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1、外研版高中英语选修八Module1单词1trap v储存,留存,使(某物)留在某处;使陷入困境n.陷阱;捕捉动物的器具;圈套,诡计;埋伏归纳拓展(1)be trapped in被困在trap sb.into sth./doing sth.用计捕捉某人或使某人上当(2)set/lay a trap for.对设下圈套,布好陷阱be caught in a trap of落入陷阱;陷入的困境a mousetrap/flytrap老鼠夹/捕蝇器例句:They were trapped in the burning house.他们被困在燃烧着的房子里了。I was trapped into tell

2、ing the police all I knew.我中计了,把所知道的一切全都告诉了警察。We set traps in the attic for the mice.我们在阁楼里设下了老鼠夹子。【链接训练】Chinese news reported today that a woman in Hongbai had been rescued after_in a tunnel for nine days.Atrapping Bbeing trappedChaving trapped Dto be trapped【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:中国新闻今天报道在Hongbai一个被困在

3、地下管道九天的妇女被救了出来。the woman与trap之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,排除A、C项;根据题意可知,被困这一动作已经发生,故排除表示将来的to be trapped。正确答案为B项。【答案】BWhen we arrived at the building,we found the man_in the fire.Atrapping BtrapCtrapped Dto trap【解析】“某人被困于中”常译作 trapped in.,故句中空白处应用过去分词trapped作宾补,选C。例句:Do you have any idea how to promote the s

4、ales of this product?如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?The organization works to promote friendship between the two nations.该组织为了促进两国之间的友谊而工作。Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster.我们的老师已经被提升为校长了。【链接训练】In the financial crisis of 2008, many countries adopted different policies to_economic growth.Aprevent Bpromo

5、teCdeliver Daccumulate【解析】考查动词短语辨析。prevent“阻止,制止”;promote“提升,促销,促进”;deliver“发表演讲;生(孩子);派送”;accumulate“加快速度”。句意为:在2008年的经济危机中,许多国家采取了不同的政策促进经济的发展。根据题意可知答案为B。【答案】B2promote vt.宣传,推销(产品);提升,晋升(常用于被动语态);支持,促进;鼓励归纳拓展(1)promote development/growth/understanding促进发展/增长/加深了解promote sb.from sth.把某人从某职位提

6、升至某职位be promoted to.被升为(2)promotion n提升,晋级;促销产品gain/get promotion of sth.(对某事业的)促进,提倡,赞助win promotion获得晋级,争取晋升The company_the rock groups record by playing it often on the radio.Apromised BpromotedCprogressed Dproceeded【解析】promote在此意为“促销,销售”。【答案】B3absence n缺乏,没有归纳拓展(1)absence from work/school缺勤/缺课ab

7、sence of mind心不在焉in ones absencein the absence of在某人不在时(2)absent adj.缺席的,不在的,缺乏的be absent from缺席,缺乏例句:Mr Smith will be in charge during my absence.我不在的时候由史密斯先生负责。In the absence of any evidence,the police had to let Myers go.由于缺乏证据,警方只好把迈尔斯放了。There are some students who are regularly absent from scho

8、ol.有一些经常缺课的学生。【链接训练】Jack often looks after her son _.Ain absence Bin her absenceCin her absent Dat the absence【解析】in ones absence意为“在某人不在时”。句意为:她不在时,杰克经常帮她照看儿子。【答案】B4discourage vt.使泄气;使气馁;阻止;打消的念头vi.灰心,失去勇气归纳拓展(1)discourage sb.from doing sth.打消某人做某事的念头;使某人失去做某事的信心(2)discouraged adj.沮丧的,灰心丧气的discoura

9、ging adj.令人泄气的,令人沮丧的discouragement n沮丧,灰心丧气;挫折,阻拦(3)courage n勇气(4)encourage v鼓励encourage do sth. 鼓励某人做某事例句:His parents discouraged him from joining the air force.他的父母劝他不要参加空军。Dont let one failure discourage you,try again.不要因为一次失败就气馁,再试一试。Students soon get discouraged if you criticize them too

10、often.如果你批评学生次数太多的话,他们很快就会泄气的。【链接训练】People should _their children _being addicted to computer games but_ them to study scientific knowledge.Aencourage;to;discourageBdiscourage;to;encourageCencourage;from;discourageDdiscourage;from;encourage【解析】考查discourage sb.from doing sth.“劝某人不要做某事”和encourage sb.t

11、o do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”两个固定短语的用法。【答案】D5privilege n荣幸,殊荣;特权,优惠,特免vt.给予特权;特免归纳拓展(1)exercise/enjoy privileges 行使/享受特权grant sb.the privilege of doing sth.给予某人做某事的特权the privilege of Parliament(英国)议会的特权(2)privilege sb.from a tax免某人的税privilege sb.from arrest特免某人不受逮捕(3)privileged adj.有特权的the privileged classes特权

12、阶级例句:I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.但愿有幸与他们再度合作。The president granted the prisoner the privilege of seeing his wife and children.总统准予这个囚犯有看望妻子和孩子的特权。In some countries,the president can privilege somebody from capital punishment.在有些国家里,总统可以特赦一些人免于死刑。We are privileged to welco

13、me you as our speaker this evening.我们荣幸地欢迎您今晚来讲演。【链接训练】Only guests of the hotel enjoy the_ of bowling on the 9th.Afavour BpossibilityCprivilege Dadvantage【解析】句意为:只有本旅馆内的客人享有在九楼打保龄球的特权。enjoy the privilege/privileges“享受特权”。【答案】C短语1set foot on/in进入,到达;踏上,涉足归纳拓展set sb./sth.on his/its feet扶站起get/rise to

14、ones feet站起来struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来stand on ones own feet自立on foot步行例句:He said that he would never set foot in that house again.他说他永远不再踏进那座房子了。After 10hour flight,they finally set foot on Chinese soil.经过10个小时的飞行,他们终于踏上了中国的国土。When his parents died he had to learn to stand on his own two feet.他的父母

15、去世后他不得不学会自立。【链接训练】The astronauts were filled with joy when they_Chinese soil again.Aset forth Bset upCset foot on Dset off【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为:当宇航员们再次踏上中国的土地,他们满怀欣喜。set foot on“踏上,涉足”,符合题意。set forth“出发,动身”;set up“创立,建立”;set off“爆炸,出发”。【答案】C2in case of假使,以防;万一归纳拓展in case假如,以免(防)(连词,常引导条件状语从句)in any case无

16、论如何,总之in no case绝不;无论如何(in no case置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)in this/that case如果这样/那样的话,在这种/那种情况下in the case of就来说,关于as is often the case这是常有的事例句:In case of bad weather,the wedding will be held indoors.万一天气不好,婚礼将在室内举行。The bus is usually on time,but start early just in case.公共汽车通常准时,但是早一点儿上路好,以防晚点。We will in no c

17、ase use nuclear weapons first.无论如何我们都不会最先使用核武器。【链接训练】Its nothing unusual to experience failure,but_ought we to be discouraged.Ain no time Bby all meansCin no case Don that condition【解析】句意为:经历失败是很平常的事,但是在任何情况下我们都不应该灰心。in no case为否定意义的介词短语,用在句首句子要采用倒装形式,将部分谓语动词提到主语之前,此处的in no case短语也可替换成on no account,

18、by no means,on no condition或under no circumstances等短语。in no time“立刻,马上”,与语境不符;by all means“想尽一切办法,无论如何”;on that condition“在那种条件下”。A、B、D三个短语都不能用来引导倒装结构。【答案】CMary,I have got a new cell phone number!Oh,hold on.Ill put it down just_.Ain need Bin caseCin time Din use【解析】考查介词短语。in need意为“在危难中,在危急中”;(just)

19、 in case意为“以防万一,以防”;in time意为“及时”;in use意为“在使用中”。句意为:我把你的新手机号码记下来,以防万一。【答案】B3come into/in sight进入视野,出现,看到归纳拓展at first sight初看起来,乍一看at (the) sight of一看见(某人/某物)就in/within sight看得见,在视野内out of sight在视野之外;在看不见的地方catch sight of发现,突然看到lose sight of看不见,忽略,失去的音信例句:Well fire as soon as the enemy come into sig

20、ht.敌人一进入视野我们就开火。Soon the truck came into sight around a bend on an upgrade.不一会儿卡车就出现在斜坡的一个拐弯处。If you ever catch sight of him anywhere,call the police.如果你在任何地方看见他,就去报警。【链接训练】They were walking along the river when a flower_.Acame into sight Bbe in sightClose sight of Dwas out of sight【解析】句意为:他们正沿河流走着,

21、这时,突然一朵鲜花进入视野。in sight“看得见,在视野内”;lose sight of“看不见,失去消息”;out of sight“看不到”。come into sight“进入视野,出现”,符合题意。【答案】A句型Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle,but he never saw land.直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地。这是一个倒装句结构,相当于The British explorer

22、 James Cook didnt cross the Antarctic Circle until the late 18th century,but he never saw land.。Not until时间状语从句置于句首,主句要用部分倒装结构。句型:not until.did主语(倒装句)直到才。归纳拓展(1)not until置于句首时,主句用部分倒装。即将助动词/系动词/情态动词放在主语的前面。但如果not.until连接的是含状语从句的复合句,用于倒装语序时,只倒装主句部分,从句部分(即until后面的从句)不倒装。(2)在含有not.until的句型中,在对until引导的从

23、句进行强调时,要将not until放在一起加以强调,构成“It is/was not until.that.”句式。(3)在句型“主句until/till时间状语从句或状语”中,尤其应注意以下几点:主句中动词是非延续性动词,如leave,graduate,break等时,必须用否定形式。主句中动词是延续性动词,肯定、否定形式都可以,但意义完全不同。例句:Not until 8:00 did he get down to doing his homework.He didnt get down to doing his homework until 8:00.It was not until

24、8:00 that he got down to doing his homework.(强调句型)直到8点钟他才开始做作业。You dont leave until he comes back.他不回来,你不能离开。We discussed the problem until he came back.我们一直讨论到他回来。【链接训练】_she met with the difficulty did she realize the importance of our help.AOnly before BEver sinceCNever until DEven though【解析】四个选项中

25、只有only before和never until能用倒装句,而only before和句子意思不相符。句意为:直到她遭遇了困难,才意识到我们的帮助的重要性。故答案为C。语法1复习主语主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,是句子所要说明的人或事物,表示句子描述的是“谁”或“什么”。其位置在陈述句基本结构的前部。可以作主语的有:名词,代词,数词,动词不定式,动名词,名词化的形容词,从句,it(作形式主语)。例句:This means of transport has been tried.这种运输方式已经试过了。(名词)None of us believed her story.我们都不相信她的故事。(代

26、词)Onethird of the students have finished their homework while others havent.(数词)三分之一的学生完成了作业而其他的人还没有完成。In new China,the old are leading a happy life.在新中国,老年人过着幸福的生活。(名词化的形容词)It is a pity that he cant swim.他不会游泳真遗憾。(it作形式主语)Whether he will come is doubtful.他是否会来还不知道。(从句)注意:(1)动名词作主语时,前面可加代词或名词所有格,表示动

27、名词的逻辑主语。例句:Would you mind my opening the window?我打开窗户你介意吗?(2)动名词作主语,在以下几种情况时,人们习惯用动名词,而不用不定式。主语与表语一致。例句:Seeing is believing.(谚)眼见为实。在“There beno主语”这种结构中,通常用动名词作主语,而不用不定式。例句:There is no getting along with him.(It is impossible to get along with him.)无法和他相处。(3)在以it作主语的句子中,it有以下功能:人称代词例句:Who is the bab

28、y in the picture?照片里的孩子是谁?Its my sister.是我姐姐。非人称代词例句:Its Sunday today.今天是星期天。形式主语,当不定式短语或从句作主语时,常用it作形式主语,位于句首。动名词短语作主语时,有时也可位于某些形容词或名词后面,而用it作形式主语,放在句首。例句:It is important for students to learn English well.对学生来说,学好英语是很重要的。It is so nice talking to you.能跟你交谈真是太好了。用于强调例句:It was in the park that the ac

29、cident happened.就是在公园里才发生那起事故的。【链接训练】Does_matter if he cant finish the job on time?Athis Bthat Che Dit【解析】代词it作形式主语,指后面所说的情况。【答案】D_in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.AThe girl to be educated BThe girl educatedCThe girls being educated DThe girl was educated【解析】此题为动名词的复


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