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1、托福口语环保类答题模板doc托福口语环保类答题模板 托福口语环保类模板 It is more eco-friendly, coz it ll create little harmful carbon dioxide to the air. With the help of this, we can better protect our planet and prevent our environment from pollution such as global warming, acid rain and ozone layer. No one can deny that it is sig

2、nificant nowadays when we re facing ecological crisis. 托福口语常考环境类话题解析 思路 爱护环境,人人有责。虽然,我们平时会聊到环境类的话题。但是,考试时,我们应该怎样顺利地展开这类话题呢? 在这种情况下,我们就应该结合自身的经历来展开话题。这样话题不但容易展开,而且也可以加入更多的细节,比如,可以说自己家乡的环境;比如,可以说学习和工作的城市的环境;比如,可以说自己对环保做出的努力。同时,在内容方面也可以更加自由地发挥了。 有了这样的思路,我们来看看一篇示范的回答是如何做到这一点的。 【话题】What can we do to redu

3、ce air pollution? Give examples and details in you answer. 托福口语范文文本 I think the following should be done to reduce air pollution. First, we should drive less and use public transportation like buses and subways when we can. It s such a waste of energy and space to drive when there are only one or tw

4、o people in the car. Buses and subways on the other hand can move dozens even hundreds of people. Second, I think we should plant more trees. Trees and other plants produce oxygen we breathe. We don t have enough of them since cities are filled with concrete buildings these days. Trees also make our

5、 cities more beautiful, so I think the more trees we plant, the better environment we have. 托福口语环保类重要词汇短语 燃料 non-renewable 不可再生的 fossil fuels 矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源 alternative energy 替代能源 replace=substitute v.取代 (wind power, hydropower 水电, solar

6、(lunar) power 太阳能, nuclear power 核能 radioactivity n. 辐射性 use up, deplete, exhaust v. 用光,耗尽 conserve v. 节省,节约, consume less v. 少消耗 环保: environmental protection 环境保护 environmentally-friendly 环保的 preserve v.保护,保存 污染: Pollute= contaminate, 污染(动词) pollutant 污染物 Pollution=contamination 污染(名词) 垃圾: rubbish,

7、 garbage, trash, waste, litter 处理: dispose of, burn, bury (landfill 垃圾场), dump倾倒,recycle 回收 plastic bags塑料袋, drinking cans饮料罐 biodegradable packaging 可降解包装 throwaway 可丢弃的 disposable 可丢弃的 discourage v. 不鼓励 危害动物: poaching 非法打猎,盗猎, damage natural habitat 破坏自然栖息地, rare breed 稀有物种, endangered species 濒危物

8、种, extinct adj.灭绝 (die out, disappear动词), animal rights activist 动物权益保护者 , natural reserve (giant panda大熊猫) 自然保护区, protect wild life 保护野生动物, disastrous 灾难性的, devastation 破坏, have disastrous effect on 对。有灾难性的影响 危害植物: vegetation 植被 deforestation 森林消失, landslide 山体滑坡, 危害环境: carbon dioxide 二氧化碳, acid ra

9、in 酸雨(erode腐蚀) greenhouse effect 温室效应 (worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化) global warming 全球变暖 ecological system=ecosystem 生态系统 green belt 绿化带, sand storm 沙尘暴, (filter v. 过滤) arouse people s awareness/consciousness of environmental protection 提高公众的环保意识 重要的词组与短语 帮助减缓全球变暖速度 help slow down the pac

10、e of global warming 保持生态平衡 keep ecological balance 保持水土 preserve soil and water 保护和改善生活和生态环境 protect and improve the living environment 保护珍稀野生动植物 protect rare wild animals and plants 保留为自然耕地 reserve as natural farmland 采用环保技术 adopt environmental protection technique 参加环保运动 take part in environmental

11、 protection activities 崇尚绿色生活方式 pursue a green life 创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment 促进城市可持续发展 promote the sustainable development of the city 发展太阳能 develop solar energy 防治污染 prevent and control pollution 非常注重保护森林 pay great attention to the conservation of forest 改善生态环境 improve the

12、 eco-environment (ecological environment) 削减污物排放 decrease the disposal of pollutants 引发一系列的问题 result in a series of problems 增强环境意识 enhance the awareness of the importance of (raise the consciousness about) environmental protection 治理沙地和水土流失问题 tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion 注重节约资源 atta

13、ch importance to saving resources 关闭化工厂 close chemical plants 加大污染治理力度 strengthen pollution control 加强城市绿化 strengthen the greening of the city 加强环境保护 strengthen environmental protection 加强生态建设 improve the eco-construction 加强水土保持 reinforce the conservation of water and soil 减少机动车辆 reduce the number o

14、f vehicles 减少浪费 reduce waste 进一步加快环保规划 further speed up environmental protection plans 禁止露天焚烧 prohibit burning out in the open 开展保护野生动物宣传教育 advocate to educate the public the protection of wild animals 开展绿色活动 advocate green activities 普及环保知识 popularize environmental protection knowledge 实行严格的机动车排放标准

15、 implement strict vehicle emission standards 使用再生纸 use recycle paper 提高环境管理水平 raise the environmental management level 提高居民的环保和生态意识 improve residents environmental and ecological awareness 提高清洁能源的比重 increase the supply of clean energy resources 完善城市基础设施建设 perfect the construction of urban infrastruc

16、ture 为大量野生动植物提供栖息地 provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants:1.托福怎么学会口语的方法技巧2.托福口语独立任务模板有哪些3.新托福口语怎么考考什么内容4.托福口语task6模板及备考贴士5.托福口语task2模板及解题思路托福口语考试高分模板第五题 托福口语第五题模板 1. Intro: Question5 Campus Situation Topic: Problem/Solution The listening passage (60-90 sec; 180-220 words) is a

17、 conversation about a student-related problem and two possible solutions. The question asks the test taker to demonstrate understanding of the problem and to express an opinion about solving the problem. o Preparation time: 20 sec o Response time: 60 sec 1、时间冲突: Time Conflict a. Problem of a time co

18、nflict between a and b *a与b的高频: Work (part-time job) vs. Study (for a test/exam) Play (visit/tour) vs. Study (for a test/exam) b. Preference: _=a balanced solution (既a又b) c. Reason: I think the man/woman should_(preference) because finding a balanced solution is the best way for him/her to do (a) an

19、d in the meantime/at the same time, do (b). In the process, the man/woman can acquire an ability of doing time management, which does good to his/her future since only being efficient can he/she become more competitive when he/she is hunting for a job in the future. Back-up: comparative advantage/ m

20、ake a well-organized plan/ make a tight schedule) 2、左右为难: Dilemma Choice a. Problem of a dilemma choice (of_) between a and b *a与b的高频: 1) internship/job: 两个行业 2) play (academic trip) vs. play (tour, visit=family-beach) b. Preference: 1) _=what makes him/her happy or what he/she is really interested

21、in. 2) _=academic trip c. Reasons: 1) because doing things that make him/her really interested in will offer him/her greatest passion. So the man/woman will devote/dedicate more time to it to make more contributions. Only in that way, can he/she have the greatest personal satisfaction. (According to

22、 Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs) 2) because it is good to be on his/her study record with the practical research experience. Gathering an experience like this is also helpful to his/her future when he/she is looking for a job. For the reunion with his/her family, there are more chances in the next time

23、. So he/she should grasp/seize this great opportunity. 托福口语第五题答题方法 首先听到一段对话,应对这类题需要边听对话边记笔记,当然这也就是要求我们平时训练好自己的速记能力。在速记过程中把握好重点环节。第一,对话中探讨的问题是什么?第二,对话中提出了怎样的解决方案?第三,解决方案中各自存在怎样的利弊?找到了这样的重点内容,也就可以让我们清晰的掌握了文章的脉络。 在托福口语第五题中,还是有着比较固定的。比如在以下内容中:briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conver

24、sation and to state which of the two solutions you prefer, and explain why you prefer that solution . 托福口语第五题答题思路 很多人曾经也抱怨过,第五题的内容貌似不难,但是最容易遇到的问题就是,大费周章最不能拿到最好的分数。原因很简单,和考生的英语水平未必相关,而是应答思路出了问题。建议大家在备考过程中,对每个解决方案的好处和弊端勤加练习,理清表达思路。 托福口语考试的6部分 口语考试共有6道题目,大约20分钟。 前两题要求考生在听/看到题目15秒内准备,在之后紧接着的45秒内回答。 第一题是

25、讲述考试身边的事情。比如你尊敬的一个人及原因,你喜欢的一本书及原因,你印象深刻的一个活动/典礼及原因。 第二题是二选一或支持/反对某一观点的问题,非常像旧托福TWE185的题目。 第三、四题会给考生45秒来读一段阅读材料,之后阅读材料不再显示,让考生听一段1分多钟的相关录音材料。然后要考生根据阅读和听力材料回答问题。考生有30秒钟准备,60秒钟回答。 第三题的阅读材料较常见的是学校贴出了一张通知/告示,说要采取某方面的新措施、新政策。然后列举原因。听力材料则是学生对新措施、新政策的讨论。 第四题的阅读材料和听力材料一般都是学术问题。 第五题和第六题考生会听到1分多种的听力材料,然后根据听力材料回答问题。考生有20秒钟准备,60秒钟回答。第五题较多见的是一个学生遇到了问题,另一个学生(或老师)帮助

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