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1、外国婚礼说课讲解国外婚礼习俗 不同的国家有不同的婚礼习俗,说到中国的传统婚俗,人们便会想到什么“三书六礼”“三拜九叩”这些繁俗礼节。但只要一提到异国婚俗,人们除了想到婚纱,教堂、牧师之外,便不会有太多的印象,其实由于民族、文化的差异性,使得各地的婚俗都呈现出很大的不同,而正是这些绚丽多姿,五彩缤纷的婚俗习惯构成了婚姻生活中一道亮丽的风景线。 Overseas Wedding CustomsDifferent countries have different wedding customs, said the traditional Chinese marriage customs, what

2、people will think of the three book six rites of the three thanks to nine call-in these complicated customs etiquette. But as long as the mention of a foreign marriage customs, people think in addition to wedding, church, pastor, people can not have too much of an impression, in fact, ethnic, and cu

3、ltural differences, making emerged around the marriage customs very different, but It was these gorgeous, colorful wedding customs form a beautiful marriage of landscape法国法国白色婚姻白色是浪漫的法国婚礼的主色调,无论是布置用的鲜花,还是新娘的服饰,乃至所有的布置装饰,都是白色的,可以看出法国人眼中的婚姻应该是纯洁无瑕的。婚礼上,新娘子必会准备名为“Weddingarmosre”的柜子作嫁妆,柜上刻有手工精细、象征健康以及繁荣

4、的图案,又有“希望之匣”的美称。而新人才用的杯子也有特定的名称,名为“Coupdemarriage”意思为“婚礼之杯”。France - French white MarriageWhite is a romantic wedding in Frances main colors, decorated with either flowers or the brides dress, and even the layout of all decoration, all white, you can see the eyes of the French marriage should be imm

5、aculate. Wedding, the bride will prepare called Weddingarmosre cabinet for dowry, fine hand-carved ark, a symbol of health and prosperity of the pattern, but also hope box reputation. The new talent with the cup also has a specific name, called Coupdemarriage means wedding cup.德国德国人的疯狂与德国人一直崇尚的理智与冷静

6、不同,他们的婚礼更多呈现出疯狂的一面。德国人在婚礼中会举行Party(派对),派对中,新人会被戏弄,这有类似于我们中国的“闹洞房”,其中重头节目就是兴高采烈地将碟子掷碎。到了婚礼举行之日,新人会坐在由黑马拉的马车来到教堂。而在婚礼举行的地方,会用红色丝带和花环封着出口,新郎须以金钱或答应举行派对作交换条件,新人才可以通过出口,这在德国的传统婚礼中叫做“Ropingthecouple”。另外,在婚宴中,以碎扁桃仁制成的糖果,混有香料的酒和啤酒是待客的主要食品。Germany - German Crazy And the Germans have always been advocates of

7、reason and calm different, more showed their wedding crazy side. German wedding will be held in the Party (Party), parties, the couple will be teased, which are similar to our Chinese invading, which is happily re-bookings for the dish throwing broken. To hold the wedding day, new people will sit by

8、 the black horse-drawn carriage to the church. The wedding was held in place with red ribbons and wreaths will be sealed with exports, the bridegroom shall be held at the party for money or promised in exchange for new talent can be exported, which in a traditional wedding in Germany called Ropingth

9、ecouple. In addition, the wedding banquet in chopped candy made from flat peach, mixed with spice wine and beer are the main food hospitality. 希腊手套中的糖希腊的新娘子会在手套中放一些糖,代表把甜蜜带进婚姻生活。希腊人喜欢在婚礼中跳传统的圆舞招待宾客。婚礼举行时,其中一项程序是由诗歌班的领唱者训示新郎要好好照顾和保护妻子,新娘子则会轻拍新郎的脚掌以示尊重。新人会用薄纱包着裹以糖衣的扁桃仁,然后分派给宾客,以象征丰足和美满。Greece - gloves

10、 in sugarGreek bride would put some sugar in the gloves, on behalf of the sweet into the marriage. Greeks love to dance at a wedding reception guests a traditional circle dance. Wedding, one of the program is the lead singers from the choir instructed the groom to take good care and protection of hi

11、s wife, bride and groom would tap the feet to show respect. Newcomers will be wrapped with gauze wrapped in coated flat peach, and then distributed to guests, to symbolize abundance and happiness英国贮放时间最长的蛋糕传统的英国式婚礼,新娘会手持象征好运的马蹄莲,若新人住在郊外,则要与观礼嘉宾步经教堂,并于途中撒满橙花。英国人的婚礼多在正午举行,随后安排午餐聚会,称作新婚早餐。而英式的结婚蛋糕由大量水果

12、制成,并在蛋糕面上饰以碎扁桃仁,顶层叫作“ChristeningCake”,有“诞生之瓶” 之意,会保留至第一个婴儿出生。United Kingdom - the longest cake stored atTraditional English-style wedding, the bride will be carrying a symbol of good luck in the calla lily, if the couple live in the suburbs, and the ceremony guests will have to step through the chur

13、ch, and was on the way covered with orange blossom. British more than a wedding held at noon, followed by luncheon arrangements, known as the wedding breakfast. The British-style wedding cake made by a large number of fruit and cake decorated with broken flat surface of peach, the top called Christe

14、ningCake, have the birth of the bottle in Italy, will be retained to the first birth.捷克给你买路钱在捷克婚礼中,女傧相会把迷迭香的小树枝扣在宾客的衣服上,以象征生活美满及坚贞不变。礼成后,神父会在教堂外将新娘交给新郎,并训示新人要努力完成对方的心愿。然后新人踏过一段铺满丝带的路,新人的亲友要付款让亲人通过。Czech Republic - to give you money fromWedding in the Czech Republic, the bridesmaids will the small br

15、anches of rosemary in the guests clothes button to change a symbol of living a happy and faithful. After the ceremony, the priest in the church to the bride to the groom, and new instructions must strive to complete each others wishes. Then rookie stepped on a ribbon of road paved, new friends and r

16、elatives to pay for their loved ones through苏格兰格子裙、风笛及鞭炮传统的苏格兰格子裙是新郎必穿的礼服,富于苏格兰特色的风笛声会响彻整个婚礼会场。和中国人相似,苏格兰人还会放鞭炮以赶走不祥及邪恶之物。Scotland - plaid skirts, bagpipes and fireworksTraditional Scottish tartan skirt is the groom will wear a dress, the wind whistles feature rich Scotland will reverberate througho

17、ut the wedding venue. Similar to the Chinese people, the Scots will be setting off firecrackers to drive away bad luck and evil things.俄罗斯岁岁平安俄罗斯婚礼最特别的地方,就是在说完贺词,干杯后把玻璃杯抛向天花板,玻璃杯跌成碎片,象征新人将有美满的婚姻,这就有“岁岁(碎碎)平安”的意思。另外,从新人在花车车头缚上的装饰可知道他们期望第一个婴儿是男还是女,若是小熊就代表想生儿子,若是洋囡囡就代表想生女儿。Russia - pot of goldRussian w

18、edding the most special place, is finished message, threw the glass after a toast ceilings, glass or pieces, a symbol - the couple will have a happy marriage, which have another, but each (broken pieces) Peace meaning. In addition, from the new front in the tie on the float decorated to know that th

19、ey expect the first baby is male or female, if the Cubs want a son on behalf of, if the foreign little girl like a daughter on behalf of.瑞士和荷兰环保婚姻瑞土和荷兰的新人最有环保意识,他们会在新居种一棵松树,寓意好运和百子千孙。Switzerland and the Netherlands - Environmental MarriageSwitzerland and the Netherlands, new soil the most environmen

20、tally conscious, they planted a pine tree in the new house, meaning good luck, and 100 sub-1000 Sun.日本“和服”新娘日本人喜欢在婚礼中以含有“庆祝”意思的糖果“Kyogashi”款待宾客。新娘子会穿上丝制的结婚专用和服,上面织有新娘的家族饰章,还会戴上假发饰物。在婚礼中,长辈和嘉宾会在干杯时致贺词,并细诉新人的相爱故事。Japan - Kimono brideJapanese like the wedding in order to contain celebrate the meaning o

21、f the candy Kyogashi dinner guests. Bride will wear special silk wedding kimono, the above organizations have the brides family crest, will wear a wig accessories. In the wedding, the elders and guests will toast when the message from, and Whispering couple of love stories菲律宾永恒的爱菲律宾人通常会在婚礼会场挂一个装饰鲜花的

22、巨型大钟,里面藏看一对白鸽,完成所有程序之后,新人会拉动系看大钟的丝带,让白鸽自由飞翔以象征永恒的爱。观礼的嘉宾会轮流与新娘和新郎跳舞,并把金钱钉在他们的衣服上,有时候双方的亲戚朋友还会比赛哪方得到的金钱较多。Philippines - eternal loveFilipinos usually hang a decorative flower wedding venue giant clock, hidden inside look at a pair of doves, complete all the procedures, the new system will pull the ri

23、bbon to see the clock, so that freedom of flying pigeons to symbolize eternal love. The ceremony guests will take turns dancing with the bride and groom and nail money on their clothes, and sometimes friends and relatives of both sides will contest the party who received more money.韩国“两点”新娘韩国新郎会穿上大礼

24、服,新娘的嫁衣则是七彩的丝织服,配以长袖子和黑丝顶冠。新娘的化妆会在脸颊上点两红点,有抵抗邪灵的意思。South Korea - 2:00 brideKorean groom will wear formal dress, the brides wedding gown is the colorful silk clothing, together with the long sleeves and black silk top crown. The brides make-up will face two red spots on the points, meaning there is r

25、esistance to evil spirits.土耳其“恸哭”婚礼新娘会穿着装饰华丽的土耳其长袖袍子,手脚则会画上红褐色的格子花纹作为装饰。阿拉伯人会将观礼的嘉宾人分男女来接待,观礼的女士会依习俗为新娘出嫁而“恸哭”。Turkey - weep WeddingThe bride will wear long-sleeved gown ornate Turkish hands and feet will be painted red-brown as a decorative lattice pattern. Arabs will be the ceremonys guests were m

26、en and women to reception, the ceremony of women would marry by customary for the bride and weep.阿根廷花水浴在阿根廷一些地区,青年男女在订婚或结婚时,有洗“花水浴” 的习俗,所谓“花水浴”,即在入浴前把整篮鲜花撒在水面,沐浴时用花瓣揉搓全身,他们认为水是圣洁的,花是喜庆的,而“花水浴” 正可以代表美满和吉祥。Argentina - flower bathSome areas in Argentina, young men and women engaged or married, there ar

27、e washing flower bath practices, the so-called flower bath, ie the entire basket of flowers before bath spread on the water, shower body rub with the petals, they think of water holy, flowers are happy, and flower bath is to represent a happy and auspicious.墨西哥盐、酒和面包传统的墨西哥吉卜赛婚礼,新人被喂以拌了盐的酒和面包。这意味着除非世

28、界上再没有盐、酒和面包,否则,这对夫妇的爱是不会消失的。Mexico - salt, wine and breadMexican traditional Gypsy wedding, couples were fed wine mixed with salt and bread. This means that unless the world, no salt, wine and bread, or the couples love will not disappear.印第安“昂贵”的婚姻印第安人认为珠宝可以抵抗饥饿、疲倦、疾病及厄运,所以新郎及新娘会戴上银贝壳和绿松石等珠宝首饰。在印第安

29、文化里,水象征着洁净及纯正,新娘及新郎会进行洗手仪式,代表把旧日的恋爱和悲伤回忆通通洗掉。还有印第安人认为东方是代表将来的方面,所以婚礼的所有仪式都要面向东方。Indiana - expensive marriageIndians believe that jewelry can withstand hunger, fatigue, illness and misfortune, so the groom and the bride will wear a silver shell and turquoise jewelry. In Indian culture, a symbol of cl

30、ean and pure water, the bride and groom will be hand-washing ceremony, representatives of the old memories of love and sadness wash them altogether. There are Indians that the East represents the future of the area, so have all the wedding ceremony for the East.非洲扫帚与婚姻非洲人民风淳朴,新娘要梳起辫子,盖上面纱,做羞怯与娴淑状;参与

31、婚礼的主持人、嘉宾及观礼者则必须穿上传统的非洲长袍。依非洲习俗,一对新人要跨过饰满鲜花的扫帚,象征跨进人生的新阶段。在婚礼中,非洲人会以鼓声及库加舞助兴,并把酒倒于地上,献给神明。Africa - broom and marriageAfricans simple and sincere, the bride to Shu Qi braids, cover veil, so shy and Xianshu like; participate in the ceremonys host, guests and the viewers who must wear traditional African robes. According to African custom, the couple have to cross decorated with fl

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