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1、完整word版Module2Unit1talesoftheunexplainedModule 2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained一、重点单词与短语:1. tale n.“故事,传说”c ,指传说或带有童话性质的故事。a fairy tale 童话辨析:与story的区别1)story n. “故事,小说,情节”,指真实或虚构的故事。short stories 短篇小说2. missing adj. “不见了,失去了,失踪的,下落不明的”。强调应该有而缺少,在句子中作表语、定语或补足语。A word is missing here. 这儿缺了一个单词。Ive fo

2、und the missing book. 我找到了丢失的那本书。I found the book missing. 我发现那本书不见了。辨析:与lost,gone 的区别1)lost“失去的,丧失的,丢失的”,含有遗失,不易找到的意思,另有“迷路的,迷失的”之意,作定语或表语。a lost chance/pen 失去的机会/钢笔lost youth 失去的青春My pen is lost. 我的钢笔不见了。2)gone “不见了”,只作表语。My watch is gone. 我的手表不见了。典题赏析: 1)Police are now searching for a woman who i

3、s reported to _since the flood hit the area last Friday.A. have been missing B. have got lost C. be missing D. get lost3. puzzle vt. 使迷惑,使为难,使窘迫n. 迷,游戏,难题 cpuzzling adj. 令人迷惑的,莫名其妙的puzzled adj. 感到迷惑的,困惑的典题赏析: 1)Facing the _situation, the sales manager looked _. 【11长沙模拟】A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzli

4、ng; puzzling C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling2)The patients illness _the doctor because he couldnt find the cause.A. frightened B. interested C. puzzled D. confused4. step n. 脚步,脚步声;步幅/子;台阶,梯级;阶段,步骤,措施 cvi. 跨步,行走;踩 (on)step by step 一步步的,逐步in step with 和步调一致;跟上out of step 步调不一致watch ones step

5、 留心脚底下;走路小心mind ones step 小心行事take steps to do sth. 采取措施干某事step up 加紧,加强,促进step down 放慢,辞职,下台step in 干涉;介入step aside 走到一边去;避开典题赏析:1)The rules must be _; there will be much more trouble appearing.A. stepped B. stepped out C. stepped up D. stepped in2)We all write _, even when theres not much to say.A

6、. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or less5. search n./vi./vt. 搜索,搜寻,搜查search sb. 搜某人的身 search sth. 搜寻某物 search for 寻找search after 找寻,追求searchfor 为寻找而搜寻 search into 调查,追究search out 找出,查出in search of 寻找in ones search for 寻找make a search of/for 搜寻,搜查They are searching the thief. 他们正在搜

7、那位小偷的身。They are searching his office. 他们正在搜查他的办公室。They are searching for the lost girl. 他们正在寻找那个迷路的女孩。They searched the woods for the lost girl. 他们搜寻森林寻找那个迷路的女孩。典题赏析: 1)They _the thief but found nothing.A. searched for B. searched after C. searched D. searched out 2)I looked everywhere _my glasses.

8、A. searching B. searching for C. in search of D. B&C3)Eventually, the President had to leave office _public pressure in order to ease the tension of the situation. A. in search of B. in response to C. in return for D. in honour of6. go link-v. “变为,变成,处于状态”,可接某些形容词作表语,表示状态的改变,常指有好变坏。go missing /wrong

9、/bad /angry/crazy/mad/hard/hungry/blind/deaf/lame 不见了/出差错/变坏/生气/发疯/变硬/挨饿/变瞎/变聋/变瘸go from bad to worse 每况愈下vi. 用副词作状语,意为“进展”。go badly/well/slowly 进展不顺利/好/缓慢7. due adj. 应付的,到期的;预期的,预定的,约定的;适当的The rent is due tomorrow. 房租明天该付了。The wages due to him will be paid tomorrow. 他应得的工资明天付给他。A great deal of mone

10、y is due to him. 要付给他一大笔钱。I am due to speak next Monday. 我预定下周一讲话。in due time 在适当的时候due to“因为,由于”, 作表语、状语或定语,不可位于句首,其中to为介词;His illness was due to bad food. 他生病的原因是因为食物不好。The flight was cancelled due to the heavy fog. 由于大雾,航班被取消了。The accident due to careless driving is terrible. 由于粗心驾驶导致的事故是可怕的。“到期的

11、,预期的,预定的,约定的”,作表语或定语,其中to为不定式。Her book is due to be published in May. 她的书预定五月出版。They are due to help us next week. 他们约定下周帮助我们。The meeting, due to be held this afternoon, is put off. 预定今天下午举行的会议被取消了。辨析:与because of, on account of, as a result of, owing to, thanks to的区别1)because of, on account of, as a

12、 result of作状语,位于句首或句中。2)owing to, thanks to作表语或状语,位于句首或句中。Because of the heavy rain, we are late. 因为大雨,我们迟到了。 We finished the task on time, thanks to your timely help.幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。The fire is owing to their carelessness. 大火是由于他们的粗心大意。典题赏析:1) _his being late again, he lost his job and had to st

13、ay at home.A. Due to B. Owe to C. As result of D. Because of2)The policeman said the accident _careless driving, so a lot of money _be paid by the driver.A. due to; has due to B. was due to; was due to C. is due to; has due to D. is due to; was due to3)The sports meet, originally _be held last Frida

14、y, was finally delayed because of the bad weather.A. due to B. thanks to C. owing to D. according to8. witness n. 目击者,证人 c vt. 目击,见证a witness to/ of 的目击者/证人witness to sth. 为某事作证witness to doing sth. 为干某事作证典题赏析:1)How can you prove you arent connected with this accident?I have two _.【11南通模拟】A. judges

15、B. friends C. witnesses D. facts2)The police found the witness _the murder. A. to B. in C. at D. with3)He witnessed to _the man enter the building.A. see B. seeing C. having seen D. have seen9. assume vt. 假定,认为assume sb. to be 认为某人是assume that 假定assumption n. 假定,假设on the assumption that 假设, 假如,如果ass

16、uming conj. 假设, 假如,如果Assuming it rains tomorrow, I wont go there. 如果明天下雨,我就不去那儿。10. construction n. 施工,建筑物 uunder construction 在建设中constructor n. 建造者,造船技师construct vt. 建造,构建11. occur vi. 发生;出现;浮现(occurring,occurred)(sth.) occur to sb. 某人突然想到(=hit/strike)“我突然想起了一个好主意”。有以下几种译法:A good idea occurs to me

17、.A good idea hits me. A good idea strikes me.I hit on a good idea.I strike on a good idea.It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想起干。It occurs to sb. thatIt occurred to me to close the window. 我突然想起要关窗户。It occurred to me that he was jealous. 我突然想起他是在嫉妒。辨析:occur,happen,chance,take place, come about与break ou

18、t1)occur正式用语,指偶然发生;另外还有“突然想起”。2)happen 常用语,指偶然发生,强调突然性。3)chance 正式用语,指碰巧发生,偶然发生。4)take place 指经过安排有计划的发生。5)come about往往注重事情发生的原因,常与how连用。6)break out 指战争,火灾,瘟疫等突然发生。典题赏析:用以上词填空1)The July Seventh Incident _ in 1937. 2)The May 4th Movement _ in 1919. 3)We shouldnt allow such things to_ again. 4)How did

19、 it _ that the man was dismissed? 5)She _ to be in the park when I was there. 6)A big fire _ in Shanghai last year. 7)It _ to me that he was lying. 8)I _along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _. 【06安徽】A. went; was occurring B. went; occurred C. was going; occurred D. was goin

20、g; had occurred9)It never occurred to me _you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. 【10陕西】A. which B. what C. that D. if12. show up 出现,露面show off 展示,炫耀showover 到某处看看/逛逛showtheway做示范,树立典范show sb. around sp带领某人参观某地show in 领某人进来show out 把某人送到门口;送某人出去典题赏析:1) _ around the Water Cube, we wer

21、e then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games. 【08陕西】A. Having shown B. To be shown C. Having been shown D. To show13. happen vi. (偶然)发生;碰巧(后接不定式或从句)happen to sb. /sth. 某人/ 某物怎么啦happen to do sth. 碰巧干某事It (so) happens that 碰巧happen on/upon 巧遇,偶然发现The story happened in 2003. 这个故事发生在200

22、3年。A car accident happened to her this morning. 今天上午她发生了交通事故。 What happened to the dog? 那条狗怎么啦?I happened to meet a friend of mine in the street yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了我的一个朋友。 It happened that he had to attend a meeting that afternoon. 碰巧那天下午他不得不参加一个会议。 She happened on a friend of hers in the street.

23、 在大街上,她遇到了她的一位朋友。典题赏析:1)“What happened _ you, Tom?” asked her mother.A. with B. on C. to D. of2)It _ that I had no money with me.A. occurred B. happened C. took place D. came about14. aboard adv./prep. 在(轮船、飞机、火车等)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车等)aboard the ship/the plane/the train 在轮船/飞机/火车上go aboard the ship/the pla

24、ne/the train 上轮船/飞机/火车15. researchn. 研究 u,可与不定冠词连用,也可用复数形式,但通常不与many或数字连用。do/make/carryout(a)research on/in/into 对进行研究vi./vt. 研究Heisresearching intothe problems. 他正在研究那些问题。Heisresearching the problems. 他正在研究那些问题。researchern. 研究人员16. injury n. 伤,伤口;伤害,损害 c/u injure vt. 伤害,损害injure ones pride/reputati

25、on/an arm 伤害某人的自尊/损害某人的名誉/伤了一只胳膊injured adj. 受伤的be injured 受伤the injured 伤者17. possibilityn.可能性 u/c; 可能的事 c (反:impossibility)There is a possibility of/that有可能There is a possibility of our getting there in time. 我们有可能及时到达那儿。There is no possibility that any of us will ever forget. 我们绝没可能忘记。possibleadj

26、. 可能的,可能发生的,潜在的 (反:impossible)asaspossible 尽可能do ones possible 尽力,竭力if possible 如果可能的话possibly adv. 可能地;也许,或许典题赏析: 1) _ is no possibility _ Bob can win the first prize in the match. 【01上海春】A. There; that B. It; that C. There; whether D. It; whether2)Were considering _ .A. if it was possible to do th

27、e job ourselves B. the possibility of doing the job ourselves C. the possibility to do the job ourselves D. possibly to do the job ourselves18. charge n. 负责,掌管;费用,价钱in charge of 掌管,负责in the charge of 由掌管/负责take charge of 掌管,负责free of charge 免费vt. 使充电;要价;控告;攻击charge sb. with (doing) sth. 指控某人(干)某事;因(

28、干)某事而控告某人charge sb. money for (doing) sth. 因(干)某事向某人索价多少钱chargefor 为收取费用charge at/towards/into 对进行攻击The police charged him with careless driving. 警察指控他粗心驾驶。The hotel charged me 200 yuan for a room for the night. 那家酒店一晚一个房间要我200元。How much do you charge for your eggs? 你的鸡蛋要多少钱?19. case n. 案子,案件;情况,状况;

29、实例;病例;箱子,盒子;框子,架子 cin case 假使,免得,以防(万一)(可引导句子或单独使用)in case of 假使,万一,如果发生in any case 无论如何;总之in no case 决不(位于句首,使用倒装。)in the case of 就来说;至于in this/that case 既然是这/那样case history 病历;个人历史casestudy 专题研究;案例研究as the case stands 事实上as is often the case 经常是这种情况as the case may be 根据实际情况典题赏析: 1)You may refer to

30、 your dictionary _ difficulty.A. in the case of B. in case of C. in any case D. in no case2)Whatever she says, _ is often the case, you shouldnt take it too seriously. A. it B. what C. which D. as3)The Americans are faced with a terrible financial crisis, which is found to be the _ in many other countries. A. thing B. condition C. matter D. case20. makeup 编造,捏造;组成,构成;化妆,打扮;占;和解,和好;弥补makeupfor 弥补(用其他方式) makeout 理解,弄清

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