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1、成都市中考英语题型专项复习练习完成对话完成对话专项训练Passage 1A: I heard that you will go to Beijing during the Spring Festival. B: Yes. Ill go there to have a trip.A: Have you 1 your flight ticket.B: No, I would go there by high-speed train. A: Its a 2 way. Why?B: Yes. Its a long way. 3 its fast and you neednt spend a lot o

2、f time hurrying to the airport, waiting, checking or even being informed the 4 is delayed. That would add up to almost the 5 amount of time spending on the train.A: Sounds reasonable.B: Most 6 , I can use WiFi all the way on the train. Allhigh-speed trains are fully covered with WiFi.A: Oh, wonderfu

3、l. And you can 7 the views along the way and order your meal before hand and get it when your train stopped in the intermediate station.B: Yes. You can enjoy special dishes from different cities too. The 8 strings the sights, special food, TV series and online shopping together. A flight 9 do this.A

4、: We are the most lucky person to live in such a country. With the high technology surrounded, 10 is so convenient and enjoyable.B: Yes, the greatest thing is to be a Chinese.1. ordered/booked 【解析】根据常理可知此处应该是问订了机票没有,故用 order或 book,这里是现在完成时,前面已经有 have 了,故填 ordered/booked。2. long 【解析】根据下文的回答“Its a lon

5、g way.”可知 A 的意思是路程很远,故 填 long。3. But 【解析】根据后文的回答:高铁很快,且还有很多优点可知,前后之间是转折关系,故填 But。4. flight 【解析】根据上下文可知这里是在说飞机的不便之处,要花很长时间赶 到机场、要安检、要等待、还有可能被通知飞机延误了,故填 flight。5. same 【解析】分析语境,此处表示赶飞机、安检、等待的时间加起来可能和 坐高铁花费的时间一样长,表示等量的用 the same amount,故填 same。6. importantly 【解析】上文解释了乘坐高铁的优点及飞机的不便之处,空格后仍 是对高铁优点的描述:能使用

6、WiFi,再根据空格前的 Most 可知此处表示更重要的 是,用 most importantly,故填 importantly。7.enjoy 【解析】分析句子结构,此处需填一个动词,且跟在情态动词 can 后, 应填动词原形,根据上下文语境可知此处表示可以欣赏沿途风景,故填 enjoy。8. train 【解析】上文讲到坐高铁可以欣赏沿途的风景、享用不同城市的美食,上网等,故此处应是讲高铁讲这些便利之处连在了一起,故填名词 train。9. cannot/can【t解析】根据常理可知在飞机上是不能订餐也不能欣赏沿途风景的,故填 cannot/cant。10. life 【解析】本段对话主要

7、讲了高科技给人们生活带来的便利和享受,故此处 应填名词 life。Passage 2MMary BBettyM: Hey, Betty, what are you carrying?B: Blankets and food.M: Are 1 these blankets and food? Thats too much.B: Yes. Ive 2 more than 900 blankets and tons of food. M: 3 are there so many blankets and food?B: I asked the students to 4 down their Chr

8、istmas gift lists, and found the always happy girl Crystal 5 a blanket and food. I posted the heartbreaking note on my Facebook.M: So many people send their gifts to you?B: Yes. Some even from Germany and New Zealand, almost all around the 6 .M: How would you deal with these blankets and food?B: Of

9、course give to Crystal. They are sending to 7 . But if she will, Id like to figure out how many 8 students there are in our school and share with them.M: Wow. Wonderful! Youre 9 a kind and helpful teacher. B: No. Not me. 10 the people read the note. Its the Internet that brings these to us.1. all 【解

10、析】所有这些都是毯子和食物吗?根据句意可知这里应该填 all。2. received/got 【解析】根据上下文可知是老师将小女孩的愿望清单贴在网上, 然后网友们发寄来了很多毯子和食物,因此此处是指收到食物,这里是现在完成 时,应该用过去分词,故填 received/got。3. Why【解析】根据上下文可知此处是问为什么有这么多毯子和食物,用特殊疑 问词 why,句首首字母需大写,故填 Why。4. write 【解析】根据上下文可知此处应该是老师让学生写下自己的圣诞礼物清 单,ask sb. to do sth. ,to 后跟动词原形,故填 write。5. wanted 【解析】这里指一

11、个一直非常开心的女孩想要一条毛毯和食物,the always happy girl Crystal 5 a blanket and food 是 found 的宾语从句,时态应该 与主语保持一致,因此这里应该用一般过去时,故填 wanted。6. world【解析】上文提到这些礼物有来自德国和新西兰的,所以此处应该是进一 步几乎来自世界各地,all around the world 全世界,世界各地,故填 world。7. Crystal/ her 【解析】根据上下文可知这些毯子和食物应该是寄送给 Crystal 的, 因此可以填 Crystal,也可以用人称代词宾格 her 表示,故填 Cr

12、ystal/her。8. poor 【解析】根据常理可知应该是把多余的物资分发给贫穷的孩子,故填 poor。9. such 【解析】分析句子结构,此处是“such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词”的固 定用法,表示你真是一位善良、乐于助人的老师,故填 such。10. But 【解析】分析句意“不,不是我。而是看过这张便签的人”可知此处表转折, 故填 But。Passage 3A: Have you seen that block? Whats that? It 1 here last weekend.B: Oh. Its a toilet.A: How could it be to buil

13、d a large block in such a 2 time. B: It was not built. It was printed.A: Printed? What do you 3 by saying that? Ive heard of printing papers, printing shirts but 4 a building.B: Its a kind of new technology. Its 5 3D print. You design what you want on the computer and then print it with the material

14、. You can print 6 you want.A: It 7 interesting. Can I print a cellphone?B: Of course you can. Actually many parts in the cellphone areprinted. Thats why the cellphone 8 are dropping so fast.A: Wow. Wonderful. So are there 9 things new in the toilet?B: Yes. You need to scan the QR code to get free to

15、ilet paper with limited length. If you want more, you need to scan 10 . If more, youll have to pay.A: But isnt that troublesome?B: Maybe a little. But it helps to save paper. Or people will take more than they need.1. wasnt 【解析】根据上下文可知这里是指这个厕所是新建起来的,上周都还没有,因此应该是对存在表示否定,且是一般过去时,故填 wasnt。2. short 【解析】

16、根据上下文可知这个厕所应该是在一周之内的时间建起来的, 因此修建的时间很短,故填 short。3. mean 【解析】根据上文可知此处表示你那样说是什么意思?表示是什么意思 用动词 mean,故填 mean。4. never 【解析】句意为:我听过打印纸张、打印 T 恤,但是从来没听过打印建 筑。表示“从未有过”,用 never。5. called/named 【解析】句意为:这叫 3D 打印。be called/named 被称为,被叫作, 被命名为,是固定用法,故填 called/named。6. whatever/what 【解析】句意为:你可以打印你想要的(任何)东西。这里的 宾语从句

17、缺少宾语,故用 what/whatever。7. sounds 【解析】句意为:那听起来很有趣。表示“听起来”用动词 sound, 这里的主语是第三人称单数形式,所以谓语动词也要用单三形式,故填 sounds。8. prices 【解析】句意为:这就是为什么手机价格在大幅下降。根据后面的动词are 可知谓语动词用复数形式,故填 prices。9. more 【解析】根据下文可知这里是问还有更多的新的东西吗,故填 more。10. again 【解析】根据上下文可知应该是想要更多的纸,则需要再一次扫描二维 码,故填 again。Passage 4JJack DDavidJ: Look what

18、I bought for you?D: Oh, some toilet paper. Is there anything 1 about it? J: Of course. Did you 2 the panda on the box?D: Does it have something to do with pandas?J: Yes, actually it was 3 from pandas poop. D: Pandas poop? 4 could it be?J: Thats true. Pandas eat lots of bamboo each day, but digest an

19、d take in only a little. So pandas poop is 5 of fiber.D: Wow, thats a great 6 . It is environmental-friendly. It can7 deal with the poop and save a lot of forests.J: Yes. Pandas poop was made to plant tea trees before. 8there are more such kind of new ideas, the society will be more beautiful.D: Yes

20、, good ideas 9 problem into wealth. Wow, wonderful! It proves that there is no 10 but resource in the wrong place.J: Yes. So dont lose heart or feel ashamed when you are not at the first place. You may be the best person in a special field too.1. special 【解析】根据句意“这有什么特别的地方吗”可知此处应填表示特别的的 形容词,故填 speci

21、al。2. see 【解析】分析句子结构此处应填动词原形,根据句意“你看见盒子上的熊猫 了吗?”可知此处用表示看见用动词 see,故填 see。3. made 【解析】分析上下文语境,此处指这些卫生纸是用熊猫的便便制成的, 表示“用做成”用短语 be made from,故填 made。4. How 【解析】此处表示惊讶,询问“怎么可能?”,表示“怎么”用疑问副词 how, 句首首字母需大写,故填 How。5. full 【解析】前一句表示熊猫每天要吃大量的竹子,但消化吸收的很少。所以 此处表示它们的便便包含纤维。表示“充满”用短语 be full of,故填 full。6. idea 【解析

22、】此处指这是一个很伟大的想法。表示主意、想法用名词 idea。故 填 idea。7. both 【解析】此处表示这既可以处理熊猫的便便又可以节约很多森林资源。表 示“两者都”用连词 both,故填 both。8. If 【解析】此处表示如果有更多的这种想法,世界会更美好的。表示假设用连 词 if。9. change【解析】此处表示好的想法可以把问题变成资源。表示“使变成”用动词 change,故填 change。10. waste 【解析】根据上下文可知这里意为“世界上没有垃圾,只有放错地方的 资源”。垃圾、废物用 waste 表示,故填 waste。Passage 5A=daughter B

23、= fatherA: Great! My favorite Teddy Bear! But where did you get 1for these?B: Thanks to Mr Clark. He left a 3000 dollar tip 2 he finished his lunch in our restaurant.A: Why did he give you 3 huge a tip?B: He didnt give it to me. He left it there and 4 us to share it. Each of us got $250.A: I want to

24、 know why he gave a huge tip, not why 5 .B: He 6 at the back of the receipt that he had a poor childhood and had no Christmas gift. So I guess he wanted to help us all to have a happy Christmas.A: Was he the 7 who usually eat with his wife in your restaurant on Sunday?B: Yes, thats him. Its said he

25、is also the founder of the assist community. He is popular among the community, 8 those disabled or poor.A: Wow, he is such a positive person. People 9 him all feel warm.B: Well. Be a person 10 him when you grow up.A: Sure, I will. I will have more people have Christmas gift and feel warm from their

26、 heart.1. money 【解析】根据上下文可知此处询问哪里来的钱买礼物,故填 money。2. after 【解析】前文提到给了消费,根据常理可知应该是吃晚饭以后才给小费, 所以用 after,故填 after。3. so 【解析】根据上下文可知应该是一笔非常大的小费,这里用“so+形容词+a+单数可数名词”表示,故填 so。4. required/asked 【解析】这里意为“他留下了小费并且要求我们分享。”要求可以 用 require 或 ask,根据时态可知这里应该用一般过去时,故填 required/asked。5. you 【解析】根据上下文可知女儿是想知道为什么对方给了那么

27、大一笔小费而 不是想知道为什么把小费给了爸爸,所以这里要否定的对象是你,故填 you。6. wrote 【解析】根据常理可知在收据背面说明某件事只能是写下来,而这一动作发生在过去,所以要用一般过去时,故填 wrote。7. one/person 【解析】根据下文可知此处询问就是那个经常在星期天和他妻子一 起到你们饭店来吃午餐的那个人吗?这里可以用 one 指代,也可以直接用 person, 故填 one/person。8. especially 【解析】上文提到这个人非常善良,乐于助人,并成立了互助社区, 而且在互助社区非常受欢迎,故此处是指尤其在残疾或贫困人群中。表示尤其用 especial

28、ly,故填 especially。9. around 【解析】根据上下文可知这个人善良、乐于助人,他周围的人都能感受 到他的温暖,故填 around。10. like 【解析】根据上下文可知父亲是要求女儿长大以后成为一个像 Clark 先生 一样的人,应用 like 表示,故填 like。Passage 6A: Have you seen Never Say Die?B: Of course. Its the most humorous film Ive 1 .A: Yes. It has won a big box office of 877 million yuan and it was

29、2 in the Top Ten All Time International Box Office for Comedy Movies.B: Thats a 3 honor. The growing consuming power of4 makes other countries take more Chinese factors into their works. And the growing quality of Chinese works makes us speak louder.A: Yes, 5 thats not easy.B: There is a 6 way to go

30、 for Chinese films to win a place in the international market.A: Especially for comedies. Comedy doesnt usually travel well among different countries. Because of the 7 barriers, what serves up laughter for one culture can fall on deaf ears for another.B: Then how did Never Say Die 8 it?A: The play w

31、riters made the humor situational-based, and 9those barriers.B: Wow, thats a good way we could 10 from. A: Oh, time for class now. Lets go.1. seen 【解析】此处表示“这是我看过的最搞笑的电影。”时态为现在完成时,故填 seen。2. listed 【解析】根据空格后的“the Top Ten All Time International Box Office for Comedy Movies 所有时期喜剧电影前十名的排行榜”,可知此处指被列入所有时期 喜剧电影前十名的排行榜,“列入榜单”用动词 list,与主语之间是被动关系, 故填 listed

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