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1、完整word版广州六年级英语下册U7Unit 7 It is the polite thing to do【复习】成功的 出售过去式 当作 没错 把变成 感到厌烦 输掉比赛 【词汇必会】方法 态度 礼貌 座位 没礼貌的 队 推 满的 大笑 当时候 现学现卖 1.请选择1)We should always be polite to others and have good A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. whenI fell down because he me. 2)A. laugh B. push C. full D. pushed the old lad

2、y got on the bus, I stood up and gave her my seat 3)A. full B. laugh C. push D. asI like your idea, but not yoiir4) A. maimer B. impolite C. laugh D. whenYou should always wait in when you are paying money in the supermarket. 5)A. push B. impolite C. laugh D. lineThe teacher said: Come in and have a

3、 6)A. seat B. line C. as D. mannerEat more! 7) Thank you, but Im ”A. laugh B. full C. maimer D. line8)It is to make fun of others.A. full B. laugh C. impolite D. as9)He often tells us funny stories and make us A. full B. laugh C. manner D. push3.请填空1)当你排队的时候推别人,这是很没有礼貌的。It is to people when you are

4、waiting in 2)如果车厢满了,我们应该把作为让给老年人。If the bus is , we should give our to old people.3)当我们说到”什么龟”,总是大笑不止。 we say “what tortoise ” , We can not stop 4)这是-个很好的方法来农示我们态度和礼貌It is a good to show our and .【词组必会】插队 嘲笑 让座 排队 需要 起立 坐下 排队等待 在超市 等待轮到某人 1/10现学现卖 L填空1)当我们嘲笑别人的时候,我们要想想有天很可能相同的事情也发生在自己身上。When we othe

5、rs, we should think this will probably someday happen tous, too.2)小明不想站起来,那就坐下吧。Xiao Ming does nt want to z so he can .3)我们应该把座位让给需要的人。We should to some one 4)妈妈现在超市等着轮到自己。Mum at the supermarket【知识点精讲】1.What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?I f she does not have a seat, I will

6、give her my seat.if农示如果,主句将来时,从句现在时。练习:1.If I put on tins sweater, my classmate (laugh) me.2.If he (come) today, lie will bring us candies.3.如果你今天吃冰淇凌明天就不能吃了。2.Why?例 f: -Are you busy right now?Tm doing my homewoTk why?3.Ifs the polite thing to do.句型:it is sth. to do.练习:这是(应该做的)有用的事。 这是(应该做的)对的事情。 4.

7、should always give our seat to people in need. 十“People should always wait for their turn. 心should叫做 动词。这-类动词还右 等should后面的动词用 形式。练习:()1you like some bread ? A Would()2. WeB Could C Canthrow the waste in the zoo.A. can*tC Yes,certainly.B.AII right.C.Yesz of courseC.Yes.ld like some oranges.A.Yes,you

8、have B. Yes,you can.( )5.Shall we work on the farm ?A.Yeszwe do. B.Yes, we shall.2/10)6.Would you have something to announce?A.Yes,we would. B.Yesz Id like )7.Can I help you?A.Yes,you can. B.NoJ can do it.宝娶句i Wh 戒 you do if you see an old ladj- on the bus?匸矣仿舀到-丄老炉浙在巴土狂耆.你会上么俊?3,We uiwass give our

9、seat to people .衣灯应瀆把空乞让&冷妥対人4.Yesterda I in line at the scpennarket. a girl tried to 昨天,当戏殳迢巾井认用吋恢,有个女孩労力去俞队5- slwuld alwa-s tliew _ . 人 t 该拝门、电侯:StcpGs 3i点知VI直【知识点sw$bdoiiixsth 人正在俄艾丰:wesbdosUi 人協亲.事(担涙全訓过矩或之绘用发主see an old lath- on the bus亡见一位老灰无壬公交J:纭看I you the dishes.我壬兄仕正在诜碗leyuu lhebndgr. ftE見

10、龟过了析:的全过程儿fe?5: .J沁,buve. notice,foci, hour4用王上用直杓冋.【知谋点一】pve sdi to 5b - ftive sth给臬人臬竹 my sent an okl Indy上咒的座fiLit给老太太Ho gave aliandsomo pmsont.他送鳄龙一p橹产的札件He liis b wXs tlzwhou】化?EfE3 菽廿?fi 理洽 了 学校;【知识岂=】mnord:总希帮肋的:存刃用中的uurseat to 辻卷免连的人(in Jived 修作 peupk)When Americans see peopte , ttf want to

11、help类図人宦有到人T范安特实之k希壬伸已扭&7之手.托段.in need of s需歹茶轲She is anwt. frfi【知识点四】a$: 3.WYesterday _ I in line at the supermarket, a girl tried to pu 3h in. 菲天.当ftJ2市耳歐等沃的片伏.一个女孩努方插入贏伍.I snngsongs IwMMd.当我尢2S的三悅.我亡敦托段:as soon as .就. as well也:叵忏地:逐不如3/10【知识点五】wait for.尊待their turn jLG、等埃I am for you at the supen

12、narket now.找现W IF在超 fjt Then. them to email you 悠后,等待他Yl发电子M匸拾偸0Step?:语法【知识点一】dont push in!不更8认句)-)定义匕用壬齐达命令、请求、劝色、舍吉、奈止壽的匂子也仗巧使勺,析使句录堵巨7 衰迭色令c祈嵋旬因对敦(即主语)录弟二人称,才以涵定都舎珞,萨慢句的动词直为一衣 现在时.句末則便毛勺号來农示貉束例Go and wash yonr hands. (去洗你的手, 命令)Be quiwl. piecue. (Please be quittL ) : ig女?? i眉求B to A at)2The new b

13、ookshop is a lot) 3The sweets and cakes are presents my parents mybirthday (C from, forB for, to A to, from) 4Meimei is a nice girl black hair and black eyes (C has)5 My brother(C was, was Ba naughty boy vzhen hea little childwas,wereA were, was)6This schoolISthan that one (C morE newerB much nex-je

14、rAmanynewerB aboutA with4/10()8.Wehope the treev;ell again AgrowB grexjC will grow()沢MrSmith isold farmer He hasbig farmAa, aE a, anC an, a()10.Ilike playingbadminton 4aB/C theA footballers3 footbailerC footballs( ) The farmers dug many holes and filled the: holes earth 4 to B with C for( ) 12 We se

15、e a film on TV last night A dont 3 vzeren t C didnt( ) 13工 was born in 2000 and you born in 2001A are B were C was( )14 Qi Baishi was a Chinese A writer B scientist C. painter( ) 15 The little girl was very sad because her grandma A die B dying C dimd) 1 工f 工 have an interesting book. 工 it xMavbw if*H Ycmiximu C YcwixiMia* D. Yniix nnwin |k-turv Tli* Ati th A i、rw uikImH fiflli, two)5 1$ thereB. or C. at)7 yir playing fh C. giv

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