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1、网络营销授课教材纯英文Online Marketing All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. Unautho

2、rized export of this edition is a violation of the Copyright Act. Violation of this law is subject to civil and criminal penalties.Your comment on how to improve the teaching-learning performance will be appreciated.Welcome to taking my courseGood LuckEditor by XL Xie E-mail:long86886Spring of 2009S

3、pring 2009ChapterPart 1 Networked marketingPart 2 Case studyPart 3 BBC newsPart 4 Primer Zhu in the press conferencePart5 Simulation testPart 1 Unit 1 Prelude: Business and Internet 序1. The vision of the networked future:1997 may be the year when enterprises , economies and governments are being sha

4、king up(震惊); Financial markets 金融市场have left paper and onto ether paper 虚拟纸张; Businesses企业 are going forward and toward globalization; Even slowmoving bureaucracies 官僚are offering the Internet; 1200 of the worlds most influential businessmen and politicians will spend six days debating the shape and

5、 texture of life 生活的结构in the future. International electronics and computer firms are growing fruitful; The number of Internet users has grown increasingly; The internet will be 100 times more powerful an informational 情报工具tool by the end of this century. E-business(电子商务); e-marketing (网络营销)In a wor

6、d, this world will be covered with Internet.Not business as usual 并非平常的业务, (1) The economic forces经济力量 that lured诱使 traders across the Indian Ocean to Asia in the 1500 and stitched America with用-编织- railroads in 1800s are now overlaying the world with 用-镶嵌Fiber optic 光纤and wireless networks. (1) The

7、 implicit promise of a networked society with its own eyeblinking evolution眼花缭乱的演变 is that you will supercharge the velocity加速 of everything from cash flow现金流 into customer service. To name but a few, Hewlett-packard惠PU has considered that wiring its sale force网络化 has jacked up productivity 生产力and a

8、llowed sales people to spend more time with customers顾客. Customer Royalty顾客忠诚;relationship 关系;pot 锅 Aircraft manufacturer Boeing used three dimensional interactive software and networked teams to create an electronic mockup 巨型机of the 777, virtually eliminating drawings and physical models图纸和实物模型, sh

9、aving of nearly a third of design time.(2) In information age firms, the network is more than 不仅仅是a way to facilitate business. Money spent on computer isnt a cost, its the crucial investment重要的投资. Many firms have jacked into the network with adolescent speed青春的速度, such as Samsung三星; Mobive美芙石油公司, a

10、nd General Electronic. The digital economy 数字经济is coming to us.(3) The networked society is about remake 重塑markets: Individual trading floors will fade into a global market that will run 24 hours a day; money will move at the speed of light; investors will be able to shift limitless funds anywhere o

11、n a moments notice in search of the best possible returns回报; Information is transparent透明的; The hungry marketers营销人员 are creeping into 爬进less well-known but potentially more lucrative territory 赚钱的领域;Individualism 个人主义;world exhibition exposition 世博会;1851(4) The real force behind information opennes

12、s is not political idealism 政治的理想主义but economic reality经济现实. Information age requires smart knowledge workers. Economic and political liberalization 自由化are one for the first time and the same thing. Governments are working to nurture hightech growth抚育高新技术增长 for their citizens. Essence:本质;(production

13、 factors move into one country or out of it according to the market requirement ; 2. A crisis in the information society(5) As far as U.S.A is concerned, it is faced with the security question安全问题: cyber-attack(电子攻击).Cyber bar:网BA;(6) Viruses (病毒)and worms (虫)pose a threat (威胁)(7) Hackers黑客, ranging

14、 from curious teenagers to malicious(邪恶的) governments and individuals, cause much trouble: endanger lives and bring about great economic disruption(经济破坏). On the other hand, hackers can give rise to the fortunes财富 of a developing country, find a cure for AIDS and produce a large number of unimaginab

15、le network miracles(网络奇迹).Every bit of openness开放, every new link to the Net brings with it as much potential for evil as for good. So, the guiding principle of this networked age gets cast in a different light.网络时代的指导原则折射出不同的光芒;3. conclusion:Every person connected to the network can do more-learn f

16、aster, help build economies, share ideas共享观念 as more computers come online. To fear about the Net is no excuse. What we do is to plug in 插入,接入more often than ever. Unit 2 Marketing 1. The definition of marketing: it is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing定价, promotion 促销, an

17、d distribution分销 of ideas, goods, services, organizations, and events to create and maintain 维持relationships that will satisfy individual and organizational objectives. (1) Marketing effort will serve the interests of both society and the organization.(2) The marketing variables: product, price, pro

18、motion, and distribution - to combine to provide customer satisfaction. Car as the example:(3) Creating and maintaining relationships with customers and suppliers. Telecommunication (4) Marketing efforts include marketing research, retailing, sales force management, advertising, transportation, serv

19、ice after sales, feedback from users and so on. Market size市场规模; wants and needs; economic strength; individual income个人收入; Target market, users; position; 定位;(5) Stimulates satisfactory exchange of goods and service. 刺激 需求;(6) May begin with finding out what products people want, or stimulates a ne

20、w want and then satisfy满足 it. Demand, supply; desire is unlimited; limited resources; scarce. Here is a concept. ”Utility” what is utility? 效用Utility: the want -satisfying power of a good or service. At least, there are four forms of utilityForm utility, time utility, place utility, and ownership ut

21、ility. 所有权效用Form conversion into finished goods or serviceProduction Time when availability of (获得性) Marketing Place location Marketing Ownership title to goods and services to buyerTo survive, all organizations must create utility. Designing and marketing want-satisfying goods, services, and ideas

22、is the foundation for the creation of utility. How does an organization create a customer?a. identifying customers needs;b. Designing goods and services that meet those needs.c. Communicating information about those goods and services to prospective buyers.未来的购买者;d. Making the goods or services avai

23、lable at time and places that meet customers needs.e. Pricing goods and services to reflect costs, competition, and customers ability to buy.定价;purchasing power:购买力;financial strength 金融实力; f. Providing for the necessary service and following up to ensure customer satisfaction after the purchase. Se

24、rvice-after-sales; feedback反馈;2. Contemporary Marketing : 当代市场营销3. Four eras in the history of marketing 4个时期(1) The production era: prior to 1902:A good product will sell itself. Product orientation; production shortage(seller market)(demand supply );focus on production narrowly and quality of prod

25、ucts. Supply smaller demand; food, clothes ; shortage economy 短缺经济;evil country; North Korea:北朝鲜;(2) The sales era: prior 1950s Creative advertising and selling will overcome consumers resistance and convince them to buy. Sales orientation. 销售导向 ;Output grew 产量增加; 好酒不怕巷子深: the good wine is not afrai

26、d of a deep alley(小巷,胡同); selling is the only one component of marketing ; personal selling人员推销 and advertising convince people to buy.(3) The marketing era. Since 1950s the consumer is king! Find a need and fill it;Consumer-orientation. Purchasing behavior; hobby, preference; desire; taste; (4) The

27、 relationship era. Begin in 1990s long term relations with customers and other partners lead to success. Consumers loyalty; stick consumers. Hotel is a good example about this. (loyal consumers, stickyCountries can no longer limit their economic views to events within their national borders. Long te

28、rm value-added relationship with customers and suppliers. Wide choice;The world has become one market. Marketing is conducted every part all over the world. Examples。The customer is the emperor; Unit 3 the origin of online marketing 网络营销的起源1. Birth of online marketing: it was caused by science techn

29、ology development, the consumers reform in value, commercial competition and so on. 600 pc-6; survival of fittest; 1990;the strongest is not the best; the most beautiful is not the best; the survival is the best; (最强壮的不是最优的,最美的不是最优的,生存下来的才是最优的)。1.1 The development of technology. Modern electrical te

30、chnology and telecommunication technology are the foundation of online marketing. You know, computer has undergone 4 stages: mainframe time主机时代, minicomputer time, and personal computer time and network age. The first computer was made in 1946 in America. Internet is a net system to put computers, n

31、etworks, satellites and fiber into a whole one. Thanks to World Wide Web, all the information in different computers can be integrated整合 mechanically and transformed from one Web server to another. In addition, other functions can be conducted by Web such as Email, Telnet(远程登陆软件), FTP (file transfer

32、 protocol文件传输协议)and WALS1.2 The reform on the consumers value.消费者价值的变化(改革)(1) Individual consumption个性消费 is being increasingly highlighted. People emphasize the high spirit 高尚的情操brought by goods as well as physical utility. Maybe taste, pride, social position. Self-value; (2) Initiative is on the rise of consumption.主动性;Ford ;design;ford:涉水而过;(3) Priority for convenience and pleasure.方便和快乐,舒适;(4) Price still affects buying very much. Benefit h

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