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1、教师资格证英语教案教师资格证英语教案【篇一:教师资格证高中英语面试教案写法整理】 阅读课:导入(图片,问答),读前讨论预测或者听力训练,读中寻读精读标记语法点找主旨句,读后讲解语法点,小组活动 teaching topic: teaching aims: 1. learn some new words . 2. improve students? reading ability and self-study ability. 3. enable students to value/love/aware the importance of . teaching aids: pictures, a

2、 tape recorder and ppt. teaching important points: 1.improve students? reading ability. 2.master the following words. teaching difficult points: 1. how to make them to understand the reading text better. 2. improve their reading strategy. teaching procedure: step 1: lead-in show students? pictures o

3、n the screen. and ask them what they will do if they are in those situations, let them discuss in pairs and then ask some ss answer the question after 3 minutes. step 2: pre- reading teacher ask the ss to listen to the record to try to grasp the general idea of the passage,try to answer 2 questions.

4、 step 3: while- reading using task-based method to help the ss improve their reading skills in this step. task1. scanning : scanning the text and find the answer of 2 questions. looking for the information quickly without reading the whole text. task2. detail reading read the passage carefully and d

5、o true or false exercises on the screen. let ss get further understanding of the article and check their reading results. step 4: language learningfind out the new words and phrases. let them guess from the words: new phrases: step5: summary ss summarize what we have learnt and key point

6、s. make an assessment on each group. step6: homework write a diary with simple past tense. blackboard design: title: questions: new words : 文章线索(便于复述) 口语课教学过程:看图,问答练习,重点句呈现讲解,小组练习,展示成果 teaching objectives: 1. be able to master the following words and sentence pattern. and learn the expression of giv

7、ing advice . 2. be able to talk about one?s health problems and give advice fluently 3. improve the cooperative spirit and care more about yourself and your family members? health. teaching aids: pictures, a tape recorder and ppt. the teaching focus: 1. master the following words and sentence patter

8、n. 2. master the expressions of giving advice the teaching difficulties: 1. students may find it difficult to remember all the target new words in the class; 2. students may find it difficult to give appropriate advice to the certain disease because of their limited life experience. teaching procedu

9、re: step1:warming up greet ss by asking them: how are you today? then i?ll tell ss that i?m not feeling well today (write the sentence on the blackboard and guide ss to read it.) and get ss to guess the reason freely. if ss can?t get the answer, i?ll tell them that i didn?t have a good sleep last ni

10、ght. so i have a headache. (i say this by doing a gesture) step2: presentation of words and sentence patterns 1. let one student imitate he has a kind of disease and ask the class guess what ?s the matter with him. use the following sentence:”what?s the matter with him?” “i have a stomache.” 2. show

11、 ss pictures of diseases.( write the words on the black board.) step3: pair work ask ss to work in pairs and talk about health problems by using the bandage given and using the target language: what?s the matter? i?m not feeling well. i have a step4: presentation of expressions of giving advice tell

12、 ss that i have a cold/cough, ask them: what should i do? ss may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: you should/shouldn?t do during this activity, some phrases will be learned: . step5: role play the sample dialogue and ask ss to complete it according to the pi

13、cture orally. ask students to make a four -people group, one of them is a doctor, the other three are patients. ask the ss to role play a dialogue . a: what?s the matter with you? b: i?m not feeling well. i have a _. a: when did it start? b: about_ ago. a: oh, that?s too bad. / i?m sorry to hear tha

14、t. you should/shouldn?t _ and you should/shouldn?t _. b: yes, i think so. a: _.b: thank you, doctor. step5: summary ss summarize what we have learnt. make an assessment on each group. step6: homework try to make a story according to the dialogue. blackboard design: title: new words and phrases : sen

15、tence pattern : 语法课:复习导入,查找标记相关句子,总结规律,练习(造句,讨论) teaching objectives: 1.enable the ss to know the uses of adjectives ending in -ing / -ed and the differences between them. 2. master the following words and sentence pattern. main word and expression: amazed, amazing, interested, interesting, bored, b

16、oring. main structure: the classroom was amazing. i was completely amazed by the classroom. teaching aids: pictures, a tape recorder and ppt. teaching important points: get the ss to know the differences between the adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and learn the uses of them in the sentences. teach

17、ing difficult points: understand the differences between the adjectives ending in ing and ed and apply them in the sentences . teaching procedure: step 1 lead in greet the students and say some words which includes the language points. then tell them what we are going to learn is the differences and

18、 uses of the adjectives ending in ing and ed . ask students to think about the question below and try to figure out the right answer. -can you make a distinguish between the two sentences? i am bored. i am boring . step 2 discovering and explaining. ask the students to read the text and try to find

19、out the sentences which have the adjectives ending in -ing and ed. try to find the differences and understand the meaning of these adjectives. step 3 group work let students work in groups and have a discussion. try to find the differences of these adjectives and explain the meaning of these sentenc

20、es according to the context. step 4 conclusion and exercise invite students to make a report about their group discussion and teacher will make a conclusion according to their report. find the grammar rules: 1: the ing form describes the people or things that cause the feeling;(令人?)2: the ed form te

21、lls us how people feel.(感到?) give some examples to show what they have learned and ask students to do exercise and check the answers. fill in the blank with the correct forms of words. it is a _ (bore)party and i feel_(bore). step 5 homework 1. find out more adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and sen

22、tences. 2.use the -ed and -ing form of the words “bore” “interest” “amaze” and “embarrass” to make sentences. blackboard design: title:words and phrases : sentence pattern : . 听力课:导入,听主要内容检查主要内容,听细节(给问题),分角色,对话表演 写作课:复习导入,展示讨论图片,描述内容/文体,总结关键词语,教师指导,写作文【篇二:教师资格证考试英语教案写作】 class type: reading/listening

23、/speaking/writing class teaching contents comprehension of the given text. difficult words and phrases about 主题 it is contains /about(概括文章主题或大意) teaching objectives 1.knowledge objectives master the words of /related to 主题 and grasp the usage of. master the following words and phrases, grammar: unde

24、rstand the main idea and some details of the passage/dialogue have a better understanding of /learn more about 主题或人物 talk about 与主题相关的人或事物 and write dialogues/communicate with new words and grammar. 2.ability objectives improve their reading ability, especially skimming and scanning ability. improve

25、 their ability of listening, speaking and writing, comprehension. develop ability in set up effective studying strategies. 3.emotional objectives get more interested inhave more interest in (通用 english culture/studying) develop their spirit of cooperating with others/exploring.cultivate scientific a

26、ttitude/habits in their lives. combine english learning with daily life and arouse students interest in learning english. speak confidently in front of the class. teaching key points new words of 主题;description of 主题; usage of to train students grasp the main idea and details of the passage. teachin

27、g difficult points use in the proper situations correctly. to improve students ability, especially the ability of catching key words. teaching aids multi-media ,pictures of flash cards teaching procedures step1 warming up/lead-in (3-5min) 方案1 直观导入法 1. greeting. 2. show students pictures of/play a vi

28、deo about /play the music of and ask students to answer what they saw/listened/got (justification: it will arouse students interest in learning this lesson and lead to the main idea of the text. ) 方案2 问题导入法1. greeting 2. brainstorm: questions and answers ask students the following questions: (justif

29、ication: it will help students to combine english learning with daily life and lead to the topic of passage.) step2 presentation (18-20min)/pre-reading (5-7min) 1. introduction of pronunciations and meanings of the main words and phrases. 2. sharing what is already known about topic. step3 consolida

30、tion (8-10min)/while-reading (18-20min) 1. general reading/fast reading ask students to read the passage quickly and then conclude the main idea of each paragraph/the whole passage. (justification: train students reading ability of scanning for the general of passage.) 2. careful reading a ask stude

31、nts to read the passage carefully and do the true or false exercises/ ask students to answer the following questions. b ask students to fill in the table/blanks according to the text. c ask students to read the passage loudly and carefully again. (justification: it will improve students reading skills for looking specific information and help students have a better understanding of thepassage.) step4 summary and homework(5min)/post-reading (8-10min) ask students to work in groups and have a competition to retell the passage according to the outline and key words on ppt. outli

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