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1、单元小测4单元小测基础知识测评.单词拼写1The scientists are making every effort to_(减少)the production cost.2This atlas_(包含)40 maps,including 3 of the Great Britain.3Only by working hard can we_(成功)in doing everything.4We must let everyone be aware that the_(保护) of wildlife is very important.5All the front seats are_(保留

2、) for foreign friends.6Please come to the rainforest to_(欣赏)how the animals live together.7The big fire last night caused heavy_(损失) to the factory.8The disease is_(影响) his eyesight.9These pills bring_(减轻痛苦) from pain.10Five of us gave performance on the stage,while the_(剩余的) ones served as the audi

3、ence.答案1decrease2.contains3.succeed4.protection5reserved6.appreciate7.losses8.affecting9relief10.remaining.短语填空die outin peacein danger(of)in reliefprotect.fromat a losspay attention tocome into beingaccording toso that1Having finished her housework,Lily went shopping _.2Look! The fire is_. Youd bet

4、ter add some firewood.3Dont disturb me. Just leave me_for a while.4The little boy was seriously hurt in the chest and his life was_.5You need to put on some suncream to _your skin_the sunbath.6Such a custom_many years ago.7Well be paid _the amount of work we do.8My teachers always_ combining theory

5、with practice.9He is always_what to say in front of strangers.10Please open the window_we can breathe fresh air.答案1in relief2.dying danger5protect;from6.came into being7.according to8pay attention a that.完成句子1令我们宽慰的是,孩子们都安全到了家。_,the children all arrived home safely

6、.(relief)2科学技术的发展已经大大影响了我们的生活。The development of science and technology has_.(effect)3她脸上的神情表明她生气了。The expression on her face_.(suggest)4现在许多物种面临灭绝的危险。Now many species are_.(danger)5我们应该多注意水污染。We should_ water pollution.(attention)6人们建立了许多自然保护区来保护野生动物。Many nature reserves_ to protect wildlife.(set)7

7、结果,这些濒危动物可能会灭绝。_,these endangered animals may even die out.(result)8如果你把音乐关小些,我将不胜感激。I would_you would turn the music down.(appreciate)9远在人类出现之前,恐龙就生活在地球上。Dinosaurs lived on the earth before humans_.(being)10我会按照你的指示去做。Ill do it _your instructions.(according)答案1To our relief2.a great effect on our l

8、ife3suggested she was/got danger of dying out5pay attention to6.are set up 7.As a result8appreciate it if9.came into being10.according to.单项填空1With no more wood added to the fire,it finally died_.Aaway Bfrom Cout Doff解析:句意:没有更多的木柴加到火中,最终火熄灭了。die away(灯光、声音)渐弱,消失;die from死于;die out为固定搭配,意思是

9、“(火)熄灭,(动物)灭绝”;die off相继死去。答案:C2Once harm is_to the ecosystem, all species will _, including man himself.Amade; be in danger Bdone; be dangerousCcaused;be endangered Ddone;be in danger解析:do harm to为固定搭配,意思是“对有害”;in danger“处于危险中”。答案:D3It isnt quite _whether the teacher will collect the homework by Fr

10、iday,so you neednt hurry.Asure Bright Ccertain Dexact解析:句意:老师是否在星期五收作业还不确定,因此你没必要着急。根据句意:C正确。It is certain.为固定用法,意思是“是一定的”。sure也有这个意思,但sure的主语必须是人。答案:C4Special attention should be_to air pollution wherever the factory will be built.Amade Bpaid Ctaken Dsent解析:pay attention to为固定搭配,意思是“注意”,本句用了这个短语的被动

11、式。答案:B5You will soon get used to the climate and then the changes in temperature will not_you.Adeserve Bprotect Cprevent Daffect解析:deserve值得;protect保护;prevent防止,阻止;affect影响。句意:你不久将习惯这种气候,然后气候的变化将不会影响到你。根据句意,D正确。答案:D6The river _badly now. We must do something to stop the waste water from being poured

12、 into it.Ais polluting BpollutesCis being polluted Dhas polluted解析:根据句意“那条河正被严重污染”,应该用现在进行时的被动语态。故选C。答案:C7It is reported that this kind of vegetables_a lot of vitamin C.Acontains BincludesCholds Dkeeps解析:include包括;hold容纳;keep保存;contain包含。句意:据报道,这种蔬菜含有大量的维生素C。答案:A8Despite their_of interest,Fleming ke

13、pt trying to develop the chemical_it would be safe and effective.Alacking; in order to Black; so thatClack;so as to Dlacking;so that解析:由第一个空格前的their可知,要填名词,所以用lack;第二个空要填连词,才能引导句子。so that在此引导结果状语从句,故只有B项符合句意。答案:B9People at war looked forward to the life_.Ain peace Bat peaceCfor peace Dabout peace解析:

14、at peace强调无战争的和平。in peace强调无人打扰的和睦、平安。句意:战争中的人民渴望和平生活。答案:B10As soon as she heard the_news of his death,she_tears.Ashocked; burst out Bshocking; burst intoCshocked; burst into Dshocking; burst out解析:句意:她一听到令人震惊的他死亡的消息,就突然大哭起来。shocked感到震惊的;shocking令人震惊的;burst inton.burst out doing突然起来。答案:B11_he return

15、s to his native land.AIt is long before thatBIt is before long thatCIt wont be long beforeDIt will be long before that解析:句意:不久他将回国。It will(not) be long before.为固定句型,其中before为连词,后加从句。答案:C12He is wearing sunglasses to_his eyes from the strong sunlight.Aprotect BholdCstop Dprevent解析:protect.from. 保护免于。

16、stop/prevent sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。答案:A13_,the film is worth seeing again.AAccording to usBAccording to meCAccording to my opinionDIn my opinion解析:according to后一般不接view,opinion等词,也不接第一人称代词me和us。in ones opinion在某人看来。答案:D14Id appreciate_if you could turn the radio down.Im doing my homework.Ayou Bt

17、hat Cthis Dit解析:考查appreciate的用法。句意:如果你把收音机声音调小点,我将十分感激。我正在做(我的)家庭作业。appreciate后接从句时,应先用it,再接从句。答案:D15The meeting was concerned_the arrangement of personnel(员工),so people were concerned_their futures.Awith; with Bwith; aboutCfor; about Dabout; with解析:be concerned with与有关;be concerned about关心。句意:这次会议与

18、员工的安排有关,因此人们都很关心自己的未来。答案:B综合能力测评.完形填空We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals such as tigers and lions,live in_1_forests and they are called_2_animals. Some others like sheep and dogs are kept by men and they are called domestic(家养的) animals._3_these animals are very different f

19、rom each other,but we can_4_them into two big groups: those that eat other animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like tigers belong to the first group. Animals like cows,elephants and horses belong to the second group. Animals are of great_5_to human beings. Men _6_wild animals for th

20、eir fur and meat. Domestic animals are even more important to men. Without them life will be very_7_. People make use of animals in many ways. Cows and pigs are useful_8_ mens_9_.They give 80% of the_10_men eat every year. Skin of some animals can be made_11_expensive overcoats and shoes,which are w

21、arm and comfortable and_12_a long time. They are very welcome in cold countries.Wool,which is now_13_of the most important materials for textile(纺织) industry,comes from a special kind of sheep._14_cows,we get milk. And we should not_15_that some domestic animals are kept for transport. Many people_1

22、6_ride on horses.Arabs ride on_17_which travel in deserts for days without_18_.In some places animals are still used _19_fields._20_is clear that men just cant live without these animals.1A.ordinary BsmallCbig Ddark2A.wild BseriousCterrible Dfrightening3A.Although BOf course CSince DAfter all4A.sepa

23、rate Bdivide Cchange Dmake5A.useful Busefully Cuseless Duse6A.hunt Bdiscover Craise Dcare for7A.smooth BdifficultCeasy Bfor Cin BworkCfamily Dfood10A.meal Bmeat Cdinner Danimals11A.of Bfrom Cinto Dabout12A.last Bcost Ctake Ddress13A.any Banother Csome Done14A.For BAbout CF

24、rom DWith15A.forget Bremember Crealize Dnotice16A.always Bhardly Cstill Djust17A.horses Banimals Cbikes Dcamels18A.resting Bdrinking Csleeping plough Bto ploughingCploughing Dto be ploughed20A.That BThis CIt DSo答案与解析1C句意:老虎和狮子生活在大森林里。2Awild animals野生动物。3B文中用了but,故不能使用although。since和a

25、fter all不符合上下文逻辑,故选B。4Bdivide.into. 把分成。5Dbe of great usebe very useful。6Ahunt.for为而捕猎。7B句意:没有家养动物,生活将会很艰难。8Abe useful to对有用。9D从下句中的eat可知该空指食物(food)。10Bgive meat提供肉食。11Cbe made into被制成。12Alast维持。在此有“经久耐用”的意思。13Done of. 之一。14C从前句中“comes from a special kind of sheep” 可看出答案。15A句意:并且我们不应忘记。16Calways总是;h

26、ardly几乎不;still仍然,还;just仅仅,刚刚。17D由常识及上下文可推测,在沙漠中使用的应是骆驼。18B这里是指骆驼在沙漠中行走时可以连续几天不用饮水。19Abe used to do sth.被用来做某事;plough犁(地)。20Cit在本句中作形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的从句。.阅读理解AThe tiger,the largest of all cats,is one of the most charming species on earth; it is also one of the most threatened. Fewer than 4,000 tigers

27、 remain in the wild.Most are in isolated forests stretching from India to southeastern China and from the Russian Far East to Sumatra,Indonesia.This great animal is being illtreated. Tigers are poisoned,shot and trapped,with many being killed to meet the demands of the continuing illegal wildlife tr

28、ade.Hunters, traders, and poor local residents whose livelihood mainly comes from the forests are killing tigers and the natural prey(被捕食的动物;猎物) on which they live. While poaching(偷猎;偷捕) for trade continues to menace tigers survival,perhaps the greatest longterm threats are the loss of habitat and t

29、he decrease of their natural prey. Large commercial plantations have replaced a lot of tiger habitat in several countries. The WWFs tiger conservation strategy and action plan names seven areas where the chances of longterm tiger conservation are best,and four additional areas where conservation opportunities are good. In each of these areas,th

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