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八年级英语上unit 2.docx

1、八年级英语上unit 2Unit2 How often do you exercise?单元分析一、教材分析 Unit2 H ow often do you exercise?的核心话题为“free time exercise”,主要谈论一些经常发生的活动的频率,使学生在学习的过程中认识到一些积极向上的生活习惯,并对自己的生活习惯有新的认识,进而有所改进和提高。在语言方面重在培养学生的语言运用能力、实践能力、合作能力及创新意识。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1) 掌握并能灵活运用本单元出现的重点词汇。 频度副词:always,often, usually, sometime, hardly

2、ever, never, twice ,three times a day2)用“How often do you .?”询问他人的一些生活习惯。 3)掌握以下句式: (1)How often do you .? (2) What do you do (on weekends)? (3)频度副词的应用。 2.能力目标: 学会做简单的调查;能听懂以健康生活习惯为话题的语言材料,并获取相关信息。能以“Talking about how often do sb do things”,为话题与他人进行交流;能利用该话题进行情景对话及角色表演以及简单调查。 3.情感目标: 本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生

3、活息息相关,容易激发学生的兴趣,从而乐于运用简单的英语与他人进行交流。学习活动中学生通过对生活习惯的描述及看法,从而促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进友谊,帮助学生养成良好的生活习惯。 三、重点和难点 1. 频度副词:always,often, usually, sometime, hardly ever, never, twice ,three times a day. 2.一般现在时中谓语动词的正确使用。 四、教法设计 本单元的主题是谈论一些日常活动的发生频率,教学内容贴近学生的实际生活,因而在课堂教学中主要采取情景教学和活动教学,让学生在进行自我生活习惯认识之后,用以前学过的及本单元

4、所学的词汇与句型进行交流;采取直观教学法,运用照片、图片、多媒体学习新词汇,让我生在小组调查的过程中掌握重点句型。 五、课时安排 6课时 2015-2016学年度八年级 班英语教案TitleUnit 2 How often do you exercise?The typeOf lessonsNew lessonNumber of sections7Designer吕海金Auditor赵世鹏TeacherDateAnalysis of the Teaching Material【Curriculum requirements】1, be able to understand to genenra

5、l idea of the listening materials2, can use the target languages to talk about how often sb do thingsAnalysis of the Teaching Material:Revise some phrases uesd for describe the daily activities,then play the record to show the target lqanguages, finally use the new sentences paterns and words to exp

6、ress. If possible they can you the pictures in this period.Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects:1) Key vocabulary: housework, hardly, ever, hardly ever, 2)Target language: What does he do on weekends? He usually watches TV. How often do you watch TV? I watch TV every day. Does he go shopping?

7、No, he never go shopping. 3) Grasp the following grammar.频度副词及一般现在时简单谈论周末活动情况。Ability Objects:1)Train students listening skill.2)Make sure that students can talk about how often they do things. Moral Objects :To keep healthy eating habits is good for your health.Teaching Key PointsAnd Teaching Diffi

8、cult PointsTeaching Key Points1) 对6个频度副词细微差异的理解及使用。 2) 弄清一般现在时在不同人称下动词形式及提问的变化。Teaching Difficult Points1) 第三人称单数谓语动词在此核心句型中的运用。2) 谈论课余时间的各项活动,以及初步认识和使用频率副词。Teaching aid1 The blackboard 2. tapesDesign of periodPeriod 1Teaching ProceduresTeacher-student InteractionRevise. Lead in Talk about your last

9、 weekends activities. . Presentation(1) 教师问:“What do you usually do on weekends ? ” I usually on weekends.(2) 教师出示动词卡片 watch TV,read books,exercise,swim, play football、go shopping、 go to movies让学生回答。(3)点击鼠标屏幕上出现频率副词及相关的百分比。always (100%) usually(80%) often (30-50%) sometimes (20%) hardly ever(5%) nev

10、er (0%)领读频率副词,让学生快速认读。 . Writing (1a) 1. Look at the picture. Discuss with your partners. Make a list of the weekend activities. 2. Let some Ss read out their activities. Let other Ss add more activities. . Listening (1b) 1. Let a student read the words aloud. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning o

11、f the words. 2. Tell Ss to listen and write the letters from the picture above on the line below. 3. Play the tape for the first time. Ss listen and fill in the blanks. 4. Play the tape for the second time for the Ss to check the answers. . Pair work (1c)1. Act out the conversation with a student. 2

12、. Let Ss talk about the pictures in 1a in pairs. 3. Let some Ss act out their conversations. Review important wordsLet students tell the class the words they wroteplay conversationsFinish the task: match the activities with the pictures.students read and remember the phrases.Finish the task and chec

13、k the answers.2、Look at the form in activity 2b,read the words and know their meanings.Blackboard DesignSection A 1(1a-1c)What does he do on weekends? He usually watches TV. How often do you watch TV? I watch TV every day. Does he go shopping? No, he never go shopping.HomeworkRecord after teaching20

14、15-2016学年度八年级 班英语教案TitleUnit 2 How often do you exercise?The typeOf lessonsNew lessonNumber of sections8Designer吕海金Auditor赵世鹏TeacherDateAnalysis of the Teaching Material【Curriculum requirements】1, be able to understand to genenral idea of the listening materials2, can use the target languages to tal

15、k about how often sb do thingsAnalysis of the Teaching Material:Revise some phrases uesd for describe the daily activities,then play the record to show the target lqanguages, finally use the new sentences paterns and words to express. If possible they can you the pictures in this period.Teaching Aim

16、s and DemandsKnowledge Objects:1) Key vocabulary: once, twice, Interne, program, full, swing, swing dance.2) Target language: Grasp the following structures: What does he do on weekends? He usually watches TV. How often do you watch TV? Twice a week. Does he go shopping? No, he never go shopping. 3)

17、 -Whats your favorite program? -Animal World.Ability Objects:1)Train students listening skill.2) Grasp the Target language.Moral Objects :To keep healthy eating habits is good for your health.Teaching Key PointsAnd Teaching Difficult PointsTeaching Key Points1) How often do you /does he(she).? He us

18、ually2) 频度副词的用法: always; usually ; often ; sometimes; hardly ever; neverTeaching Difficult Points1) The usage of Adverbs of frequency2) Role play the conversation.Teaching aid1 The blackboard 2. tapesDesign of periodPeriod 2Teaching ProceduresTeacher-student InteractionRevise. RevisionLet students m

19、ake their own conversations about what the do on weekends . Listening Work on 2a: 1. Let Ss read the phrases in the chart. 2. Tell Ss that Cheng Tao is taking about how often he does these activities. Play the recording for the first time. Ss listen and number the activities 1-5.3. Play the recordin

20、g for the second time for the Ss to check the answers.Work on 2b:1. Tell Ss they will hear the recording again. This time, listen and match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them.2. Ss listen and math the activities with the phrases. 3. Check the answers.Pair work 1. Ask one student

21、 how often he/she watch TV as a model. T: Hi, S1. How often do you watch TV?S1: I watch TV every day. T: Whats your favorite program?S1: Animal world. T: How often do you watch it? S1: Twice a week. 2. Let one student read the activities in the chart. Tell them these new words: favorite website (最喜欢

22、的网站);favorite sport (最喜欢的运动) 3. Ss work with their partners. Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations. . Role-play 1. Read the conversation by themselves, then match the activity with the right time. Dance lesson Tuesday Piano lesson Wednesday and Friday Playing tennis Monday2. Let the Ss

23、read the conversation after you. 3. Ss work with a partner and act out the conversation. Then let some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class. Work in pairs to talk about thay do on weekends.Play the record to take notes or match the activities with the words like often(Ues the info

24、rmation on the box to practice the target languages.Blackboard DesignUnit2 How often do you exercise?Words and expressions: Section A( 2a-2d)Once-once a week/a month, twice-two times, twice a week/month, Internet, program, full, swing, swing dance2. How often do you watch TV?-I watch TV every day. W

25、hats your favorite program? -Animal World. How often does he watch TV?-He watches TV three times a week. Are you free next time? Be free,有空的,空闲的。Homework1. Act out the conversation after class. 2. 翻译句子 周末你通常做什么事情?我通常踢_ 周末他们做什么事情?他们经常去看电影_3)下周你有空吗?没什么事。_4)你爸爸周末常做什么? 他常去钓_5)你叔叔多久去野一次营?他每个月野营一_6)Jack 每

26、周得上两次舞蹈和钢琴课。_Record after teaching2015-2016学年度八年级 班英语教案TitleUnit 2 How often do you exercise?The typeOf lessonsNew lessonNumber of sections9Designer吕海金Auditor赵世鹏TeacherDateAnalysis of the Teaching Material【Curriculum requirements】1, master the basic grammar rules.2, be able to ues the skills to talk

27、 and finish some exercises.Analysis of the Teaching Material:Watch the sentences in the box to find out the rules ,then summarize them,finally do some practice.Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects:1) Key words: maybe, least, at least2) Grasp the drills of Grammar Focus.3)Revise Present Simple

28、Tense: Ability Objects:1)Train students writing skills.2) Make sure that students can talk about how often the do things. Moral Objects :To keep healthy eating habits is good for your health.Teaching Key PointsAnd Teaching Difficult PointsTeaching Key Points1) 1) How often do you /does he(she).? He

29、usually2) 频度副词的用法: always; usually ; often ; sometimes; hardly ever; never Teaching Difficult Points1) The usage of Adverbs of frequency2) The singles of verbs.Teaching aid1 The blackboard 2. tapesDesign of periodPeriod3Teaching ProceduresTeacher-student InteractionRevise. Warming- up and revision 1

30、. Ask and answer some oral questions on how often exercise. 2. Check the homework and have a dictation of some new words. Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。1) 你通常在周未做什么? _ _ you _ do on weekends?2) 我总是去运动。I _ _.3) 他们总是在周未做什么事情? _ _ they _ on weekends? 4) 他们经常帮助做家务。 They _ _ with housework. 5) 她在周未做什么?

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