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1、人教版七年级上学期英语期末检测题附答案解析七年级上学期英语期末测试卷一、单项选择题1.I have _ basketball. Lets play _ basketball.A. the;the B. an;/ C. /;the D. a;/2.I think English is difficult _ interesting.A. and B. but C. because D. then3.Excuse me,is this _ new watch? Yes,its _.A. your;my B. your;mine C. yours;my D. yours;mine4.Mary _ a

2、 blue skirt, but she doesnt _ a red one.A. has;has B. have;has C. has;have D. have;have5. -_ is that quilt?-Its blackA. How color B. What colorC. Whats color D. What6.We have to eat breakfast _ seven _ the morning.A. in;at B. on;in C. at;in D. at;at7._. Youre welcome.A. Thanks a lot. B. Good morning

3、. C. How are you? D. Nice to meet you8._ are good friends.A. I and she B. I and her C. She and I D. She and me9.Lets _ the fruit for Lindas birthday.OK. _ some bananas and oranges?A. what about; Think about B. think about; How aboutC. how about; Think about D. what about; How about10.Can you _your n

4、ame? -Yes,K-1-M-l,Kimi.A. spell B. listen C. meet D. draw11. Do you like red and green?YesTheyre my _ colorsA. healthy B. right C. last D. favorite12.My name is Jenny Brown .Jenny is my name .A. family B. firstC. last D. full13.How _ are the trousers? Theyre 120 yuan.A. / B. old C. much D. about14.G

5、ina is years old. Today is her day in the new school.A. twelve;twelve B. twelve;twelfthC. twelfth;twelfth D. twelfth;twelve15.Can I help you? Yes, please. _A. I can play the guitar very well B. I want a blue T - shirtC. I want to go to a comedy D. I dont need your help二、完形填空 Do you know many student

6、s arent healthy today? Now many students know sports are good for _16_ health. But they dont like_17_.Some of them only watch them_18_ TV. Whats more (而且),many of them only like watching TV and_19_computer games.They often say, “Play soccer? Oh,it sounds _20_Play basketball? Oh,it sounds difficult.”

7、And many boys and girls dont like_21_.They dont have carrots for _22_and they dont have broccoli for dinner.But vegetables and fruit are_23_food.They need to eat lots of them every day._24_ they like junk food(垃圾食品).They like_25_French fries, hamburgers, fast foodSo if(如果) you want to be healthy,eat

8、 vegetables and play sports ev ery day !.16. A. their B. her C. his D. your17. A. play sport B. play ingsport C. play sports D. playing sports18. A. in B. on C. at D. to19. A. player B. play C. playing D. plays20. A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. nice21 A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit D. dessert22.

9、 A. drink B. dinner C. play D. lunch23. A. healthy B. health C. first D. last24. A. And B. so C. But D. Then25. A. doing B. eating C. watching D. playing三、阅读理解 ADear Liu Ying,Im Lucy from Heifei No. 1 Middle School. I am 12 years old and we are the same age (年龄). Now I want to tell you something abo

10、ut my school.I have lessons from Monday to Friday. We have P. E., music, Chinese, math and science on Monday. My favorite subject is science. I think it is interesting and useful. So Monday is my favorite day. Mr. Lin is my Chinese teacher. He is great fun and I like him very much. I like Chinese, t

11、oo. I dont like Friday, because I have math on the day and I think it is very boring. I have no time to play after school. I have much homework to do.How about you? Please e-mail me.Your friend,Lucy26. Lucy _.A. is in China now B. is 13 years oldC. likes P. E. very much D. has Chinese on Friday27. T

12、he underlined word (划线单词)“it”refers to (指的是)“ ”A. math B. music C. Monday D. Friday28. Lucy likes science because _.A. she has it on Monday B. her science teacher is niceC. it is fun and useful D. it is easy and interesting29. Whats the Chinese meaning (意思) of“homework”in the passage (文章)?A. 购物清单 B.

13、 教学计划 C. 家庭作业 D. 工作总结30. 下列哪项陈述是正确?A. Lucy has art on Monday. B. Friday is Lucys favorite day.C. Liu Ying is thirteen years old. D. Lucy goes to school five days a week.BIm Du FanIm a student in Class1, Grade1 at Shangdu Middle schoolMy school is small. You can see only one classroom in it. In the c

14、lassroom, you can see three students and a teacher. The three students are He Dong, Tang Xiaolu and me. He Dong and I are boys. Tang Xiaolu is a girl. We are all twelve years old. Our teachers name is Tang Quanyou. He is fifty-nine years old. Every day we have Chinese, math, art and P. E. with the h

15、elp of Mr. TangEvery day Mr. Tang is tired but very happy. After class Mr. Tang plays basketball with us. Mr. Tangs wife(妻子)is also at school with usShe is very friendly to us. We all like her.31. In Du Fans classroom, you can see _ students.A. thirty B. thirteen C. three D. four32. At school Du Fan

16、 doesnt learn(学习) _.A. art B. English C. Chinese D. math33. The passage(短文)tells(告诉)us Mr. Tang can _.A. play chess B. play volleyballC. play basketball D. play tennis34. The underlined word“friendly”means(意思) _ in Chinese.A. 兴奋的 B. 严厉的 C. 羞涩的 D. 友好的35. Which of the following(下列)is True(对的)?A. Du Fa

17、n is a girl.B. Tang Xiaolu is thirteen years old.C. There is one teacher at Shangdu Middle School.D. The teacher is fifty-eight years old.CGood morning! Welcome to our food shop. We have many things on sale.Please come in and have a look! Please look at our ads (广告). Would you like some of them? Buy

18、 them soon. Some food isnt on the ads such as chicken and fish. The chicken is36.The ads are for _A. a toy shop B. a clothes shop C. a food shop D. a book shop37.Mrs Green can buy three kilos of eggs with _A. $5.00 B. $10.00 C. $12.00 D. $15.0038.Ifyou have only $7.00, you can buy _.A. two kilos of

19、oranges B. two bottles ofmilkC. three bottles of orange juice D. four kilos of bread39.If you have S60.00 now. You can buy _ of apples or _ of rice.A. 15 kilos; 2 bags B. 12 kilos; 3 bagsC. 20 kilos; 1 bag D. 12kilos;2bags40. Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. In this shop, you cannot buy any

20、 food with only $3.00.B. This shop doesnt have fish or chicken.C. Fish isnt on the ads, but we can buy it in the shop.D. You cannot buy any drinks in this shop.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词41. What do you like for b_(早餐)? Milk and bread.42. I dont like volleyball. Its really d_(困难的).43. Boys and girls, do you h

21、ave q_(问题) to ask me?44. My sisters birthday is the t_(第二十) day of June.45. I cant go to your party b_(因为) Im really busy this week用所给单词的适当形式完成句子46. There are many _ (woman) in the room.47. My mother has a good _ (eat) habit.48. I _ (real) like ice-cream, but I dont eat it.49. Mr.Wang plays basketba

22、ll _ (good).50 September is the _(nine) month of the year.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词51. 我喜欢面包,但不喜欢牛奶。I like _, _ I dont like _.52. 我爸爸星期一很忙。My father is _ _ on Mondayr.53. 你需要运动包吗?_ you _ bags _ sports?54. 那件棕色的裙子多少钱? 八美元。How _ is that brown _? _ eight dollars.55. 吉娜爱整洁,但她哥哥杰克却不,他的书到处都是。Gina is _, but her brot

23、her Jack is not.His books are _.选择适当的句子补全下列对话,有两项多余Liu Yan:Hello, Wang Ling!Wang Ling:Hi! _56_Liu Yan:Thank you.Wang Ling:_57_Liu Yan:No.My favorite color is light (淡的;浅的) blue. _58_Wang Ling:I like white and black.Liu Yan:You are wearing a green T-shirt. _59_Wang Ling:Thank you. _60_A. But my favor

24、ite color is black.B. What colors do you like?C. Whats your name?D. Your yellow dress looks nice.E. Green is just right for (正适合) you.F. What are they?G. Is yellow your favorite (最喜爱的) color?61.书面表达请根据表格提示,以“My favorite”为题,写一篇50词左右的短文介绍一下你的最爱(说明原因)。可根据实际情况,灵活取舍表格内容,适当发挥;短文开头部分已给出。My favoritedaysubje

25、ctCity (城市)foodsportWhatWhyMy favoriteDo you want to make friends with me? Do you want to know me more? Im a happy boy/girl. I like _答案与解析一、单项选择题1.I have _ basketball. Lets play _ basketball.A. the;the B. an;/ C. /;the D. a;/【答案】D【解析】句意:我有一个篮球。让我们打篮球吧。考查冠词辨析题。a和an都是不定冠词,表示泛指,前者后接以辅音音素开头的名词/形容词,后者后接以

26、元音音素开头的名词/形容词。the是定冠词,用于特指。本题前句的basketball以辅音音素开头,用a表示泛指;后句的basketball和play连用属于play的固定用法,不加冠词。根据句意,可知选D。2.I think English is difficult _ interesting.A. and B. but C. because D. then【答案】B【解析】句意:我认为英语是难的,但是有趣。A. and 和; B. but但是; C. because 因为; D. then那么;根据句意故选B3.Excuse me,is this _ new watch? Yes,its

27、_.A. your;my B. your;mine C. yours;my D. yours;mine【答案】B【解析】句意:打扰一下,这是你的新手表吗?是的,它是我的。根据空后有new watch,所以用形容词性的物主代词,第二个空后没有名词,所以用名词性的物主代词;故选B4.Mary _ a blue skirt, but she doesnt _ a red one.A. has;has B. have;has C. has;have D. have;have【答案】C【解析】句意:玛丽有一个蓝裙子,但是她没有红裙子。因主语是Mary单三,所以谓语动词用单数形式has;doesnt后用动

28、词原形;故选C5. -_ is that quilt?-Its blackA. How color B. What colorC. Whats color D. What【答案】B【解析】试题解析:句意:那床被子是什么颜色?用来提问颜色,用固定短语What color。根据句意判断,选B。考点:考查特殊疑问词。点评:解答本题的关键是正确理解句意,分清特殊疑问词的用法。6.We have to eat breakfast _ seven _ the morning.A. in;at B. on;in C. at;in D. at;at【答案】C【解析】句意:我们必须在早晨7点吃早饭。在几点钟用介词at;在早晨用介词in;故选C点睛:介词可以用在时间和地点前。放在时间前的用法:at放在几点钟前,例如:at one oclock;on用于具体的某一天前或者上午、下午、晚上有修饰词时,例如:on Thursday , on cold afternoon; in用于年、月、星期等。放在地点前的用法:at+小地方,in+大地方,例如:at home, in Beijing7._. Youre welcome.A. Thanks a lot. B. Good morning. C. Ho

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