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1、内蒙古商贸职业学院内蒙古商贸职业学院教师教案第 一 学年第 一 学期系部 国际交流教学部 课程名称 新编实用英语综合教程 (1) 教师姓名 内蒙古商贸职业学院教务处制新编实用英语 课程授课教案教材名称与版本新编实用英语综合教程授课日期授课班级授课题目(教学章、节或主题)第一单元Section I Talking Face to Face Section II Being All EarsSection III Maintaining a Sharp EyeSection IV Trying Your Hand授课类型理论课 讨论课 实验课 实习课 设计参观调查 课时数10教学目标认知目标:了解

2、、识记、理解(领会)、应用、分析、综合、评价能力目标(含方法能力、操作能力等):初步掌握、掌握、熟练掌握情感目标(含社会能力、关键能力):初步体验(感受)、体验(感受)、深刻(感受)1. Understanding weather forecast of:Global weather conditionsLocal weather reports2. Talking about weather changes:Temperature, wind, rain, shower, snow etc.3. Talking about the weather to start a conversatio

3、n4. Making comments on weather conditions and showing likes and dislikes.5. Simulate writing: a weather report重点难点1. An understanding of some grammatically focused sentences as well as simulating of them2. Catch the main idea of the passage.主要教学内容Unit Five Talking About the WeatherSection I Talking

4、Face to FaceIn Talking Face to Face,A weather forecast is a statement that tells the public what the weather condition is going to be. Students learn how to watch weather forecasts on TV or hear them over the radio every day. Teaching Procedure:1. Read the weather forecast and sample dialogues on th

5、e book, and try to get some information about the sample dialogues.2. Play the record of sample dialogues, and then ask the students to read them, and ask the students to practice in pairs. Note: The topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is “Talking about the weather”. The focus is therefo

6、re on the sentence patterns which may be used in talking about the weather.3. Practice the part of Act Out; follow the examples to make more conversations referring to the DATA BANK.Task 1: Ask your friend from abroad what he thinks of the weather here.Task 2: Compare the actual weather condition to

7、day with what is said in the weather forecast.Task 3: It is going to rain tomorrow. Talking about the weather and what you will do with you partner.Task 4: You have a sunny day in the rainy season. Comment on the improvement of the weather.Task 5: Talk about the weather forecast in your place.Note:

8、The teacher may choose several tasks to practice according to the time in class. Or the teacher can ask the students to practice the dialogues after class, and check it next time.Refer to the Data Bank for relevant expressions:Useful sentences Talking face to face and Being all ears.1. Good morning.

9、 This is the local weather report.2. Here is the national forecast.3. Now lets look at the weather across the country.4. Rains will be expected tomorrow from the south to the north.5. Snow is going to continue through tomorrow.6. Now here is the latest weather forecast.7. The weatherman says that fr

10、ost is on its way.Section II Being All EarsI. When you practice this part you should pay attention to some details about Talking about The Weather. II. Listen to the record in Being All Ears, and try to get more materials from this section.III. Assignment: Preview Passage I of Section ThreeSection I

11、II Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Is It Going to Be a Fine DayI. In Maintaining a Sharp Eye, students can learn some information about the forecast and weather report and there are local and national weather reports on television and radio during the day and in the evening, and in local and nation

12、al newspaper, too. Sometimes by phone.II. Text-Related Information A weatherman is giving the weekend forecast on the TV evening news:1.The Celsius System and the Fahrenheit SystemThere are two different system of temperatures that are used in weather forecasts. There is the Celsius system, which is

13、 the one used in most countries. Another name for this system is centigrade. In Western countries, the Fahrenheit system is also used. 0Cequals 32F and 100C equals 212 F.The Celsius system is always used in weather forecasting, but because many Westerners are more familiar with Fahrenheit, temperatu

14、res are often given in both ways.2.Some Terms in Weather ReportsDescribing the weather(nouns):Sunshine,haze, drizzle,showers, downpour,storm, thunder,lightning etc.Describing the weather(adjectives)Bright,fine, fair, cloudy, overcast, dull, rainy, hot, warm, mild, cool etc. . New words and expressio

15、ns:1.predict v. See or describe (a future happening) in advance as a result of knowledge, experience. reason, etc.预言,预测eg: He predicted a brilliant future for the child2.dip v. (cause to) drop slightly, perhaps just for a moment.使降低,下降eg: grain prices dipped yesterday.3.experience v. feel, suffer or

16、 know 经历,感受eg: similar problems have been experienced by other students.4.currently ad. at the present time, at the moment目前,当前eg:Currently the prices are low and people are happy buying what they want.5.drop v. Let fall or lower降低,下降eg: His voice dropped and we could hardly hear him.6.wind up cause

17、 to be finished 结束,办完eg:It is time to wind up the game. Explanation of Difficult Sentences:1.(Para.2) Itll be cloudy tomorrow with scattered showers.Translation:明天多云,局部地区有阵雨。Example: It is fine with the temperature of 20 degrees.2.(Para2) The predicted high for tomorrow is forty-five degrees Fahrenh

18、eit, and the temperature is expected to dip to the freezing point tomorrow night with thirty-two degrees.Translation:预计明天最高温度华氏45度,明天晚上温度会降到冰点,华氏32度。Example: It is expected to show tomorrow. Please dont forget to put on your heavy coat before going out.3.(Para.5) It is raining as far east as Detroit

19、 and Toronto, and the rain is going to continue through tomorrow, when it may turn to snow.Translation:阵雨一直向东延伸到底特律和多伦多,而且将要持续到明天,届时很可能雨转雪。Example: This is the very day when I came to this city.Compare:This is the very day that I cannot forget forever.4.(Para.6) . And we expected snow activity to mo

20、ve down from Canada into the eastern states sometime tomorrow, probably reaching the New York area sometime tomorrow night.Translation:。而且我们预计降雪会在明天某时从加拿大南下到东部各州,可能于明晚某时到达纽约地区。Example: She has been in University of Utah for half a year, surely enjoying the academic atmosphere.5.(Para.7) Clear skies

21、in Miami, and theyre going to enjoy a sunny seventy-eight degrees in that town this weekend, so if youre thinking about a vacation, nows time to do it.Translation:迈阿密,周末天气晴好,气温78华氏,阳光充足。如果你正打算度假,现在正当时。Example: Come in for this course, and you will learn how to use the latest office software, so if y

22、oure thinking about updating your knowledge, nows the time to do it. . Ask students to try to complete the exercises on the textbook.VI. Assignments:1. P77-78-Ex. 2, 4. 2. Read Passage 1 and 2.Passage II British People Like Talking About the Weather. Text-related informationThe British Climate. It i

23、s very changeable.sometimes it can be cold, rainy, windy and sunny-all in the same day. General, it rains quite a lot, especially in the north and west, most of the time, the weather is quite mild-never too hot nor too cold. In the summer, it is usually warm. The south of Great Britain is generally

24、warmer than the north.II. Important Words1. Amuse v. Make someone laugh; cause laugher in Eg. I am amused by his funny experience in Paris.2. Climate n. The average weather conditions at a particular place over a period of year.Eg. I am still not used to the climate here.3. Variable a. Changeable, n

25、ot steadyEg. The weather today will be light and variable.4. Reluctant a. Unwilling and therefore perhaps slow to act.Eg. He is very reluctant to accept the date with the girl.5. converse v. Talk informallyEg. After a year of studying at university,iI feel able to converse with anyone about anything

26、. Difficult Sentences1. (Para.1) The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes.Translation:关于英国的天气,需要记住的最重要的一点就是它的多变性。Example: The worst problem to solve about the city is that it is desperately short of water.2. (Para.2) For example, the opportunities fr

27、o people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you wont see people meeting and spending time together outdoors as much as you do in winter countries.Translation:例如,人们在外面见面的机会很大程度上取决于天气,因此你会注意到这里人们外出见面或共度时光的机会没有你在比较炎热的国家里见到的那样多。Example: The length of the conversation for the baby to give de

28、pends on its listener, so you wont hear it murmuring to the visitor as much as you do in its mother.3. (Para. 3) Because the weather changes frequently, theres always something to say about it, and this is probably the commonest way for strangers to start a conversation.Translation:因为天气多变,人们对天气总是有话可

29、说,这或许就是不相识的人通常把它作为话题的原因。Example: Because the city has changed a great deal, there is always something to say about it, and this is the usual way for local people to start their talk.4. (Para. 4) Another reason is that the British people are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people wh

30、o are not friends.Translation:另外一个原因是英国人不愿意和不是朋友的人谈论私事。Example: The real reason is that he cannot forget the man who saved his life in the terrible accident.5. (Para. 4) A comments on a nice day or a personal complaint about the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Translation: 赞美天气好或抱怨天下雨是打破僵局开始交谈的

31、一个捷径。Example: Kind words or a friendly smile is a useful way to make the guest feel comfortable. . Try to complete the exercises on the textbook. Assignments: Ex. 7, 8,9 P81 Section IV Trying Your HandI. In this part, students get some practical experience and write the weather report in English. Try to read the samples of weather report, simulate and create, try to translate it into Chinese.II. Applied WritingOne more sample of weather forecast Tomorrow will be another cold day generally in all part of the country, with maximum temperatures of five degrees above zero. Around London

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