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1、南开大学18秋学期1703大学英语三在线作业2【奥鹏】南开大学18秋学期(1703)大学英语(三)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100第1题,- I wonder if you could help me.- ( ).A、I couldB、Yes, I doC、No, not at allD、Of course第2题,- Excuse me, I didnt mean to bother you.- ( ).A、Theres no problemB、Its a pleasureC、Thats quite all rightD、I didnt realize that第3题,I was bus

2、y with my paper when I heard someone( )in the room above.A、moving onB、moving offC、moving upD、moving about第4题,While( )money, he had worked very long hours.A、raisingB、she was raisingC、raisedD、to raise第5题,There wasnt any paper in the box,( )?A、wasnt thereB、was thereC、wasnt anyD、was any第6题,Jean could be

3、 a very attractive girl, but she( )to her clothes.A、pays no attentionB、was paying no attentionC、paid attentionD、had paid attention第7题,He goes to school by bike, and the( )takes half an hour.A、travelB、journeyC、voyageD、trip第8题,He( )the children so badly that they were terrified of him.A、behavedB、treat

4、edC、dealtD、acted第9题,What( )all this morning?A、are you being doneB、have you been doingC、have you been doneD、are you doing第10题,( )majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.A、不填B、AC、TheD、Many第11题,- Are you sure about that?- ( ).A、You neednt worry about thatB、I like the ideaC、Oh,

5、no. Im afraid of thatD、Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive第12题,I have lived here( )1997.A、forB、sinceC、atD、after第13题,( )every day for 20 minutes.A、ExerciseB、To exerciseC、Should exerciseD、Exercising第14题,- I wonder if Tim could control the situation.- ( ).A、Its none of your businessB、Youll get involved in

6、itC、Tim must be thinking about itD、Well, if he cant control it, no one can第15题,( )these children know the answer.A、MostB、SomeC、Most ofD、Few第16题,He is a kind-hearted and( )gentleman.A、respectiveB、respectableC、respectedD、respectful第17题,- I wonder if Henry will come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes pr

7、omised.- ( ).A、The party wont start until 8:00B、Thank you for having the party for meC、Dont worry. He always keeps his wordD、The party must cost a lot第18题,There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has( )poverty.A、fallen intoB、consisted inC、resulted inD、come up to第19题,When a fire

8、( )at the National Exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.A、broke offB、broke outC、broke downD、broke up第20题,- Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?- ( ).A、Yes, they doB、Yes, they areC、No, there arentD、No, they dont第21题,Not always( )they want (to).A、peopl

9、e can do whatB、can people do whatC、people cannot do whatD、cant people do what第22题,Jack enjoys( )Peking Opera.A、listen toB、listeningC、listenD、listening to第23题,The definition leaves( )for disagreement.A、a small roomB、much roomC、great deal roomD、not so big a room第24题,When( )the old block of flats( )?A、

10、did.being demolishedB、did. demolishC、is. being demolishedD、is. demolished第25题,We advised him to give up smoking,( )a lot of exercise.A、to doB、and to doC、and doD、and doing第26题,Im in Greece at the moment. I like the weather( ).A、hereB、thereC、thatD、this第27题,- Is there anything serious, doctor?- ( ).A、I

11、m going to have another check-upB、The results of the blood test are wrongC、No. Just stay in bed and drink more waterD、Yes. You can go home tomorrow第28题,We have our office( )every day by a cleaner.A、cleanB、to cleanC、cleanedD、cleaning第29题,Once he starts a job, he wont stop( )it is finished.A、tillB、aft

12、erC、beforeD、until第30题,- What a beautiful dress in the window!- ( ).A、I have no idea about itB、Yes, really. If I had the money, Id buy itC、You cant wear itD、Theres no money to buy it第31题,- Wait here and Ill get my car and go there together.- ( ).A、Im sorry to have kept you waitingB、Your sports car is

13、 fabulousC、Im afraid I wont wait very longD、Why bother? Its within walking distance第32题,Please leave the key under the door( )you go out.A、in caseB、in the caseC、in case ofD、in the case of第33题,I know this is the secret between you and me, and I promise never to( )it to anyone else.A、mentionB、talkC、sp

14、eechD、announce第34题,John Preston was tired( )living in east London, in which he had moved after his wifes death.A、toB、ofC、atD、for第35题,I dont want you to make any trouble,( ), I urge you to solve the problem.A、thusB、consequentlyC、on the contraryD、just as第36题,The population of the earth( )increasing fa

15、st. One third of the population here( )workers.A、is; areB、is; has beenC、are; isD、is; was第37题,- Joe will come to the party at Jane and Ians, wont he?- ( ).A、Oh, yeah, 1 forgotB、Its at 8 oclockC、Yeah, hes bringing his cousin, SandyD、Yeah, its a nice party第38题,At present, the most important thing is th

16、at Britain needs( )more to improve the relationship with the USA.A、to doB、doingC、to be doneD、do第39题,- Excuse me, how far is the airport from here?- ( ).A、You can take a taxiB、Its about thirty milesC、Ill fly to SidneyD、Its only six hundred dollars第40题,Do you feel like( )today?A、having something eaten

17、B、having something to eatC、to have something eatenD、to have something to eat第41题,People wandering in the fairground or park area( )wear a uniform.A、mustB、mustntC、have toD、dont have to第42题,- Must we hand in our homework now? - ( ).A、Yes, you willB、Yes, you mustntC、No, you needntD、No, you mustnt第43题,T

18、he restaurants( )are good but the( )here are much better.A、there.onesB、here.oneC、there.oneD、here. one第44题,Frank plays( )Alex.A、a lot more better thanB、much more better thanC、a lot better thanD、much more well than第45题,He speaks so quickly that I didnt( )what he said.A、receiveB、listenC、takeD、catch第46题

19、,- Dont take too long at the coffee shop. Its 14:15.- ( ).A、Ill think your advice overB、I see. We have 30 minutes leftC、Thats no problemD、Im afraid so第47题,Well( )our discussion tomorrow.A、carry outB、carry onC、carry throughD、carry forward第48题,Id rather stay at home than( )a walk.A、takingB、to takeC、ta

20、keD、to be taking第49题,- Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?- ( ).A、I have just bought a new oneB、Its cheap to repair a motorcarC、Around the street cornerD、You drive too fast to damage it第50题,- There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?- ( ).A、Have a tryB、SureC、Dont go, pleaseD、No, thanks

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