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高考英语一轮复习 语法专题 特殊句式复习测新人教版必修2.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 语法专题 特殊句式复习测新人教版必修2特殊句式(时间50分钟;满分100分)班级_姓名_考号_得分_I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分30分)【湖北省部分重点中学2017届高三上学期起点考试】 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One day I went to a store to get some needed items for my family. I gathered up my goodies and headed for t

2、he 1 counter, only to be 2 in the narrow aisle (通道) by a young man who 3 to be about sixteen years old. I wasnt in a hurry, so I 4 waited for the boy to realize that I was there. It was obvious now, he was mentally 5 and a little shocked as he turned and saw me standing so 6 to him, waiting to 7 . I

3、 said, “Hey Buddy, whats your name?” “My name is Denny and Im 8 with my Mommy,” he responded proudly.“Wow,” I said, “thats a(n) 9 name; I wish my name was Denny, but my name is Steve. How old are you Denny?” “How old am I now, Mommy?” he asked his mother as she slowly 10 from the next aisle. “Youre

4、fifteen years old, Denny”. Then he headed toward the toy section. Dennys mom 11 me for taking the time to talk with her son. She told me that most people wouldnt 12 look at him, much less talk to him. I told her that it was my 13 and that there are plenty of red, yellow, and pink roses in Gods Garde

5、n; 14 , “Blue Roses” are very 15 and should be appreciated 16 their beauty and distinctiveness. You see, Denny is a Blue Rose and 17 someone doesnt stop and 18 that rose with their heart and touch that rose with their kindness, then theyve 19 a blessing from God. So, the next time you see a BLUE ROS

6、E, dont turn your head and walk off. 20 to smile and say Hello.1. A. customer B. checkout C. salesman D. office2. A. blocked B. troubled C. met D. found3. A. pretended B. appeared C. declared D. tended 4. A. slowly B. slightly C. kindly D. patiently5. A. torn B. broken C. challenged D. wounded 6. A.

7、 close B. friendly C. next D. happily7. A. steal away B. hurry out C. squeeze by D. break in8. A. swimming B. shopping C. singing D. travelling9. A. cool B. bad C. ordinary D. old 10. A. went away B. walked by C. came over D. turned up11. A. thanked B. stared at C. praised D. chatted with12. A. ever

8、 B. still C. yet D. even13. A. courage B. pleasure C. habit D. faith14. A. therefore B. besides C. meanwhile D. however15. A. rare B. big C. bright D. colorful16. A. with B. by C. for D. in17. A. unless B. if C. before D. after18. A. smell B. pick C. buy D. see19. A. wanted B. forgotten C. missed D.

9、 invited20. A. Be brave B. Be proud C. Take it easy D. Take the time2. A考查动词辨析A. blocked阻挡;B. troubled 麻烦;C. met遇到;D. found发现;句意:我拿到了所有的东西,前往款台结账,结果被一个看起来十六岁的年轻人挡住了去路,故选A项。3. B考查动词辨析A. pretended假装;B. appeared出现;C. declared宣布;D. tended 趋向;句意:我拿到了所有的东西,前往款台结账,结果被一个看起来十六岁的年轻人挡住了去路,appear to do看起来,故选B项。

10、4. D考查副词辨析A. slowly慢慢地;B. slightly轻微地; C. kindly好心地;D. patiently耐心地;句意:我并不着急因此我耐心的等着他意识到,后面有人,根据语境可知选D项。5. C考查动词辨析A. torn 撕;B. broken 打碎;C. challenged挑战;D. wounded 伤害;句意:非常明显,当他看到我离他如此近时,正等着通过,他思想上没有意识到,有点吃惊,故选C项。6. A考查形容词辨析A. close 接近;B. friendly友好的;C. next 下一个;D. happily高兴地;句意:非常明显,当他看到我离他如此近时,正等着

11、通过,他思想上没有意识到,有点吃惊,close to 靠近,故选A项7. C考查动词短语辨析A. steal away偷走;B. hurry out 匆忙;C. squeeze by挤;D. break in打断;句意:非常明显,当他看到我离他如此近时,正等着通过,他思想上没有意识到,有点吃惊,故选C项。8. B考查动词辨析A. swimming游泳;B. shopping购物;C. singing唱歌;D. travelling旅行;句意:我的名字是丹尼,我跟我妈妈在购物,他回答到,故选B项。9. A考查形容词 辨析A. cool冷酷的;B. bad坏的; C. ordinary 普通的;D

12、. old 老的;句意:这是个很酷的名字,我也希望我的名字叫丹尼,但我的名字叫史蒂夫,你几岁了,故选A项。10. C考查动词短语辨析A. went away离开;B. walked by走;C. came over过来;D. turned up出现;句意:妈妈,我多大了,他问正在走过来的妈妈,故选C项。11. A考查动词辨析A. thanked感谢;B. stared at盯着;C. praised 表达;D. chatted with与。聊天;句意:丹尼的妈妈非常感谢我与孩子聊天,thank sb for doing 感谢某人做某事,故选A项。14. D考查副词辨析A. therefore因

13、此;B. besides况且;C. meanwhile 同时;D. however然而;句意:我告诉她,这是我的荣幸,上帝创造了各种各样的人,然而,蓝色的玫瑰并不多见,应该欣赏他们的美丽和与众不同,表示转折,故选D项。15. A考查形容词辨析A. rare 罕见的;B. big大的;C. bright 明亮的;D. colorful五彩缤纷的;句意:我告诉她,这是我的荣幸,上帝创造了各种各样的人,然而,蓝色的玫瑰并不多见,应该欣赏他们的美丽和与众不同,故选A 项。16. C考查介词辨析A. with 和;B. by 通过; C. for 为了;D. in在。里面;句意:我告诉她,这是我的荣幸,

14、上帝创造了各种各样的人,然而,蓝色的玫瑰并不多见,应该欣赏他们的美丽和与众不同,故选C项。17. B考查连词辨析A. unless 除非;B. if 如果;C. before之前;D. after之后;句意;你看,丹尼就是朵蓝玫瑰,如果有人停下来,用心闻他的花香,善意的来接触他,他们错过上帝的祈祷,故选B项。18. A考查动词辨析A. smell闻;B. pick挑选;C. buy 买;D. see看;句意;你看,丹尼就是朵蓝玫瑰,如果有人停下来,用心闻他的花香,善意的来接触他,他们错过上帝的祈祷,故选A项。考点 :人生百味类短文 第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

15、21(2016江西南昌三中二模)I believe that when the power of love overcomes the love of power,_then will there be peace in this world.22(2016江西南昌大学附三模)Only after Mary read her essay the second time_she notice the spelling mistake.23(2016高考英语最后压题)Never_it realistic for Europe to lay too much hope on China since

16、the debt problem will only be solved by European countries themselves.24(2016湖南十三校联考)Only after one has become a parent_he realize how great his parents are.25(2016湖南长沙四模)He jumped at the opportunity when he saw the advertisement in a newspaper,because barely_(can) he make ends meet.26(2016浙江省温州市高三二

17、模)Its not what you have in your life but _ you have in your life that matters.27(2016吉林4月质检)Who was it_played a trick on the new English teacher?28(2016吉林二模)It was what he meant rather than what he said_annoyed me.29(2016安徽合肥三校三模)Was it at 11 oclock_your father came back last night?Yes,he is always

18、coming back so late.30(2016河北石家庄教学质检)What do you think it is_has brought worldwide attention to China?Rapid and steady economic growth, of course.23is句意:对于欧洲而言从来没有把太多的希望放在中国,这是现实的,因为债务问题将只能由欧洲国家自己来解决。否定词never放在句首,后面使用倒装句。24will句意:只有一个人为人父母后,他才知道他的父母多么的伟大。“Only状语从句”放在句首的时候,后面的句子用部分倒装,助动词/be动词/情态动词放在主

19、语前面,所以答案为will。25could句意:因为入不敷出,当他在报纸上看到这则广告时抓住了机会。否定副词barely位于从句句首时句子要进行部分倒装,将助动词、情态动词或系动词be等置于主语前,再结合句意可知,答案为could。26who考查强调句型的用法。句意:重要的不是你在生活中拥有什么而是你拥有谁。题干中not what you have in your life but _ you have in your life是强调句中的被强调部分,根据前者的what,判断but后的从句中缺少have的宾语。27that句意:是谁捉弄了新来的英语教师?考查强调句。Who was it tha

20、t.?为强调主语的特殊疑问句形式,意为“究竟是谁?”。28that句意:是他话里的意思而不是他说的话把我惹恼了。考查强调句。强调主语what he meant rather than what he said。29that句意:你爸爸昨晚是11点回来的吗?是的,他总是这么晚回来。此题考查强调句。被强调的部分是at 11 oclock,故填that。30that句意:你认为是什么使得全世界关注中国?当然是快速而稳定的经济增长。本句考查作宾语的强调句且强调句用于特殊疑问句中,被强调部分为what,故本空应填that。II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分2

21、0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A【湖北省部分重点中学2017届高三上学期起点考试】 Signing up for a digital TV service provides you with access to over 200 channels from all over the globe. However, television today is dominated by adult language, making it hard for concerned families to find channels suitable

22、 for young eyes. Therefore, most movie channels are automatically removed form the list of TV channels for an entire family. The following are some good ones based on popularity on a global scale. Discovery Channel Discovery and its many channels can be considered as the founding father of informati

23、ve channels on television. What National Geographic does in a scholastic(学术的) manner, Discovery tries to do in an entertaining mannereducating the masses about anything and everything. Fox Family Finding a movie channel that broadcasts pictures suitable for teenagers and kids alike is very difficult

24、 unless your service operator offers you Fox family movies. This channel screens most movies before it broadcasts them, ensuring that no movie shows unacceptable material for young eyes. Nickelodeon A channel very similar to Cartoon Network, it mostly shows US programs. However, their shows are some

25、times a bit more mature for younger kids and better suited to kids aged 5and up. ABC Family ABC started the ABC family channel in an attempt to introduce family-centered shows and serials to the public in the USA. The need for this channel was felt after ABC observed the lack of proper family type U

26、S channels. Living If travelling is a family hobby and better living is the motto then there is no better channel than Living. Kids can see never-seen-before sights, learning about new places while adults can practice their cooking and learn amazing things about motorbikes.31. According to the text,

27、 most channels offered by a digital TV service _. A. can keep people away from TV violence B. are welcomed by families with small children C. are concerned about the proper use of language D. are unsuitable for the whole family to watch together32. Which of the following can best describe Discovery

28、Channel? A. Relaxing. B. Touching. C. Commercial. D. Professional. 33. If people want to know about what a traditional family is like, they can choose _. A. Fox Family B. Nickelodeon C. ABC Family D. Living32.A 考查推理判断题。根据第二段提到Discovery and its many channels can be considered as the founding father o

29、f informative channels on television这个台被认为是知识广博的电台的鼻祖,故选A项。33.C 考查细节理解题。根据第五段提到ABC started the ABC family channel in an attempt to introduce family-centered shows and serials to the public in the USA可知这个电台是用来介绍家庭为中心的电视节目,故选C项。考点 :日常生活类阅读。 B【广东省中山市第一中学2017届高三上学期第一次统测】 Born in the State of New York on

30、 May 14th, 1984, Mark Zuckerberg was an instant success. In his high school years, he was considered one of top students in the classics, before moving into the arts, sciences, and literature, again picking up high marks and receiving academic praise. It earned him admission to Harvard University. A

31、s a rebellious yet relatively quiet student, he created a website called Facemash in the university an instantly controversial website that encouraged students to rate each other based on appearance. The site was controversial for several reasons. The first was its illegal use of photographs, which the university and students took issue with. The second was its controversial nature not every student like being ranked b

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