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1、外研社高中英语选修7全册复习课件注意:1词数100左右;2文中不得提及人名、校名及地名;3稿件的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。Afterclass ActivitiesNowadays, afterclass activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools._【精彩美文】 Afterclass Activities Nowadays, afterclass activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.In our school, ther

2、e are various kinds of activities, for example,arts and sports.We enjoy them very much.Playing football and reading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good.Besides building my body and enriching my knowledge,they also free me from the heavy work of study.Here I have some suggestions.To stu

3、dents,youd better choose the activities which interest you and suit you;to schools,they should organize more activities for students and leave students more time for activities by giving them less homework.Dear friends,please actively take part in afterclass activities,which will not only make your

4、school life colorful,but also improve your learning.【全品点睛】 行文逻辑:所开展的课外活动及益处给出建议发出倡议。较好地使用了连接词,如:besides,not onlybut also等。 词汇短语:运用了较高难度的词汇。如:various kinds of,enrich,freefrom,take part in等。 句式句法:运用了多样化的句式和句法结构。如:形容词比较级结构:are becoming more and more popular;动名词短语作主语,which引导的定语从句:Playing football and re

5、ading stories are my favorites which do me lots of good.使用了which引导的非限制性定语从句,主句为祈使句:please actively take part in afterclass activities, which will not only make your school life colorful, but also improve your learning;there be句型:there are various kinds of activities等。 5. _ v照料;注意,专心;出席,参加attendee n参

6、加者 _ n出席;到场;照看 attendant n服务员,侍者6nature n性质;本性;天性 _ adj.大自然的;天然的;不做作的;天生的 naturally adv.自然地;天然地;当然7appoint v任命,委派;指定;约定 _ n约会;约定;预约;任命8. _ adj.体谅的,考虑周到的 _ v考虑;细想considerable adj.相当大的;相当多的 consideration n考虑;思考;体贴;关心9apologise v道歉,谢罪 _ n道歉;歉意.短语检测1 在 历史上 2 把 从某种状况下解救出来 3 用这样的方式说 4 是某人的本性 5 如果有必要的话 6 占

7、有,占据,拥有 7 引起某人注意( 某事物) 8 根据;以 为基础 9 以 命名 10 保持纪录 11 依靠,依赖 .佳句再现1 But _ he deserves the title. 但是毫无疑问他值得拥有这一称号。 2 He _ player five times. 他五次荣获“ 最有价值球员” 称号。 3 You _ an embarrassing situation. 你让我避免了尴尬的处境。 .单元语法Conversion and suffixes 【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子(1) We _ respectfully. 我们理应受到礼遇。(2) As far as Im c

8、oncerned,you _ . 在我看来,你够资格得到它。2单项填空 I have devoted four weekends to writing papers and now I feel I _ a rest. Adeserve Bpreserve Cworthy Dreceive 【解析】 A句意为:我用了四个周末的时间写论文,现在我觉得我理应休息一下。对比四个选项“值得,理应”、“保护,维护,维持”、“值得的”与“收到,接受”,其中worthy是形容词,不能作谓语,只能选deserve。2appoint vt.(to name)任命;(to assign a duty, respo

9、nsibility or obligation to)委任;安排;确定 (1) appoint sb. _ 任命某人为 appoint sb. to do 指派某人做 appoint sb. to be 任命某人为 (2) appointment n. 约会,预约;任命,委任;职务 keep/break an appointment 准时赴约/失约 make an appointment with sb. 与某人预约 the appointed time 规定时间,约定时间【情景记忆】【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) Lets _ for the meeting. 我们定个时间开会吧

10、。 (2) He _ the case. 他被委派调查这个案件。 (3) May I _ ? 我可以定一个时间见面吗?2单项填空 We must _ a new teacher at once to the mountain school. Aappreciate Bappoint Cappeal Dapproach 【解析】 B句意为:我们必须立刻为那所山区学校指派一位老师。对比四个选项“欣赏”,“指派、任命”,“吸引”与“接近”,只有选项B合适。3aside adv.靠一边,站到一边 put aside 暂不考虑;把放在一边 set aside 留出,拨出(时间、金钱等);把置于 一旁 l

11、eave aside 暂且不论;置之不理 aside from 除外(还有);除以外【活学活用】根据语境用上面短语的适当形式填空(1) Try to _ a few hours a week for exercise.(2) He _ his book and began to listen to me.(3) _ mathematics,I have finished my homework. (1) hold the record 保持纪录 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 hold the line 别挂线 hold a post/position/job 拥有职位/工作 ho

12、ld a(an) opinion/view/belief (1) hold the record 保持纪录 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 hold the line 别挂线 hold a post/position/job 拥有职位/工作 hold a(an) opinion/view/belief 持有观点/看法/信念 hold ones interest/attraction 使某人保持兴趣/注意力 (2) catch/get/take/seize hold of 抓住,拿住,握住 (3) hold (the view) that 认为【活学活用】根据语境选择对应的英语解释a

13、to have something in your hands or armsbto make something stay in a particular positioncto put or keep a part of your body in a particular positiondto be strong enough to support the weight of something or someone eto have a particular opinion or belieffto have a particular job or position,especiall

14、y an important onegto have the space to contain a particular amount of something(1)Careful! Im not sure that branch will hold you. _(2)Experts hold varying opinions as to the causes of the disease. _(3)Remember to hold your head up and keep your back straight. _(4)Could you hold my bag for me? _(5)I

15、 will hold the door open. _(6) I have held the position for 5 years without being promoted._ (7)The plane holds about 300 passengers. _5typicaladj.典型的;有代表性的 (1) typically adv. 代表性地;典型地;往往, 一向,通常 (2) be typical (of) 典型的,一向如此的【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) Its not _ him to be so critical. 他平常不是那么挑剔。 (2) _ , mo

16、thers worry about their children. 母亲总爱挂念自己的子女。2单项填空 A highly organized system of irrigation is _ Chinese agriculture. Atypical of Bconsistent with Cfamous for Dsubject to 【解析】 A句意为:灌溉系统组织严密是中国农业的典型特点。对比四个选项:typical of特有的, 典型的; consistent with与一致, 与相符合; famous for因而著名; subject to由决定的, 取决于的;只有A符合句意。 6

17、. defend v. 防守;保卫,保护;捍卫,维护;为辩护(1) defend sb. /sth. (from/against ) 保护某人/某物(免遭)(2) defend oneself 自卫;为自己辩护(3)in defense of 为了保卫;辩护;拥护defend: 指积极地抵抗、防御或挫败迫在眉睫的危险或侵袭,也可指为某人或论点辩护。guard: 指为了保证安全而站立守卫,含有警惕之意,意为“保卫;警卫,看守”。protect: 指借助某种东西作为防御、保护工具,使人或物免受伤害。【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) The dog _ the child day and

18、night. 狗日夜守护着那个孩子。 (2) He _ his hands from the cold with gloves. 他用手套保护手不受冻。 (3) Our soldiers are determined to _ the island against invasion.7. instant adj. 立刻的, 立即的;(食品等)速食的 n. 瞬间,刹那 (1) an instant reply/response 立即回答 (2) instant coffee/noodles 速溶咖啡/方便面 (3)in an instant 立即,马上 (4)the instant (= ins

19、tantly=as soon as) 一就 (5)for an instant 片刻;一瞬间【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) Then, _, the moon went black. 然后,在这一瞬间,月亮变成了黑色。 (2) _ _ I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for. 我一看到他就确信他正是警方在寻找的那个人。 (3) Just _ I thought he was going to refuse. 刹那间我以为他会拒绝。8. commit v. 犯(错误,罪行);使承担义务,保证;答应,承诺

20、;调拨 (1)commit a crime/mistake 犯罪/错 (2) commit oneself ( to doing sth.) 答应(做某事);承诺(做某事) (3)commit sth. to sth. 拨出某物供某事使用,调拨 (4)commitment to sth. 对某事的承诺/忠诚/奉献/辛劳【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) The company _ most of its profits _ building new factories. 公司拨出大部分利润建造新工厂。真题链接: Giving up my job to go back to full-t

21、ime education was a big _, but I know it was the best decision I ever made. (2011 湖北,22) A. project B. commitment C. competition D. ambition【活学活用】(1) Its fairly risky. Or _ (say it in different words),dont try this at home. 相当冒险,或者换句话说,不要在家里尝试。(2) William was_not very attractive. 威廉我该怎么说呢不太讨人喜欢。【活学活

22、用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) He went to the badminton club _ _ during his school days. 他上学时有时到羽毛球俱乐部去。 (2) _ should you give up hope.【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) The matter was first _ earlier this year. 今年较早时,我第一次注意到这个问题。 (2) He can always _ listening attentively in class. 他在课堂上总能专心于听课。【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) _,Mum. E

23、verything will turn out to be all right. 妈妈,没必要担心。一切都会变好的。 (2) _ Bob can win the first place in the competition. 鲍勃不可能在竞赛中赢得第一。2单项填空 There is no doubt _ man will conquer nature some day. Awhether Bhave been CwhichDthat 【解析】 DThere is no doubt that毫无疑问,为固定句型。 .选词填空 get accustomed to, name after, make

24、 an appointment with, set aside, considerate of1It was _ you not to play the piano while I was having a sleep.2Ive _ the manager next week.3You will soon _ the climate here.4The baby _ its father, given its fathers last name.5Their government has _ those decrees(法令).单项填空12010江西卷 Last year the number

25、 of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000,a(n) of 40,000 per year. Aaverage Bnumber Camount Dquantity 【解析】 A本题考查名词辨析。此处表示“平均每年40,000毕业生(拿到驾照)”。average平均;number数字;amount金额,数量;quantity数量。2Jack is late again. It is _ of him to keep others waiting. Anormal Bordinary Ccommon Dtypi

26、cal 【解析】 D本题考查形容词辨析。normal正常的;ordinary普通的;common常见的;typical典型的,代表性的。只有D项符合题意。例如:Its typical of him to take hard jobs.勇挑重担是他的特点。3You have to be a fairly good speaker to _ listeners interest for over an hour. A. hold Bmake Cimprove Dreceive 【解析】 A本题考查动词辨析。句意为:为了使听众的兴趣持续一个多小时,你必须做一个好的演讲者。hold ones inte

27、rest/attention,使某人的兴趣或注意力不减。 4. Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor? _ ASorry,he is busy at the moment. BWhy didnt you call earlier? CCertainly. May I know your name? DSorry,he doesnt want to see you. 【解析】 C本题考查交际用语。病人想预约就医,所以护士说“Certainly. May I know your name?”其他几种回答都不符合语境。5We dont wan

28、t to _ him as chairman of the meeting. He is not fit for the position. Aconsider Bpick Crefer Dappoint 【解析】 D本题考查动词辨析。句意为:我们不想任命他为会议的主席。他还不适合这个职位。consider认为;当作(consider sb. as sth.);pick 选择;挑选(pick sth. from sth.);refer提交,交付(refer sth. to sb.);appoint委派,任命(appoint sb. as sth.)。根据题意和这四个词的结构,只有D项最为合适。6She takes _ interest i

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