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1、新东方初三语法特训 中考英语特训班语法主讲: 刘飞飞欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材第一课时英语的三个重要特征: 1. 曲折变化形式相对较少 2. 词汇比较开放性 3. 句法灵活语法从两方面来研究: 1. 词法 名词(noun) n. 例:John, Beijing, pen, water, live, potato, tomato 代词(pronoun) pron. 例:they, that, some 形容词(adjective)a. 例:happy, young, clever, big 动词(verb) v. 例: write, play, jump, sing, am/is/are, go

2、, come, have 数词(numeral)num. 例:the first/second/third, eight, hundred, million 副词(adverb)adv. 例:always, very, clearly, hardly 冠词(article) art. 例: a, an, the 介词(preposition)prep. 例:from, on, between, of 连词(conjunction)conj. 例:and, or, but, if, when 感叹词(interjection)interj. 例: oh, aha, hello 2. 名词 名词的

3、分类: 1.名词的定义:表示人、事物、抽象概念 2.分两类:专有名词与普通名词 第二种划分:可数名词(C)与不可数名词(U)区分可数不可数名词非常重要,1. 不能完全按照汉语的逻辑来分例:bread, furniture2.可数名词与不可数名词不是一成不变的总结:glass(玻璃) , a glass(玻璃杯) paper(纸), a paper(论文) wood(木头) a woodbeauty, light等2.1.名词的数: 名词如何以单数变为复数形式1.通常,单数名词后面+s,例: book, table, lake, dog, cat2.以ch, sh, s, x, z结尾的,+ e

4、s, :match, bush, bus, box, quiz3.以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,y变i,再+es :例: lazy, family4.以0结尾的名词,+es,初中学到的有四个,例:tomato, hero, potato等 其他的直接+s5.以f,fe结尾的, 把f, fe变成v,再+es不规则变化第一种:tooth, teeth; foot, feet; goose, geese;ox, oxen; man, men; woman, women; child, children;mouse, mice;louse,lice第二类:复数形式与单数形式是一样的 sheep, shee

5、p; Chinese. Chinese; Japanese, japanese; deer, deer;fish, fish; shark, shark;2.2.名词的格主宾格, 也叫所有格;只有所有格才有形式上的变化两种形式: (1)名词+s ;构成有生命的名词的属格 (2) of (介词) + 名词;构成表示没有生命名词的属格3 冠词不定冠词 a, an定冠词 the不定冠词 a, ana 用在以辅音发音开头的可数名词前面;an用在元音发音的词前面不定冠词a,来源于数字one;与可数名词单数连接第二课时a, an, the的用法:1. 不定冠词a an, 用在单数的可数名词之前,表示某一个

6、2. 用在单数名词之前,翻译成任何、每一,用来表示泛指3. 文章中第一次出现,我们用a, an;第二次提到则用the4. 固定搭配: 5. 一定不能用a, an 的情况定冠词 the的用法1. 定冠词与名词连用,表示特指Many people come here to visit the old school2. 定冠词出现在文章中第二次出现的名词之前I got a letter yesterday.the letter was sent by e-mail.They went into a room. The room was full of people.3. 用在双方都知道的人和事物的情

7、况Lets go to the classroom.Please close the door.4. 表示世界上,宇宙中独一无二的事物The sun,the moon,the earth,the sky,the universe,the world5. 定冠词用在序数词之前,表示顺序I live on the third floor. The third,the second,the first6. 用在形容词最高级之前The most beautiful girl,the most interesting 7. 乐器的前面一般也要加thePlay the piano,play the vio

8、lin,play the guitar8. 用在某些名词或形容词之前表示某一类,一个民族,一个阶层The Chinese,the rich,the poor,the old,the young,the dead,the living ,the deaf注意:后面的动词要用复数形式 如the old arent always happy.9. 有些国家名词之前要加thethe Peoples Repbulic of China, the United States,the United Kingdom10 用在公共建筑前面, the Beijing station ,the Great Wall

9、, the history museum10. 用在表示机关,团体等名词之前the State Council(国务院)12. 固定搭配: in the middle of, tell the truth,tell lies, in the air(在空中),in the distance,in the end,on the right,on the left,by the way,in the dark,in the future,13. 不用定冠词the (1) 不用在所有格词与物主形容词之后it is my bag (2) 不用在复数名词之前 (3) 固定用法, 例: go home,

10、go to school, go to bed (4) 交通工具前面不加冠词, 例: by car, by ship, by plane, on foot (5) 表学科之前不加theI am learning French now.English,Chinese,mathematics,art,music,history (6) 月份,季节,节日, 星期之前不加National Day,Teachers Day,Merry Chrismas,happy new year, on Monday, in January,in Feburary, in spring, in winter (7)

11、头衔之前也不加he is monitor of our class.He is manager of our company,Bush is president of the US. (8) 固定词组中不加 例: at home, by mistake, learn sth by heart, at first, day and night, at last, in hospital, in person(亲自), make fun of make room for(为。腾地方), make sense(有道理), make friends with练习题1. Are those _? No,

12、 they arent. Theyre _. A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow D. sheeps; cows2. _ are made of metal and wood. A. Knives B. Knifes C. Knivies D. knives3. How wonderful! The _ is made of _. A. house; glass B. house; glasses C. houses; glass D. houses; glasses4. September 10 is _ Day. A. Teachers

13、B. Teachers C. Teacher D. Teachers5. Could you give me _ please? A. two piece of paper B. two piece of papers C. two pieces of paper D. two pieces of papers6. Which of the following animals lives only in China? The _. A. monkey B. elephant C. panda D. cat7. Whats the Chinese for PRC? A.中国人民解放军 B. 中华

14、人民共和国 C. 联合国 D. 中国共产党8. I cant get on the bus, because there is _ on it. A. not any rooms B. no rooms C. little room D. few room9. March 8 is _ Day. A. Womans B. Womens C. Womans D. Womens10. What can I do for you? Id like _ and a moon cake. A. some milk B. some milks C. any milk D. any milks11. The

15、 vegetable market is _ walk from our school. A. a quarter of an hours B. a quarter-of-an-hours C. a quarter of an hours D. a quarter-of-an-hours12. There are twelve _ in a year. A. month B. monthes C. months D. the month13. How many _ are there in your family? A. people B. peoples C. the people D. t

16、he people14. New York is a city in _. A. the USA B. Japan C. France D. Australia15. The peoples Republic of China was founded _. A. on October 1, 1949 B. 1949, on October 1 C. in October 1, 1949 D. 1949, in October 116. Its about _ walk from my home to the park. A. two hours. B. two hours C. two hou

17、rs D. two of hours17. We forgot both of the _. A. rooms numbers B. room number C. rooms numbers D. room numbers18. Those books in the classroom are _. A. Jim and Dick B. Jims and Dicks C. Jims and Dick D. Jim and Dicks19. Physics _ a difficult lesson, so I m going to drop it. A. is B. was C. are D.

18、were20. Liu Met is a _ girl, she is the shortest one in her class. A. sixteen-years-old B. sixteen-old-years C. sixteen-year-old D. sixteen-old-year52. Though the first letter is _ u in the word useful, we must say _ useful book. A. a; a B. /; a C. /; an D. an; an53. _ here always sit before _ TV se

19、t watching football matches if they have time. A. The people; / B. People; the C. People; / D. The people; a54. There are six offices on the fifth floor and _ biggest one is Mr Tangs. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填55. We cant see _ sun at _ night. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; / D. the; the56. Well give our En

20、glish teacher a card for _ A. The Teachers Day B. Teachers Day C. A Teachers Day D. Teachers Day57. _ Browns are going to the park this Sunday. A. A B. An C. D. The58. The football hit him _. A. in the head B. on his face C. in his face D. on the head59. Do you know _ girl over there in a red coat?

21、A. a B. an C. the D. /60. _ useful game you are playing! A. What B. What a C. What an D. How61. They had _ after _ supper that evening. A. a good time. the B. good time. / C. good time. the D. a good time./62. There is _ u in the word found and _ letter is in the middle of this word. A. an; the B. a

22、; the C. a; a D. the; the数 词基数词 (1) 表示数目数量的多少的词 (2) 基本的基数词: 1319应该注意的词: thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 20-90应该注意的词:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty 几十几:21 twenty-one 32 thirty-two 三位数: 148one hundred and forty-eight 414 four hundred and fourteen 千以上的数字:thousand, million, billion 2510two thousend, two hound

23、red and ten 84296 eighty-four thousend, two hounrend and ninety-six 序数词 表示数目顺序的词,一般在词尾加th,例: fourth 第1第19: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 第20第90:基数词的y变成i,再加eth,例:thirtieth 千百万直接加th,hundredth,thousendth,millionth 几十几:只有个位用序数词。132 one hundred and thirty-second数词的句法功能: 相当于名词和形容词的句法

24、功能 主语,宾语,表语, 定语,同位 例: Two were late yesterday. I am eigthteen. Give me four. We have six subjects this term. We two have been to Beijing. 数词的应用 1. 数词表示钟点 (1) 基数词+ oclock。 - Waht time is it. - It is five oclock./ It is five. We often get up at six oclock. 2. 表示编号 例:lesson one, the first lesson charpe

25、r two, the second charper bus NO. three, the NO. third bus 3. 表示年月日 例: 公元前358, 读: three fiftyeight B.C 公元573, 读:five seventythree A.D 1997年, 读:nineteen ninety-seven 1900年, 读:nineteen hounred 1905年, 读:nineteen hounred and five 2000年, 读:two thousand 2005年, 读:two thousand and five the1990s或 1990s, 读:th

26、e nineteen nineties the 20th century,读: the twentieth century 1月January 2月February 3月March 4月April 5月May 6月June 7月July 8月August 9月September 10月October 11月November 12月December 2003年10月1日: Oct. the first, two thousand three第三课时 4. 用数词表示分数 例:1/4 one fourth 3/4 three fourths 1/4 a quarter 3/4 three quar

27、ters 1/2 a half形容词 定义:有形容功能、形容作用的词;用来描写或者修饰名词、代名词(简称代词); 说明人或者事物的归属类、性质、状态、大小或者数量; 形容词的分类:(按照不同的标准) 简单形容词:good(好的)、small(小的) 复合形容词:homesick(想家的)、good looking(好看的)、easygoing(随和的) 形容词在句子中的作用(用法): 1)在句子中做定语,做名词的前置定语; 这是本有趣的书。 It is an interesting book. a good man 、a good looking girl 2)在句子中做表语; 表语一般放在系

28、动词后; 例:He is ill. 我一个人在那个房子里。I was alone in the house.3)在句子中做补语(宾语补足语); 例:这个好消息使他很高兴。 The good news made him happy. He was born rich. 形容词在句子中出现的位置: 1)在名词短语中,形容词做定语修饰名词时; 位置通常是:限定词形容词名词 (形容词在名词前面) 例:这是本有趣的书。This is an interesting book. 她有一件漂亮的裙子。She has a beautiful dress. She is my best friend. black

29、 tea(红茶) sweet potato(红薯). 注意:在不定代词出现的时候,形容词修饰不定代词,形容词后置; 不定代词:这个代词并不确定这个名词是何物或者何人 例:something anything nothing everything somebody some one anybody any one everybody every one nobody no one I have something important to say. There is something wrong with my car. 多个形容词如何排列位置形容词分为:1)观点形容词;完全表述个人主观上对事

30、物的看法; good lovely beautiful handsome ugly clever 2)事实形容词;用来描述事物本身固有特征的; blue yellow dark white round square a、表示尺寸大小的; big small long short high low b、表示形状的形容词; wide round square triangle c、表示一件事物新旧的; new old d、表示颜色的; black purple red yellow gray colourful e、表示国籍、出处的: English Chinese Japanese German

31、 Asia American f、表示质地、材料的;stone wood paper silver metal一般先说观点形容词,再说事实形容词; 例:一件漂亮的白色的衣服。 It is a beautiful white dress. 这是一个很好的红苹果。 A good red apple. 事实形容词出现时顺序: a b c d e f +名词例:一张大大的、圆圆的木头桌子。 一个黑色的、小小的 塑料袋子。 large round wooden black small plastic A large round wooden table. A small black platic bag.

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