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PRACTICE for advanced englishvocabulary.docx

1、PRACTICE for advanced english vocabularyVocabulary PRACTICEBeneath each of the following incomplete sentences you will see four words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Part 11) Finding the cause of a disease will provide a _ for researc

2、h on a cure for it. A. prospect B. incentive C. spur D. inducement2) He _ his childhood memories for the material of most of his stories, A. draws for B. draws on C. draws over D. draws from3) A library takes pride in its rare-book _.A. acquisitions B. accomplishments C. attainments D. acquirements4

3、) A subcommittee has been appointed to _ a new constitution for the club. A. work off B. work away C. work in with D. work out5) Anyone who offended against the King used to be _ to a distant lonely island.A. sequestered B. rusticated C. relegated D. banishing 6) The individuals freedom and right to

4、 privacy is being _ in that country.A. finalized B. evaded C. spilled D. eroded 7) Children with only one parent are not necessarily _.A. underprivileged B. excited C. females D). cultural8) In his book he adopts an entirely new _ to the vexed question of Wang Anshis status as a social reformer.A. r

5、eform B. procedure C. technique D. approach9) Older people are complaining that the old values are _ in this free society.A. withering up B. withering away C. drooping D. wilting 10) It was fine _ and then it started to rain. A. first B. firstly C. to begin with D. to commence withPart 21) They call

6、ed the police to _ the demonstrators from the lobby. A. eject B. oust C exit D dismiss2) His aloof manner _ under her hospitality. A. helped B. completed C. thawed D liquefied3) He muttered _ to himself against his mother-in-law. A. praise B. imprecations C. citation D. malediction4) The speaker was

7、 _ by the jeers of the crowdA. gratified B. understood C. pleased. D. discomposed5) The _ between Arabs and Israelis threatened to break into open war at any time. A. politeness B. enmity C. animus D. quietness6) There is a danger that the disease may _ in later life.A. revisit B. repeat C. recur D.

8、 re-enter 7) A woman may be _ to leam that her dearest friend has been spreading malicious gossip about her.A. frightened B. impressed C. flattered D. astounded8) Be as _ as you like I wont mind your rudeness if you tell me the truth. A. notorious B. blunt C. bright D). hostile9) If you _ something,

9、 you throw it violently and with a lot of force. A. throw B. hurl C. toss D. force10) The head window of the car is made of safety glass that wont _ if its broken. A. shatter B.shudder C.crush D. crumplePart 31) AIDS is caused by a _ which destroys the bodys natural protection from infection. A. mic

10、robe B. germ C. virus D. bacterium2) Fingerprints on the gun were _ evidence that the suspect was guilty. A. conclusive B. abundant C .insufficient D. considerable3) The volunleers gave _ la the wounded.A. soccer B. subsidy C. succor D. substance4) The advertising agency will _ a campaign to introdu

11、ce a new computer. A. carry on B. open C. launch D. institute5) The minister attempted to _ the wounded and dying during the battle. A. sympathize B. solace C. consult D. condole6) The _ of a chairman turned the meeting into a near riot.A. absence B. shortage C. hostility D. dearth 7 The mechanic ja

12、cked up the car and then _ to change the tire.A. advanced B. went C. proceeded D. moved 8) Talking to him was like playing upon a(n) _ violin.A. refined B. exotic C. graceful D. exquisite 9 It is _ to expect an adult reaction from a child.A. irrational B. effective C. prospective D. farcical10) Ever

13、y U.S. President must take _ to uphold the constitution.A. a guarantee B. a bail C. an oath D. an appealPart 41) Growing children _ in summer camps. A. prosper B. flower C. thrive D, flourish2) He learned to _ disappointments _.A. take . in hand B. take . in strideC. take . in vain D. take . in his

14、hands 3 It is a generous and receptive intelligence that was _ from attaining its full scope by bad training, poor schools and lack of opportunity.A. foiled B. thwarted C. balked D. inhibited4) Jim had to _ all his skill _ to defeat his tennis opponent.A. call . into play B. call . to mind C. call .

15、 to attention D. call . into action5) He was _ from the rank of lieutenant to captain. A. lifted B. lifted up C. hoisted D. elevated6) The factory is _ for increased production with new machines. A. gearing along B. gearing down C. gearing up D. gearing to7) It was a secluded comer where he could wo

16、rk with complete _A. rest B. success C. confidence D. relaxation8) The emotional strain of attending to his dying mother _ all his strength. A. sapped B. weakened C. enfeebled D. broke9) It was only _._ pleasures as opposed to sources of no-ending satisfaction.A. transitional B. transparent C. trans

17、itory D. transcendent10) They _ a decisive victory in the hard-fought battle.A. accomplished B. reached C. attained D. earnedPart 51) The student did _ research before writing the term paper. A. exhausted B. consumed C. exhaustive D. intact2) A pianists innovative style will sometimes _._ a negative

18、 response from the critics. A. elicit B. illicit C. prove D. provide3) In his closing speech to the jury, the prosecutor _ the mass of incriminating evidence he had developed in the trial.A. reminded B. retained C. reckoned D, recalled4) In spite of the difficulties, she _ the best performance of he

19、r life. A. turned round B. turned in on C. turned in D. turned into5) The sea has been _ this cliff for centuries.A. eating B. eating away C. eating away at D. eating into 6 I _ the honourable members statement to be a complete falsehood.A. publish B. advertised C. enunciate D. proclaim7) From his d

20、irections, it shouldnt be difficult to _ the beach house in the map, even though youve never been there before. A. determine B. locate C. unearth D. ascertain8) It was _ that he was present at the scene of the crime, but he _ that he was in Europe at the time.A. asserted, alleged B. affirmed, allege

21、d C. alleged, asserted D. maintained, alleged9) Parents have great _ of their children.A. expectations B. hope C. wishes D. plans10) As soon as the young man returned home, his parents _ him with questions about the interview.A. asked B. assaulted C. charged D. besiegedPart 61) She bought a _ fur to

22、 wear as a second coat in place of her real mink. A. new B. fake C. extra D. genuine2) The book _ the nation into a belated concern for the impoverished. A. helped B. backed C. prodded D. launched3) His _ approach to the crisis averted a catastrophe. A. sober B. uninterested C. heated D. passionate4

23、) The restaurant serves no liquor because the owner believes in _. A. merry-making B. continence C. self respect D). temperance5) Try to keep the _ crowd from becoming _. A. peaceful, wild B. violent, blustering C. boisterous, violent D. violent, riotous6) He was _ in his pursuit of fame and fortune

24、. A. pitiless B. relentless C. merciless D. rigid7) The _ man who insisted upon seeing her home was looked down upon by the people inthe village. A. stubborn B. boorish C. insistent D. clumsy8) During the hot summer our family _ gallons of iced tea.A. digest B. ingest C. imbibe D. assimilate9) I thi

25、nk you showed great _ in not hitting him after what he said A. constraint . B. curb C. restraint D. check10) Tile plan is under _ from all sides.A. aggression B. offensive C. discussion D. assaultPart 71) The chair follows the _ of the body.A. structure B. contour C. gestalt D. configuration 2) Phil

26、osophical semantics is too _ to understandA. easy . B. long C. vague D. abstruse3) They won the battle because the specialist had _ military and diplomatic signals.A. undiscovered B. preceded C. deciphered D. shaped for4) Memory has been shown to_ in many different organisms.A. enliven B. occupy C.

27、reside D. settle5 ) Science works with _phenomena in hopes of including them eventually within the widening circle of what we consider natural and explainable.A. unsuspecting B. understandable C. proven D. preternatural6) Unknowingly _, he had a knack of asking embarrassing personal questions A . pe

28、rmissive B. desperate C. intrusive D. imperative7) Instead of _ her, the thief _ her purse and ran.A. grabbing, snatched B. snatching, grabbedC. gripping, grasped D. grasping, grabbed8) A legislative body might _ _ terms concerning the amount and source of new revenue, after _ _ and each affected pe

29、rson might be _and then taxed accordingly.A. assess, imposed B. impose, taxedC. impose, assessed D. taxed, imposed9)I cant _ to Grandfather that he must rest.A. get through B. get round C. get over D. get off10) Wouldnt it be wise to_the possibility of rain before planning for the garden party?A. check with B. check in C. check on D. check throughPart 81) While daydreaming she _ a great deal about the life she had lived before her marriage. A. memorized B. reminisced C. reminded D. retained2) Did Socrates really _ the youth of Athens? A. adulterate B. contort C. perver

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