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1、易错易混句对比选择易错易混句对比选择1. Have you _ to Jack for many years? No, just one year. Have you _ to Jack? Not yet. A. been marrying B. married C. got married D. been married2. Seeing my mother is busy, I cant help _ housework. I was busy with my work, so I cant help _ housework.A. do B. be doing C. to doing D.

2、 doing3. Jack hopes that he _ visit the Great Wall in China some day. Jack wishes that he_ visit the Great Wall in China some day.A. must B. can C. has to D. could4. It is on Monday morning _ Professor Zhang teaches us English. It is Monday morning _ Professor Zhang teaches us English. A. that B. wh

3、at C. when D. where5. We all think that Han Kate is good _ singing and dancing.Mr. Smith is good _ his wife and children.As is known to all, swimming is good _ peoples health.A. in B. for C. at D. to6. We cant get there _ by swimming.We got there by boat _ by swimming. Do you have plenty of books? Y

4、es, _ I can read. Do you have plenty of books? Yes, Im _ ready to get any more. A. rather than B. less than C. more than D. other than7. My English is so poor that I cant make myself _.My English is so poor that I cant make them _.A. understand B. to understand C. understood D. understanding8. We mu

5、st go all out to fight _ the Four Modernizations. What were the couple fighting _ last night?England fought with France _ Germany in the war of 1914 1918.A. against B. for C. with D. about9. Who would you like _ you with your English? Who would you rather have _ you with your English?Who would you r

6、ather _ you with your English? A. helped B. helping C. to help D. help10. He had his sick kid _ to the hospital, for he had no time then. He had a boy _ the books for him. He had a boy _ the books all the morning.He had a boy _ on his motorcycle, so he couldnt take me along. A. carry B. to carry C.

7、carrying D. carried11. Im afraid I cant make myself _.Im afraid I cant make myself _ it.A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. to understand12. Id prefer him _ us in the game. Id prefer that he _ us in the game.Id rather that he _ us in the game.A. not to join B. doesnt join C. didnt join D

8、. not join13. The mother likes to have her little daughter _ in red.The mother would like to have her little daughter _ herself.The mother never forces her little daughter _ herself.A. dress B. to dress C. dressing D. dressed14. We are all here on time, _ Tom. He is always late. We are all here on t

9、ime, _ Tom. You are all punctual (守时).This composition was well written, _ two wrongly-spelled words.The patient would have lost his life, _ the doctor.A. except B. except for C. besides D. but for15. _ by some children, the teacher entered the Town Hall. _ some children, the teacher entered the Tow

10、n Hall.A. Following B. To be followed C. Having followed D. Followed16. The teacher told us that this English poem was _. The teacher told us that this English poem was difficult _.A. understanding B. to understand C. to be understood D. understand17. The family are _ out on Sundays. As everybody kn

11、ows, Tom is a _ diligent student.Wonderful. I have never seen a _ interesting film.Of the twins, Sally is _ naughty.A. more B. most C. the more D. mostly18. Long ago, China became famous _ china.As we know, Las Vegas is famous _ a gambling city (赌城).Albert Einstein was famous _ science.A. as B. in C

12、. for D. to19. Robots are used to _ a lot of work in place of us.Robert is used to _ a lot of work in place of us.Robert used to _wrong in the company by his workmates.A. be done B. doing C. do D. be doing20. _ the beginning, all of us didnt know about him._ the beginning of the new term, all of us

13、didnt know about him.To begin _, let me introduce the new comer to you.A. (不填) B. with C. At D. In21. In this university, Mr. Smith is the only one of the professors who _ Chinese. In this university, Mr. Smith is one of the professors who _ Chinese.In this university, Mr. Smith is among the profess

14、ors _ Chinese.A. know B. knows C. knowing D. to know22. There lie lots of beautiful islands _ the south coast of our country. There lie lots of fishing villages _ the south coast of our country.Taiwan, the beautiful island, lies _ the southeast of China.A. along B. to C. off D. in23. The Great Pyram

15、id is made up of _ 2300,000 huge stones. The biggest stone weighs _ 15 tons.A. as well as B. as far as C. as much as D. as many as24. I hear that youve been to England _ on business.I hear that _ you go to England on business.I hear that you will go to England _ on business.I hear that you are likel

16、y go to England on business _this week.A. anytime B. some time C. some times D. sometimes25. This film is by all considered _ interest. This film is by all considered _ interesting.A. to be B. being C. as D. of26. _ is your father? He is an engineer. _ is your father like? He is tall and strong. _ i

17、s your father? He is very well, thank you. _ is your father? He is Jackson. A. How B. What C. Who D. Whom27. If you take five out of eight, three _. Five out of eight _ three. Take five from eight and the _ is three. A. remainder B. remains C. is remained D. leaves28. Finally, our class _ the footba

18、ll game.Finally, our class _ Class Two in the football game. A. defeat B. stuck C. won D. beat29. I doubt _ he can help you with your English in his spare time.I dont doubt _ he can help you with your English in his spare time. A. that B. when C. whether D. what30. As a child, I lived in the country

19、 with my granny _.Keep up, and you will succeed _.John was so hurried that he went up the stairs two _.I dont think the train will arrive at the station _.A. at one time B. at a time C. in time D. on time31. He is looking forward _ his grandma in the country next week.He was looking forward _ what w

20、as going on over there.He was looking forward, _ what was going on over there. A. to see B. seeing C. to seeing D. see32. He died _ overwork.He died _ a glorious death. He died _ old age. A. from B. of C. in D. (不填)33. As is known to all, the rich _ often cruel to the poor.As is known to all, the ne

21、w _ sure to replace the old. A. is B. are C. were D. was34. They have _ jobs to offer us.They have _ work for us to do.They have _ the jobs to offer us. They have _ job to offer us. A. a good many of B. a great deal of C. many a D. a good many35. I thank you _ me the news. Youre welcome. I appreciat

22、e your _ me the news. Its my pleasure. I thank you _ me the news. All right.A. for telling B. tell C. to tell D. telling36. They worked all day, _ for the sports meeting. They worked all day _ for the sports meeting. A. prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. to prepare37. Their team is sure _ the game.

23、 Im confident in them. Their team is sure _ the game. Theyre confident in themselves. A. to win B. win C. to winning D. of winning38. I suggested he _ it again. I suggested him _ it again. His expression suggested he _ it again. A. try B. trying C. tried D. had tried39. East of the city _ a beautifu

24、l park 3 years ago. He _ his hand on my shoulder. He often _ to his teacher in high school. Hes _ there for 2 hours. A. laid B. lied C. lay D. lain40. If you come here earlier, you _ the great scientist. If you had come here earlier, you _ the great scientist. A. are going to see B. would have seen

25、C. will see D. would see 41. Its three years_ I smoked. Its good for your health. Its for three years _ Ive smoked. Its bad for your health.A. for B. since C. before D. that42. What _ are you trying to say? The murderer must have gone _ somewhere in Wuhan.Last night, back in the garden the couple se

26、cretly picked up a pot of gold _. A. on earth B. with earth C. in the earth D. to earth43. _, he can lift the heavy stone. _, he cant lift the heavy stone. _ that he can lift the heavy stone. _, but he cant lift the heavy stone. A. Strong as he is B. So strong is he C. He is very strong D. As he is

27、strong44. _ he come, what _ you say to him? _ he comes, what _ you say to him? A. Should; would B. When; would C. If; will D. Were to; do45. _ had he come out of the house than he was arrested by the police. _ had he come out of the house when he was arrested by the police. _ he had come out of the

28、house he was arrested by the police. A. Hardly B. Immediately C. No sooner D. Quickly46. _ time going on, she leant more and more._ time went on, she learnt more and more. A. With B. For C. As D. When47. She was so excited that she couldnt fall _. She was so tired that she felt _ while driving. She didnt go to _ until 12:00 last night. She sat there watching her _ baby. A. sleep B. sleeping C. asleep D. sleepy48. Light travels faster than _. She enjoys the country life, away from city _

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