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1、高中英语单词天天记gather素材 gather v.g( gathers; gathered; gathering ) 双解释义 vt. vi.1.(使)聚集; 集合(cause to) come together vt.2.收集; 渐增obtain (information or qualities) bit by bit vt.3.采集,采拾; 收割,收获collect or pick vt. vi.4.推断; 了解understand from sth said or done vt.5.把围住,拉紧; 打褶子pull sth around or close to sth; draw

2、together in folds or pleats 基本要点1.gather的基本意思是“(使)人或物聚在一起”,可表示“聚集,采集,积聚,恢复”等义,可用于有形物,也可用于无形物,还可作“把围住,拉紧”“打褶子”解。gather引申可以表示“推断”。2.gather可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语。作“采集”解时也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。3.gather作“推断”解时可接that从句。4.在美国口语中I gather的意思是“我想”,只用于一般现在时单数第一人称,相当于I suppose,但语气更婉转。5.gather的过去分

3、词gathered可用作形容词,在句中作定语。 词汇搭配+名词gather an army招集一支军队gather breath喘过气来gather children把孩子们集合起来gather cotton摘棉gather courage鼓起勇气gather data搜集数据gather energy鼓起劲头gather experience积累经验gather facts搜集事实gather figures搜集数字gather flowers采花gather friends召集朋友gather impressions得出印象gather industrial crops收获经济作物gath

4、er intelligence搜集情报gather material resources集中物力gather mulberry leaves采桑gather ones things 把东西收拾起来gather ones wits恢复理智gather opinions收集意见gather samples采集标本gather speed逐渐增加速度gather taxes收税gather the harvest收割庄稼gather velocity逐渐加速gather wealth聚集财富+副词gather amiably亲切地召集gather annually一年一度地聚会gather assi

5、duously不知疲倦地收集gather cautiously小心地收集gather comprehensively全面收集gather exclusively独家收集gather formally正式召集gather gaily愉快地聚拢gather laboriously勤奋地收集gather methodically巧妙地收集gather noiselessly无声无息地聚拢gather painstakingly苦心地收集gather slowly慢慢地恢复gather around聚集gather in进去,进入,收割,收进gather in a crowd集成一群gather in

6、 crops收庄稼gather in the cloth把布收起来gather in the wheat crop收割小麦gather out选出,挑出gather together集合,聚集gather oneself together重新振作gather up拾拢,拾起,收集,集中,概括,蜷曲(肢体等)gather oneself up打起精神,振作起来gather up data收集资料gather up the broken pieces收拾碎片gather up the crumbs 把食品碎屑收在一起gather up ones strength集中精力gather up ones

7、 tools收拾工具+介词gather about聚集在gather around聚集周围gather at a place聚集在某地,在某处集合gather sticks for a fire采薪烧火gather from从推断出gather sth into a basket把某物采集到篮子里gather on聚集在上gather to a head成熟,已经准备好gather under聚集在下 常用短语gather from(v.+prep.)1.从收获 collect sth such as a crop from somewheregather sth from sthThese

8、little animals gather nuts from the ground in the autumn, and store them for the winter.这些小动物秋天从地上拣起坚果,贮藏起来以便过冬。She has in the main gathered her medical experience from practice.她主要是从实践中积累了医疗经验。 用于be ed结构These souvenirs were gathered from all parts of the world.这些纪念品是从世界各地收集的。2.从蜂拥而来 arrive in large

9、 numbers from somewheregather from sthEvery time there is an accident, a crowd seems to gather from nowhere.每当出现事故,围观者便蜂拥而来。3.从中推断出 understand sth because of sth that sb says, or other signsgather sth from sthThat is what I gathered from his speech.从他的演讲中我所了解的就是这些。I could gather nothing from their s

10、tatement.从他们的声明中我抓不住什么东西。I didnt gather much from the confused story he told me.他跟我说的故事混淆不清,我不怎么明白。gather from sth that-clauseI gather from his letter that he is very happy now.从他的来信我推想他现在非常愉快。Did you gather from what the man said that he intended to make a deal for the house?从这个人所说的来看,你是否认为他打算买这所房子

11、?I gathered from the way she replied that she wasnt very enthusiastic.从她回答的样子我看出她不太热心。gather from sth wh-clauseI could not gather from his appearance whether he was satisfied or not.从他的表情看,我说不准他是否满意。I could not gather from his expression whether he was against or for the plan.我从他的表情上看不出他是赞成还是反对这个计划。

12、gather in(v.+adv.)gather sthin1.聚拢 collect as fully and closely as possibleThe shepherd gathered in his sheep.牧羊人把他的羊归拢在一起。The seamstress gathered in the cloth.女裁缝归拢了布料。Some of the workers think that big business directors dont do any work, just sit in their offices gathering in the profits.一些工人认为,商

13、行的董事们无所事事,只是在办公室里坐收其利。2.收,收贮 collect and store ripe cropsThe peasants gathered in the crops.农民们把庄稼收割进仓。This enabled us to gather in the summer crops in time.这使我们及时搞好了夏粮入仓。 用于be ed结构When all the crops are safely gathered in, the farmers can rest.当所有的庄稼都安全入仓后,农民们便可以休息了。3.打折褶 draw material together int

14、o small folds, as by sewingGather the waist in a little more with fine stitches.用密针脚把腰部收进一点。gather roundaround1(v.+adv.)围拢 come together in a crowdgather roundaroundGather around, and Ill tell you a story.大家围过来,我给你们讲个故事。Gather round, friends, and hear the news!朋友们,大伙围拢起来,听新闻!The people gathered roun

15、d, curious to know what was happening.人们围了一圈好奇地想知道发生了什么事儿。Gather round, ladies and gentlemen, and see this wonderful new invention.女士们,先生们,请靠近点看看这项新发明吧。When the accident happened, quite a crowd quickly gathered round.事故发生后,很快就在周围聚集了很多人。gather roundaround to-vWhen we left the place, quite a crowd of

16、people gathered around to see us off.我们离开那个地方时,许多人围拢来送别。gather roundaround2(v.+prep.)1.围拢 crowd aroundgather roundaround sb/sthHe warmly shook hands with those who gathered around the rostrum.他同聚集在主席台四周的人热情握手。After supper they gathered around the table and worked together.晚饭后,他们围着桌子坐下,一起工作。A small c

17、rowd gathered round the speaker to hear what he had to say.一伙人聚集在演讲者的周围,听他要讲些什么。gather sb/sth roundaround sb/sthThe speaker gathered a small crowd round him, eager to listen to what he had to say.演讲者把一伙极想听他要讲什么的人吸引在他的周围。The kindergartener gathered the children around her.幼儿园阿姨把孩子们聚集在她周围。The boy gath

18、ered his toys round him.这孩子把玩具收拢来放在自己身边。2.支持,拥护 support; stand bygather roundaround sbThe whole class gathered round the student who had been unfairly failed, and demanded another examination.那个学生在考试中因受到不公平的对待而不及格,全班同学站在他的一边,要求让他重考。gather to(v.+prep.)使向聚拢; 使集拢 collect sb/sth, or things towards sthga

19、ther sb/sth to sthWe must gather the people to our side.我们一定要把人民聚集到我们的一边。The dressmaker gathered the cloth to the narrowest part of the waist.那位裁缝在衣服的腰部打褶收紧。gather together(v.+adv.)1.归拢在一起 bring together in a groupgather togetherThe clouds are gathering together and its going to rain.云在聚集,天要下雨了。gath

20、er sb/sthtogetherShe gathered some friends together.她约了些朋友到一块。We must gather the people together to demand our rights.我们必须把人们团结起来去争取我们的权利。They gathered their belongings together and set off.他们把自己的东西收拾好,然后动身了。Gather the ends of the wool together and tie them in a knot.把毛线头都收拢起来,把它们打成一个结。We should oft

21、en gather together what we have gained in teaching.我们应该经常总结教学经验。Gather together what we have learnt.把我们学的东西总结一下吧。2.冷静下来; 控制住自己 sober; calm; control oneselfgather oneself togetherI shall have to gather myself together to face the whole board of directors.我得冷静下来以对付整个董事会。You should gather yourself toge

22、ther firstly under conditions of great danger.在极其危险的情况下你应当首先控制住自己。gather up(v.+adv.)1.采集,收拾 collect or pickgather sthupThe child gathered up his toys and put them away.那孩子收拾起自己的玩具,把它们放起来。We gather up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data.我们从各种来源收集了大量第一手资料。Gathering up his scattered p

23、apers, he pushed them into his case.他把散乱的文件收拾起来,塞进文件夹里。I gathered up my few things and left. 我收拾起仅有的几件东西就离开了。If you gather up your strength, youll be able to do the work well.如果你集中精力的话,是能做好这项工作的。2.收紧,收缩(肌肉等) draw together; tighten ones body, etc.gather sb/sthupShe gathered up the child in her arms.她

24、双手把孩子抱了起来。As the car was overcrowded, we had to gather up our legs.由于车子十分拥挤,我们不得不把腿缩起来。Gather up your muscles and jump.收紧肌肉,然后起跳。3.鼓起; 酝酿 prepare ones feelingsgather sthupGathering up all his courage, he turned to face the enemy.他鼓足勇气,转身面对敌人。gather oneself upGather yourself up, and youll surely succ

25、eed.振作起来,你就一定会成功。4.美口拘捕 arrestgather sbupGather him up!抓住他! 句型例句用作不及物动词S+(+A)The crowd is gathering.人群正在聚集。That evening they gathered in my house and talked till it was late.那天晚上他们在我家里聚会,一直谈到深夜。The storm gathers.暴风雨越来越大。The dusk is gathering.暮色渐浓。A snowball gathers as it rolls.雪球越滚越大。More and more w

26、ater was gathering in the swamp.沼泽地里的水越积越多。Dust soon gathers if rooms are not swept.房间不打扫就会积满灰尘。Dark clouds were gathering in the skies over Europe.War was soon to break out.这时欧洲的上空乌云密布,战争即将爆发。S+to-vIt was customary for merchants to gather outside to discuss business affairs.商人们习惯于聚集在外面洽谈生意。用作及物动词S+

27、n./pron.The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium.教师把全体同学集合在礼堂内。The farmers gather their crops.农民收庄稼。Bees gather honey.蜜蜂采蜜。Swallows gather mud to make their nest.燕子衔泥筑巢。This cloth gathers dust.这种布聚灰。He travels about the world gathering facts about little-known disease.他走遍世界,收集鲜为人知的疾病资料。

28、The teacher went round the class to gather the papers.老师在教室里走了一圈收试卷。The car gathered speed on the open road.汽车在大路上加速前进。The patient is gathering strength.病人的体力渐渐复原了。It was with the greatest difficulty that the boy gathered the strength to speak, but spoke with a frightful emphasis.那个男孩艰难地、费了很大力气说出话来,

29、然而他吐字有力,使人惊惧。 用于be ed结构The hosts are gathered in the adjoining lounge.主人聚集在隔壁的休息室里。The childs dress is neatly gathered at the neck.孩子的衣服在领口处打着整齐的皱褶。S+(that-)clauseShe gathered that they were installing the machines.她揣想他们正在安装机器。From what we saw, we gathered (that) he had left the room in a great hurr

30、y.从我们看到的情形推测,他是匆匆离开房间的。I gather that you disagree to the plan.我猜测你不赞成那个计划。I gather you are leaving tomorrow.我猜想你明天要走。From what John said I gather hell be giving up his job in the summer.从约翰所说的,我揣想他将在夏季辞掉工作。用作双宾动词S+pron./n.+n./pron.Please gather me some flowers.请给我采几束花来。They gathered him all the dry sticks they could find.他们为他搜集了他们能找到的所有的干柴。S+n./pron.+forpron./n.My boy friend gathered some beautiful flowers for me.我的男朋友为我采来一些美丽的花。He o

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