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新目标七年级下unit12 what did you do last weekend 导学案 1.docx

1、新目标七年级下unit12 what did you do last weekend 导学案 1刘营初中 七 年级 英语 教学案执 笔刘晓凤审 核课 型听说课课 时1授课人授课时间姓 名学案编号【课 题】Unit12 what did you do last weekend?Section A(1a-1c)教师复备或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1.学习并掌握词汇:camp, lake, beach, badminton, sheep2.学习目标语言:What did you do last weekend? Well,3.情感态度目标:通过描述过去的事情,使学生学会尊重和理解别人,学会了解他人的喜好

2、,增进情谊。【学习重点难点】熟练拼写和运用等词。对过去的事情进行询问。【学法指导】预习 自学 导学 解疑 巩固【教学过程】【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)I、预习交流1.根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容;2.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;3.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1. 做作业_ 2. 去海滩_3. go boating_ 4. 打羽毛球_ 5. 去电影院 _ 6. camp by the lake_二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)1.预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇2.你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗?并试着写下来。 谁去拜访了她的奶奶? 是贝姬。-Who _ her grandma?

3、 -Becky _. 三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)【课堂导学】:I、新课呈现Step1 Review & Lead-inAsk several students one by one: What did you do last weekend?Step2 Presentation1. Learn the phrases in 1a.2. Finish 1a, then check the answers.3. Look at the conversation, and learn the drills: - What did you do last weekend? - Well, on S

4、aturday morning, I played badminton.Step3 ListeningListen and finish 1b. Check the answers.Step4 Pair workPractice the conversation in 1c . Then make your own conversations.四、总结(引四、总结(引申探究 15分钟)一、动词过去式的构成:Group work: 尝试用一般过去时造句 + 表过去的时间状语。 Notes:_五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)I、时态大考验(写出下列动词的过去式)1. camp_ 2.

5、work_3. feed_ 4. play _5.stay _6. study _7. tell _8. lose _9. hear_10. run _ 11.shout_12. answer_II.单项选择( )1. I _ my homework yesterday. A. dont do B. didnt do C. didnt( )2. They went there by _. A. boat B. boats C. boating( )3. He had to go _ there. A. camp B. camps C. Camping( )4. They are having

6、fun _ the beach. A. on B. in C. at( )5. We played badminton _ Sunday afternoon. A. on B. in C. for【教学反思】刘营初中 七 年级 英语 教学案执 笔刘晓凤审 核课 型听说课课 时2授课人授课时间姓 名学案编号【课 题】Unit12 what did you do last weekend?Section A(2a-2d)教师复备或学生笔记栏【学习目标】继续学习谈论过去事件; 学会用疑问词who, what, when。【学习重点难点】1.熟练拼写和运用as, natural, visitor, t

7、ired, stay, away, mouse, shout等词。2.一般过去时的准确运用。【学法指导】预习 自学 导学 解疑 巩固【教学过程】【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)I、预习交流1.根据图片和对话等,预测新课内容;2.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;3.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1.visit my grandma_2.备考 _ 3. work as a guide _4. over_ 5. How interesting! _6. living habit_7. kind of _8. 熬夜 _二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)C、你能通过预习说出下面的句子吗? 她和谁一起

8、去的? _ _she go _?三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)I、新课呈现Step1 Review and Lead-inQuick action: The phrases in 1a or the past forms of the verbs.Step2 PresentationShow some pictures, ask and learn. eg:-What did you/he/ she/they do? -Where did you/he/she/they go?-Who?Step3 Listening1. Go through the sentences in 2a.2. Li

9、sten to 2a and underline the words you hear.3. Listen again. Write C for Carol, J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2b. Then check the answers.Step4 Pair work1.Student A asks questions with who, what or where and Student B 2.answers. Finish 2c.Role-play the conversations in 2d.二、总结(引

10、四、总结(引申探究 15分钟)动词过去式不规则变化之二:i a: sing sang ew: fly flew ring rang draw drew swim swam grow grew drink drank know knewbegin began throw threw Group work:模仿2d编写对话,谈论过去事件。Notes:_五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)I、精挑细选( ) 1. - Did you have a _ at school last week? - Yes, we did. I got an A. A. test B. look C. wal

11、k ( ) 2. - How long did Helen _ in Changsha? - For a week. A. sit B. stay C. feel( ) 3. Lucy _ go to the movies. She watched TV at home. A. isnt B. didnt C. wasnt II、你来我往A: Hi, Mike! 1. _B: It was pretty good.A: 2._B: I went to the Summer Palace last weekend.A: 3. _B: I went with my parents.A: 4. _B

12、: It was cloudy and cool.A: 5._ B: The people there were very friendly. We had so much fun.【教学反思】刘营初中 七 年级 英语 教学案执 笔刘晓凤审 核课 型听说课课 时3授课人授课时间姓 名学案编号【课 题】Unit12 what did you do last weekend?Section A(3a-3c)教师复备或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1、总结归纳Section A部分语法重点;2、并将所学知识学以致用。【学习重点难点】一般过去时的准确运用。【学法指导】预习 自学 导学 解疑 巩固【教学过程】【

13、教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)I、预习交流1.根据Grammar Focus, 归纳Section A部分语法重点;2.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。II、翻译官1.跑开_2.shout at_ 3. mouse(复数)_ 4. 语言_ 二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)I、新课呈现Step1 Grammar Focus1. Give a summary about it.2. Try to recite it.Step2 Presentation1. Go through 3a&3b quickly. 2. Finish 3a. Fill in the blan

14、ks with who, what, when, where or how. 3. Complete the blanks in 3b with the correct forms of the words in the box.4. Check the answers and then read together.Step4 Group workThink of two things you did last weekend. Draw pictures of them. Your classmates guess what you did.Role-play the conversatio

15、ns in 2d.三、总结(引四、总结(引申探究 15分钟)Group work: 归纳疑问词who, what, when, where, how的区别,并造句。Who_What_When_Where_How_五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)I、完美呈现1. The streets _ (be) crowded last weekend.2. Jim _ (visit) his uncle the day before yesterday.3. Larrys MP4 was _(lose) yesterday.4. Maria _ (find) a girl crying wh

16、en she went home.5. Jenny _ (stay) at home and _(study) f or the test last Saturday.II、最佳选择(用所给词适当形式填空)write, sleep, welcome, walk, rain1. Hello, Susan! _ to our school!2. Be quiet! Your father _ now.3. Toms house is near his school. He always _ to school.4. Last weekend, Tony _ a letter to h is pen

17、 friend in England.5. Can you tell me what you usually do on _ days?【教学反思】刘营初中 七 年级 英语 教学案执 笔刘晓凤审 核课 型听说课课 时4授课人授课时间姓 名学案编号【课 题】Unit12 what did you do last weekend?Section B(1a-1e)教师复备或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1学习并掌握词汇:fly, kite2学习目标语言:-Did you do anything interesting last weekend?-Not really, but I visited my si

18、ster.3情感态度目标:交流回忆以前做过的事情,增进对同学间的了解。【学习重点难点】熟练拼写fly, kite等词和运用基本句型-Who went the library? -Sally did. 掌握一般过去时并在实际情景中自如运用。【学法指导】预习 自学 导学 解疑 巩固【教学过程】【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)I、A、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇:B、小试身手去图书馆_ 上个周末_ 放风筝_study for a test _ visit ones sister _have dinner with friends _二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)I、

19、新课呈现Step1 Review & Lead-inGrammar FocusStep2 Presentation1. Learn and finish 1a. Then try to remember the phrase.2. Game: Quick action about the phrases. 3. Do you think the activities in 1a are fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each line. Step3 Listening1. Listen. What did Sally and J

20、im do last weekend? Complete the chart in 1b.2. Listen again and check the answers.Step4 Pair workMake a conversation with a partner. Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend. Then ask what your partner did last went to the library? Sally did.-Did you do anything interesting la

21、st weekend? Not really, but I.四、总结(引四、总结(引申探究 15分钟)一般过去时的基本结构: (1)肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他。或者主语+was/ were+其他。e.g. I played tennis last weekend. 我上周末打网球了My school trip was great. 我的学校郊游棒极了。 (2)否定句:主语+didnt+动词原形+其他,或主语+wasnt/ werent+其他。e.g. He didnt play computer games yesterday.他昨天没有玩电子游戏。(3)一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形

22、+其他?肯定回答:Yes, 主语+did.否定回答:No, 主语+didnt. 或者was/were+主语+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+was/were。否定回答:No, 主语+wasnt/werent. e.g.-Did you go to the beach?-Yes,we did./ No, we didnt.你们去海滩了吗? 是的,我们去了。/不,我们没去。-Was your weekend OK? -Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.你的周末过得还行吧? 是的,还行。/不,不行。(4)特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句(顺序)?-What did Li Le

23、i do last weekend? -He visited his grandparents.李雷上个周末干什么了? 他看望了他的祖父母。-Where were you yesterday? -I was at home.你昨天在哪儿? 我在家里。五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)I单项选择。( ) 1. I _ my room last night. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaned( ) 2. He _ his homework on Sunday morning. A. do B. did C. to do( ) 3. It is time _ h

24、ome. A. go B. to go C. to go to( ) 4. What _ you _ over the weekend? A. did; do B. did; did C. do; does( ) 5. _ he _ tennis after classes yesterday? A. Did; played B. Did; play C. Does; play. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend.2. - _ she _ (practice) her guitar. - No, she _.3.

25、What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening?4. She _ (not visit) her aunt weekend.5. -When _ you _ (write) this song? - I _ (write) it last year. . 句型转换。1. Id like some fish. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ fish?2. Tina wanted a small size uniform. (对划线部分提问) _ _ uniform _ Tina want?3. She and her friends went shopping last Sunday afternoon.(改为同义句)She _ shopping _ her friends _ Sunday afternoon.4. weekend, you, what, do, did, last (连成一句) _5. I played soccer on my computer. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ soccer on _ computer.【教学反思】刘营初中 七 年级 英语 教学案执 笔刘晓凤审 核课 型听

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