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CATIA V5自学教程3.docx

1、CATIA V5自学教程3曲面上的点On Surface在曲面上建立点。圆心点Circle Center可以在圆形图中的中心位置建立点曲线切点Tangent On Curve在直线与曲线相切处建立点。中间点Between在两点的连线上建立一点,Ratio代表点与两点之间距离的倍数。1. 直线Line提供在空间建立直线的功能,系统提供数种具体的建立方式。对话框中的Start与End为直线向两点以外延伸的长度。 两点连线PointPoint 起点与方向PointDirection 与曲线垂直或倾斜Angle/Normal to curve 与曲线相切Tangent to curve 与曲面垂直No

2、rmal to surface 平分线Bisecting2. 平面Plane提供建立不同于XY 、YZ、ZX的平面,来作为绘制图形或实体的参考。平面的建立方式有许多种,在下面一一讨论: 偏移平面Offset from plane 平行某一面且过一点Parallel through point 与平面垂直或倾斜Angle/Normal to plane 三点成面Through three points 两线成面Through two lines 点与直线成面Through Point and line 过平面曲线Through Planar Curve 与线垂直Normal To Curve 与

3、曲面相切Tangent to Surface 方程式Equation(Ax+By+Cz=D) 多点的平均面Mean Through Points5.11 Advanced Replication Tools工具栏 PowerCopy的用途在于将一群相关的特征组成一个集合,这个集合可以用在不同的零件文件中。PowerCopy能进一步修改每一个特征的值,并采用参数化设计的概念,比起样本只能单纯复制特征,PowerCopy的功能更为强大。1. PowerCopy命令2. Instantiate From Document命令5.12坐标轴系统Axis SystemThis task explains

4、 how to define a new three-axis system locally. There are two ways of defining it: either by selecting geometry or by entering coordinates.1. Select the Insert - Axis System. command or click the Axis System icon .The Axis System Definition dialog box is displayed.注意:选择对话框中的“Current”按钮,则当前建立的坐标系为当前坐

5、标系。2. An axis system is composed of an origin point and three orthogonal axes. For instance, you can start by selecting the vertex as shown to position the origin of the axis system you wish to create. The application then computes the remaining coordinates. Both computed axes are then parallel to t

6、hose of the current system.一个坐标轴系统是由一个原点和三条直角轴组成。例如,可以选择一个顶点作为所希望建立坐标轴系统的的原点,则系统自动计算其余的坐标轴,缺省的是所计算的轴与当前系统的坐标轴平行。I. 原点OriginInstead of selecting the geometry to define the origin point, you can use one of the following contextual commands available from the Origin field: Create Point: for more inform

7、ation, refer to Points Coordinates: for more information, refer to Points Create Midpoint: the origin point is the midpoint detected by the application after selection of a geometrical element. Create Endpoint: the origin point is the endpoint detected by the application after selection of a geometr

8、ical elementII. 坐标轴系统类型Axis System TypeYou can choose from different types of axis system: Standard: defined by a point of origin and three orthogonal directions (by default the current directions of the ccompass).通过一个原点和三条直角方向(缺省与指南针方向相同)Here only the point was selected and nothing specified for th

9、e axes.在这里,只选择了一个点,没有指定轴。 Axis rotation: defined as a standard axis system and a angle computed from a selected reference.定义方式如同标准轴系统(Standard Axis System),并且利用一个选定的参考来计算一个角度。Here the Y axis was set to the standard axis system Y axis, and a 15 degrees angle was set in relation to an edge parallel to

10、 the X axis. 这里Y轴的设置方式如同标准轴系统Y轴的设置方式,15度表示绕X轴转动的角度。(操作方式:选定一轴;然后选定过此轴的面作为参考;在设定围绕此轴的转角即可。) Euler angles: defined by three angle values as follows.Angle 1= (X, N)a rotation about Z transforming vector X into vector N.Angle 2= (Z, W)a rotation about vector N transforming vector Z into vector W.Angle 3

11、= (N, U)a rotation about vector W.3If you are not satisfied with x axis, for instance click the X axis field and select the edge as shown to define a new direction for x axis.The x axis becomes colinear with this edge.4Check the Reverse option to reverse the x axis direction. Clicking the axis rever

12、ses its direction too.Note that there are two types of axis systems, right-handed and left-handed. The dialog box indicates the type close to the Current option.5The application also lets you define axes through coordinates.Right-click the Y Axis field and select the Coordinates. contextual command.

13、 The Y Axis dialog box appears.6完成原点与坐标轴的建立之后,点击OK。The axis system is created. It is displayed in the specification tree. When it is set as current, it is highlighted as shown below.(当它设置为当前坐标系的话,它在树中显示的亮的。)设置的局部坐标系时固定的,如果项约束它,则先要使它与系统的其它要素隔离开,否则会过约束。(Local axes are fixed. If you wish to constrain t

14、hem, you need to isolate them (using Isolate隔离 contextual command) before setting constraints otherwise(否则) you would obtain over-constrained systems.)The display mode of the axes is different depending on whether the three-axis system is right-handed or left-handed and current or not.Right-click Ax

15、is System.1 and select the Set as current contextual command. Axis System.1 is now current. You can then select plane xy for instance, to define a sketch plane.III. 编辑一个坐标系统Editing an Axis SystemYou can edit your axis system by double-clicking it and entering new values in the dialog box that appear

16、s. You can also use the compass to edit your axis system. For more about the compass, refer to CATIA- Infrastructure Users guide Version 5.Note also that editing the geometrical elements selected for defining the axes or the origin point affects the definition of the axis system accordingly.Right-cl

17、icking Axis System.X object in the specification tree lets you access the following contextual commands: Definition.:redefines the axis system Isolate: sets the axis system apart (分开)from the geometry Set as Current/Set as not Current: defines whether the axis system is the reference or not.IV. Crea

18、ting an Axis System when Creating a New PartAn option lets you create an axis system when you are creating a new part. To know how to access this option, refer to Customizing a CATPart document.5.13测量Measuring测量工具条Measure Toolbar,包括三种测量类型: Measure Minimum Distances and Angles: Click this icon, set t

19、he desired measure type, the measure mode and select a surface, edge or vertex. Measure Properties: Select the desired item and click this icon. Measure Inertia: Click this icon and select the desired item1. 测量距离和角度Measuring Distances & Angles between Geometrical Entities This task explains how to m

20、easure minimum or maximum distances and, if applicable, angles between geometrical entities (points, surfaces, edges, vertices and entire products).(1) 测量类型measure type: Between (default type): measures distance and, if applicable, angle between selected items. Chain: lets you chain measures with th

21、e last selected item becoming the first selection in the next measure. Fan: fixes the first selection as the reference so that you always measure from this item.(2) Defining Selection 1 & Selection 2 Modes:Any geometry (default mode): measures distances and, if applicable, angles between defined geo

22、metrical entities (points, edges, surfaces, etc.).Note: The Arc center mode is activated in this selection mode.(3) Defining the Calculation Mode: Exact else approximate (default mode): measures access exact data and wherever possible true values are given. If exact values cannot be measured, approx

23、imate values are given (identified by a sign). Exact精确: measures access exact data and true values are given. Note that you can only select exact items in the geometry area or specification tree.In certain cases, in particular if products are selected, a warning dialog box informs you that the exact

24、 measure could not be made. Approximate近似: measures are made on tessellated objects and approximate values are given (identified by a sign).(4) Customizing Your MeasureYou can, at any time, customize the display of the results in both the geometry area and the dialog box.To do so, click Customize. i

25、n the Measure Between dialog box and set your display in the Measure Between Customization dialog box.Note: Measuring minimum distance, maxium distance and maximum distance from 1 to 2 are mutually exclusive options. Each time you change option, you must make your measure again.Point 1 and point 2 g

26、ive the coordinates of the two points between which the distance is measured.2. 测量Measure Item用于测量选择元素的特性。This task explains how to measure the properties associated to a selected item (points, edges, surfaces and entire products). (1) 定义Selection 1 模式(Defining the Selection 1 Mode) Any geometry (de

27、fault mode): measures the properties of the selected item (point, edge, surface or entire product). Point only: measures the properties of points. Dynamic highlighting is limited to points. Edge only: measures the properties of edges. All types of edge are supported. Surface only: measures the prope

28、rties of surfaces.In the last three modes, dynamic highlighting is limited to points, edges or surfaces depending on the mode selected, and is thus simplified compared to the Any geometry mode.(2) 定义计算模式Defining the Calculation Mode Exact else approximate (default mode): measures access exact data a

29、nd wherever possible true values are given. If exact values cannot be measured, approximate values are given (identified by a sign). Exact: measures access exact data and true values are given. Note that you can only select exact items in the geometry area or specification tree.In certain cases, in

30、particular if products are selected, a warning dialog box informs you that the exact measure could not be made. Approximate: measures are made on tessellated objects and approximate values are given (identified by a sign).Click Customize. in the Measure Item dialog box to see the properties the syst

31、em can detect for the various types of item you can select. By default, you obtain:3. 测量惯性距Measure InertiaThis task explains how to measure the inertia properties of an object.You can measure the inertia properties of both surfaces and volumes, as well as retrieve the density or surface density if v

32、aluated from V4 model type documents. You can also retrieve inertia equivalents set in Knowledgeware formulas.The area, density, mass and volume (volumes only) of the object are also calculated.Measures are persistent: a Keep Measure option in the Measure Inertia dialog box lets you keep the current measure as a feature in the speci

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