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1、qq个性签名暗恋英文qq个性签名暗恋英文导读:本文是关于qq个性签名暗恋英文的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、有些事情要绝望到底、才能够看透。Some things have to be hopelessness to the end, to be able to see through.2、曾经拨乱我心跳的人,如今我怎么可能忘记你。People who have dialed my heart, how can I forget you now.3、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。It is difficult to love a person, and it is more

2、difficult to give up ones beloved.4、暗恋你有错么,向你表白又有错么。Is there anything wrong with you, whats wrong with you?5、如果我不爱你了,请记得提醒我为何当初要爱你。If I dont love you, remember to remind me why I had to love you at the beginning.6、如果对方真的喜欢你,他会愿意为你做一切。If the other person really likes you, he will be willing to do eve

3、rything for you.7、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry。8、而最长久的,偏偏不是你最爱的,也不是最爱你的。And the most long, is not your favorite, and not love you the most.9、假如可以的话,我愿意花去生命中的每一分每一秒,陪著你。If I can, I would like to spend every minute of my life with

4、you.10、我想在五十年之后,我一定还是像现在一样爱你。I think after fifty years, I must still love you as I do now.11、不管今世也来世也好。我所要的只有你。No matter what life is in this world. All I want is you.12、你是我最初的选择,最后的选择,也是我此生永恒的选择。You are my first choice, and the last choice is the eternal choice of my life.13、不知道自己怎么了,我感觉自己已经离不开你。I

5、dont know what Im going to do. I feel like I cant leave you.14、不管拐多弯、你会是我一直的信仰。No matter how much bend you turn, you will be my faith.15、不是每首歌都有好听的曲调不是每段情都有完美的结局。Not every song has a good tune, not every piece of love has a perfect ending.16、因为爱字,所以放任,因为放任,所以成全。Because of the love of the word, so la

6、issez faire, because of the laissez faire, so complete.17、这是迄今为止,我最美丽的爱情。This is so far, my most beautiful love.18、我不想再郁卒下去,你可爱的脸庞使我甘愿永远沉醉。I dont want to go on again. Your lovely face makes me happy forever.19、除了爱你,我想不出能使我继续活著的理由。In addition to loving you, I cant think of the reason that can keep me

7、 alive.20、亲爱的你在哪里,寂寞的我在家里,想你念你,就是见不到你!Where are you, lonely I am at home, I want you to read you, that is not to see you!21、最幸福的爱是,纵然我是万人迷,仍然被你一人迷。The happiest love is, even though I am a million people, still fascinated by you.22、好想问,是你上错了车,还是我下错了站。Want to ask, is you on the wrong car, or I got dow

8、n the wrong station.23、我想让你成为最幸福的男人,让你知道,你选择我不会错的。I want you to be the happiest man, let you know, you choose me not to be wrong.24、只要你在,我就一直爱。只要我爱,你就一直在。As long as you are in, I will always love. As long as I love you, you are all the time.25、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。Once lost in the heart, it is you pull

9、ing me out of loneliness.26、不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的。No matter what our soul is made of, he is the same as mine.27、初次见到你的时候,绝不知道后来会那么喜欢你。When I first saw you, I never knew that you would be so fond of you later.28、沿着通往你的小路,走到尽头就是礼堂。Along the path leading to you, the end is the auditorium.29、每一次打喷嚏我

10、都以为你在想我,即使我知道是我感冒了!Every time I sneeze, I thought you were thinking about me, even if I knew I had a cold!30、我希望有人告诉我,有时候想念我也会令他难受。I want someone to tell me that sometimes miss me will make him miserable.31、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。All things have a price, and the price of happiness is pain.32、我之所以活到现在的全部意义

11、,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。The reason why I live to the present is to meet you at the moment.33、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。Dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。34、爱的最高境界,是经得起平淡的流年。The highest realm of love is a light year.35、其实很想对他表白、但是也怕。怕为了这一句话失去了他。In fact, he wanted to confess to him,

12、 but he was afraid. He was afraid of losing him for this word.36、我不能为你指明未来,却能可以一起走过黑暗。I cant tell you the future, but I can walk through the dark together.37、爱一人、真的无需理由、我感觉到了。Love a person, really without reason, I feel.38、爱你的人,偶尔会像个孩子,偶尔却像一个严厉的教官。People who love you, occasionally like a child, occa

13、sionally like a stern instructor.39、就算有一天脱离了身体,我依然这样死心塌地。Even if one day out of the body, I am still hell-bent.40、有时候,只是想有个人安静地抱抱我。Sometimes, I just want someone to hold me quietly.41、在这个世界上真正属于我的只有你,真正属于你的只有我。The only thing that really belongs to me in this world is you, and the only one that reall

14、y belongs to you is me.42、这一生我只牵你的手。因为今生有你早已足够。I only hold your hand in this life. Because you have enough in this life.43、我爱你的心,是直到世界末日也不变。I love your heart until the end of the world.44、其实,你的唠叨是我一生中最幸福的时候,而我却不知道。In fact, your nagging is the happiest time of my life, but I dont know.45、我期待着,慢慢回忆着。那

15、一点一滴所谓的回忆。Im looking forward to it, and I think slowly. That is a drop of the so-called memories.46、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人过一辈子。Happiness is to find a warm person for a lifetime.47、千言万语也表达不了我对你的感情,我只想与你一同走过。Thousands of words can not express my feelings to you, I just want to walk along with you.48、世界上最好的爱,就是让

16、所爱的人找到自己的爱。The best love in the world is to let the loved one find his love.49、恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。In love folly is always sweet.50、曾经一起的瞬间,若往昔的流年。Once a moment, if the past of the year.51、永远是多远?是不是我们一起拥有的能够呼吸的时间?How far is it forever? Is it the time we have a breathing time together?52、你的名字写满在我心里,就让我

17、永远爱你吧!Your name is full in my heart, let me love you forever!53、冬日的凉薄,浇不灭你给的温暖。The winter is cold and thin, and it can not extinguish the warmth you give.54、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,如果没有续杯,情愿渴一辈子。Youd love to drink the wine, if not more, reluctantly thirst for life.55、我爱你不是一两天,而是要你始终在我身边。I love you not one or two

18、days, but you always be with me.56、我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。Im still in the place, silly to wait for you to come back.57、我不等你谁等你、我不等你我等谁、你不等我我等你。I wait for you, I wait for you, I wait for you and I wait for you, you wait for me and I wait for you.58、现在,我会慢慢让你将我从你的记忆中删除。Now, I will slowly let you delete me from

19、 your memory.59、身体与灵魂,送给最爱的女孩。The body and the soul, to the most beloved girl.60、我要做你所有作品的第一读者,而且是最忠实的读者。I want to be the first reader of all your works, and the most faithful reader.61、当你走进我的心时你会哭,因为里面全是你。You will cry when you walk into my heart, because its all you.62、这位帅哥,你宛如我下一任男友。This handsome

20、guy, youre just like my next boyfriend.63、去重新发现生活中的没好的地方,再也不蹉跎下去了。To find life in the not good place, dont waste it.64、一颗心,属于尓太久了。离开了,仍然爱着。A heart belongs to you too long. Leave, still love.65、我们,离彼此很近,离幸福很远。We are so close to each other that we are far away from happiness.66、浪漫是天,婚姻是地。我要与你携手上天入地一辈子

21、。Romance is heaven, marriage is the place. I want to hand in hand with you for a lifetime dream.67、阳光温和,岁月静好,你若不来,我怎敢老去。Sunshine is warm, years of quiet good, if you do not, how can I get old.68、你是疯啊我是傻,缠缠绵绵到没牙!You are crazy, I am silly, entangled to no teeth!69、我爱你,无需感慨。我们恰巧在对的时间遇到了对的人。I love you w

22、ithout feeling. We happen to meet the right people at the right time.70、我和你各缺一半,而你使我成为一个完整的圆。I am missing half of you, and you make me a complete circle.71、我已准备好将权利减半、义务倍增了。I am ready to halve my rights and multiplied my obligations.72、如果我不向你求婚,我会后悔一辈子,因为你是我的惟一。If I dont ask you to marry me, Ill reg

23、ret all my life, because you are the only one of me.73、在认识之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。After knowing, I found myself willing to pay.74、宝贝,天下之大,大不过我对你的思念。Baby, the world is big, but I miss you.75、你用你的爱,我用我的情,把我们的生活构筑得幸福美丽。You use your love, I use my love, to build our life happy and beautiful.76、让我俩眼波中流露的那份情意,

24、化作永恒的期许。Let us share their outpouring of affection, into the eternal promise.77、我可以为你生、为你死,只要你肯爱我!I can live for you, die for you, as long as you love me!78、窗外月光如水,我的心也如水,但如钱塘江大潮般汹涌不绝!The moonlight is like water outside the window, my heart is like water, but it is like the tide of the Qian Tang river.79、你曾经不被人所爱,你才会珍惜将来那个爱你的人。If you were not loved, you would cherish the person who loved you in the future.80、不管天的变化莫测,我对你的爱无怨无悔。No matter the day change constantly, I love you no regrets.

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