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7A Unit4 重点词组难点解析语法复习.docx

1、7A Unit4 重点词组难点解析语法复习7A Unit 4 重点词组、难点解析、语法复习【词组总汇】P.58-621. 总是很饿 be always hungry2. 需要很多能量need a lot of energy3. 一天许多次 many times a day4. 一个健康的人 a healthy person5. 想成为舞蹈演员 want to be a dancer6. 跳舞跳两小时 dance for two hours7. 变累 get tired8. 保持健康(4种) keep fit/ healthy , stay healthy/ fit9. 太多的糖份 too mu

2、ch sugar10. 给我能量 give me energy11. 吃水果和素菜 have fruit and vegetables12. 早饭吃苹果 eat an apple for breakfast13. 喝些牛奶 drink some milk14. 吃些面包 eat some bread15. 晚饭后 after dinner16. 一个尖子生 a top student17. 中饭吃汉堡 eat hamburgers for lunch18. 跑得快 run fast19. 做运动 do some exercise20. 计划做某事 plan to do sth.21. 计划吃健

3、康餐 plan to have health meals22. 游泳池 a swimming pool23. 一周两次 twice a week24. 注意用水 be careful with waterP.63-7025. 有时间做某事 have time to do sth26. 多久一次 how often27. 多久 how long28. 一周三次 three times a week29. 把所有空余时间用于坐在那儿 spend all the free time sitting there30. 电脑前 in front of the computer31. 去上舞蹈课 go t

4、o the dancing lesson32. 去溜冰 go skating33. 去滑旱冰 go roller skating34. 两个女教师 two women teachers35. 四公斤肉 four kilos of meat36. 几袋苹果 some bags of apples37. 需要一些鸡肉 need some chicken38. 许多袋大米 many bags of rice39. 买些蔬菜给她buy some vegetables for her / buy her some vegetables40. 土豆和西红柿 potatoes and tomatoes41.

5、 这么多芒果 so many mangoesP.68-7342. 不到三天 less than three days 43. 多少电视 how much TV44. 超过一小时 more than one hour45. 步行上学 walk to school / go to school on foot46. 根本不喜欢 dont like at all47. 看2小时电视 watch two hours of TV / watch TV for two hours48. 看更少的电视 watch less TV49. 不再吃它们 dont eat them any more50. 这些天

6、these days 51. 躺在床上 lie in bed52. 感觉好 feel good53. 你最喜欢的水果 your favourite fruit54. 祝给你带来好运 good luck to you with 55. 来吃饭 come for dinner56. 对我有益 be good for me57. 喝水重要 be important to drink water58. 变胖 get fat59. 没有变胖 without getting fat60. 健身俱乐部 the Get Fit Club61. 健康饮食 healthy diet62. (持续)两小时 for

7、two hours63. 在网上和我的朋友聊天 chat with my friends on the Internet64. 一点也不健康 be not fit at all65. 象蛋糕、糖一样的甜食 sweet snacks like cakes and sweets66. 我该改变了。 Its time for me to change now.67. 住在水中 live in water68. 在超市 at the supermarket69. 搬所有的那些食物 carry all that food70. 给某人的能量 give sb. energy for 71. 喝汤 have

8、 / eat soup72. 帮我开始一天的生活 help me start the day73. 吃牛肉面 have noodles with beef 【难点解析】 1. never (Page 58)never是一个频度副词,表示否定意义,意为“从不,决不”,是always的反义词。对never这一类频度副词提问时,用how often。Never mind意为“不要紧,没关系”,是比较熟悉的朋友之间安慰对方感到歉意的用语。例如:I never play basketball. 我从没有打过篮球。-How often do you walk to school? 你多长时间步行去学校一次

9、?-Never. 从不。-Im sorry Im late. 对不起我来晚了。-Never mind. 没关系。2. exercise (Page 58)exercise意为“锻炼,练习”,既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。exercise作为“体育锻炼”讲时,是不可数名词;作为“练习,训练”讲时,是可数名词。do morning exercises意为“做早操”,词组中exercise为可数名词;take exercise意为“锻炼”,词组中exercise为不可数名词。例如:He exercises twice a day. 他每天锻炼两次。(动词)We do morning exercis

10、es every day. 我们每天都做广播操。(可数名词)They have to do lots of math exercises every week. 每星期他们要做许多数学练习。(可数名词)Its important for us to take exercise. 对于我们来说进行体育锻炼很重要。3. time (Page 58)time意为“时间”的时候,是不可数名词。当time意为“次数”的时候,是可数名词。需要注意的是:英语中表示“一次”用once,表示“两次”用twice,表示“三次或三次以上”用three (four) + times。例如:I have no time

11、 to watch TV. 我没有时间看电视。-What time is it? 几点了?-Its 11:30. 11点半。Nick goes to see his grandfather twice a month. 尼克每月去看他爷爷两次。Mr. Green comes to China three or four times a year. 格林先生每年来中国三四次。4. need (Page 58)need既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词,意为“需要”。need用作实义动词时,后面可接名词或动词不定式作宾语,need to do sth.意为“需要做某事”。另外,need还可以用作情态动

12、词,用作情态动词时,没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,常用于否定句及疑问句中。例如:Our school is in need of teachers. (用作名词)=Our school needs teachers. 我们学校需要老师。Its quite cold outside. You need to wear more clothes. 外面很冷,你需要多穿些衣服。(用作实义动词)- Must he finish his homework at once? 他马上就得完成作业吗?- No, he neednt.不,他不必。(用作情态动词)5Healthy 健康的(Page 59)Fr

13、uit and vegetables are healthy food. 水果和蔬菜是健康食品。Take care of yourself. I hope you are happy and healthy.照顾好你自己。我希望你健康快乐。名词形式:health如:Eating too much fried food is not good for your health.吃过多油炸食物对你的健康不利。6. keep (Page 60 )keep既可以用作连系动词,也可以用作实义动词。keep用作连系动词时,意为“保持某种状态”,后接形容词作表语,构成系表结构。本单元出现了许多连系动词,同学们

14、在学习过程中要注意归纳,如:get(变) tired,feel (感觉) good,stay (保持) healthy等。keep用作实义动词时,后面即可以直接接动词的ing形式用作宾语,也可以接动词的ing形式或形容词作宾语补足语,意为“使人或物保持某种状态”。例如:My mother keeps busy all day. 我妈妈们整天忙忙碌碌。(形容词作表语)Jim, you must look after yourself and keep healthy.吉姆,你应当照顾自己,保持身体健康。(形容词作表语)Dont keep talking. 不要谈个没完。(动词的ing形式作宾语)

15、Dont keep me waiting for long. 不要让我久等。(动词的ing形式作宾语补足语)We must keep our classroom clean. 我们必须保持教师整洁。(形容词作宾语补足语)7. between (Page 60)between是介词,后接名词或代词的宾格。between表示“在两者之间”的意思。表示在两个同类物之间时,between后面的名词用复数形式;表示在两个不同物或两点之间时,用betweenand。例如: There is a map of China between the two windows. 两个窗户之间有幅中国地图。Milli

16、e sits between Wendy and me. 米莉座在温迪和我之间。(句中的me不能换成I,为什么?)He is at home between four and five. 他通常四点到五点在家。8. top (Page 60)top既可以用作形容词,也可以用作名词。用作形容词时,意为“拔尖的,头等的”,相当于best。用作名词时,意为“顶,顶部”,at the top of意为“在的顶部”。例如:Im the top student in my class. 在班内我是一名尖子生。She is the top dancer in China. 她是中国最好的舞蹈演员。He is

17、 at the top of the hill. 他在山顶上。Please write these words at the top of the page. 请把单词写在这页的上端。9. plan (Page 60)plan意为“计划,打算”,既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词。plan的现在分词是planning;plan用作动词时,后接动词不定式作宾语,plan to do sth.意为“打算/计划做某事。例如:What are your plans for the holiday? 你假期打算干什么?(名词)He plans to go to Shanghai by plane. 他打算乘

18、飞机去上海。We are planning to start next week. 我们计划下周出发。10. buy (Page 66)buy意为“买”,动词。buy可用语buy sth. for sb.或buy sb. sth.这两个结构,表示“给某人买某物”之意。例如:Sandy wants to buy a new pencil case. 桑迪想买一个新铅笔盒。Dad, the bike looks nice. Buy one for me.= Dad, the bike looks nice. Buy me one. 爸爸,这辆自行车看起来真漂亮,给我买一辆吧。Kates aunt

19、is going to buy her a new dress.= Kates aunt is going to buy a new dress for her. 凯特的姑姑打算给她买一件新裙子。11. lie (Page 70)lie用作动词时,表示“躺,卧,说谎”的意思,它的现在分词形式为:lying。lie用作名词时,表示“说谎”的意思,tell a lie意为“说谎”。例如:Dont lie in bed all morning. 别一上午都躺在床上。Look! Eddie is lying under the tree. 看!埃迪在躺在树下。The girl likes tellin

20、g lies. 那个女孩喜欢撒谎。You are lying. I dont believe you. 你在说谎,我不相信你。12. luck (Page 70)luck表示“运气”的意思,是一个名词,它的形容词是lucky,副词是luckily。常用词组有:Bad luck倒霉、Good luck with sth. 祝某事顺利、Good luck to sb. 祝某人好运。例如:Good luck with your Chinese. 祝你语文取得好成绩。Good luck to you, Millie. 米莉,祝你好运。Bad luck! I lost my bike yesterday

21、. 真倒霉,昨天我的自行车丢了。Shes a lucky girl. 她是个幸运的女孩。12. without (Page 72)without介词,意为“没有,无”,是with的反义词。Without后面常接名词或代词作宾语;后面若接动词,应用动词的ing形式。例如:We cant buy things without money.They can not finish their work without our help.He often goes to school without having breakfast.You can drink water without getting

22、 fat. 你可以放心喝水而不会发胖。13.Lets have a hamburger. 让我们吃个汉堡包吧。(P58) “Lets”是“Let us”的缩写形式,其后接动词原形(即省去to的动词不定式)。以“Lets”开头的句子为祈使句。例如:Lets go fishing.让我们去钓鱼吧。Lets play badminton. 让我们打羽毛球吧。14.I need a lot of energy. 我需要许多能量。(P58) (1)句中的need作动词,意为“需要”。例如:Do you need my help?你需要帮助吗?I dont need any money.我不需要钱。nee

23、d还可作情态动词,常用于否定句。例如:-Must I finish the work today?-No, you neednt.我必须今天完成这项任务吗?不必。(2)a lot of = lots of 意为“许多、大量的”,相当于many或much。例如:He has a lot of friends here. = He has many friends here.他这儿有许多朋友。Her parents have a lot of money. = Her parents have much money.她父母亲很有钱。15. You never exercise. 你从来不锻炼。(P

24、58)(1) never是副词,意为“永不,从不,决不,从未,一点也不”。通常置于行为动词之前、be动词或助动词之后。例如:We never go to school on Sundays.我们星期天从来不上学。I am never late for work.我上班从不迟到。I will never forget your birthday.我决不忘记你的生日。(2) 句中的exercise 作动词,意为“锻炼”。例如:My father exercises in the park every morning.我父亲每天早晨在公园锻炼。exercise还可作名词,意为“锻炼”。例如:We n

25、eed enough exercise every day.我们需要每天锻炼。16.I walk to my bowl many times a day. 我一天跑向我的饭碗好多次。(P58)(1)句中的walk为不及物动词,walk to相当于go to on foot,意为“步行去”例如:She walks to school every day.她每天步行上学。walk也可作及物动词,意为“带散步,带遛弯”。例如:She walks him every day. 她每天带他散步。(P28)walk还可作名词,意为“散步,溜达”。例如:I take my dog for a walk ev

26、ery day.我每天溜狗。(P14)He often goes for a walk after supper.他经常晚饭后去散步。(2) times意为“次数、倍数”,属可数名词。例如:We have meals three times a day.我们一天吃三顿饭。time也可作不可数名词,意为“时间”。例如:We dont have much time to chat with each other at school. 我们在学校没有多少时间相互聊天。17. What is your favourite food? 你最喜爱的食物是什么? (P59) They are my favo

27、urite.他们是我的最爱。(P59)句中的favourite是形容词,意为“心爱的,最喜爱的”,修饰名词。例如:What is your favourite colour? 你最喜爱的颜色是什么?favourite也可作名词,意为“最喜爱的东西,最爱”。例如:This song is one of my favourites.这首歌是我最喜爱的歌曲之一。18.I want to be a dancer. 我想要当舞蹈家。(P60)(1)want to be 意为“想要当/成为”,want to do sth.意为“想要干某事”。例如:My sister wants to be a teach

28、er when she grows up. 我妹妹长大后想要当教师。I want to go shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我想要去购物。(2)dancer是由动词dance加后缀-er变化而来的。例如:Wait-waiter; play-player; work-worker, teach-teacher; drive-driver; write-writer;swim-swimmer; run-runner;19.Its easy for me to get tired when I dance. 我跳舞时很容易疲劳。(P60)(1)该句的句型结构为“It is

29、 adj. for sb. to do sth.”意为“做某事对某人来说”, it为形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式to do sth.。因此,原句可改写为:To get tired when I dance is easy for me。例如:It is important for us to read English every day.= To read English every day is important for us.Its not easy to learn English well.= To learn English well is not easy.Its great

30、 fun to play computer games.= To play computer games is great fun.(2)句中的get为连系动词,与tired构成系表结构。例如:The young man looks so cool.这位小伙子看上去很酷。I feel happy to be with you.跟你在一起我很开心。The cake tastes delicious.这蛋糕偿起来很好吃。I feel hungry. I want to have some bread.我感到饿了,想吃些面包。I feel tired after swimming.游泳后我感到疲劳。

31、20.I usually have fruit and vegetables because I want to be healthy. 我通常吃水果和蔬菜,因为我想健康。(P60)because是连词,后接表示原因的状语从句;because of后接表原因的词或短语。例如:I like my classroom because it is big and clean. 我喜欢我的教室,因为它既大又干净。(P24)I dont like the mooncakes because they are too sweet.我不喜欢月饼,因为太甜了。He cant play football any more because of his poor leg.由于可怜的的那条腿,他不奶奶感再踢足球了。21.After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.课后我也喜欢玩电脑游戏和在网上与朋友聊天

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