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1、l自然拼读学生用书和练习册答案docxEFL Phonics Book 1P8baac* b-book c-cup a-antp14* e-Eskimo f-frog d-duck f-flag* Eskimo-e frog-f dog-dp20* g-gorilla H-hand i-igloo Hhippopotamus g-glass I- Insect* g-girl, gorilla l-ln dian, In sect h-hippopotamus, handp26* l-lemon K-Key j-jello L-Lion j-jacket K-Kangaroo* l-lamp,

2、 lemon k-king, key j-jello, jacketp30* h-hand c-cup l-lemon d-dog a-alligator b-bed* g-gorilla i-insectp31keyjacketfishelepha nt apple What does the ant find? applep32Gg, Jj, li, Ee / li, Dd, Gg, Jj / Hh, Ff, Ff, Ddp33Aaapplealligatorant / LIlionlamp-lemon / CccupcatcapHhhandhippopotamushat / Bbbatb

3、edbookp38* Map-M m OstrichO o Nut-N n* ostrich-m (No) Nestn (Yes) Mapm (Yes)p44* pen-P p questioriQ q quilt-Q q* rabbit-r (Yes) queen-p (No) pig-p (Yes)p50* sun-S s, umbrella-U u sea-S s, tent-T t vest-V v, sock-S s* up-u (Yes) vest-s (No) tent-t (Yes) sock-v (No)p56* yacht-Y y, zero-Z 乙 window-W w

4、zoo-Z z, watch-W w, box-X x six-X x, zebra-Z z, yellow-Y y* fox: x(Yes) yo-yo: w(No) watch: y(Yes) zebra: z(Yes)p60* melon: m vase: v zoo: z yo-yo: y ostrich: o net: n* x-box w-watchp61n(nest)- s(sun) t(tiger)- q(question) r(ring)- m(map)- p(pig)- u(up) x(fox) What is it? Robotp66B(book)- W(watermel

5、on)- K(king)- S(sock)- M(map)- A(ant)- l(lndian)- P(pig) -U(under)- Q(question)- G(girl)- Z(zoo)- T(truck)- H(hand)- A(apple) What is it? 6p67ostrich- hat- duck- lion- fox- yacht- jello- nut- eggWorkbook 1P5* * 1,: Aaantapple 2 Bbbatbed 3丿 Cccupcat* aCbCbAP6AaCcBbCcBb AaP8* Dd-*duck Ee-*Eskimo Ff-fr

6、og* Ff一-frogflag Ddduckdesk Ee一-egg一EskimoP9DdAaFfCcEe BbP11hEGId ghIGIhfp12HhGgliGgli Hhp14* li- igloo Kk- king Jj- jello LI- lion* Jjjacketjello Kkkeykangaroo LIlamplemonp15KkJjLIJjKkLIp16 Aa-2 Bb-11 Cc-8 Dd-6 Ee-4 Ff-9 Gg-12 Hh7 li-1 Jj-5 Kk-10 LI-3p17Circle)cgbIfajdkheip18 Cc-cup Aa-alligator Kk

7、-key Ff-flag Gg-girl Ll-lemon Dd-desk Hh hippopotamusp20Match) M一m一-melon一-map N一n-一nest一-net 0一-o一ox一ostrichp21Write) nut-Nn ox-Oo melon-Mm ostrich-Oo map-Mm nest-Nnp22* Pppanda Qqquestion Rrrabbit 水pLq只。MPnp23Write) Qq Pp Rr Qq Rr Ppp26rspuovtq TNSTSMV (16)UP27Write) Tt Ss Uu Vv Uu () Vvp29*Wwwate

8、rmelonWw XxboxXx Yy一yellow一Yy Z-一z一-zero一Zz* Yy- yacht Ww- window Zz- zebra Xx- sixp30Write)XxWwYyXxWwZzp31Mm-3 Nn10 Oo-5 Pp-9 Qq-7 Rr-2 Ss13 Tt-11 Uu-14 Vv-1 Ww6 Xx-8 Yy-12 Zz-4p32Circle) qt0vUmxSp33up-derUu sunseaSs violinvaseVv truck-tentTt yachtyo-yoYy zebrazooZz watchwatermelonWw six b oxXxp34b

9、jqdp gz。mycknfr (i6)hEFL Phonics Book 2P8capjamlaprammapham napdamP9 The ram has a ham. The ram has a nap. The ham is on the dam. The jam is on the map.P11dam, cap, jam, map, lapp16mathatcanbatfanmanpancatp17 The man has a fan. A bat is in the can. The cat has a hat. The pan is on the mat.p19mat, ha

10、t, bat, fan, catp23eg: leg, egg et: wet, net, jet en: hen, men, ten ed: bed, redp24netmenredwetlegtenjetheneggp25 The men have a hen. The bed is red. The net is wet. The egg is on the lap.p27men, bed, jet, egg, tenp31-ib: bib, nib -id: lid, kid -ig: wig, pig -in: pin, finp32 lid-kid pig-wig fin-pin

11、nib-bib wig-pig kid-lidp33 The kid has a pin. The pig has a bib and a wig. The kid is on the pig. The pin is on the lid.p35pig, nib, fin, kid, lidp39-ip: lip, rip -ix: mix, six -it: hit, sitp40 hit-sit six-mix lip-rip sit-hit rip-lip mix-sixp41 The kid mix the eggs and ham. The lips are red. The pig

12、 has six wigs. The men rip the maps.p43six, mix, sit, lip, hitp46A. can- ham- pen- bed- cat B. pan- bat- ram- egg- pinp47fancatredwigp48jammanlegbeddammat wigpinp49 cat, wig pig, nap six, pan jet, dam jam, canp54hot, mop, fox, log, jog, hop, dog, ox, dotp55foxpotdotdogboxtopp56mopjogdotdogtoppotp57

13、The fox and the man hop on the log The dog is in the box. The men hop on the box. A dog has a hot pot.p59hop, dot, box, pot, dogp62cup, jug, rug, pup, hug, bugp63pupuphugjugrugbugp64bugdoguppupcupjugp65 The pup has a jug. The bug is up in the sky. The bug is in the jug. The pup has a rug.p67jug, hug

14、, pup, rug, cupp70bun, cut, gun, hug, run, nutP71bungunhutcutsunrunp72hutrunhothutcutbunp73 The bun is on the hut. The bugs cut the bun. A nut is on the bun. The pup cuts the nut.p75sun, run, bun, hit, gunp78up ot ox- ut- ug- un ut- op un ox og- ut- ot og_ un up- ug- oxp79gunnutdogpotp80potjogsunrug

15、topboxhutcupp81 dog, box bug, dot bun, hot rug, mop jug, hutp86en-ip-an-ig-et-up-at-id-en-in-u negotam-ix-ed-ugopetp87foxlogjugpincutp88What is a baby pig? It is a Qjglet.p89up, box, log, nib, runWorkbook 2p4 h-ham r-ram d-dam j-jam c-cap l-lap m-map rvnapP5ramhammaplapdamnapjamcapP6 am-ham am-ram a

16、m-dam ap-cap ap-lap ap-mapP7 c-can ffan m-man p-pan b-bat c-cat h-hat m-matP8atananatap anamatP9 an-can an-fan an-man at-bat at-hat at -catp10edegedenet enenetenP11leg wet ten eggpan hat hen jet bed net red menP12 ed-bed eg-leg eg-egg en-pen et-jet et-wetp13nibkidwigpinp14anibenidat etanenamibediget

17、eninanp15 ib-bib ib-nib ig-pig am-ram in-fin in-pinp16ipipitixib itigixp17hitmixlipsitripsixlidbibp18 ip-lip ip-rip it-hit it-sit ix-six ix-mixp19(Deaiai (Deiaea deip20jam, can, mat, nap *men,red, wet, ten *pig, lid, rip, nibP21cap bed six men bib mapwig wet hatbat ham redp22mop log fox dog jog hoth

18、op boxp23 log mop dot hotogopotoxotogp24 og-dog og-jog op-hop ot-pot ot-hot ox-oxp25ox ug up ug ug upup ugp26jug rug pupP27 ug-bug ug-jug ugrug up-cup up-pup up-upp28*(D ugunutunutun * bun gun hutp29hug sun nut box bun mop hot gunp30 un-sun un-bun un-run ut-nut ut-hut ut-cutp31O0UU0U0U0U0IIp32*log,

19、top, mop, ox *cut, rug, gun, hugp33jog bun dot gun hut box bug fox pupox up potp34kid, fin, pen, man, dog, run, dot, jugp35 e-leg a-ram i-pig a-lap u-cup o-hop i-lip a-mat u-rug e-ten o-jog i-sixEFL Phonics Book 3P7tape, cave, bake, cake, cape, rakeP8 cave rake tape lake bake cape cake waveP9 cape c

20、ave lake rakep10 wave tape bake rake cape lakeP11 Dad has a rake The cape is on the bed. There are no waves on the lake. The fox is in the cavep15cane, gate, vase, mane, name, casep16 case mane game date cane name gate vasep17 vase cane gate namep18 date gate mane name cane casep19 The horse has a m

21、ane. The name of the game is Bingo. The bug is in the red case The game is a lot of fun.p23dime, vine / pine, time / mike, line / bike, ninep24 dime vine mike pine nine timep25 bike pine mike line / 二召)1423p26line, time, nine, dime, bike, mikeP27The dime is on the mat. / The dog is on the mat.It is

22、six. / It is nine.The vine is on the gate / The vase is on the gate.Ben has a ball. / Tom has a bike.p31dive, kite / fire, bite / tire, pipe / wipe, fivep32 pipe kite fire five wipe tirep33 tire pipe dive bite /二召)4231p34dive, five, kite, bite, wipe, firep35The tire is on the hut. / The bat is on th

23、e hut.The bugs wipe the vase / The bugs hit the vaseThe red cape is in the pine. / The red kite is in the pine Five cups are on the mat. / Six cups are on the mat.p38rakepine-ca negateli nedivep39 vase fire gate tire manep40Boy) time, pipe, vine, tape, rakeGirl) game, date, bake, bite, divep41a_e :

24、name, bake, cake, game i-e: bite, nine, time, pinep47hope, note, rose, vote, ropep48 note rose vote hope rope nosep49 rose rope nose notep50 hope rose vote nose rope note / A: pot B: netp51rose, rope, note, nosep55dome, pole, bone, hole, homep56 pole dome cone home hole bonep57 pole home hole conep5

25、8 dome bone pole hole home cone / A: mop B: henp59pole, bone, home, holep63mule, fuse, tune, tube, cute, cubep64 fuse dune mule tube June cute tune cubep65 tube fuse cube tunep66tube, tune, mule, fuse, cute, dunep67 cute dune fuse mulep70hometubedomeJ un e-b on e-fuse-vote-muleP71 cone fuse cube nos

26、e notep73o_e : rose, bone, home, hole u_e : dune, mule, tube, cutep78Tun efire-hopelinenosetapegateJunevoteHow many leaves did you color? 9p79 second picture fourth picture first picture third picturep80a_e : game, wave i_e : pipe, nine o_e : rose, pole u_e : fuse, tunep81 cave fuse dime homeWorkbook 3P4lakecake tapecape bake-rake wavecaveP5Write) l,k c,p r,k c,v b,k t,pP6 ake-cake ake-lake akebake ape

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