find a good job49. In the passage 7 Strategies to Raise Your GPA This Semester, according to the author, what is NOT a good study habit?A) Trying to learn an enormous amount of material right before examsB) Doing a weekl

29、y review about what has been learnedC) Never skipping classes D) Being able to take advantage of the office hours50. In the passage Qualities of a Good Student, the author mentions that being a good student are supposed to have the following qualities EXCEPT the one that _.A) a good student is patie

30、ntB) a good student is knowledgeable and hard workingC) a good student is organized and able to moldD) a good student is sincereSection BDirections: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 51-55 ar

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