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本文(奥鹏21春季 北京中医药大学《英语3》平时作业5doc.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

奥鹏21春季 北京中医药大学《英语3》平时作业5doc.docx

1、奥鹏21春季 北京中医药大学英语3平时作业5doc1.May I use your bike for a moment? _.A.Its well.B.By all means.C.It doesnt matter.D.I have no idea.【参考答案】: B2.Is John there? _.A.Who are you?B.Speaking.C.Im not Mary.D.Mary is well today.【参考答案】: B3.Does No.20 bus stop at our school? _.A.I go to school by bus.B.You are welco

2、me.C.Im afraid not.D.Ill not take No.20 bus.【参考答案】: C4.Thanks, you saved my life!_.A.Its not necessary for you to say so.B.No problemC.Oh, Im afraid I didnt do well enoughD.Im glad I could help【参考答案】: D5.Thanks for your help. _.A.Never mindB.My pleasureC.Quite rightD.Dont thank me【参考答案】: B6.The comp

3、any is starting a new advertising campaign to_new customer to its stores.A.attractB.stickC.transferD.join【参考答案】: A7.Over the past decades, sea ice in the Arctic(北极)_ as a result of global warming.A.has been decreasingB.had decreasedC.will decreasing【参考答案】: B8._ twice, the postman refuse

4、d to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.A.Having bittenB.To be bittenC.BittenD.Being bitten【参考答案】: C9.He_ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside.A.wouldntB.cantC.shouldD.must【参考答案】: D10.Many children, _parents are away working in big cities, are

5、taken good care of in the village.A.whoseB.of themC.with whomD.their【参考答案】: A11.If it_tomorrow, we will stay indoors to have our training class.A.rainB.will rainC.rainsD.rained【参考答案】: C12.The college sports meeting was _ till next week because of the heavy rain.A.put upB.put onC.put outD.put off【参考答

6、案】: D13.Lord Jim_a private school five years ago with the money he earned through hard work.A.foundedB.foundC.foundsD.finds【参考答案】: A14.When Bob and his friends came, we_ our supper then.A.were havingB.haveC.are havingD.had【参考答案】: A15.That big dictionary_Tom two hundred dollars.A.spentB.costC.paidD.t

7、ook【参考答案】: B16.It was in 2005 _we began to introduce this new technique into our company.A.thenB.whenC.thatD.which【参考答案】: C17.He_the maths examination if he had worked hard enough, but he didnt.A.has passedB.passedC.would passD.would have passed【参考答案】: D18.Since it is already midnight, we_now.A.had

8、better leaveB.had better have leftC.had better to leaveD.had better leaving【参考答案】: A19.Rabbits are quiet animals,_they are able to make 20 different sounds.A.even spite ofC.howD.because of【参考答案】: A20.There are two rooms in the house, _serves as a kitchen.A.the smaller of whichB.the smalle

9、r of thatC.the smallest of whichD.the smallest of that【参考答案】: A21.I was so tired then that I fell_in class.A.sleptB.asleepC.sleepD.sleeping【参考答案】: B22.I can only stay here for a while, but Ill come again in _ days.A.a littleB.a fewC.fewD.little【参考答案】: B23.Given the choice between work and play, Tom

10、would surely prefer the _.A.latterB.laterC.lastD.late【参考答案】: A24.He began to work for a big company _ an early【参考答案】: D25.James doesnt like pop music. _does his sister.A.NeitherB.AlsoC.EitherD.So【参考答案】: A26.Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?_.A.Who wants to speak to Ma

11、rk?B.Who are you?C.Whos that speaking?D.Whos there?【参考答案】: C27.Its rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? _.A.Yes, pleaseB.Sure, pleaseC.No, please.D.I dont like it【参考答案】: C28.How are you, Bob?_ Ted.A.Im fine. Thank you.B.Nice to meet you.C.How do you do?D.How are you?【参考答案】: A29.Wh

12、at a beautiful dress you have on today!_.A.You want to have one, too?B.It is suitable for me.C.Thank you.D.No, it isnt.【参考答案】: C30.Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?_.A.Id love to, but Im busy tonight.B.Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.C.No, I really dont like being with you.D.No,

13、 I already have plans.【参考答案】: A31.Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. _.A.Thanks for your complimentsB.Dont mention itC.Its fineD.Great, I am very art-conscious【参考答案】: A32.Whos speaking?This is Tom_.A.speaksB.spokenC.speakingD.saying【参考答案】: C33.Are you going on holiday

14、for a long time? _.A.Not long time ago.B.Two weeks ago.C.It was a long time.D.No. Only a couple of days.【参考答案】: D34.Could you help me with my physics, please? _.A.No, I cantB.No, no wayC.No, I couldntD.Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now【参考答案】: D35.Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?

15、 _.A.Oh, how are you?B.Speaking, please.C.Im listening.D.Im Don.【参考答案】: B36.Could I borrow your car for a few days? _.A.Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journeyB.It doesnt matterC.Yes, you may borrowD.Yes, go on【参考答案】: A37.Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _.A.Its p

16、leasureB.Thank youC.Yes, I beat the othersD.No, no, I didnt do it well【参考答案】: B38.Do you mind my smoking here? _.A.No, thanksB.Yes, Id rather notC.Good ideaD.Yes, I do【参考答案】: D39.Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday? Really? _.A.Why was he so careless?B.Who did that?C.Whats wrong with h

17、im?D.How did that happen?【参考答案】: D40.Excuse me, how much is the jacket?A.Would you like to try it on?B.Which do you prefer?C.Oh, no. Thats OK!D.How do you like it?【参考答案】: A41.On no account _ held responsible for the car accident, so he should not be put into prison.A.can the driver beB.the driver be

18、 the driverD.the driver can be【参考答案】: A42.All the kids are crying now. What _ makes them so unhappy? it is that【参考答案】: B43.Unfortunately, the package I was expecting was _ to the wrong address.A.givenB.writtenC.deliveredD.packed【参考答案】: C44._ by a large audience, he fel

19、t very nervous and didnt know what to say.A.WatchedB.Having watchedC.WatchD.Watching【参考答案】: A45.Im very grateful for your help and hope to do something for you _ in the particular【参考答案】: B46.I can _ you that the animals are well cared for in our zoo, so y

20、ou neednt worry about them.A.assumeB.assureC.grantD.suppose【参考答案】: B47.The drowning boy made a _ attempt to catch the rope thrown to him.A.desperateB.dangerousC.gracefulD.gentle【参考答案】: A48.If we _ early tomorrow morning, we will reach the coast before dark.A.set upB.take upC.set offD.take off【参考答案】: C49.A lot of people mistake John for Bill because they _ each other in appearance too much.A.resembleB.utilizeC.revealD.weave【参考答案】: A50.When there are cordial relations between the two countries, we mean there exists a _ relationship between them.A.hostileB.friendlyC.fertileD.complicated【参考答案】: B

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