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1、外研版初一英语外研版初一英语(上)期末试卷 一、听力部分(25分)一、听句子,选图画。(5分)你将听到五个句子,每个句子读两遍。请从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出与其内容相符的图画。( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. 二、听对话,回答问题: (听两遍5分)1.A.White. B.Blue. C.Black.D.Red.2.A.11:15.B.15:11. C.11:30.D.10:05.3.A.87235691.B.87325691. C.87215693.D.87915634.4.A.Pears.B.Apples. C.Bananas.D.Oranges.5.

2、A.Under the chairB.Behind the door.C.Not in the classroom.D.In Class 6.三、听问句,选出正确的答语。(听两遍5分)( )1.A.Hes Number 1. B.Shes in Class 2.C.Hes in Class 3. D.Im in Grade 4.( )2.A.They are workers. B.They are Jeff and Helen.C.They are great and big. D.They are in the car.( )3.A.Its red. B.Its 8760416.C.Its

3、on my desk. D.We have two apples.( )4.A.Nice to meet you. B.Fine ,thank you.C.Its a secret.D.I dont know.( )5.A.LiLei is not here. B.LiLeis book is not here.C.Everyone is here. D.LiLei is at home .四、听短文,选择正确答案(10分)( ) 1、Its _birthday.A.Bettys B.Fathers C.Mothers D.Sisters( )2 .Bettys birthday is on

4、_.A.Tuesday B.Wednesday C.Monday D.Friday( )3.Bettys father gives her Betty a volleyball because _A. Bettys father likes playing volleyball.B. Betty likes volleyballC. Bettys father wants Betty to play volleyball wellD. Betty wants to play volleyball well( )4.Bettys mother gives Betty some _A.volley

5、ball B.novels C. books and magazines D.CDs( )5.Bettys sister gives Betty somes CDs.Because_A. Bettys sister likes music B.Betty likes musicC. Bettys sister wants Betty to sing well. D.Betty wants to sing well.笔试部分(95分)一、单项选择题(15分)( )1. What do you usually do_Saturday evening,?A in B on C at D to( )2

6、. I usually books in the morning.A.look D.see( )3. Mr Green is _ father.A. Jim and Kate B. Jims and KatesC. Jims and Kate D. Jim and Kates( )4. -Do you want to play_ tennis? -Yes, I _.A.a,want B.the, do, does D. /,do ( )5.Can I _the window? Its cold here.A. open B. close C. look

7、at D. see( )6. Do you want to_English with me? A.ask B.speak D.say( )7. your friend in Class1in Class2?A. Is, andB. Is, or C. Are, an D. Are, or( )8. He would likesome bread.A. to eat B. to drink C.have D. eat( )9. -What does your father do? - _. A. He is friendly B. He is a teacher.C. He dri

8、nks tea. D. He is right.( )10. - ? -I ts seven thirty.A.Whats this B. How much is itC.What time is it D. How old is it( )11. Hello , Amy , _ my friend Ann . Hello Ann. A. That is B. This is C. she is ( )12.There _ a book , a pen and some pencils in my backpack . A. is B. am C. are( )13. They _ like

9、_. A. do , tomato B. dont .,tomatoes C. dont , tomatos ( )14._ is the fourth day of the week . A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday( )15. -You play football very well.- .A. Sorry, I dont B. Thank youC. Yes, I do D. No, I have no idea.二、完形填空(20分)This is our classroom, its not big. But its very nice. T

10、he walls are (1) and the desks and chairs are new. On the wall is a(2) and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou in it. There are some (3) on the teachers desk. They are for our (4), Miss Gao. She is a good teacher and we all like her. Im on (5) today. I come to school early. I help my teacher(

11、6) her books, maps and pictures on her (7). I tell her everyone is here. But Im (8), Liu Mei is not at (9). I dont know (10) she is. But I think shes at home.( )1 A .old B.same C.fine D. white ( )2. B.clock C. kite D. photo( )3. B.numbers D.lights ( )4. A.friend B.daughter C.

12、 mother D.teacher( )5. A.line B.duty C.turn D.time ( )6 A.know B.findC. put D. give( )7. A.desk C.chair D.floor( )8. A.good B.young C. right D. wrong( )9. A.eight B.home C.table D. school ( )10. A.what B.which C. where D. howBThis is 1 English girl. 2 name is Alice. She is twelve. She is 3 No

13、. 3 Middle School. She is in Class 5, Grade 1. Wei Dong is in Class 5, too. 4 is a Chinese boy. He is twelve, 5 . Wei Dong has a good friend. His name is Li Tao. 6 are Alices friends. 7 teacher is Miss Zhou. 8 is a good teacher. The students all like 9 . She is 10 friend, too.( )1.A. anB. a C. / D.

14、the ( )2.A.Her B. His C. Its D. My( )3.A. ofB. to C. on D. in( )4.A. She B. It C. I D. He( )5.A. too B. two C. to D. also( )6.A. They B. You C. WeD. Me ( )7.A. Our B. Their C. Your D. Them( )8.A. I B. It C. She D. He( )9.A. him B. her C. she D. them( )10.A. they B. their C. our D. we 三、阅读理解(30分)AIt

15、is a fine Saturday morning. Lily and Lucy get up at six thirty. They want to go to the Great Wall(长城)with their mother. At seven fifty they are in a big bus to the Great Wall. There are forty people in it. Some of them are Americans; some are English. There are two Chinese in the bus, too. One is a

16、woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. Hes now talking about the Great Wall in English. They are listening to him. At about nine oclock they get to the Great Wall.( )1 .Lily and Lucy want to go to the Great Wall _.A. in a fine day B. on Sunday morning C. on Saturday morning D. in a

17、 cloudy morning( )2. There are _ English people in the bus. A. forty B. two C.some D. few( )3. The young Chinese man is _.A. driving the bus B. talking to the peopleC. listening to himD. doing nothing( )4. They get to the Great Wall at about _.A. nine oclock B. seven fiftyC. ten oclockD. eight ocloc

18、k( )5. There are two _ in the bus.A. Americans B. English girlsC. Chinese D. Japanese girlsBLook! Its a picture of a family. There is a white house in the picture. Behind the house, there are some tall trees. In front of it, there are some flowers. There is a little child in front of the house.Shes

19、about eight. She is a schoolgirl. She doesnt go to school today. She is watering some flowers. She loves flowers. She does it every day. A man and a woman are near the house. They are the girls father and mother. The man is mending a bike. He is a worker. He doesnt go to his factory today, too. The

20、woman is reading a newspaper. She is an English teacher. She speaks English very well. She is in the same school with her daughter. To day is Sunday. They are all at home. This is a very good family. ( )1The house is in the _. Acountry Bcity Cpicture( )2Near the house there are some _. Atrees Btrees

21、 and flowers Cflowers ()3All the people in the picture are _. Afree Bworking Cstudying()4The father goes to work _. Aby plane Bon foot Cby bike( )5It is a_ family. Ahappy Binteresting Ckind CDear Alice,Im a Chinese girl. My name is Zhou Lan. I am thirteen. I have a brother and a sister. My brother i

22、s Zhou Qiang. He is a worker. My sister is Zhou Yan. She and I are students. We go to school from Monday to Friday. And we dont have classes on Saturdays or Sundays. I often play games with my friends. I like reading but I dont like singing.Lets be good friends. Please write to me soon.Yours, Zhou L

23、an根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。( )1 Zhou Lan is reading(正在读)a letter now.( )2 She has a brother and a sister.( )3 Her sister and brother are workers.( )4 She often plays games with her friends.( )5 She likes singing and reading.四根据短文内容及所给单词的首字母,填入所缺单词(10分)We h 1 a new c 2 . It is very n 3 . In it you can s 4

24、 desks and chairs. A b 5 , a clock and a map are on the wall. The map is a map of C 6 . Four brooms are b 7 the door. On the teachers desk, there are some f 8 . They are for the teachers. L 9 at the clock. Its four oclock. Its t 10 to play games.五、任务型阅读(5分)My name is David Smith .Im 15 years old .I

25、am an English boy. I have two brothers, Samand Mike .I often play tennis on weekend.Its very interesting.My favourite movie is WHOAM I?Its an action movie.Do you know it ?Please write and tell me about yourself. Name:_1_Age:_2_Language(语言):3_Favourite sport:4_Favourite movie:5_十、书面表达(15分)(1)根据下面提供的情

26、景写一份邀请函。(5分)You will have a birthday party on Sunday evening.Would you like to write an invitation to ask Tony to join in ?Dear_, _Kate(2)根据下表提示,以My Day 为题目写一篇60个单词左右的短文。(10)630get up645have breakfast700go to school1200have lunch1615play soccer1730go home1800have supper1930watch TV2100go to bed 参考答案

27、听力部分一、听句子,选图画1、The boy is tall and thin.2.Her favourite clothes are jeans.3.Monkeys like eating bananas.4.The elephant can work for people.5.Im thirsty.Id like some water. 1-5 BABBC 二 听对话,回答问题: 5分1.A: Are Mr Brownsshoes black or brown? B: They are black.Q: What colour are Mr Browns shoes?2.A: Excuse

28、 me,whats the time. please? B:Let me see. Oh, its 11:15. Q: Whats the time now? 3.A:Hello, Is that 87215693?B: No, thats wrong. Its 87325691. Q:Whats the number?4.A:What can you see on the tree, Bill? B: I can see many bananas on it. Q:Whats on the tree?5.A:Excuse me. Tom!Do you see Miss Li? B: Yes,I do. Shes in Class 6. Q:Where is Miss Li?1-5CABCD三、听问句选答句。.读两遍5分1

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