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1、完整word版高级商务英语教案unit7unit12教案课程名称: 高级综合商务英语 授课班级:14级商务英语本科1,3班 * * 所在部门: 外语系 教 研 室: 商 务 英 语 学 期:2017至2018学年第一学期广 东 理 工 学 院 教 务 处 制广东理工学院教案撰写说明一、授课时间:用阿拉伯数字书写。二、授课方式:在相应选项前打。三、授课时数:用阿拉伯数字,如节。四、授课题目:填写教学章节或主题。五、教学目的:分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次填写,可根据实际需要取舍(建议全部写明)。六、教学重点及难点:根据实际情况填写。七、教学方法及手段:如举例讲解、多媒体讲解、模型讲解、实物讲解、挂图

2、讲解、音像讲解等。八、教学过程及内容:按复习、引导、讲授新课、巩固、小结等步骤进行。九、作业布置:写明课本或练习册的章、节、页、题;教师自拟题时,需写出题目的内容。十、教学后记:填写教师通过本次课教学,有何心得体会及今后改进提高的一些设想。学期授课计划编制说明本学期大纲要求学时数教学大纲 (名称、版本、文号)本学期教学周数本学期周学时数本学期使用教材(名称、主编、版本)高级综合商务英语本课程学期总时数其 中讲授异动及必要说明事项实验实习(实训)课复习课考核机动节假日占用其它学期授课计划表周次章节名称及主要内容授课节数作业备注132333435363738393103113123周次章节名称及主

3、要内容授课节数作业备注13314315Presentation of course design316Final test3教研室主任(组长): 系(部)负责人: 授课时间第 7 周 第 1 次课授课时数3授课方式(请打)理论课( ) 讨论课( ) 实验课( ) 习题课( ) 其 他( ) 授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit 7 Mass Customization-Text A BMW Drives Germany教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):1 To master key words and expression2 To improve competence of tr

4、anslating and interpreting教学重点及难点:1 To learn how to paraphrase in English2 To learn how to grasp key points in comprehensive reading 3 To simulate the live conference to form a similar surroundings to students to do interpretation教学方法及手段:Situational teaching, Role-play, FCM教学过程与教学内容:Step 1 Lead-in1.

5、 Dictation.2. Study the two Quotations on page 137. 3.Background Information Introduction- Mass Customization.Step II Case study1 A warm-up discussion on the four faces of Mass Customization and answer the following questions.My Muesli, the manufacturer of cereal food, enables the users to customize

6、 a food product through online interaction.Q1. What is “customization”? Do you like My Mueslis customizing its cereal food? Why or why not? However, the company neglected robust processes of mass customization. Whenever a report on customers favor was published, the manufacturing capacity was insuff

7、icient. For lack of human labor mixing muesli from about 65 different categories of options by hand, the company had to turn down prospective customers by setting a daily order limit. Q2: Is there any solution to this problem? Q3: What lessons of potential risks of customization can be learnt from t

8、his case?教学过程与教学内容:Q4: In your opinion, what products are more suitable for mass customization?Step III Text analysis - BMW Drives Germany1 Present a brief introduction and structure of the textPara.MainTopicsPara.1-4BMWs mass customization used as a marketing device and an effective means of inject

9、ing flexibility into BMW.Para.5-8BMW symbolic of German economy. Para.9-11Para. 12-18BMWs highly automated Leipzig plant conducive to mass customization.BMWs attempt to handle the key issues of mass customization: workforce flexibility, production capacity expansion, product-line expansion.2. 20 min

10、utes given to students to preview the text and finish the exercise I Reading Comprehension on P144, then check the answers with detailed analysis.(Note: Students should identify the relative information in the text to explain their choice.)Answers: CDBACAAC3 Paragraphs analysis 1) Analysis of Part 1

11、 (Para.1-4)Questions of Part 1:vQ1. Whats the main idea of Part I (Para. 1-4)?vBMW used mass customization to promote its sales as a handy marketing device and to inject flexibility into almost every aspect of the company, particularly, manifested by its ability to cater for fickle customer desires

12、and its rhythm of work. vQ2. What does “heavily unionized workforce” mean? What changes have been brought about by the deals BMW struck with its workforce? v1) A union is a group of workers who have come together to make collective decisions about their work and their working conditions. Heavily uni

13、onized workforce means that a relatively high proportion of employees belong to a union.v2) A number of challenges can arise for a company to manage a heavily unionized workforce, especially because of lack of flexibility. Union workers often work set hours, and they must take a certain number of br

14、eaks during the day, no matter how heavy or how light the workload. Deals BMW struck with its workforce enabled it to bring in new ways of working and manage its workforce more or less in accordance with production demands. Words and Expressions Of Part 1vfickle (Para. 3)vadj. characterized by errat

15、ic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachmentsvsynonym: capricious vexample: The company must face the challenge of meeting fickle market demands in a new, uncertain economy.vjuggle (Para. 4)vv. to keep (several simultaneous activities) in motion or progress at

16、 one timevexample: He is an expertly project manager who can juggle multiple projects and still make progress on each. Sentence Interpretation Of Part 1v1. Your BMW dealer will be happy to oblige with as many changes as you care to make, until a cutoff point: six days before your particular car goes

17、 into production. (Line 7, Para. 1)vYour BMW dealer will be happy to do a favor by making as many changes as you care to, until a point of termination. v2. BMW does not break out details of the additional revenue, but given the profit margins on many add-ons, “its like a big dollop of cream on the c

18、ake”, says Peter Schmidt, a British-based auto-industry consultant. (Line 6, Para. 2)vBMW does not categorize specific information of the additional revenues generated by its many add-ons, but on the condition of their profit margins, its just like adding a big dollop of cream onto the cake. 2) Anal

19、ysis of Part 2 Questions of Para.5-8:vWhats the main idea of Part II (Para. 5-8)? vBMW is in some ways symbolic of German economy, which is resurgent from economic straitjacket but still hindered by both internal and external counter-forces.vQ2: What are internal and external counter-forces which hi

20、nder German economy? v Internal: Little sign of substantive change in the system of labor relations, hindering productivity levelvExternal: Low-cost competition from Asia and East Europe.Words and expressions:vformidable (Para. 6)vadj. difficult to undertake, surmount, or defeatvsynonym: awesome vex

21、ample: As the workshop of world, China has become a formidable trading power to be reckoned with, causing other countries to view its massive potential market with hope and its cheap products with fearvupswing (Para. 7)vn. an increase, as in movement or business activityvsynonym: surge vexample: The

22、re is an upswing of prices on the stock market.Sentences analysis and paraphrase:1. Faced with low-cost competition from Asia and Eastern Europe, he says, “many German firms did their homework, and now they are benefiting from it.” (Line 1, Para. 8)“Do ones homework” is an idiomatic expression which

23、 means “to study a subject or situation carefully so that one knows a lot about it and can deal with it successfully.4. 5 minutes given to students to sum up the main idea of Part 1 & Part 2 according to their own understanding.Step IV AssignmentAsk Ss to translate the 10 sentences in Ex.2 Blank-fil

24、ling.作业布置 preview the part 3 and part 4 and finish the exercises.教学后记授课时间第 8 周 第 1 次课授课时数3授课方式(请打)理论课( ) 讨论课( ) 实验课( ) 习题课( ) 其 他( ) 授课题目(教学章、节或主题):Unit 7 Mass Customization-Text A BMW Drives Germany教学目的、要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解三个层次):1 To master key words and expression2 To improve competence of translating and

25、 interpreting教学重点及难点:1 To learn how to paraphrase in English2 To learn how to grasp key points in comprehensive reading 3 To simulate the live field to form a similar surroundings to students to do business affairs教学方法及手段:Situational teaching, Role-play, FCM教学过程与教学内容:Step 1 Lead-in1 Review the main

26、points that Ss learned last week.2 Ss Presentation.Step II Text analysis mainly about Analysis of Part 3 and Part 4.1 Review words and expressions in Part 1&22 Analysis of Part 3 (Para. 9-Para. 11)Questions :vQ1. Whats the main idea of Part III (Para. 9-11)?vBMWs highly automated assembly line, soph

27、isticated logistics and effective communication with key suppliers in Leipzig plant enable BMW to manufacture customized cars with impressively high efficiency and reliability. vQ2. What is the striking feature of BMWs highly sophisticated logistics in Leipzig? vOn a highly automated assembly line,

28、workers stationed at regular intervals reach back for components in wire baskets rigorously sorted into the right sequence. Words and Expressionsdisrupt (Para.11) v. to interrupt or impede the progress, movement, or procedure ofvsynonyms: hinder, obstruct vexample: Sentences analysis and paraphrase:

29、vThe complexity is visible to the naked eye. ( Line 8, Para. 10)v“The naked eye” means “the eye unassisted by an optical instrument, such as a telescope, microscope, or spectacles”. vIn the sentence, “visible to the naked eye” means “very easy to see”. Analysis of Part 4 (Para. 12-Para. 18)Questions

30、 about Part 4:vQ1. Whats the main idea about Part IV (Para. 12-18)?v To achieve a balance between revenues and costs, BMW is striving to inject flexibility into its workforce, expand its production capacity and diversify its product-line. vQ2. What had BMW intended to achieve through the acquisition of Rover? vBMW had intended to achieve a goal of turning the company into a two-brand company, one for the mass market and one for a premium brand. Words and Expressions:vcanvass (Para. 13) v. to examine c

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