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Unit 6 Ancient stories知识点讲解汇总.docx

1、Unit 6 Ancient stories知识点讲解汇总Unit 6 Ancient stories (1)Date:_ name:_【知识要点】 Key words:1. ancient adj. 古代的 in ancient times 在古代 ancient buildings 古代的建筑物 【拓展】近义词:old adj. 老的,旧的;反义词:modern adj. 现代的2. war n. 战争,可数名词 the First World War 第一次世界大战 the Second World War 第二次世界大战 The two countries have been at w

2、ar for five years . 这两个国家打了五年的战。 【拓展】反义词:peace n. 和平 People are against the war and for the peace. 人们反对战争,支持和平。3. understand v. 懂,理解 注意:understand的过去式和过去分词都是understood. I dont what the teacher said. 我不理解老师说的话。4. difference n差别;不同 different adj. 不同的;有差别的 differ v. 区分 Can you find out the differences

3、between the two pictures? 常用搭配:be different from 与.不同 反义词:similarity n. 相像处;相似点 similar adj.相似的 be similar to 与.相似5. *Greek n. 希腊人 Greek n. 希腊语 Greece n. 希腊 Ancient Greeks were often great thinkers 古希腊人是伟大的思想家 6. soldier n. 士兵 Some people think they look like soldiers, and others think they look lik

4、e animals . 有人认为它们看起来像士兵,有的人认为它们像动物。7. huge adj. 巨大的,只能指体积的巨大或超过标准的巨大,相当于very large They live in a huge house. 他们住在一所巨大的房子。8. pull v.(向某方向)拖,拉动 She pulled the drawer open. 她把抽屉拉开了。 固定搭配:pull down 把某物拉下,拆毁;pull out 拉出,拔出 【拓展】反义词:push vt. 推9. main adj. 主要的 mainly adv. 大部分地,大体上,主要地 My main reason for l

5、earning English is to get a better job. 我学英语主要是想找一份更好的工作。10. celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺 celebration n. 庆祝;庆祝会(仪式) Tom celebrated his 24th birthday with his friends two days ago. The company will celebrate its tenth anniversary this year11. stupid adj. 笨的,傻的 foolish adj . 傻的;silly adj. 愚蠢的 Dont be so stupid

6、! 别太傻了!12. midnight n. 午夜;子夜 at midnight 在午夜;在半夜 by midnight 在午夜前 They had to leave at midnight 13. empty adj. 空的 反义词:full adj. 满的 My glass is empty. 我的玻璃杯是空的。14. except prep. 除之外 The museum is open every day except Monday I can answer all of the questions except the last one 【辨析】except, except for和

7、besides (1)except介词“除.之外”,表示将一个或几个人或物从同一类人或物中排除。 All came except Tom We go to library every day except Sunday. (2)except for “除.之外”,“在说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正”,基本情况 和细节不属于同一范畴。 He is a good man except for hot temper他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁。 Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes. (3)besides “除.之外还有

8、” “其中所指的事物并没有被排除,而是先后包含在内” We all went shopping besides her.15. secret adj. 秘密的 n. 秘密 The soldiers are training at a secret place The police are trying to keep the documents secret This is a secret between you and me 【拓展】secretly adv秘密地;机密地 He wore a hidden microphone to secretly record the conversa

9、tions. 他身上藏了一个传声器,打算偷偷录下谈话内容。16. quietly adv. 安静地 quiet adj. 安静的The boy walked into the room quietly in order not to wake up his parents. All students must keep quiet when they listen to the speech 17. army n. 陆军部队 固定搭配:join the army 参军 He joined the army when he was 17 . 他十七岁的时候加入了陆军。18. succeed v.

10、 达到目的;实现目标 succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 People have succeeded in sending astronauts onto the Moon. 【反义】fail v. 失败 failure n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母 【链接】success n. 成功;胜利 successful adj. 获得成功的 successfully adv. 成功地19. trick n. 计谋 v. 哄骗;使上当 常用搭配:play a trick/tricks on sb. 捉弄某人 The t

11、hieves used a trick to get past the security guards 窃贼们使计从安保人员身边溜走了。 They tricked me and I felt like a fool他们欺骗了我,我觉得自己像个傻瓜。 【提示】trick 一词还有如下的常见含义: a. 把戏;戏法 The magician performed a trick and the rabbit disappeared 魔术师变了一个戏法,结果兔子消失了。 b. 要领;窍门 Jack picked up this trick from his elder brother. 杰克从他哥哥那

12、里学会了这个窍门。20. steal v. 偷;窃取 (steal-stole-stolen) Her money has been stolen. 她的钱让人给偷了。21. punish v. 处罚;惩罚 punishment n. 惩罚;处罚 The children were punished for telling lies. 孩子们因为说谎而受惩罚。 Key structures:1. Because they didnt need to study so much history.(1) need 需要;必须 作为实义动词,其后宾语可以是名词、代词、动名词或动词不定式。有人 称和数

13、的变化,助动词是does/do/did。 A.其后接名词或代词 We need a great deal of money now. 我们需要和多钱。 B. need doing 与 need to be done,接动名词表示被动含义 The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted. 那扇门需要油漆一下。 C. need to do sth. You need to take good care of your mother. 你要好好照料你妈妈。 用作情态动词 A.没有人称和数的变化。 B.不能单独充当谓语。情态动词必须与一个

14、实义动词一起构成复合谓语,并且 这个实义动词始终是动词原形。 C.变为否定句时只需在情态动词之后加not。 D.变为疑问句时只需将need提到主语的前面。 You neednt worry. 你不必担心。 (2)so much “这么多”,修饰不可数名词;so many 同义,修饰可数名词 so much money 这么多钱 so much homework 这么多作业 so many friends 这么多朋友 so many people 这么多人2. Now theyve given up and sailed away! 现在, 他们放弃了,驾船走了! (1) give up意为“放

15、弃;认输” give in 投降;屈服 My uncle was seriously ill, but the doctor didnt give up They have to give in. (2) sail away是指“(人)驾船而走”。3. “But look over there,”a soldier said“Theyve left a huge wooden horse.” (1) look over意为“从(某物上面)看过去”。 look 的其他短语: look for look after _ look up _ look around _ (2) leave是及物动词,

16、leave-left-left a. leave v. 遗留,留下 She left some food for her husband. leave sb./sth + 地点介词短语: 把某人(物)遗忘在. Mary has left her wallet on the underground train. Ive left my umbrella on the bus. 【复习拓展:】a)leave v. 离开 When did you leave London?b)leave for + 地点 动身去某地 Im leaving for Beijing next month.c)表示“放置

17、,听人,使处于某种状态” Dont leave the door open. / Leave him alone.d)作名词,“许可,准假” ask for sick leave a three weeks leavee)“还剩.” Dont worry! There is still 5 minutes left. / There is only one apple left.4. They sang and danced around the horse, and made jokes about the stupid Greeks. joke n. 玩笑 【常用搭配】make jokes

18、 about =laugh at =make fun of 拿开玩笑;以为笑柄 You shouldnt make jokes about the poor girl. have a joke with sb. 与某人一起说笑话 play a joke/jokes on sb 戏弄某人=make fun of= laugh at tell jokes 讲笑话 5. I havent laughed like this since my childhood.(1) since+时间点= for+时间段 e.g. He has lived in Shenzhen since 2010. =He h

19、as lived in Shenzhen for 4 years.(2) childhood 童年 child 孩子 children 复数6. They locked all the gates of the city and then all went to sleep.(1) go to sleep = go to bed 上床睡觉,强调动作(2) fall asleep = be asleep 睡着了,强调状态 (3) sleepy adj. 欲睡的;困乏的 She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her. 他叫醒她的时候,她仍然又累又困

20、。7. By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.(1)by prep. 不迟于;到时(为止) Can you finish the work by tomorrow? 你能在明天以前完成工作吗?(2)empty adj. 空的 反义词:full adj. 满的(3)except for 除之外,但是for后面接的宾语与句子的主语属于同一类 辨析:except, besides, but与except for besides except except for (包括其后的内容) (排除其后的内容) (对

21、前文内容的修正说明)8. The horse was full of Greek soldiers! They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.(1) be full of = be filled with 充满 e.g.The glass is filled with milk. = The glass is full of milk.(2) one by one 一个接着一个 step by step一步步9. In one night, they succeeded in capturing it through a clever

22、trick. succeed in doing sth = do sth successfully 成功地做了某事 【拓展】(1) success 不可数名词,“成功;成就”;可数名词,“成功的人或事” Both plans have been tried without success. 两个计划都已试过,但未获成功。 The plan was a great success. 这项计划极为成功。 (2) successful adj. 成功的 a successful teacher 一个成功的老师【实战演练】一、强化词汇。1. Can you tell the (不同)betweenth

23、e two pictures?2. Janes father speaks English well. He can make himself (理解) when he travels all over the world.3. His uncle died in the World (战争) II.4. We will all have a course in (古代的) history this term.5. He wants to be a (士兵) when he grows up.6. The ants were (拖) pieces of corn.7. The (主要的) th

24、ing is to have a good balance.8. There are lots of hbuilding in Beijing.9. The villages (庆祝) the Dragon Boat Festival by having a dragon boat race last Wednesday .10. The concert last night wasnt very good. Before it ended, the theatre was almost e.11. All the question are easy ethe last one .12. It

25、 was (愚蠢) of me to do that. 13. An old man was sitting on the (侧面) of the road.14. Ive hidden (藏)the letter in a s place .15. Please e the house by the back door.16. There they formed an (军队) of about two thousand men.17. So far, weve (成功) in saving thousands of people in danger.18. The teacher (处罚)

26、 her students for cheating in the exam.19. Elizabeth II is the (女王) of England.20. I think someone has (偷) my jacket.21. Excuse me, (先生),can you tell me the time?22. The classroom (场,一段情节) in the play made us laugh a lot it reminded us of our school .二、根据首字母或括号提示完成单词。1. People in China c_ the Dragon

27、 Boat Festival to remember Qu Yuan.2. Can you figure out the d_ between these two hairstyles?3. He is a _(希腊人),but he lives in London all the time.4. The whale is a very h_ animal.5. There is nobody in the room. It is e_.6. It is a s_. Dont let another person know.7. The Japanese want to c_ our coun

28、try in 1937.8. Did you notice Meimei e_ her room at two oclock?9. Im very upset because everyone else in my class was invited to the party e_ me. I feel so lonely.10. The boy likes reading stories about a history.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. It is necessary for us_ (understand) the importance of health care.2.

29、Doing lots of listening practice is one of the_ (secret) of becoming a good English learner. 3. If you want to get the best score, try _ (work) hard.4. Your pen is green; mine is _ (difference) from yours.5. He needed (lie) down and rest.四、选择适当的词组完成句子。 每个词组仅使用一次。(注意词形)give up pull . . . into make jokes about except forone by one take . with be full of look over1. Would you please help me_ the heavy wooden case_ the room?2. The beach was very crowded. It _ people from all over the world.3. Jackie wore a strange pair of shoes to school today, and th

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