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1、电动汽车动力传动系统匹配设计说明书1设计论文(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)优秀论文 审核通过未经允许 切勿外传摘 要随着石油资源的日益减少和环境保护要求的提高,电动汽车的发展越来越受到人们的重视,以往对于纯电动汽车的研究主要集中在能量存储系统,电驱动系统和控制策略的研究开发方面。然而,在动力电池和其他技术取得有效突破之前,对动力传动系统部件的设计参数进行研究是提高电动汽车性能的重要手段之一。变速器是汽车重要的传动系组成,在较大范围内改变汽车行驶速度的大小和汽车驱动轮上扭矩的大小。本设计的变速箱采用两轴式两挡和锁环式同步器换挡,这种布置形式缩短了变速器轴向尺寸,在保证挡数不变

2、的情况下,减少齿轮数目,从而使变速器结构更加紧凑。电动汽车的变速器与普通变速器相比,其结构有所不同。因为驱动电机的旋向可以通过电路控制实现变换,所以电动汽车无需内燃机汽车变速器中的倒档而设置倒档轴,只需应用电机反转来实现倒车行驶。设计中利用已知参数确定变速器各挡传动比、中心矩,齿轮的模数、压力角、齿宽等参数,由中心矩确定箱体的长度、高度、轴径,对轴和各挡齿轮进行校核,绘制出装配图及零件图。结论表明,变速器齿轮及各轴尺寸达到设计要求,齿轮及各轴强度的校核满足强度要求,结构合理。 同时本设计对电动汽车的动力传动系统进行了匹配设计计算,计算结果表明达到性能要求。关键词: 电动汽车;传动系;变速箱;匹

3、配AbstractWith oil resources dwindling and environmental improvement, the development of electric vehicles is receiving increasing attention, in the past, pure electric vehicle for research mainly concentrated in the energy storage system, electric drive systems and control research and development s

4、trategy . However, in the motive power and other technical breakthroughs made effective before the powertrain components of the design parameters of the study is to improve the performance of electric vehicles, one of the important means. Transmission is important automotive powertrain components, a

5、 change in a wide range of size of vehicle speed and torque of the motor vehicle wheel size. The design of a two-axis of the transmission block and the two lock ring synchronizer shift, the layout of the form of reducing the transmission of axial size, while ensuring the same block a few cases, to r

6、educe the number of gears, so that transmission structure compact. The transmission of electric vehicles as compared with ordinary transmission, its structure is different. Because of the rotary drive motor circuit can be controlled to achieve the transformation, so no internal combustion engine for

7、 electric vehicles in the automobile transmission and set up reverse reverse axis, simply the application of inversion to achieve the reversing motor traffic. Known parameters of the design of transmission of the block to determine the transmission ratio, the center moment, the modulus gear, pressur

8、e angle, tooth width and other parameters determined by the central moment of the box length, plans and parts assembly. Concluded that the transmission gears and the shaft size to meet the design requirements, the gear shaft and checking the strength to meet the strength requirements of a reasonable

9、 structure.At the same time, the design of a matching calculation results show that the performance requirements to meet.Key words: electric vehicle ;gearbox ; powertrain ;matchin第1章 绪论 11.1电动汽车的简介 11.2电动汽车传动装置的特点 11.3电动汽车变速器的功用 1第2章 电动汽车动力传动系统匹配计算 12.1计算最高车速 12.2车辆加速时间的计算 22.3车辆爬坡的计算 22.4续驶里程的计算 2第

10、3章 电动汽车变速器设计方案及论证 33.1电动汽车变速器的要求: 33.2变速器设计方案论证 3第4章 变速器各主要参数的设计计算及校核 64.1 主要参数设计 64.2齿轮强度计算 104.3确定轴的尺寸 13第5章 同步器的设计 155.1 同步器的工作原理 155.2同步器的功用同步器的种类 165.3 同步器的参数的确定 165.3.1摩擦因数 165.3.2同步环主要尺寸确定 17第6章 变速器操纵机构 196.1 对变速器操纵机构的要求 196.2 直接操纵手动换挡变速器 196.3 远距离操纵手动换挡变速器 206.4 变速器自锁、互锁、倒挡锁装置 206.4.1自锁装置 20

11、6.4.2互锁锁装置 21第6章 变速器轴承 22第8章 变速器的润滑与密封 23第9章 零件的加工工艺 249.1 齿轮轴加工工艺 249.2齿轮加工工艺 259.3端盖加工工艺 26第10章 结 论 27参考文献 28致 谢 30附录1 计算程序 31动力传动系统匹配程序 31齿轮校核程序 33齿轮参数计算程序 33附录2 专业外文语翻译 35译文一:纽约时报 35译文二: 42第1章 绪论1.1电动汽车的简介电动汽车是指以车载电源为动力,用电机驱动车轮行驶,符合道路交通、安全法规各项要求的车辆。电动汽车的优点是:它本身不排放污染大气的有害气体,即使按所耗电量换算为发电厂的排放,除硫和微粒


13、传动装置的特点电动汽车传动装置的作用是将电动机的驱动转矩传给汽车的驱动轴,当采用电动轮驱动时,传动装置的多数部件常常可以忽略。因为电动机可以带负载启动,所以电动汽车上无需传统内燃机汽车的离合器。因为驱动电机的旋向可以通过电路控制实现变换,所以电动汽车无需内燃机汽车变速器中的倒档。当采用电动机无级调速控制时,电动汽车可以忽略传统汽车的变速器。在采用电动轮驱动时,电动汽车也可以省略传统内燃机汽车传动系统的差速器。1.3电动汽车变速器的功用(1)改变传动比,满足不同行驶条件对牵引力的需要,使发动机尽量工作在有利的工况下,满足可能的行驶速度要求。 在较大范围内改变汽车行驶速度的大小和汽车驱动轮上扭矩的

14、大小。由于汽车行驶条件不同,要求汽车行驶速度和驱动扭矩能在很大范围内变化。例如,在高速路上车速应能达到100km; =3567rpm 为主驱动电机的最高工作转速,rmin; =6000rpm为车轮半径;r=0.2724为主减速比; 2.2车辆加速时间的计算 (2-3) 其中:加速行驶起始车速m systems by Simulation techniques J .EVS18. Berlin. 200117 Richad T.M.Smokers, Arjan J.J.Dijkhuizen,Rob G.Winkel. Hybrid Vehicles Overview Report J .2000

15、18文孝霞,杜子学,栾延龙.汽车动力传动系统匹配研究J. 重庆交通大学学报,200619刘惟信. 汽车设计M.北京:清华大学出版社,199420 彭明涛.汽车带式变速器的发展现状J.重庆: 重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版),2003 21 蔡炳炎.机械式汽车变速器速比优化设计及扭转振动分析.武汉:武汉理工大学硕士学位论文D.200522 朱辉.画法几何及工程制图M.第5版.上海:上海科学技术出版社,200323 刘鸿文. 材料力学M. 第4版. 北京:高等教育出版社,2004年9月24 蔡炳炎.机械式汽车变速器速比优化设计及扭转振动分析J.武汉:武汉理工大学硕士学位论文.200525 汽车工程手

16、册编辑委员会编.汽车工程手册M:基础篇.北京:人民交通出版社,2001致 谢大学学习生活中,汽车与交通工程学院各位老师在学业上给我的指导,尤其是各位老师一丝不苟的治学风范对我的影响很大;在毕业设计过程中,各位老师给予了大力的支持和帮助,并就设计中的部分问题和处理方法共同进行了有益的探讨,在此一并向他们致以诚挚的谢意!在此也对审阅和评议本毕业设计及答辩老师和教授致以崇高的敬意和诚挚的感谢!最后,对在大学期间关心与帮助过我的其他所有人表示感谢!附录1计算程序动力传动系统匹配程序Clear all;a=0.15;ma=845;g=9.8;cd=0.35;A=1.5;f=0.013;r=0.2724;

17、ig1=3.0;ig2=1.842;I0=4.714;nmt=0.82;alpha=atan(a); nm=3567;nmax =6000; If=0.7; Iw=0.5; mb=4;%最高车速F1=(ma+mb)*f*g*cosa;F2=(ma+mb)*g*sina;F3=(cd*A*ua*ua)21.15;F4=d*(ma+mb)*polyder(ua)3.6;Ft=F1 +F2 +F3 +F4;d=1+ iw(m*r*r)+If*i*g*g*io*io*nt(m*r*r);ua=(0.377*r*nm)io%爬坡度 F=Ft-F3;k1=1+f*f;Q=(ma+mb)*g*sqrt(k1

18、);k=atan(f);b=FQ;c=asin(b)-k;i=tan(c)%加速时间k3=d*(ma+mb);k4=(ma+mb)*g*f;W=k3(Ft-k4-F3);T=trapz(W)3.6%续驶里程s=Ee=mb*wb(ma+ma)*e0轴的校核程序Temax=93.5*103;d1=33;d2=84; ao=20*pi180;an=20*pi180;bbo=25*pi180;bb7=20*pi180;i1=2.5;a1=71;a2=100;a3=121;a4=45; Po=2*Temaxd1Ro=2*Temax*tan(ao)d1Qo=2*Temax*tan(ao)(d1*cos(b


20、M=sqrt(Mc2+Ms2+Tn2);bbbb=32*M(pi*d3)%T=372800;D=24;Wt=pi*d316;t=16*T(pi*D3);bbbbt=sqrt(bbbb2+t2);I=pi*d464;fc=Rn*a32*(a3-a3)2(3*210000*I*a3)fs=Pn*a32*(a3-a1)2(3*210000*I*a3)bbbbb=Rn*a1*(a3-a1)*(a1-(a3-a1)(3*210000*I*a3);f=sqrt(fc2+fs2)齿轮校核程序z1=11;z2=28;z3=16;z4=16;y1=0.2; y2=0.18; y3=0.14; y4=0.14;m

21、1=3;m3=2.5;z=z1 z4;zw=z2 z3;kc=8 8;kcw=8 8 ;y=y1 y4;yw=y2 y3;mn= m3;t1=93.5*103;t2=t1z1*z2;t4=t2;t3=t4z4*z3; Tg=t1 t4;Tgw=t2 t3;k1=1.65;%kkf1=1.1;%主动齿轮kf2=0.9;%从动齿轮km=2.0;%kaaaa=25 15 20;%1 3;bb=aaaa*pi180;w=2.*Tg.*cos(bb)*k1.(pi.*mn.3.*z.*kc*km.*y)%w(1 4)ww=2.*Tgw.*cos(bb)*k1.(pi.*mn.3.*zw.*kcw*km.

22、*yw)%w(2 3)E=2.058*105;a=20*pi180;%aw=30*pi180;dz=mn.*z;dzw=m.*z;db=mn.*zw;dbw=m.*zxw;rz=0.5.*dz;rzw=0.5.*dzw;rb=0.5.*db;rbw=0.5.*dbw;b=mn.*kc;bw=m.*kcx;wj=0.418.*sqrt(2.*Tg2*E.*(cos(bb).2.(rz*sin(a)+cos(bb).2.(rb*sin(a).(cos(a).*cos(bb).*dz.*b) %j(1, 2 ,3 ,4 ,)齿轮参数计算程序z1=11;z2=28;z3=16;z4=16 zn=z1

23、z2 z3 z4;f0=1.0;%标准齿齿顶高系数Yn=0.1 0.1 0.4;%4个齿mn=2.5 2.5;m=3 3;cn=0.25.*mn;c=0.25.*m;an=30*pi180;%na=20*pi180;%aaaa=25 25 20 20;b=aaaa*pi180;=(f0+Yn).*mn;=(f0+cn-Yn).*mn;=(pi2+2.*Yn*tan(an).*mn;%齿厚s=(pi2+2.*Y*tan(a).*m;%齿厚en=(pi2-2.*Yn*tan(an).*mn;%齿槽宽e=(pi2-2.*Y*tan(a).*m;%齿槽宽dn=mn.*zn.cos(b);d=m.*z;

24、dan=dn+2.*;da=d+2.*=dn-2.*;df=d-2.*=dn.3%为图上尺寸r=d.3%为图上尺寸ran=dan.3%为图上尺寸ra=da.3%为图上尺寸rfn=dfn.3%为图上尺寸rf=df.3%为图上尺寸kc=8 8 8 8;b=mn.*kc;%齿宽b1=b.1.5bw=m.*kcw;bw1=bw.1.5%齿宽 附录2专业外文语翻译译文一:纽约时报China Vies to Be Worlds Leader in Electric Cars By KEITH BRADSHERPublished: April 1, 2009 TIANJIN, China Chinese l

25、eaders aimed at turning the country into one of the leading producers of three years, and making it the world leader in electric cars and buses after that.Skip to next paragraphChinese leaders aimed at turning the country into one of the leading producers of three years. At the Tianjin-Qingyuan Elec

26、tric Vehicle Company, a worker assembles a block of battery packs The goal, which radiates from the very top of the Chinese government, suggests that Detroits Big Three, already struggling to stay alive, will face even stiffer foreign competition on the next field of automotive technology than they

27、do today. “China is well positioned to lead in this,” said David Tulauskas, director of China government policy at General Motors.To some extent, China is making a virtue of a liability. It is behind the United States, Japan and other countries when it comes to making gas-powered vehicles, but by sk

28、ipping the current technology, China the next.Japan is the market leader in on both electricity and gasoline, with cars like the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight. The United States a laggard in alternative vehicles. G.M.s plug-in sale next year, and will be assembled in Michigan using rechargeable bat

29、teries imported from LG in South Korea.Chinas intention, in addition to creating a world-leading industry that will produce jobs and exports, is to reduce urban pollution and decrease its dependence on oil, which comes from the Mideast and travels over sea routes controlled by the United States Navy

30、.But electric vehicles may do little to clear the countrys smog-darkened sky or curb its rapidly rising emissions of global warming gases. China gets three-fourths of its electricity from coal, which produces more soot and more greenhouse gases than other fuels.A report by McKinsey & Company last au

31、tumn estimated that replacing a gasoline-powered car with a similar-size electric car in China would reduce greenhouse emissions by only 19 percent. It would reduce urban pollution, located outside cities.Beyond manufacturing, subsidies of up to $8,800 are being offered to taxi fleets and local government agencies in 13 Chinese cities for each ordered to set up electric car charging stations in Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin.Government research subsid

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